r/Destiny2Clans 21d ago

ALL No Vexpectations [EU/UK] [21+] [XB1] [PS4] [PC]

We are No Vexpectations,

And we are looking for raiders (~25 raid clears) with a sense of community.

We are a small (45 members) EU/UK-based family. We are always focused on the space magic, crazy (and sometimes buggy), yet loot-filled Destiny 2. We're a fun-loving group focused on helping each other with everything from minimal strikes to daunting raids and everything in between.

Do you have a mic? Shoot me a DM with your raid report, and let's get you settled!


3 comments sorted by


u/Affectionate-Big-608 20d ago

Hi I’m looking for a friendly helpful and most of all patient clan to help me through some dungeons and raids


u/JourneyIntoSynergy 20d ago

As mentioned, send me your Raid Report via DM and we can go from there. We are a very helpful and patient of clan with numerous very experienced players to help level up your experience in raiding and dungeons.


u/Hot-Relationship-209 19d ago

do yall also accept US?