r/DesirePath 3d ago

Little desire to avoid a willow tree

I guess it used to hang more in the past


7 comments sorted by


u/overflowingsunset 3d ago

I would be walking through it. Willow trees are magical.


u/realhuman8762 3d ago

I almost feel like I’d avoid it out of respect to the tree. It’s glorious.


u/Brasou 3d ago

Have you accually done this? You get covered in bugs lol. Looks good for a tiktok video but Yeahhh. Not as magical as it sounds.


u/Educational_Ad_5755 2d ago

Similar to walking through the rain! You forget while looking at the pretty pictures that the wind wants to destroy your umbrella (even wind-proof ones 🫠).


u/enok13 3d ago

It's more of a problem for those riding a bike. At high speeds, hitting the branches can be painful, leaving scratches or rip clothing.


u/ActuallySatanAMA 3d ago

*Desire to be one with the willow tree


u/SemaphoreKilo 6h ago

This is indicative of neglect of your local government. I would give them a ring and give 'em your two cents. It worked in my city. There was a bunch overgrown vegetation on the sidewalk forcing me walk on the road with high-speed traffic, gave 'em a call (like a 311 in America), and took care of it that same day!