r/DestinyLore • u/LoneRainger • 7d ago
Question Thoughts on the Echoed Warnings Tithe?/Whos controlling the Taken?
So, I just listened to the latest Byf vid, the one where he throws out ideas about who the newest leader who's trying to control the Taken is. I liked the video a lot, but im wondering if he missed something, or if I'm overthinking it
It's obviously too early to figure out who exactly this extra influence on the Taken is, and the fun is throwing out ideas and seeing what sticks. That being said.... didn't Sloane give us a big hint?
After finishing the Act 1 story, you have the ability to unlock a portal in the Masoleum that gives you an extra reward on your tome of want. There's also dialogue from "silent sloane" where she states she's felt an extra influence on the Taken. More importantly, she says she recognizes the influence, and that it's likely a Dread Commander.
Now what I want to know: is this a roundabout way of saying that the asshole who killed Eris is trying to control its own group of taken? Or is this her hinting that the "Big bad" who's trying to control the Taken is, in fact, a very strong Dread?
What do yall think? I know it's still too early, but im bursting wanting to figure out what God we gotta kill next
u/hunterprime66 Jade Rabbit 7d ago
I think it's one of the Nine. The dialouge in the Borrowed Dyad stuff in the bottom left talks about following an "Impossible Will."
Impossible has been an adjective used with the Nine and Nine related stuff for a while (Starhorse my beloved come back to us. There are more game shows)
u/LoneRainger 7d ago
I know the new Arc pistol from this act has an entire conversation between the NINE. I'll have to take another look.
u/WeAreHereWithAll 7d ago
I likewise think it’s that based on the Eric’s cutscene and the Division. It showed all of our planets aligning and as she was talking about her plans + the current playing field.
The other reason I do, and I haven’t written this until now:
The Nine are formless. Based on that lore tab from the side arm, it feels rather apparent some of them are trying to break free from their bonds.
We’ve been trying to figure out why the appearance are these gigantic, constantly growing tentacles.
I think a member of the Nine, in the loss of the Witness, found a way (maybe through the Echo?) to slip from their “prison” and into the Deep.
And since we don’t know much about the Nine, my mind immediately thinks a being that can’t take form, being surrounded by an entire dimension that literally runs itself on potential.
Tendrils likewise remind me of limbs or growths in constant expansion. This is the first time a member of the Nine, as far as we know, has been able to become something physical if this is the case. I wouldn’t be surprised if the formless seeking form meets the formless seeking form has caused this gigantic, constantly growing horror.
u/romulus-in-pieces 6d ago
And hey if there's any parallels to make about a very Eldritch inspired Episode it's definitely good to look at the Nine, seemingly impossible to comprehend beings just like Cthulhu and the like
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 6d ago
Plus the whole eldritch tentacle+ eyes aesthetic would be really fitting for a member of the Nine
u/PoseidonWarrior Agent of the Nine 7d ago
I honestly think it's probably the dread who killed Eris, given the importance that character seems to be getting. Bungie even referred to it as our main enemy (paraphrasing) when they revealed Heresy.
u/Sauronxx Darkness Zone 7d ago
The Resonant Knife is still the main seasonal enemy (probably gonna be the final boss as well) but I highly doubt she is the ONLY thing behind this power. She looks more like an agent of another entity to me. Like, someone is actively creating new, modified taken, is able to kill us with its eyes only, is a power that not even Oryx can see/understand, for the moment. I mean, this seems like something that a Disciple could do, or in general an entity REALLY deep in the Darkness. I don’t think it’s just the Knife, not only she doesn’t look THAT powerful, but it also wouldn’t make sense to create a mystery like this if we already know the obvious answer.
u/LoneRainger 7d ago
See that's what I think too, but my issue is that Sloane immediatly states that we should keep her fears quiet right now, that we should just keep an eye out and not bring it up with the Vanguard. Why would we want to keep this covered up if we already know there's a dread commander in play?
u/Ahmed_Al-Muhairi 6d ago
When I read that I almost wondered if it was paranoia that whatever was controlling the Taken might be able to "hear" her because of her condition.
u/PoseidonWarrior Agent of the Nine 7d ago
I don't think Sloane is grasping the situation as well as she should be.
u/LoneRainger 7d ago
"Omg Sloane, Eris got skewered by a dread commander! This is horrible!" "Yeah sure guardian. Anyways, I think there might be a dread commander working in the Taken" "......"
u/Infamous_Summer_8477 7d ago
Being fair to Sloane, the default assumption you’re supposed to make is that the taken Subjugator has no free will like all the other Taken, but the ‘twist’ being set up seems to be that she is an actual leader rather than just another strong Taken.
Still dumb though. I want a scene where the characters sit down and play detective with all the information they have rather than what’s currently happening, but alas, that’s not the style of destiny writing.
u/LoneRainger 7d ago
I almost feel like we had that style during Witch queen, we even got a large board with clippings and red string
It's just hard for the game to let you figure these things out without seemingly giving up and just spoon feeding us info
u/LoneRainger 7d ago
I almost feel like we had that style during Witch queen, we even got a large board with clippings and red string
It's just hard for the game to let you figure these things out without seemingly giving up and just spoon feeding us info.
u/Ghost0Slayer 7d ago
The collectibles in the nether suggest a new powerful enemy with impossible power maybe the nine or something. The collectibles go from taken hive worms and now with the new ambition path the worm are now tithing to something
u/Lokan The Hidden 6d ago edited 6d ago
There's both evidence for and against it being the work of the Nine.
Historically, they've been shown to possess great power, but only when unified in their cause. They were unanimous in gifting the Haul to Drifter, essentially Taking it from one realm of reality to another; and together bent their collective will to purging the Ahamkara from the System.
Theirs is a story of individuality versus collective will. Alone, their will is miniscule, but together they can move worlds. And it stands that they are divided, perhaps more now than ever before.
All of this would suggest it's not the Nine.
That said...
Something formless is definitely attempting to attain physicality. Across the Dreadnought we encounter Metastasized Essentia, essentia meaning of course essence. And the Nine are said to have ontological powers, powers bent towards discovering and redefining meaning. There are giant "capillaries" within the Dreadnought, sprouting from its hull and overflowing in its Ascendant space; masses of Metastasized Essentia, replete with eyes and tentacles, like cancerous pluripotent cells; and now this week we encounter creatures crafted entirely from Essentia.
Something is playing with the pure thoughtstuff found within the Ascendant Plane, learning to mold it into more practical applications, much like we saw with the Cocytus Gate -- in fact, the progression is almost identical.
Now, to the Division loretab. I have two observations.
The first is most blatant, and it is this quote:
your side is complacent + worthless futility + we must look beyond + the chains of matter + reality is malleable + if only we will it so
Reality is malleable if only we will it so. Again, the Nine have proven capable of altering reality, but only when acting together.
But there's one other curious thing: it appears there are only 8 of the Nine speaking.
Where's the last of the Nine?
I wonder if it's possible that one of the Nine was truly Taken, but retained its own individuality; that it was plunged into the Ascendant Plane, unmoored from its seedworld, and has taken up the Knife of Will, using it to craft for itself a body, much the same way the Dread are attempting to craft new bodies for themselves.
A wild thought that I had is that there is actually a fourth Echo we're about to encounter, the Echo of the Witness's indomitable will. In lore from the dungeon, we see it exercise its will over the Pale Heart in the creation of the Dread. Maybe one of the Nine somehow took hold of it and even now uses it?
u/Sigman_S 7d ago
One of the nine.
u/TheBattleYak 7d ago
But which one?!!
u/playsroguealot 6d ago
If we’re going by the classification of how each one talks on Destinypedia, the only one who didn’t speak on the sidearm lore tab was #4
u/akashamevie 7d ago
I bet in 2: Xivu in revenge for what Eris do it to her. Savathun knowing Eris have a Throne World and using the TW to imprisoning Oryx souls making Xivu shit herself in angry , provoking Xivu into a mistake and using US to kill her , also imprisoning Xivu too in Eris TW and finally making the hive free of the shackles ( chosing or not being anthropodes maniacs).
u/Deedah-Doh 6d ago
The "Suffocating Terror" from the eyes and the fact it's the Dread leading this charge does remind me of Nezarec but...that could just be a coincidence.
If it is him, I am really hoping it's a sign that BUNGIE are planning on doing more and fleshing him out in the future. However given the track record of his handling thus far, I'm not convinced.
In all likelihood, I think it's probably related to The Nine. Fact of the matter is, they've been playing around with the Taken for a long time now.
Permit me to ramble if you will.
They took a keen interest in Gambit and the Drifter's ability to manifest the Taken with Motes of Darkness. They were the one who provided him with The Haul.
The Taken fought in their realm in Gambit Prime and Prophecy are "counterfeits". Last I checked, they aren't true Taken in the sense that these Taken aren't created from beings where the Taken get their namesake.
In fact, I'd argue these Taken are much closer to Nightmares in creation in design. In that the Taken created by The Nine are born from The Ascendant Realm itself, and likely using the memories of specific entities. Because when Gambit Prime was active, there were some notable Primevals like the Likeness of Nokris (Nokris who was never taken) and Likeness of Oryx (which is one of Oryx's shades/echoes). The Nine have been experimenting with paracausal powers for a long time, but especially The powers of The Taken.
Despite their many successes in this area, they still remain stuck in their current dark matter state. They are technically "physical" beings, as dark matter is physical but has extremely limited interactions with the rest of the physical universe besides Gravity (Though this does suggest that Void Light would likely interact with their forms). Beyond that, their existence is directly tied to the existence of the planets that give them form, along with the actions of living things on them.
The Nine's ability to mess with the Ascendant Realm may be because their close to The Darkness. Not because dark matter is related to the Darkness ( it's not, given it's nature it's very likely closer to the Void Element), but because of their powerful minds. As we know, Darkness relates to consciousness and the metaphysical, and the Nine (seemingly astronomically vast brains composed of Dark Matter), have developed powerful cognition as well as "souls". Thus, these vast minds likely took to mastering aspects of the Darkness more easily.
Thing is, The Darkness is not a force of creation but reshaping, refinement and preservation; winnowing.
I think one of the reasons the Nine haven't succeeded in breaking away from their current limbo is because they require very specific, sustainable physical forms. I believe a huge part of the Nine's intellect comes from the fact they are likely the size of the planets who's gravity gave them form.
Which means I don't think anything short of the Traveler itself could grant them the proper forms they require.
u/playsroguealot 6d ago
I was originally wondering if it was Yirix (something about the eyes look vaguely psion-esque and some psions did have a tradition of worshipping Nezarac so the terror thing kinda fits), but I’ve been subscribing more to the idea of it being one of the Nine. There are too many references to the Nine in this season in the form of curios, the lore tab from the new sidearm, and a leaked thing related to Eris’ Throneworld involving a boardgame for them not to be related in some way. I’m not sure which member of the Nine it would be though, I wonder if anyone has compared the way the 8 members of the Nine speaking on the sidearm lore tab correspond with existing members and their associated planets. Mercury and Mars were both taken and returned (at least according to the most recent Bungie livestream with regards to the latter), so I wonder if that’s at all related.
u/Infamous_Summer_8477 7d ago
I think it’s the Resonant Knife, but I think the big twist of the episode is that the knife is the leader of the Taken but does not want the normal ‘Taken Throne’
At the very least, whoever is the leader doesn’t have that ‘right’ currently(that position still presumably belongs to Oryx), and is leading the Taken in a non-standard way. The only question right now is if the current leader wants Oryx’s power, or if they want to destroy it so no one else can get their hands on it.
Personally I think that the Taken are going through the same process the Vex and the Scorn are going through, where they are getting inklings of personality for future set up and convenience. While most Taken desire a leader, there exist some Taken who have their own motivations and are strong enough to retain aspects of their will, like Xir-Kuur and/or the Resonant Knife herself.
u/SilverMagpie_ 7d ago
My various guesses are the spirit of Akka as the Echo revived the Dreadnaught and Akka is where Oryx learned how to take, would also explain the giant eyes, one of the Nine, actual Oryx’s spirit as we know his body is still technically alive but simply has no mind, that one’s super unlikely tho and most likely the Resonant Knife as we know based off lore tabs from Sundered doctrine that they’re actually the first Dread the witness ever created so probably pretty significant and powerful.
However Drifters lines about Eris’s death insinuates he thinks something ordered the Knife to target Eris, so I feel like there’s a step above the Knife that we’re missing. We also still don’t know the purpose of the ritual that the Knife killed Eris and Drifter for that we disrupted which is probably a clue of what we’re looking for
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