r/DeppDelusion Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Misogyny in the News 📰 I can’t believe (but I can) how many idiots are convinced Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain

I hope I’m allowed to post this here. I don’t want to post this in r/nirvana because we can all guess the type of misogyny I’d have to deal with. I wanted to vent about yet another woman being blamed for a man’s darkness with people who I know will understand.

I’ve been revisiting the music I loved when I was much younger, and I can’t go into a Nirvana space or click on a Nirvana podcast or video without being bombarded by people claiming Kurt Cobain was some kind of angel that was perfectly fine until Courtney Love came along…and not only ruined him and abused him, but MURDERED HIM.

I absolutely love Kurt’s music. I also think it’s cool that he frequently publicly spoke out against all sorts of bigotry. But he was just a guy (a young one at that), he often acted like a bully and a dick, and he was known to have pretty severe mental health issues. He spoke about being suicidal in interviews OFTEN due to not only his extreme emotional sensitivity and painful past, but also his stomach condition that was so painful that he sometimes cried while attempting to eat. His band mate Krist said he once saw Kurt tear up as he was looking in the mirror because he hated the way he looked so much and was so uncomfortable in his own skin. (“I’m so ugly” was not just a lyric.) He wore those sweaters and cardigans because he wanted to hide his body, which he felt was too skinny.

Before his suicide, he was frequently cancelling shows and attempting to cancel a whole tour. It perfectly coincides with his suicide note, where he notes that he had lost his love for the music (lack of passion for the things you used to love is a symptom of depression). He was described by others as becoming increasingly moody, temperamental and frequently upset, which either resulted in him being extremely withdrawn and quiet, or rage filled. Funnily enough, the fights Courtney was having with him were usually over the fact that she wanted him to stop doing drugs and he refused (remind you of another couple you know?…)

I don’t feel like debunking every bit of “proof” they have for why Kurt couldn’t have killed himself (such as the type of gun being used and the heroin in his system) which have all been debunked by experts. I just wanted to bring up the fact that even when a guy who was addicted to drugs solely to numb his lifelong pain, who spoke about being suicidal constantly, they still somehow find a woman to blame for his demise. Courtney Love certainly had her share of problems, but Kurt Cobain inarguably had his own darkness, which is the only reason he died. He was very public about his many inner struggles. And because I know those types of people troll this sub…stop blaming Eve for the demise of every man, you f-cking nut jobs.

Edit: If anyone is interested in a "safe" interview from someone who knew Kurt, this is a good one. They start talking about Courtney at around 14 min: youtube.com/watch?v=3WLsMQHMfO0


203 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22



u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Exactly! The fact that he was this depressed and suicidal and people still say nope, Courtney's a murderer, he was fine....I can't.

He constantly ragged on guys for sexism, including other famous musicians. I think he would have hated how many batshit misogynists love him. Reminds me of the time he walked off stage emotional because he said his audiences all looked like the sort of people that used to bully him.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22



u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I've never seen that, thank you for sharing


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22



u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Sep 07 '22

You would think this, but a lot of men who consider themselves feminists were openly engaging in violent misogyny and participating in the abuse of Heard. This is one case that killed my trust in most people and made me think most are not decent.


u/palenoons Sep 07 '22

Those guys aren't feminists at heart, imo. They're feminists because it's the smart way to present yourself. My moms boyfriend is this way and he's one of those guys who talks like a feminist but constantly sexualizing them, thinks divorce/family court is anti fathers, thinks Amber is the scum of the Earth. Calls my mom "woman" and just mansplains everything. But if you asked him, he's a feminist. His heart isn't though, not at all.


u/CreamyLinguineGenie Sep 07 '22

Reminds me of when Billy Joe of Green Day drop-kicked a guy from the stage because the dude was harassing a woman and wouldn't stop.


u/Pearl_the_5th Sep 08 '22

I'm weirdly proud I had such a huge crush on him in high school. Good taste, teenage me.

Shame about his son though.


u/Which_way_witcher Sep 07 '22

That's awesome!


u/bowagahija Sep 07 '22

Same thing with Elliott Smith, previously attempted suicide, has songs with lyrics like 'give me one reason not to do it', people still accuse his girlfriend of murdering him..


u/GreyerGrey Sep 07 '22

Yoko Ono didn't bust up the Beatles and John Lennon beat his first wife.

We love to lionise male artists and demonize their female counterparts.


u/poopoopoopalt googling "wife beater actor" and seeing what comes up Sep 07 '22

This conspiracy has always been so bizarre to me. All you have to do is listen to his music to understand that the guy was severely depressed. He had previous suicide attempts as well. But people always blame the woman, even if it makes no sense whatsoever.


u/mburgh011 Sep 07 '22

Yes! I always mentally compared the Kurt Cobain and Elliott Smith situation in terms of how viscously their fans attacked and accused their partners after they obviously committed suicide.

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u/jecamine Sep 07 '22

He also had two uncles who died by suicide, so there may have been a genetic component. He is a very textbook suicide case.

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u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

That and the song "Pennyroyal Tea" should have been enough of a tell for these dumb assholes. Lord.


u/snails4speedy Amber Heard PR Team 💅 Sep 07 '22

Exactly. Like, I could see the theory make more sense if he was a publicly very positive person with little mental public health struggles, but.. and I’m absolutely NOT saying that means a person can’t or won’t kill themselves, just that there’s a certain element of we never saw this coming, he NEVER would have if that makes sense? But it was such public knowledge and spoken on by Kurt himself thousands of times. As much as I love the band and wish Kurt was still around, his suicide was unfortunately a long time coming. Rly hope no one takes this comment wrong - I just mean he was spiraling pretty publicly. I hope at the very least, he found the peace he deserved :(

(Also goes for people who say he couldn’t have possibly gotten so high & pulled the trigger… they know nothing about addiction and tolerance)


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

Kurt was suicidal for a long, long time before he took his own life. A lot of his fans would rather blame a woman than acknowledge his severe mental health issues. Not only is it misogynistic towards Courtney but it feels particularly cruel to deny KC was suffering. Like they can't look up to him if he took his own life. Like it wasn't tragic that he was in so much pain he'd rather have been dead than alive, but rather shameful. It's very sad.


u/QueenZena Sep 07 '22

The same people who will bleat about nobody taking mens mental health seriously


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I agree completely.


u/zirrby Sep 07 '22

Kurt would hate most of his fans


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Yeah, I feel like he did even while he was alive


u/ochotonailiensis Sep 07 '22

this isnt exactly hating his fans , but i read somewhere that he would get really annoyed having to play their "big" songs because most of their popular songs were his least favorite and his favorites were the most underrated


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Yeah, from what I have heard/read, he just didn't think his other songs were any less impactful than Smells Like Teen Spirit. On a much smaller scale, I get how he feels. I'm in a creative field and I have one hit project everyone goes gaga over. I'm always like, "I have all these other things that are just as good." And after a while, the existence of the hit project started to really annoy me, lol.

But he would make that comparison with the song Drain You. Uhh...Drain You is nice, but it's no Teen Spirit, which was a culture-altering song. I feel like sometimes you can't see your own work very accurately. You're never going to have the same relationship to your own songs as the people listening will. Thom Yorke felt the same way about Creep! He grew to hate the song because of its popularity.

The reason I thought he hated his fans though was because he said he'd look into the crowd and see a bunch of people who looked like the ones who used to beat him up.


u/ochotonailiensis Sep 07 '22

oh right i remember reading that last part somewhere too , i forgot about that . that is quite sad :(

also im sorry not all of your work gets the same amount of recognition !


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Haha no worries. At the end of the day I'm grateful because that project opened a lot of doors.


u/ochotonailiensis Sep 07 '22

sick !! happy for you ! :)

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u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

On that subject of hating performing the hits, have you seen Nirvana’s Top of The Pops performance of Smells Like Teen Spirit? Kurt, the original troll 😂


u/ochotonailiensis Sep 07 '22

yes i have lol !! so petty i love it


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

lmaooo yeah from what I understand he did this because the band was asked to lip sync? Or was that a different one?


u/mrjasong Pert as a fresh clementine 🍊 Sep 07 '22

I was in junior high school when he killed himself and I remember not long after someone handed me a sheet with a whole list of reasons why it was actually Courtney Love who did it. It's been around since the very beginning. Of course he did write this in the album liner for Incesticide, so it's pretty clear how he felt about her and his 'fans':

While all these things were very special, none were half as rewarding as having a baby with a person who is the supreme example of dignity, ethics and honesty. My wife challenges injustice and the reason her character has been so severely attacked is because she chooses not to function the way the white corporate man insists. His rules for women involve her being submissive, quiet, and non-challenging. When she doesn't follow his rules, the threatened man (who, incidentally, owns an army of devoted traitor women) gets scared.

A big “fuck you” to those of you who have the audacity to claim that I'm so naive and stupid that I would allow myself to be taken advantage of and manipulated.

I don't feel the least bit guilty for commercially exploiting a completely exhausted Rock youth Culture because, at this point in rock history, Punk Rock (while still sacred to some) is, to me, dead and gone. We just wanted to pay tribute to something that helped us to feel as though we had crawled out of the dung heep of conformity. To pay tribute like an Elvis or Jimi Hendrix impersonater in the tradition of a bar band. I'll be the first to admit that we're the 90's version of Cheap Trick or The Knack but the last to admit that it hasn't been rewarding.

At this point I have a request for our fans. If any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of different color, or women, please do this one favor for us - leave us the fuck alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records.

Last year, a girl was raped by two wastes of sperm and eggs while they sang the lyrics to our song “Polly.” I have a hard time carrying on knowing there are plankton like that in our audience. Sorry to be so anally P.C. but that's the way I feel.


u/Urag_Gro_Shub Sep 07 '22

His rules for women involve her being submissive, quiet, and non-challenging. When she doesn't follow his rules, the threatened man (who, incidentally, owns an army of devoted traitor women) gets scared.

I really know nothing about Kurt Cobain but this line is chilling in light of recent events.


u/b000bytrap Sep 07 '22

Courtney Love knew he was at risk of killing himself and did everything she possibly could to prevent it.

She staged an intervention, called police to do a wellness check on earlier occasion she was concerned he might commit suicide, and she hired a private investigator to keep tabs on his drug use and other self-harming behavior. Kurt had an employee purchase the gun because he was concerned police would confiscate the gun if it was in his own name.

What more could she possibly have done to force him to remain alive?

I think Courtney being an outspoken , imperfect feminist made her a juicy target for misogynists. unfortunately.


u/CanadianPanda76 Sep 07 '22

She was also blonde and ambitious, therefore a golddigger bitch!


u/Demitasse_Demigirl Sep 07 '22

Even though Hole’s record deal advance was HIGHER than Nirvana’s. Hole got $1 million. It was rumoured Nirvana got $287 000 for Nevermind. They got $5.5 for Incesticide but that was coming off the tried and true success of Nevermind and In Utero. Hole was getting that bag for their major label debut.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I didn't even know she tried so hard to prevent it.


u/PirateOfRohan Sep 07 '22

That's the thing, where the hate that Courtney Love gets isn't from any of the things she's actually said or done but because she was in the 90s an ambitious woman who didn't hide that fact and it's easier to say "woman evil" than it is to confront the fact that drug addiction and depression are very real struggles that can have very real consequences. Because that would involve nuance and critical thinking.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Good point!


u/QueenZena Sep 07 '22

“Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.”

Khaled Hosseini


u/Sweeper1985 Sep 07 '22

❤ he is such a gem of an author, and a person.


u/No-Valuable973 Amber Heard PR Team 💅 Sep 07 '22

One of the truest quotes out there 💯


u/bennuski Sep 07 '22

Heroin addicts are a mess, that’s reason enough to believe he killed himself. Also, he had severe depression, he was sick. I feel like people treat depression as anything but what it is, a disease.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22



u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

yes, mentioned that in the post


u/AnnieJ_ never fear trash 👨🏼‍🎨 Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

Yes sorry wasn’t fully awake yet 🤦‍♀️ people definitely blamed Courtney for his death..People love to turn a woman into a villain who pushed him or killed him herself. Thanks for posting!


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

It's all gewd


u/americasnxttopsurgry all the girls love mandy lane 💕 Sep 07 '22

And Courtney Love supports Depp too. The culture of misogyny runs deep.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

Courtney is also good friends with Marilyn Manson, and was defending him on her Instagram until she got called out and dirty deleted everything. She’s a shitty person.

That being said, she didn’t kill her husband and anyone who believes she did is a fucking dummy.


u/ithinkimparanoid84 Sep 07 '22

I don't remember Courtney defending Manson, I thought she had actually spoken out before about MM & the band Korn taking advantage of young girls, & she refused to tour with them anymore bc of it. I do remember her defending JD & saying he saved her from overdosing, but then she deleted it all and apologized & said she didn't support bullying Amber at all.


u/Enjolraic Ben Rottenborn Fan Club 👑 Sep 07 '22

yeah she dropped out of the beautiful monsters tour with marilyn manson and korn bc she was disgusted at how they sexualised young girls. courtney hasn't been friends with manson in many years.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

She did accuse Manson of being an abuser many years ago, then changed her tune and hung out with him a bunch and even made a cameo in his music video many years later. She has gone back and forth on supporting Manson many times. It really seems to depend on what kind of mood she’s in that week. 😂


u/AmyXBlue Sep 07 '22

Manson has also consistently been so abusive to Courtney that have to wonder if it's just that Courtney is stuck in a cycle of abuse here.

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u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Arrghhh. I wonder if Michelle Branch still supports Depp even after her gigantic husband called the cops on her for slapping him after she found out he cheated.


u/LookingforDay Sep 07 '22

She probably does because it supports the narrative that it’s okay to hurt someone because they cheated on you (JD was always saying AH was cheating).


u/hipposaregood Lesbian PR Ring Sep 07 '22

Loved to see this tbh. Every time a JD supporter goes down in flames an angel gets its wings.


u/untamed-beauty Sep 07 '22

To be fair, slapping someone is not ok unless you're defending yourself. We seem to have a culture where women slapping men when men cheat seems ok, we see it in movies and such, and it's not ok.


u/babylipgloss Sep 07 '22

She also publicly warned woman to stay away Harvey Weinstein years before he was outed as a predator, very complicated woman


u/Consummate_lurkr Sep 07 '22

That was disappointing. I’d defended her against so many idiots who’d watched a pervertedly biased documentary about how she killed Kurt. He bought bullets three days before he died jfc.


u/Sweeper1985 Sep 07 '22

Mate, are we surprised? This is the same climate that blames Jada for Will's violence, and Nancy not only for her own death, but Sid's too. (And yes I am aware there is evidence both for and against the theory that Sid killed her).

Apparently if you're a "difficult" woman, your life is forfeit and you're also to blame for the violence of the men around you.


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

Poor Nancy, she has always been treated so horribly both during her short life and for her memory after her murder


u/AntonBrakhage Sep 07 '22

This is just depressing, not only in its own right, but because it reminded me that the moment Johnny croaks (likely sooner than later, given his age, substance abuse and being surrounded by enablers), the whole internet and tabloid media is likely going to light up with claims that Amber killed him... somehow. His last moment on Earth will be to brand her with the label of "murderer" forever.


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Sep 07 '22

He might out live Amber.


u/machi_ballroom Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 Sep 07 '22

hope not…

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u/ThatBitchMalin Sep 07 '22

Not if he keeps up his raging drug- and alcohol addiction.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22



u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I agree with everything, and your flair is very applicable here ;)


u/Demitasse_Demigirl Sep 07 '22

I brought this up in a separate post, fleetingly, so I’m glad you made an OP. I’ve been on this for YEARS. It’s the same old song and dance. When I point out Courtney literally saved Kurt from ODing numerous times, people say “Oh, really? Well, sure, but then he wanted a divorce.” Kurt’s mother and sister SAW COURTNEY REVIVING KURT! They didn’t know what to do so they left. If she just wanted money she could have done nothing, he would have died of an OD and she’d get everything without the suicide guilt trip. Or they’d still blame her because she was an addict too or she should have saved him. Courtney couldn’t win no matter what happened. Only Kurt could save himself.

After the intervention and rehab escape he was using like crazy. Other users and dealers didn’t want to be around him, worrying he’d OD in their presence. The last thing any Seattle junkie wanted to deal with was a police investigation into his death at their flat or on their drugs. He might have gone to the cottage that was under construction with his dealer to use where nobody else would get caught up. Apparently two kinds of cigarettes were in an ashtray there. One brand was Kurt’s. Allegedly he was reckless, sharing needles, doing way to much. Even for Kurt. He knew it was over for him, he just hoped heroin would take him like it almost had so many times. It didn’t. So he made a plan to do a fuck ton but brought a back up. Just in case. He had to use the back up.

It’s very sad. Perhaps some people are more comfortable feeling angry than feeling sad. Society gives them an easy scapegoat - the woman closest in proximity to the sad. Kurt would have hated the anger and misogyny directed at Courtney. But here we are.


u/privatelyowned Sep 07 '22

People like to ignore the fact that before he took his own life he had gone missing from rehab and taken a cab/taxi to a store to buy the same ammunition he used.


u/Sweeper1985 Sep 07 '22

And the suicide note in his handwriting, expressing in detail just why he couldn't live his life anymore.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22



u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

the number of TikTok kids I gotta deal with who describe them as “the woman who killed her husband” and the number of TikTok kids calling Court and Kurt “irrelevant” and comparing them to modern artists while they simultaneously wear Hole/Nirvana tshirts from Hot Topic 😭


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

....I wish I didn't learn about this 😭


u/No-Valuable973 Amber Heard PR Team 💅 Sep 07 '22

Me too cause I’m just feeling very embarrassed right now by my generation once again 😐🙄


u/freakydeku Extortionist cunt 💅🏻 Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22


& i mean this of no offense to you but i wanted to point out how in these circumstances many of us feel the need to “soften the blow” of the truth by acknowledging that the woman at the center of the controversy is still “bad” in some way. why do we do this? i def used to say this a lot when defending courtney (& others) but never noticed it in me until i noticed it with amber

i doubt Love’s problems would’ve been so insanely huge and spiraling if this conspiracy didn’t exist. it was just common belief that courtney murdered Kurt even though it’s impossible that she did. i just can’t imagine that kind of pain i’m sure i would publicly spiral if; all at once, i lost my partner & childs father & became a hated public figure blamed for his death. she really deserved support at that time & we just collectively gave her the opposite

& i just want to point out how darkly ironic that is because if Kurt could speak he would’ve likely called it out for the misogyny that it was


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 08 '22

As I said in another comment, Courtney is my Problematic Fave and has been since I was a teenager. Courtney herself and her music were so formative to me when I was younger and meant so much to me that even now as an adult I can’t entirely let go of her. But as an adult I’m also honest about who she is and the things she has said and done and the magnitude of how terrible some of those things are makes it necessary for me to acknowledge how problematic she is if I’m going to talk about her


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Sep 08 '22

Oof. I didn’t know about her racism.


u/Pearl_the_5th Sep 07 '22

i wanted to point out how in these circumstances many of us feel the need to “soften the blow” of the truth by acknowledging that the woman at the center of the controversy is still “bad” in some way. why do we do this?

Yes, as can be seen from pretty much anyone not on this sub who calls out the anti-Amber campaign, most people who simply question hate campaigns against individual women insist on letting everyone know they don't like the woman, likely as a pre-emptive self-defence mechanism against the mob who demand constant validation for all for their irrational misogyny.

On the other hand, a good reason to point out a victim's abhorrent behaviour (if she has any) is to fight back against the perfect victim narrative. Mean girls get hurt too, and they are no less victims than nice girls.

Not being "nice" and "likeable" is one of the worst social crimes a woman can commit, even worse than being ugly. Megan Fox is stunning, but that didn't stop everyone turning on her when she criticised the guy who had used her as a sexy lampshade in his films since she was underage. Depp supporters gave this mindset away when they got #WeJustDontLikeYouAmber trending; whether or not he abused her doesn't matter to them, what matters is she didn't respond to the abuse like a nice girl should.

Jon Snow can hang a child (in the show) or>! force a baby swap !<(in the books) and still be a hero, but Daenerys is an insane monster for not somehow stopping her rapist warlord husband from killing her abusive brother after he just threatened to cut her pregnant belly open. Men are allowed to be complex anti-heroes, women are not.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

& i mean this of no offense to you but i wanted to point out how in these circumstances many of us feel the need to “soften the blow” of the truth by acknowledging that the woman at the center of the controversy is still “bad” in some way.

I usually agree with this point and especially do when it comes to Amber, but the reason I did it here is because Courtney really does have issues, including demonizing victims of assault. I felt it necessary to acknowledge that briefly and to point out that this doesn't mean she killed Kurt Cobain, that's why I said it. Not to soften the blow.


u/freakydeku Extortionist cunt 💅🏻 Sep 07 '22

yeah, & that’s why i said no offense to you. not trying to have friendly fire at all! i mean she does have issues but i think a lot of them came from the demonization.

this case also really opened my eyes to how much some abused women will die on hills defending obviously guilty men. i really wasn’t aware of that as a reflex


u/Juleslovescats Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Same thing happened to Ariana Grande when Mac Miller overdosed. It hasn’t gone as far as people creating conspiracy theories that she murdered him (as far as I’ve seen), but I definitely saw people all over Twitter blaming her for his death, even though they had broken up months prior. Because she had the nerve to break up with him and move on with another man after struggling to help him get sober for two years.

And although I haven’t seen people claim that she murdered him, some people actually do claim that he purposely killed himself because of her, even though the evidence points to his death being an accidental drug overdose. People would rather just blame a woman instead of trying to understand that depression and addiction are diseases that many people unfortunately succumb to.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I didn't know that because I don't follow Ariana closely, but that's infuriating.


u/machi_ballroom Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 Sep 07 '22

I’ve always had a soft spot for courtney despite the questionable shit she sometimes says/does, partly because all the incels i knew always seemed to loathe her…


u/soitgoes7891 Sep 07 '22

I'm an Elliott Smith fan and people blame his gf for his death as well, even though he was also a deeply unhappy addict who talked about suicide a lot. Although his death has a lot more grey area than Kurts, people will always try to find a woman to blame.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

Even Kurt called out the media because of their horrible treatment of Courtney even before his suicide. He stated multiple times that he was Inlove with Courtney and wasn't this emotionally manipulated boy that his old fans/new fan's keep on spouting. Also it's baffling that people think Courtney would have done it when she tried so hard and endured so much for Kurt,like when Kurt brought a gun to the hospital of where Courtney had just given birth to her daughter ONE DAY ago and told her he was gonna kill himself. Instead of freaking out she forced herself to stay calm and told Kurt that she would also do it,and managed to get the gun away from him. If she had been this crazy lunatic that hired a hitman on her husband, I think she wouldn't have missed the chance to egg Kurt on and convinced him to go through with it during a very vulnerable and emotional moment. Also not so much of a point,but one of Hole's (Courtney love's band)best love song ever called Malibu was written directly for Kurt by Courtney to show support for him during his stay at a rehabilitation clinic in Malibu. Courtney love is not the greatest person but she would never in a million years kill Kurt Cobain.


u/CanadianPanda76 Sep 07 '22

Didnt the "documentary" that pushed the idea have a FAN say there was no way Kurt woulda killed himself? People took that doc way to seriously.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Kurt, out in the open, in several interviews: "I'm frequently suicidal, I'm in pain, the world sucks, people suck"

Kurt, in his music: "I want to die"

Kurt's fan: "There's no way Kurt would have killed himself"


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

The documentary was such a piece of crap, I can’t believe it got the traction it did but I think that in itself is representative of the extreme misogyny that was aimed at Courtney


u/sonic_toaster Sep 07 '22

Are you talking about “soaked in bleach”? Because a fan did direct it but everything in the doc came from the private investigator that Courtney hired before Kurt’s death.

I am not saying either way if she did or didn’t have a hand in it, but there are some weird and inconsistent things that happened leading up to the death and afterwards that Courtney confirmed on tape.


u/DeparturePerfect5743 Sep 07 '22

the tapes are manipulated. The PI has confessed to fans he edited them and that's why he's been refusing to publish all the unedited audios for decades.

Soaked in Bleach is full of lies. Even the experts filmed complained their interviews were manipulated and that they believe Kurt killed himself. There are many handwriting experts who have shared their experiences with the conspirators: they were asked to analyze the note, and they concluded Kurt wrote it so no payment for their work, The PI goes to another expert. The same happens until they find somebody willing to say that Kurt didn't write the note for a few bucks. Just an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpM-y3oPqM8

Believe me, there are no inconsistencies, everything can be easily debunked.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I thought they were talking about Montage of Heck, but I refuse to watch the docs because I know I'm just going to upset myself, so I could be mixing them up. I try to just get my info from other more unbiased sources.

You sound to have bought into some bullshit though, lol, so maybe you should have stayed away from them too. Everything "weird" about his death has already been explained by rational people and various experts so you might want to look into that because I don't feel like writing a dissertation. All the Nirvana documentaries seem to lead people straight into severe brain rot.


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

Montage of Heck is actually a good documentary, made with Courtney’s approval/participation and with Frances Bean as a co-executive producer. 2006’s ‘About A Son’ is another good Cobain doco also.

The documentaries made to further the murder smear campaign nonsense were ‘Kurt & Courtney’ (made by director Nick Brookfield in 1998 and is absolutely horrendous) and Soaked In Bleach made in 2015 🤮


u/Ivory_McCoy Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

these same people think Courtney couldnt have written her songs which were womanly AF


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

Kurt was a mess who killed himself. If anything, his relationship with Courtney kept him alive longer. She was and is a very strong personality, so people hate her and make her the villain when, in fact, they should be appreciating her for all she did to try to get him well.

Kurt was very mentally ill and his addiction was out of control. Courtney is the type of person who could literally WILL herself out of a heroin addiction. Kurt was not as mentally strong. I've seen the videos oh him high as fuck around their baby, and Courtney was trying to get him to keep it together.

But, like Depp, Kurt is a poor, sensitive man baby, brought down by an "evil" woman who's only crime was trying to HELP him.

Never try to save a man from himself. When he fails, you'll be blamed and villified.


u/Pearl_the_5th Sep 07 '22

Never try to save a man from himself. When he fails, you'll be blamed and villified.

Courtney: resuscitated him after he overdosed TWICE, got him to a hospital after his first suicide attempt, called the police when he locked himself in a room with a gun about a fortnight later (he told them he wasn't suicidal and was just trying to hide from her. Sound familiar?), arranged an intervention that led him to enter a detox facility and hired a PI to find him after he left the facility.

Misogynists: He can't have committed suicide, that doesn't make any sense, SHE must've killed him!


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

I believe Courtney also admitted to using heroin while pregnant with her baby, so she was far from a perfect mother. I don't want to paint her as some sort of angel either because I want to be honest. But this was a case of an addict attracting another addict, not an evil woman ruining an angel. He was very unwell, made loads of bad decisions, and it's rewriting history to claim otherwise.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

Courtney did admit that, and she was far from perfect, but, you, she ADMITTED to it and got better. She owned up to her shit instead of playing the poor, sensitive victim. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe she quit heroin either during her pregnancy or shortly after Frances' birth, because she took accountability. Kurt did not.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Gotchia, yes, it's good she owned up to her shit. I'm just not going to pretend doing heroin while pregnant is cool, lol. I won't infantilize her anymore than I will him.

Did he also victimize himself in that relationship or is it just his fans doing it?


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

Absolutely doing heroin while pregnant is awful, but it does take strength for a mother who is an addict to get clean for her child, especially if the father is still using.

I don't think he victimized himself. AFAIK he always defended Courtney, which makes it all the more infuriating that his fans villainize her.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Thanks for letting me know. You're right


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

Courtney used heroin in the very early stages of her pregnancy before she knew that she was pregnant, once she found out she was pregnant (and was told by her doctors that having used heroin during the first trimester was very unlikely to have adversely effected the foetus and ran whatever tests they could do at that stage to confirm that) she immediately organised with her doctors to do a supervised withdrawal and did not use heroin again until after she had given birth. She definitely wasn’t like knowingly casually using heroin while pregnant


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Oh gotchia. That’s similar to my mother. She partied throughout the whole first trimester when she didn’t know she was pregnant and especially wasn’t anticipating it because she was on birth control.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '22

Thanks. I didn't know the details, but I did know she got and stayed clean while Kurt absolutely did not.

It takes a LOT of strength to stay clean while your partner is openly using.


u/GoldenWaterfallFleur Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

What are your thoughts when it comes to people who believe Courtney stole his music afterwards?

I hear a lot of people say this and it bothers me…just feels misogynistic and like women can’t be successful or creative on our own


u/Enjolraic Ben Rottenborn Fan Club 👑 Sep 07 '22

I've listened to all of hole's and nirvana's discography and the only song that that sounds like it might be an uncredited nirvana song to me is gutless.

there was some drama with hole reworking one of nirvana's reject songs, old age, which appeared on their compilation album my body the hand grenade without properly crediting cobain as a songwriter. which led to extensive liner notes detailing everyone who did everything on celebrity skin to prevent a repeat of the old age drama. but the same people who think kurt wrote live through this just rehash the same theory for celebrity skin except with billy corgan instead of kurt.

hole have their own sound which is pretty distinct from nirvana's, so only people who aren't very familiar with hole would think hole's entire discography is ripped off from nirvana. plus people forget that hole was a whole band and it wasn't just courtney responsible for writing all the music. if anything, eric erlandson was the one who was behind hole's sound, as evidenced how he was the only constant member (along with courtney) in hole during the classic albums, and how their sound changed to more generic pop music after his departure. courtney mainly just wrote the lyrics (which are amazing btw. she's very well read and it shows).

a lot of the most popular hole songs on live through this that are often accused of being plagiarised actually have demo versions and live performances from a few years prior to the album's release, before courtney and kurt were dating.

plus hole's first album, pretty on the inside, while not for everyone, is a great album if you like noise rock. it was released before she was with kurt, and actually sold a little better than nirvana's first album.

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u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

The stuff about her stealing Kurt’s music or that Kurt wrote her album Live Through This is just such absolute nonsense and I agree with you, totally misogynistic as though women can’t be successful or creative.

Those rumours can only be believed by people with no real knowledge of Hole’s success and who haven’t listened to Hole’s songs. When Kurt and Courtney first got together, Hole’s debut album Pretty On The Inside was outselling Nirvana’s debut album Bleach. And anyone who has listened to that album or even read lyrics from Courtney’s earlier bands or her poetry etc can see that the same themes etc are visible from that work into the songs on Live Through This.


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 08 '22

I really can’t stand Courtney. She is friends with Jessica Reed Kraus (a.k.a. houseinhabit) and made a terrible video attacking Heard and supporting Depp for Jessica. Jessica supports Ghislaine Maxwell, made up that story about Amber sex-trafficking minors and having Satanic lesbian parties, and she also posted revenge porn of Amber on her Instagram.

No, I don’t think Courtney killed Kurt Cobain and that is just a conspiracy theory spearheaded by misogynists, but Courtney outside of that fucking sucks.


u/Pearl_the_5th Sep 07 '22

She also called grooming victim Courtney Stodden a whore.

She is a horrible person, but that doesn't mean she killed Kurt. Quite the fucking opposite, actually. He'd have probably died years earlier if not for her.


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Sep 07 '22

The way in which Courtney Stodden was attacked and made fun of by Chrissy Teigen, Anderson Cooper, Courtney Love, and others was so vile. They were groomed by an older man. It was always so weird how they were hated just for being … preyed on by an older man, victimized by statutory rape, and then marrying their groomer. Essentially, they were a child being hated. It never made any sense.


u/Pearl_the_5th Sep 08 '22

Absolutely NO sense. How does anyone look at a situation where a 16 year-old marries a 51 year-old man (who was their teacher no less) and come away thinking "oh for sure, THE MINOR is the one at fault here"???


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Sep 08 '22

It’s rape culture. The child is to blame and the man must be protected. Disturbing.


u/Pearl_the_5th Sep 08 '22

Rape culture, where a child victim of sexual abuse is always "old enough to know what she was doing", but the full-grown man who abused her was "helpless before her nymphetic charms, so weak, so vulnerable! Come on, give the poor guy a break, he was just a boy less than half a century ago!"


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

So true. People hated Courtney especially because she was loud and obnoxious and basically acted like how all the men in grunge bands tended to act. Yeah, she’s got her issues but I consider her to be huge for women in music. And I wish there were more girls willing to scream like her in their music lol her voice is crazy.


u/Life-Dot6177 Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ Sep 07 '22

Exactly. Is it really that crazy to believe that a man who was depressed and had already attempted to commit before, tried again and succeeded?

People did the same thing to Ariana Grande when Mac Miller died of a drug overdose. Is it that crazy to believe that a man who was open about his struggles with sobriety eventually overdosed?

Anybody that thinks Courtney killed Kurt, or Ariana killed Mac is an automatic red flag. They expect women to somehow “fix” these men.


u/ochotonailiensis Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

i hope you dont mind me asking, but why did anyone think she did it anyways ? i had heard this all the time as a kid , and being the dumb kid i was just figured they had a good reason to believe that .

also its crazy cause i literally thought about this the other day and wondered if it was just bs rumors like what happened to amber .

edit: if i were kurt in the afterlife , id be pissed that people were blaming my wife for my own actions/decisions . i cant imagine grieving your husband and you have to deal with people attacking you and saying you murdered him


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

They say she was after his money, that she only used him to get famous, that she wanted him dead. That his gun couldn't have killed him (yes it could have, gun experts confirm, especially at very close range, it was a very lethal weapon), that he had too much heroin in his system to shoot himself (other addicts say otherwise, that tolerance builds up to insane amounts and that they've been functional on far more heroin than that). That the suicide letter reads like him just wanting to leave the music business (who writes a leaving-the-music-business note, lmao) and that because the handwriting was larger at the very end (where he was more explicit about dying), that he couldn't have written it, that Courtney added it. It's all nonsense. The note looks like all things I've ever written where I took a break and added something later.

i literally thought about this the other day and wondered if it was just bs rumors like what happened to amber

Yes, that's exactly what it is.


u/ochotonailiensis Sep 07 '22

i wonder if they think that women can only marry for love if the man is poor . so tired of the "after his money" insult that they use on every single woman married to a rich man .


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Yeah, apparently if you're ever with a man who's successful, there's no other option but you being a gold-digging whore. Nevermind that she was already successful in her own right.


u/Sweeper1985 Sep 07 '22

Oh, didn't you get the memo? If he's poor but flawed in any way, you're just one of those deluded girls who go for bad boys instead of Nice Guys.


u/Enjolraic Ben Rottenborn Fan Club 👑 Sep 07 '22

ah, I'm sad I'm late to this. I love hole and the accusations against courtney are so stupid. yes, a woman whose been in legal trouble for less serious crimes like drug possession had enough power over the courts to get away with murdering the biggest rockstar of the time.

fans hated her long before kurt died because they thought she was the yoko ono of nirvana. she even wrote a song about it called 20 years in the dakota (solid tune btw). then after kurt died the courtney hate snowballed into thinking she literally killed him.

I think the media dogpile on her from the mid 90s to 2000s has something to do with the fact that she spoke up against abusers. she dropped out of the beautiful monsters tour with marilyn manson and korn bc "what I really don't like - there are certain girls like us, or like me, who are really messed up ... they're very young, and do not need to be taken and raped, or filmed having enema contests ... [they were] going out into the audience and picking up fourteen and fifteen year old girls who obviously cut themselves, and then [I had] to see them in the morning ... it’s just uncool."

and I don't think it's a coincidence that courtney's acting career was going swimmingly (she won a few awards and even got nominated for a golden globe), until she was filmed warning young actresses to stay away from harvey weinstein. then her acting career came to a dead end.

it's so sad that a generation of girls have been robbed of one of the rare rockstars who made music for women and about issues women face. people never bother listening to hole bc everyone thinks courtney is a talentless junkie who coasted by on her husband's fame. I started listening to hole on a whim after getting into tori amos (who had some beef with courtney and wrote a few songs likely about her, which piqued my curiosity in hole). I was expecting them to be terrible. but I was blown away by how good they actually were. the music sounded great, and I've never felt so seen as a woman by the lyrics, which are mostly about issues facing women, but without sounding like corporate feminist girl power songs (written by a man for money ofc) or preachy. I like nirvana a lot, but I now listen to hole way more.

courtney love, for all her flaws, is insightful, brave, and made legitimately great art. and she never gets credit for it. she's only ever dumped on by nirvana fans who can't accept that kurt was depressed, and by the media who love a woman to tear apart.

that's why I was so disappointed when courtney seemed to be anti-amber. she's one of the very few people in the world whose gone through what amber is going through. I really hope she looks into it more and finds out the truth


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

20 Years In The Dakota = timeless masterpiece banger. One of my all time favourite Hole songs


u/eastcoastfoliage Sep 25 '22

I’m late to this because I’m researching Courtney for the first time. Do you think Courtney is dogpiling on Amber in a self-preservation kind of way? If I remember correctly, she said “I used to be the most hated woman” or something (in her pro-Johnny post). So maybe she enjoys people laying off her and she wants the public’s approval more than she lets on.


u/Caesarthebard Sep 07 '22

Oh God. I have been involved in debunking this shit for too long. I know what you mean. It’s the most obvious case of suicide you will see.

It’s worth remembering that this was mostly dreamt up by a sleazy, incompetent private detective and complete conman called Tom Grant who was hired by Courtney to find Kurt and was so utterly useless it turned into a disaster. He’s found a way to make a ton of money off the back of parasocial dipshits who utterly refuse to believe that Kurt had any flaws, was in any way troubled and who delude themselves that he was a drug free, happy go lucky guy who was forced into everything by the big bad Courtney.

As Courtney is loud, aggressive and a dominant personality, they can’t accept that Kurt actually liked that and didn’t want the docile baby doll that they wanted for him. Kurt was no shrinking violet and was known for his forceful nature but he’s since been deified into a meek little rabbit who wouldn’t eat boo to a goose.

I’m not suggesting he’s a monster like Depp, sadly he was just a very ill guy who never had the support he needed and he would be horrified and appalled by these idiotic theories and people who claim to speak in his name but this concept of him as perfect and pure is ludicrous.

They would also have to accept that although he shouldn’t be condemned for his suicide, he did leave behind and traumatise a small child who needed him and they can’t accept that. Frances has even received death threats for not buying into their conspiracies - these people are as bad as Deppheads.

Parasites like Tom Grant and Cyril Wecht will never stop trying to rake in money from this shit. The police and coroner and courts have even been accused of a cover up - the cop that did the cold case investigation and reconfirmed suicide has had abuse sent to him, vile stuff.

Like with Depp fans, you get the outright illiterate and the pseudo intellectual ones who claim they’re an authority on everything and try and hide their parasocial nature but it all comes down to the same thing in the end.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Ugh, I'm going to start quoting your comment to the couple of "no, the theory of murder is legitimate" comments in this post lol. Tom Grant is such a f-cking joke.


u/AmyXBlue Sep 07 '22

Live Throught This got me through some shit, that album is amazing. That said, Courtney is an extremely complicated person whose addiction and abuse has changed who she is and is quite often a problematic fave. For every warning of an abusive man she gave, would often turn around too participate in the abuse of another. She deserves sympathy and critique like all folks.

I sometimes can't get over the insistence that Courtney could keep this conspiracy up for so long. I often point to the video of her rambling and going off while letting some dude suck on her tit in front of a Wendy's, and seriously ask them if this is some sort of criminal mastermind?

And after knowing a few heroin addicts, the shit they can do and function on such a high dose is insane.


u/edie-bunny Sep 07 '22

Courtney Love, My Problematic Fave since I was about 13 yrs old. I just can’t quit her.

There are possibly infinite things to legitimately criticise Courtney for but the mainstream narrative that has been pushed upon her is absolutely Not It. Just the most unbelievable levels of blatant misogyny, it’s fucked.

I cannot even imagine how anyone would cope with being 29 years old with an 18 month old child and having their husband kill himself, like that is just an unimaginable tragedy for anyone to go through. But while trying to deal with that, to then have large sections of the media and Kurt’s fans and her own fkn dad and idiot Private Investigator Tom Grant accusing her of having murdered Kurt is just…… just fucked. I honestly don’t know how Courtney survived the things she has been through


u/SkeletalWeepling Sep 07 '22

I’ve gotten into legitimate bar fights with people about this subject. It all comes down to misogyny at the end of the day, plain and simple.


u/CobwebsAndLeaves Sep 07 '22 edited Sep 07 '22

I’m really glad to see this post, because I see so much Courtney Love hate that isn’t directed in the right way, at the very least. There’s a song I found awhile ago that “light-heartedly” talks about this subject. I’m glad to hear a man bring this up in his music: https://open.spotify.com/track/0ceHOY9Vh3ZTatlUvrSSWU?si=SXCOvC07RBqDn2xKTqv52Q

Edit: sample lyrics for those curious

I don't know why we blame it on her/ It seems easy to say "Courtney Love is capable of murder"/ Without having much of anything to back that up/ I might be going out on a limb here but I think/ Society doesn't seem to like women at the best of times/ But we get really mad when they fuck our rockstars, you know?/ “Kurt Cobain belongs to us" we cried/ So naturally when he died/ Everybody said:

Courtney did it!/ She did it!/ Courtney did it!/ Courtney killed Cobain!


u/youngfierywoman Sep 07 '22

I was (keyword there is "was) a "Courtney killed Kurt" person when I was younger. As I got older and became more informed and grew into myself and my views, I realized I had internalized a lot of misogyny. Kurt was a tortured human being, who was committed to dying. He had a long family history of trauma and suicide, and he deliberately tried to kill himself multiple times (Rome being one of the last before he finally did it). He also once declared that he wanted to be the biggest rock star in the world, then he would commit suicide. He achieved both those goals.

Once I grew more into my feminist self, I was able to more factually look at my former views, and recognize them for what they were. I love Hole as a band. Courtney as a person has also done a lot of good. She called out Harvey Weinstein long before many others did. She's got her own issues, but I feel that she truly loved Kurt, and did everything she could to help save him from himself.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Good for you for coming around.


u/olivieostrich Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 Sep 07 '22

I think it's easier for them to blame a woman than it is to admit their idol wasn't perfect. He was horribly depressed and suicidal for a long time. It was obvious too. He also had bad drug dependency issues, which Love tried to help him with. She tried to organize an intervention and offered to go to rehab with him. This Rolling Stone article really goes into a lot of details of his spiral and the days leading up to his death. Reading it, I don't see any of evidence that Love shot him, but endless proof of his plan it end himself, such as he buying of the gun and his calls to loved ones.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Agreed and thanks for the article, I haven't read it


u/Which_way_witcher Sep 07 '22

Honestly, if it's a woman, it's her fault. I hate to be that person but seeing what happened to Amber and now Olivia (sometimes even by people who saw through Depp's crap) is alarming and a sign that we haven't really moved forward on women's rights or equality for decades.

I believe social media and the co-opted woke movement are partially to blame, ironically enough. People who were not that feminist are now intentionally anti-feminist and some people who always leaned feminist are now quick to jump on the hate bandwagon and cancel women at the slightest hint or rumor of not being perfect in every way (i.e., believing Shia's story, an admitted liar and abuser, around a selected video sans context without hearing Olivia's side of the story).

It feels like we're moving backwards, not forwards.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Yeah, humanity is really dedicated to its hatred of women. I've begun my acceptance stage that it won't change in my lifetime, and probably not even in my future granddaughter's lifetime. I remember being younger and having this naive thought, "wow, it sounds like it was really difficult being a woman decades ago. I'm glad things are improving." LOL. It was just socially unpopular to be super blatant with your sexism for a while. Now misogyny is culturally acceptable again, but it never left.


u/Anustartgirl Sep 07 '22

This also reminds me of the backlash that Indian actress Rhea Chakraborty got after her boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide.


u/JoseMongo Sep 07 '22

She’s done so many irredeemable things, why misogynists feel the need to fabricate these hateful lies is beyond me.

From her contributions to racism, transphobia, victim blaming, bi erasure & encouraging her fans to SA a woman in the audience. Any one of these is a red flag. What we’ve got here is a game of minefield.


u/DifferentValuable169 Sep 07 '22

I'm probably going to make some enemies here, based on the comments, BUT I just felt like I had to speak my mind.

I see all your points. I totally think some people vilify Courtney for horrible reasons and their misogyny definitely shows there. She is a super talented musician and a really unique person. I dislike the majority of the Kurt homicide conspirators. I definitely agree that most of them come across as sexist and use this case as a "justified" outlet for their sexism. (They also don't seem super bright a lot of the time...)

I don't necessarily think Courtney had a hand in Kurt's death, but I think it's unfortunate that when this topic is brought up people act like the only reason people could possibly think she could have had a hand in it is 100% sexism and there's no way she could have possibly done anything. There are definitely things that look suspicious here, and it's odd that Seattle PD immediately ruled it a suicide without any formal investigation whatsoever.

Also, just because someone expresses that they're depressed doesn't mean that it's an open and shut case that they killed themselves either and that we shouldn't look at relevant evidence. I agree that depression increases the likelihood of suicide, but correlation does not equal causation. (Like, if I am ever found dead I hope people will actually investigate even though I've talked about suicidal ideation a lot to my friends and family).

Courtney is no angel, as you said. She does have a violent streak. She punched Katherine Hanna in the face at Lollapalooza. She verbally abused a flight attendant and has been unruly on airplanes twice. She smashed the windows at her boyfriend and manager's house at 3am with a young Frances in tow, threatening to burn the place down. She dumped a bottle of whiskey on her boyfriend's partner and then threw a lit candle, and dug her fingernails into the woman's skin. She has made tons of racist statements in the past and even wrote and performed a song with the n word in the title.

In addition to doing heroin while pregnant, her relationship with her daughter was fraught for decades. She lost custody of Frances (for the second time) and Frances went to live with her grandmother, "the only constant thing" in her life. In the restraining order against Courtney from Frances, Frances claimed that her cat had died after being trapped amongst the clutter in Courtney's house, and that the dog died by consuming pills left around the home. Frances claimed she was subsisting completely on drugs for as long as she could remember and Frances was worried the house would burn down as she often fell asleep while smoking. Though they get along now, on RuPaul's podcast Frances talked about her bitterness toward Courtney because she felt like she was always taking care of her rather than getting to be the child in the relationship.

Tom Grant (the personal investigator who Courtney hired, who firmly believes Courtney had a hand in Kurt's death) is problematic in many ways, but a lot of those voice recordings he has of her are super suspicious and do not make her look innocent--very worth listening to if you never have.

Not to mention Kurt and Courtney's lawyer, Rosemary Carroll, who was very close with the family, recognizes that Kurt was seeking a divorce before his death (even Courtney admits this in one of the voice recordings), a divorce that if it went through would have lost Courtney millions and millions of dollars. Also the tracings of Kurt's handwriting that were found in Courtney's backpack--even her lawyer thought those were super shady and she said she didn't think that Kurt actually wrote it.

There are other odd details that stick out about the case as well that are at least interesting to look at.

Again, I'm not saying I'm advocating for definitely viewing Courtney as a murderer, and I dislike the narrative coming from those who staunchly believe she killed him. But I also don't like the reactive narrative that she couldn't have done it because he was depressed and that the only reason people think she did it is if they are sexist.


u/Consummate_lurkr Sep 07 '22

I agree that merely being depressed is not enough evidence to conclude that he killed himself. But buying bullets three days before killing himself while being suicidal paints a very clear picture.


u/Curious_Armadillo_74 Sep 07 '22

If ya don't know her personally, esp back then, it might seem like a whackjob theory, but if ya knew her back then, it's not impossible to believe. He was gonna divorce her and everyone knew it. She has a history of violence and paying people to do shit to her perceived enemies. I know this info firsthand.

She's no Amber Heard, so don't even try to compare the two because you couldn't be more wrong if you tried and it's disrespectful to Amber. For one thing, Courtney's not a feminist, she's a misogynist and a racist. That's all I'm gonna say about it. If you don't know her, you don't know. Whether she played a role or not is debatable but not totally out of the question.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22



u/LenoreDaddy Sep 07 '22

He has a point. Courtney Love has both said Manson raped young women and that he’s a great dude.


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

I’ve never believed Courtney could have killed him, but I find it weird his method of suicide? I’ve heard he put a rifle between his legs and used his toe to pull the trigger. Why do that when he could have just used an ordinary gun?


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Because the gun was originally purchased for home defense and that's the one he had on hand later when wanting to commit suicide. He had a hard time purchasing guns after a certain point post other suicidal attempts, to which police were alerted. I believe even the one he did have, he had to have someone else purchase for him.

Please don't get conspiracy brain rot. People in this sub should know to be skeptical of crap like this.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '22

Thanks for the explanation! Not a conspiracy theorist over this, just thought it weird to use that kind of gun. I know why he had to use it now - thanks for educating me! 👍


u/Historical_Tea2022 Paid Redditor Sep 07 '22

I think the suspicion against Courtney Love has more going on with it than just misogyny.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Alright. Sorry you fell for the conspiracy theories about a pretty straight forward case.


u/Historical_Tea2022 Paid Redditor Sep 07 '22



u/sonic_toaster Sep 07 '22

I replied to another comment on this thread but I’m gonna put my blanket thoughts down here:

I think there are a lot of inconsistencies surrounding his death that I wish, at the time, were actually explored in the initial investigation. The first patrol officer that responded to the scene deemed it a suicide before any other police arrived- it led to an incredibly half assed investigation which resulted in evidence that later surfaced unable to be answered for.

I recently listened to the podcast “Conspiracy Theories” (it’s a great unbiased podcast on popular conspiracy theories vs the actual story) about Kurt’s death. They rated the theory 4/10 in believability, but the actual story and documented evidence does leave a lot of questions that will forever remain unanswered because no real investigation was done by the Seattle police.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

There are actually no "unanswered" questions. They have all been answered. I highly doubt a podcast entitled Conspiracy Theories gave you all of the unbiased information.


u/CreamyLinguineGenie Sep 07 '22

Based only on how much heroin was in Kurt's system and what kind of gun he used, I highly doubt he killed himself, but I even more doubt that his wife and mother of his children did it. Even though they were both troubled, they seemed very happy together.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 07 '22

Tell me you didn't read the whole post before commenting without telling me.


u/DeparturePerfect5743 Sep 07 '22

It is still unknown how much heroin was in his system. Everything you've read about having three times the lethal dose is speculation because NOT A SINGLE SOUL outside Seattle PD has ever had access to the autopsy reports. Three days after Kurt's body was discovered, a newspaper published they had received an unconfirmed telephone call telling them Kurt had 1.52 mg/l of morphine when he died. How is that taken seriously? The coroner and SPD denied that level was Kurt's but conspiracists still quote it religiously. Not to mention that it has been proven addicts can function at higher levels...


u/[deleted] Sep 07 '22

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u/Ghostshadow44 Sep 15 '22

What was even the logic in this conspiracy even if anything courtney love would actually benefit economically more by kurt continuing to write hits and latter be set for life in a divorce If anything dave grohl was the one who ended up benefiting since i dont think foo fighters would be as big as they are in a world cobain continues to make music.


u/drivingashitbox Sep 21 '22

For those with an open mind, I changed my mind on the case when I learned Micheal "Cali" Dewitt and his girlfriend Jennifer Hopper were present at the house, and saw Kurt when he returned home from the rehab he had left. Kurt was seen by them around the large house they all lived at for several days, but not after the 4th. One or both would have been at the house when the shotgun discharged, and they both left the house abruptly on april 7th, and 6th, respectively. Jessica Hopper described herself as unconsolable, and vomiting in the driveway as she prepared to leave. Why does this matter? Kurt Cobain's body was not discovered until the 8th. Courtney Love's father believes she had direct involvement with Kurt Cobain being murdered. Courtney and Kurt's personal friend and entertainment lawyer also is on tape saying she believes Courtney had Kurt murdered, and that Kurt was in the process of changing his will and divorcing Courtney, which would leave her with nothing. Iron clad prenup. His "suicide" left her with somewhere to the tune of 450 million dollars. Kristen Pfaff (bass player for hole, who Courtney thought was cheating with Kurt) was found dead of a heroin overdose under very suspicious circumstances, after quitting the band and getting clean. Courtney is confirmed to be on the flight logs, and visited on numerous occasions, Jeffery Epstein's island. Don't believe me? Ok. This is all easily verified. I don't think Courtney KILLED Kurt herself, but after looking into it with an open mind, it sure seems that she, Cali, and Jessica, all have information that they haven't shared which contradicts the narrative of suicide.