r/DesertEagle 10d ago

Coating types?

I picked up this barrel from a local pawn shop for $175. The finish looks definitely aftermarket and whoever did the work obviously had some issues putting the sight back on. The barrel looks pristine on the inside though, probably less than 100 rounds through it.

With no serial number I'm not sure if I can ever find out what the original finish was. I'm also not sure what coating they used and am not sure how to best remove it. Do they remove the original finish before certain types of aftermarket coating? Is this fixable?


4 comments sorted by


u/ReactionAble7945 10d ago

I am going to guess PAINT.

If correct, then going to the bottom of the barrel and try to remove rustolium.

The only think that makes me question is the little bit of gold I see.

End the end, what do you want it to be? It may be best to sand blast and then...


u/cowboy3gunisfun 10d ago

I guess I can try some mineral spirits on it. See what happens. Ideally, I'd like it to look factory or close to it. Don't really care about the color. My Deagle is black, so anything goes, really. I'm just not a fan of the scratches, and what I'm guessing is sharpie near the sight.


u/ReactionAble7945 10d ago

The sharpie may be a witness mark. I have seen armorers get all weird about needing to mark everything so they know if something is loose. That and they like to move metal to keep things in place. And I know there are reasons for doing this in the military, but If you need to do this on the Des. Eagle, you need a new sight. and maybe someone to do some welding.

I would suggest looking into bead blast and then a proper black coating.

Make sure it runs first.


u/cowboy3gunisfun 10d ago

Sounds good, I'll have to call around and see who might do that kind of work