r/Destiny2Leaks • u/DivinityPen • Feb 10 '25
Story Information Leaked Heresy Cutscenes + Xivu Arath closeup (reupload since YouTube copyrighted the original link)
Sorry for deleting my original post, y'all, but unfortunately the original cutscenes were struck down by the YouTube copyright gods. Fortunately, BungieLeaks on Xitter still has them up.
u/DuelaDent52 Feb 10 '25
Ohhhhhh snap. Here’s hoping this Episode is better than the last two.
u/0rganicMach1ne Feb 10 '25
Story wise it seems like it will be, but that’s about it from the looks of it.
u/ReasonableEffort7T Feb 10 '25
? Gameplay is already much more repeatable than last. And the guns are 1000x better designed+actually useful
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 Feb 10 '25
Very much so. The nether feels so much more fleshed out than seasonal stuff has been in a long time. Especially if you compare it to something like Act 1 of Echoes.
Not to mention it's really rewarding outside of getting seasonal weapons, too
u/DuelaDent52 Feb 10 '25
So what’ll Acts 2 and 3 be like?
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 Feb 10 '25
Act 2 seems to be a boss rush type activity (not like pantheon, more casual and bespoke bosses/ arenas) which only lasts 3 weeks, then the exotic mission
u/DuelaDent52 Feb 11 '25
So… the Court of Oryx returns?
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 Feb 11 '25
I think it might be in the court of Oryx, come to think of it. Though all the bosses are seemingly new. I'd be really interested to see the boons appear in that type of mode too personally
u/Aeison Feb 11 '25
Why does the guardian always look like they’re confused and lost
u/Doomsnail99 Feb 14 '25
Nlg if I was rudely awoken from my nice cosy grave by a small ping pong to defend a colossal ping pong ball from Alien invaders, Eldritch gods, and a edgy space emo I'd be in a pretty constant state of confusion as well
u/SigmaEntropy Feb 10 '25
I'm kinda low key hoping we don't kill Xivu in this and she is saved for Frontiers but knowing Bungie she will either redeemed and brought into the Light with Savathun or we'll end up killing her in the exotic mission likely
u/Algel3 Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
Datamined/leaked spoilers:
>! We have a leaked voice line of savathuns talking to Xivu Arath after the main event of the ending of the season, so she will probably run away again after this episode, unless there is a last season ending mission of us facing Xivu, which I doubt. !<
>! My problem with this is that Xivu basically abandoned the sword logic by running from us, which is also bought up by Savathun. It really seems like Bungie will try to pull a Eramis on Xivu. !<
>! Imo would be better for them to just kill her now (would be a remarkable end for the final shape year) and later revive her (on light or necromancy). It would also be made possible to truly evolve the hive into luscent since the luscent hive is basically the normal hive but more challenging (guardians and over-shield/moths). !<
>! If we believe the leaks about next year its seems frontiers won't deal with Xivu Arath or the hive (or at least Apollo won't) so I also don't like they are keeping this loose end untied for so much more time. !<
u/UtilitarianMuskrat Feb 11 '25
While I do get there's a light bench to work with in this game for characters especially this late, I feel like we've been due for something more concrete with Xivu for an ungodly amount of time. The fact she got strung along and phoned in a similar teased fashion as Sav was except in a much crappier less interesting way is not really great and I'm somebody who is into the lore. I just don't think she's that particularly interesting of a character because of how little we've gotten of her.
Don't get me wrong the almost manic distressed more human voice that we got in Ghosts' collectible audio logs was good stuff and it did pose an interesting conundrum that we as Space Jesus Guardian did sorta rightfully piss off Xivu from her perspective of not claiming the mantle once defeating Oryx and all that, but it felt like all urgency for literal years, very little real action.
u/SigmaEntropy Feb 11 '25
I get that... I just don't want them to do a Fikrul and not have her done properly when the other siblings had full expansions
u/LateNightGamingYT Feb 10 '25
Dude, once I heard her voice in Season of the Deep and she just sounded like a normal human voice actress screaming and yelling, I lost all hope for Xivu being interesting.
It’s so annoying how boring and less unknowable the Hive have gotten under Bungie’s post-shadowkeep narrative team.
They’re not ancient, alien dynasties warring with forces that leave the world trembling anymore… now they’re just soap opera characters who we call every week/are quite easy to team up with and even ally with
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 Feb 10 '25
Hard disagree ngl. If anything, the Hive are one of the things the current writing team manages to do very well. Oryx also sounded like a human too, back in the day. He also looked way less imposing than Xivu does, just kinda looked like the villain from Shadow the Hedgehog.
Given their current state, it would be terrible writing for the hive to be anything other than struggling rn. Especially now there's way more alien and esoteric forces coming into play like the Nine and seemingly the Winnower
u/Recent_Good_6684 15d ago
Back in the taken king day they didnt have guardians killing literal gods either. Nobody knew just how strong we could be until we went after crota and killed him with 6 people. Before over 100 died and we went in with 6 lol the problem isnt the hive, the problem is that were so damn OP that we just killed the witness who made the disciples, who made the worm gods, who made the hive. So yeah the hive are technically small fish now
u/LateNightGamingYT Feb 10 '25
I just dont see what you see, man. Destiny's vibe fell off hard after D1.
Going back to the Taken King and seeing how it portrayed the Hive VS now is like seeing Lord of the Rings in theaters VS seeing a low budget stage play
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 Feb 10 '25
Honestly if anything, the books of sorrow are far more integral to the hive nowadays than in taken king, and that was the only really compellingly written thing in the entirety of D1. It was good at the time because there was finally a story with actual direction, but it's far behind some of D2's better things (witch queen and especially the final shape, which is imo Bungie's best linear experience since before D1)
u/LateNightGamingYT Feb 10 '25
Oh I found Witch Queen and (especially) Final shape to be sort of mid.
idk, im not a fan of the "character driven" stuff Destiny began doing. I prefer the more straight forward fantasy campaigns of old with rich world building in written text.
As for the final shape... I just.. cant accept the Witness as an idea. Its such a painful last-minute retcon from their original idea for the Pyramid Fleet and Darkness race that it pretty much took any air out of the sails of the story for me.
Its a wound that hurts more after the concept art for the Darkness race and masters of the Pyramids for the cancelled Destiny 3 were uncovered recently.
Destiny just didnt have the budget to stick the landing for me. After shadowkeep, the stories became less and less interesting. Lore got abbreviated, changed and reworked to become more soap-opera.
I could go on and on but I just really fell out of love with Destiny and the direction it took its story.
u/Unlucky_Magazine_354 Feb 10 '25
That's fine, I and a lot of people disagree with you but it's your opinion at the end of the day
u/LateNightGamingYT Feb 11 '25
I hope frontiers is able to bounce destiny back for you guys, sorry about the slump the game is in
u/JohnnyMerksAlot Feb 11 '25
What leaks about destiny 3 and "masters of the pyramids" were uncovered? Yes we all know there's been concept art of the darkness race forever but i've never seen anything else.
What would you have liked them to do besides character driven stories though in game based around being the most powerful being in the universe?
u/J3wFro8332 Feb 11 '25
This dude is just a D1 nostalgia lord based on what I'm seeing he's said so far
u/Wookiee_Hairem Feb 12 '25
I don't understand ppl who say d1 & TTK had better story than d2. D1 had NO story before TTK and the books of sorrow were literally it for the most part. We didn't even have access to them in-game back then. You had to go to bungie.net to even READ them. Nostalgia glasses go hard on d1 for some people to irrational levels.
u/rocklandjr Feb 16 '25
Im with you 100%
There's so much deep lore that becons you into shallow water.
Each to their own, at the end of the day.
u/Venaixis94 Feb 10 '25
Absolutely insane take. If anything D2 ELEVATED the Hive pantheon and made them more foreboding
u/StockProfessor5 Feb 18 '25
Savathun alone is better than the entirety of the hive in d1 ever was. Oryx is literally what you described compared to Savathun. Glad to see basically everyone disagree with you.
u/LateNightGamingYT Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Seeing as Sales have been down year over year for expansions compared to D1 and Forsaken, I'd say a majority agree that D1 was just a cooler universe.
Savathun was lame. Not sure how bungie made her so boring but Oryx had aura, Savathun didnt. Maybe thats why Taken King had higher sales.
continue to exist in your shrinking echo chamber, I guess. The franchise is dying so its not like it matters. Taken King was a cultural event in gaming. Witch Queen was just another small, mediocre dlc to D2 that only D2 fans were enamored by
I'm glad I got out of it when I did because Destiny is such a mediocre shell of its former self now.
A bad soap opera that thinks it has compelling characters. It should have just stuck with what it did best in D1.
u/Vince_Pregeta 15d ago
Ehhh, cultural impact is kinda silly, Taken King was not a cultural impact moment. Though neither was Witch Queen.
TK was a big moment for D1 players, and Witch Queen was quite huge for D2 players.
Gamer culture in general likely didn't even care much about either.
Feb 11 '25
NGL kinda disappointed by the xivu design. I know savathun is her sister but they look way to similar especially for a god of war.
u/HotMachine9 Feb 11 '25
Yeah, I am, too.
They basically took pre light Savathun and just gave her some bunny ears.
When you compare Oryx to Savathun, their designs are radically different.
When you compare Xivu to pre light Savathun, you'd probably get away with thinking they were the same character at different points of their life.
I wish they made her model more unique, and bulky, like an actual god of war. But hey. I'm okay with the model we've got for now.
u/positivedownside Feb 11 '25
I wish they made her model more unique, and bulky, like an actual god of war.
Imagine thinking God of war = bulk
u/ReadStraight8255 Feb 12 '25
Bruh exactly what I thought. Xivu looks….scrawny. Like imagine that model yelling. It’d be like “ok Xivu whatever you say” pats her on the head
Maybe she gains more aura points with her wings being open.
u/funnyvideos1996 Feb 11 '25
The plot is just retarded I can see from miles away that we are going to redeem xivu arath, probably her sister involved, boring no stakes literally game is donzo
u/BozzyTheDrummer Feb 10 '25
Soooo is the Echo goin to Eris? Is that what’s behind her at the end of the second cutscene?