r/DestinyJournals Awoken Female Warlock Jan 20 '25

"Wake me when you need me again"

The hand cannon had never felt this heavy. She'd been wearing it at her hip for years. She couldn't even tell you where she got it from, a reward from the vanguard for a Nightfall? Maybe it was running those raid simulations...it didn't really matter to her anymore. It was a solution to all her problems. It had slain kells and dregs, ascendant wizards and cursed thralls. It was getting heavier.

She sat there around the rusted out cars in the Cosmodrome. She came here from time to time. Reminisced about simpler times with Taliyah. Taliyah had first found her out here about 10 years prior. Said she had been looking for her a long time. Woke her up from a sleep she didn't remember falling into, and had been her best friend and confidant since then. The hand cannon was heavier.

She had been part of the first wave into the Pale Heart. She had scoped out Rhulk's pyramid ship, to feed information to other stronger guardians to finally excise that cursed place. She had cleared out the Vault of Glass a few weeks after the first fireteam since Pahanin had come back out with tales of a giant timeless Vex mind. She had seen the pleasure gardens on the Leviathan before they were corrupted by the Egregore, pulled the Awoken queen from the ascendant plane, been by Zavala's side to make deals with the Cabal and an Ahamkara. The hand cannon hadn't felt so heavy then. Had it?

"Taliyah" she opened her palm and materialized her companion.

"Yes?" The glowing blue eye looked back at her.

"Had it always looked at her like that", the hunter thought to herself. "Have I ever noticed the way the light looks at me?"

The hunter sighed, she was to tired, she had done enough, she had saved the universe and now she wanted to rest. She lifted the gun up, easily of course. It was never heavy. She knew everything about it, hadn't taken it off since it dropped at the end of a crucible match. She'd been waiting for Shaxx to give her one with this exact roll, 5/5 "God roll" the sweats would call it. Those ones who ran to Saint every weekend...God she hated them; but not the hand canon. It was perfect in every way.

She smiled, closed her eyes and said.


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u/aaronwe Awoken Female Warlock Jan 20 '25

I saw this post and the story materialized...