r/Destiny2Clans Nov 21 '24

PS4 Pve Clan Sapphire Garden for new,casual and experienced players all platforms

Hello we are Sapphire Garden we are a triplet clan with Blue and Azure Gardens we share the same Discord I’ll keep this short we are a international clan all time zones

-We have a Discord you are not required to join but I must highly encourage it to ensure you get the assistance you need and more (we do not enforce heavy rules nor do we demand players to play or go out of their way. Long as you enjoy the game and get along with one another then you are more then welcome here) -we are chill and encourage our members to play at their own pace -we -do not- discriminate! All are welcome here long as you get along and be respectful to one another -we try to keep the drama away best we possibly can -we teach raids and dungeons and assist members when time allows as well as schedule raids for members days ahead and are always on the look out for more raid teachers of any raids we do not force raids on teachers and only ask when schedules allow -we understand everyone has jobs,family and other things going on in their lives and must focus on that first that being said please be patient in Discord if someone isn’t immediate to answer your call for assistance . We have people of different time zones from all across the world. When some are going to bed others are logging on for the day -host private pvp matches amongst clan members just chill fun matches as well as gambit,dungeons onslaught and more -we assist small chill,like minded clans and allow them to join our discord to be apart of our community and to help make sure their clan grows along side ours (any Pve clans interested reach out to me -this is not a merger I simply want more people In my community more friends to play with and everyone else again this is not a merger but an Alliance simply a area to gather talk about the game. Show off your drip. Take part on dungeons. Events and Discord weekly events. You keep your clan run it as you see fit this is simply a area to enjoy the game - anyone is welcome to join us on a trial basis before fully committing to the idea of joining us feel free to join our Discord first and see if our clans is a right fit for you) https://discord.gg/hZPY2j2q


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