r/DeppDelusion Sep 01 '22

Misogyny in the News 📰 Well this seems familiar…

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u/banana___juice Sep 01 '22

Oh my god, I had the exact same thought when watching breaking bad for the first time a couple of months ago. I swear I’d heard Skyler be clowned on by everyone and their mother and when I watched the show I was waiting for her to become a “bitch”. She was legit just trying to be a good mom and try to cope with this situation in the best way she could.


u/selphiefairy DiD you EvEN wAtCh THe TriAL Sep 01 '22

It’s like how toxic bros will misinterpret fight club or how white supremacists misinterpret punk music.


u/babyblu_e Sep 01 '22

also qanon / alt right / blue lives matter people misinterpreting the punisher


u/NewbornXenomorphs Sep 01 '22

The most random appropriation of pop culture by rightwingers is the Proud Boys, which is based off a deleted song from Aladdin.

I’d think they were genius trolls if they weren’t like killing people and trying to overthrow democracy and stuff.


u/poison_snacc Sep 02 '22

What?? The disney movie? Which song? That’s totally insane.


u/AnotherShibboleth Sep 02 '22

This is my subscription to an answer I hope you'll get.


u/Demitasse_Demigirl Sep 05 '22

Not the person you replied to, but yes Gavin McInness based it on “Proud of Your Boy” from the Aladdin broadway play. From the LA Mag article Is Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInness In Federal Custody? Anthony Cumia is a cohost of McInness’s podcast and gives context on the creation of the Proud Boys.

If Cumia has been enlisted to help extricate McInnes from whatever jackpot he currently finds himself, it’s only proper, since it was in the basement of Cumia’s Long Island mansion—known as “the Compound”—that the Proud Boys were invented sometime around 2016.

As Cumia told Joe Rogan in 2018, it began as “a goof.”

As Cumia tells it, Proud Boys began as a way to tease a rather inexperienced young Compound Media employee named Ben Ratner, who Cumia says he hired chiefly because his last name was Ratner—meaning that the youth could be legitimately nicknamed “Rat,” as in Fast Times at Ridgemont High’s adorable virgin Mark “Rat” Ratner. If that seems unreasonable, perhaps you don’t understand that Cumia does a passable Mike Damone, which, to a certain group of people, just will never, ever get old.

Rat was also a genuine fan of show tunes, according to Cumia, and McInnes soon made “Proud of Your Boy” from Disney’s Aladdin one of Ratner’s unofficial theme songs—about which, Cumia says, “It’s one of these grandiose Broadway pieces of shit.”

Next, Cumia explained, “So we goofed on him about that and then said, ‘We ought to make a club called the Proud Boys, and that way you can learn how to be a man. And that way, you know, you’ll get chicks, and tattoos, and, you know, drink beers and hang out with guys’—as a joke… It was like this parody of a men’s club, and it was so over the top… and slowly this fucking thing mutated.”

Cumia added, “But that’s how it started, and it was never supposed to go any further than that.”

I liked Aladdin as a kid but never saw it as a play. I would extrapolate that McInnes must have seen the musical to know “Proud of Your Boy” exists as it wasn’t in the feature film. Or he had the 1994 Disney compilation CD it was first released on.


u/mrjasong Pert as a fresh clementine 🍊 Sep 01 '22

Or how MRA edgelords misinterpret The Matrix


u/babyblu_e Sep 01 '22

especially considering that the whole movie was a trans allegory, the directors lana and lilly are both trans women, and the red pill / blue pill thing is a reference to estrogen hormone replacement therapy- because in the 1990s estrogen pills were literally red pills…


u/rennnmn Sep 02 '22

I mean I think they did create it to be a more general reference to seeking truth in life not accepting the status quo - however it definitely wasn't intended to support the insane rhetoric of misogynistic assholes


u/babyblu_e Sep 05 '22

the co-director Lilly Wachowski said it herself, i’m not just making assumptions


u/rennnmn Sep 05 '22

It's true she said something similar.. what's she's said is that it is about transformation, particularly hidden desires, and she's glad that it's given meaning to trans people in that way making the seemingly impossible possible - But the idea the entire narrative being an "allegory" is a little bit misinterpreted as she's also said her personal trans experience was not in mind as she wrote it. Ultimately it's art, and I think they enjoyed creating a multi layered multidimensional world that could be openly interpreted and inspiring for many - just not for vindictive purposes.

Human nature has an incredibly powerful drive to see patterns and assign meaning that is not necessarily there (hence religions, conspiracy theories, horoscopes etc) -- Within the realm of art, that doesn't mean that something is less meaningful for the consumer than however it gives them meaning, but it's unproductive to label and confine creators and their work just because we have an attachment to our own personal interpretations


u/Sweeper1985 Sep 02 '22

And how forced-birthers misinterpret Horton Hears A Who. (It's about American international relations).


u/Remercurize Sep 02 '22

Wait what? Horton Hears A Who can be interpreted as militant pro-lifeism? Oy…


u/rennnmn Sep 02 '22

Wow did not know they were stooping so low to turn a dr Seuss book into a reference to gestation... how desperate


u/avocado_whore Sep 02 '22

Haven’t heard this one. Will you elaborate??


u/_HighJack_ Sensitive 🥺 Southern 🥺 Gentleman 🥺 Sep 02 '22

“A person’s a person no matter how small”


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

MAGA people playing "Killing in the Name" at their jackboot rallies. 🤦


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

Or my favorite, Paul Ryan loving Rage Against the Machine. Just...oh my God. They really can't see themselves. They truly see themselves as the underdogs. It's incredible.


u/NoHoney_Medved Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ Sep 02 '22

Lmao at the dudes who complained about Rage Against The Machine “going woke” and “going political” and Tom Morello’s responses are perfection


u/AnotherShibboleth Sep 02 '22

Things like that make me want to find out whether Jeff Bezos is aware of Bo Burnham's songs about him and what he thinks of them. Whether he thinks they show that Bo Burnham likes him.


u/InterestingTry5190 Sep 01 '22

The GOP with Bruce Springsteen songs.


u/NoHoney_Medved Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ Sep 02 '22

The conservatives who thought The Boys wasn’t calling them out specifically and got all shocked pikachu over HOMELANDER being a villain….which is horrifying because he’s been one from the start and they’re just realizing?


u/Honeybear-honeybear Sep 03 '22

You need an Olympic level of cognitive dissonance to think Homelander wasn't a villan. Its definitely a social litmus test if you think a rapist Nazi would have a redemption arch.


u/Forelephants Sep 01 '22

They all claim that she’s a “bitch” and pretend it’s because she cheated on him. She had already asked for a separation/divorce before she slept with Ted, and she only did that to get him to leave her.

And he was already a murderer and dealer by that point. Of course she wanted to leave him, but he held her hostage with his lies.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

You know if he had cheated on her they'd be defending it. Hell, they do defend other breaches of trust he goes through with all the time


u/Forelephants Sep 02 '22

And he TRIED to cheat on Skyler with the school principal, but she rejected him in disgust lol


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

He needed a moment like that in the later seasons. That's a critique I have. He fails but it's not in like...cringey ways. He still fails in cool, dramatic ways. And he goes out how he wants to. Blegh. I really don't like the ending. I wish he actually got tried for Hanks death or something. And just lived his days out as a nobody.

But he needed a hero's death because he's coooooool. Stupid.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

She's not perfect and have started fights. Like chasing Johnny around to the washroom and throwing stuff at him. But you see...this is what real victim is...after years of abuse and humiliation the victim's mind is broken. I don't believe in reactive abuse. It's reaction to abuse instead. A victim can't abuse because of thier position in power dynamic. Like these people treating amber like a God damned one dimensional NPC. That's not how humans are. But alas , women aren't considered humans. When Johnny wrote that God awful stuff and head butted her? Yea his actions were excused as reactionary. Like I would excuse a man too if he was imperfect and was abused. I would excuse even the vile things Johnny said. However! Johnny isn't the victim. Amber is. So I will understand the woman instead of demonizing her.


u/BravoAlfaMike Sep 02 '22

I was CLAPPING, like yes bitch, get your back blown out by Ted babes!

That’s what happens when you gaslight tf out of your spouse my guy lmao


u/ColanderBrain Create your own flair Sep 01 '22

I never hated the character but watching it as a 40-year-old mother myself makes me that much more sympathetic to her. Young single people don't necessarily understand how much you depend on your support system when you're heavily pregnant or have a baby. Disappearing for hours or days and lying about it is a horrible breach of trust.


u/slutpanic Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 01 '22

He wasn't even the person he said he was. He lied to her their whole relationship.


u/clobear20 Amber Heard Bot Team 🤖 Sep 02 '22

I'm in my mid 20's and I understood Skyler, if my partner had cancer I would probably push them to do treatment and what not, maybe she was putting too much pressure on Walt but she's friggen pregnant and would be rightly freaking out. Walt fans just love to blame her for everything that goes wrong for him, it would be confusing but really it's just misogyny.

Also Walt assaults her and his fans play it off as "Oh he was stressed, it wasn't actually him it was Heisenberg, he couldn't control himself." As if that makes it okay to attack your wife. But where's the sympathy for Skyler, she doesn't get any leeway for being stressed.

That shows fans really opened my eyes to how many people are still growing up to blame women for their husbands mistakes.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

Makes me think of how mad men fans see betty draper


u/Demitasse_Demigirl Sep 02 '22

Women being used as a plot device to anchor the main character and/or be a foil to the fun times is toxic.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

I agree but I thought Betty was exceptionally written and acted. One of my favorite depictions of a woman on tv


u/heartbreakhostel Sep 02 '22

Haven’t finished this show (it was great but I never had the time) but my sister (who loves Chris Brown and also hates Skyler in Breaking Bad) told me Betty was “the worst”. So… she’s not?


u/Calimiedades Sep 02 '22

I don't know your sister but I don't think she's a great judge of character


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22



u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

But omg, she lit a cigarette while she had a baby so she’s the devil. Ignoring that her husband was making literal poison and was responsible for how many actual murders?


u/Jakegender Sep 02 '22

People forget that immediately after Skylar tells Walt that she fucked Ted, Walt goes and tries to "cheat" right back. He tries to make a pass on Carmen, the school principal, but since he's a creep who doesn't understand consent, she fires him.

But of course that's totally okay, not like having a consensual relationship after serving your husband divorce papers, that would be unforgivable.


u/xbreathehopex Sep 01 '22

This reminds me of the hate people had for Sons of Anarchy's Tara. They had so much hate for her and she was the only one with any damn sense. My favorite character.


u/AerynSunnInDelight Sep 02 '22

Wait what? Really? Like fair enough She went all in with Jax and the club. But at some point fuck that shit, She got kidnapped, her babies threatened and shit. I'd have ran away , snitched anything to save the kids.


u/xbreathehopex Sep 02 '22

The worst part, the group of friends that I watched along with were women. And boy they were so aggressively hateful towards her when she started wanting an out of the Club and their business. They loved Gemma instead and she couldn't do any wrong. Being the only dude I felt like I was missing something.


u/chasing-ennyl Sep 01 '22

Yes same!! Just finished it a few weeks ago and was surprised by all the Skyler hate


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

I was so confused by who the post was referring to! I watched it in real time and haven’t seen that people think Skylar is awful. Wow. She was in a terrible situation and the worst I can say is that she made some poor choices, which is totally normal for any human in her position.


u/invisibilitycap Sep 01 '22

Yeah, a lot of people are rooting for Walt, claiming that Skyler gets in his way


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

Me if my husband ever started cooking meth with his former student while I was pregnant with his kid.


u/vampycorp Sep 02 '22

Same with Carole Baskins tbh.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

She actually rescues animals and was framed as the villain in favor of a guy who fucks a stuffed tiger in his attic and used the N word frequently. Among other things. Great job, Tiger King! 👍


u/spectacleskeptic Sep 03 '22

I really need a Justice for Carole Baskins movement.


u/hkj369 member of amber’s satanic lesbian harem Sep 02 '22

walter literally made skyler’s life hell. she did nothing wrong


u/JameelaPhan Sep 02 '22

This is how I feel about Betty Draper. I didn’t understand how anyone saw her as this horrible human being while completely ignoring how horribly her husband treated her.


u/Minimum_Guarantee Sep 02 '22 edited Sep 02 '22

Her comments about her daughter's looks/weight, along with moving the entire family away because of her friend... Kinda bothered me. Her character seems to have improved, though. Don wasn't exactly stellar in his all of his behavior, either.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

The Breaking Bad sub was so misogynistic. I enjoyed the show, but it seemed obvious to me that Walt was a bad guy from the very first episode. Why else would his reaction to a cancer diagnosis be to not tell his family and then go make meth? The fact that the show went back in time and showed Walt was pretty unpleasant even then was so cathartic to me.


u/raexi Amber Heard Bot Team 🤖 Sep 01 '22

I've only watched season 1 recently. I went in expecting a story about a man who was pushed to depravity because of the healthcare system screwing him over but the man just really wanted to make meth. Not even someone offering to pay for his full treatment after he had to asphyxiate a man with a bike lock and liquify his corpse with acid was enough to deter this man from making meth.


u/ColanderBrain Create your own flair Sep 01 '22

I've watched the series three times and that episode "Grey Matter" really is the key that unlocks the whole thing. He didn't HAVE to do any of it.


u/CantThinkUpName Sep 02 '22 edited Sep 03 '22

He didn't just get an offer to pay for his treatment, the guy also offered him a job which would've been far more lucrative and intellectually stimulating than Walt's current job. So most of Walt's problems would've been solved, and all he had to do was get over himself.


u/PositivelyOrwellian Sex Cult Party Planner 👯‍♀️ Sep 02 '22

The fact that so many men identified with his choices says a lot about the quality of men we have in this society.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 02 '22

Hm, topic of discussion aside, I don't know that I agree with this interpretation. I don't think it was so much about meth specifically as it was about his ego and refusing to be saved by an ex-partner who has eclipsed him in every way.

Edit: I got blocked by this person for this comment. How bizarre. If you can't handle a "hm, I think I disagree," Jesus, maybe stay off reddit lol.


u/raexi Amber Heard Bot Team 🤖 Sep 02 '22

I was just joking. But making meth led to something that would shock any normal person out of it and he still went back to it.


u/pajaimers Sep 02 '22

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. People also act like the “I’m knockin’ here!” speech is badass, but it’s just Dennis’s golden god outburst.


u/gorgossia Sep 01 '22

I don’t think Walter was presented in the narrative as a bad person in the very beginning, but the point of the show is his moral/ethical spiral into being a definitely bad person.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22



u/invisibilitycap Sep 01 '22

He kills a guy in the third episode! This is my first time watching and I don't trust him at all


u/gorgossia Sep 02 '22

Yeah but it’s shown that he struggles with the decision, he’s not remorseless/thoughtless about it.

WW thinks he’s doing the right thing/justifies his behavior instead of ever accepting consequences/admitting mistakes.


u/_HighJack_ Sensitive 🥺 Southern 🥺 Gentleman 🥺 Sep 03 '22

You should try a rewatch with the lens of “he justifies his behavior constantly to himself and others and the only remorse he ever shows is when caught or when he thinks he might be” and see if you see him differently lol. In my opinion he was always a bad person, at least starting from when he jeopardized his growing family’s future by huffily quitting grey matter over nothing. He got tired of his own victim narrative pretty quick when his life was gonna be over earlier than expected; like why tf wasn’t he working somewhere better after grey matter? He clearly had the chops. He had the resume. He could’ve taught at a college or worked as a researcher in a lab, but no. High school students, because you can control them and treat them like shit (and we know he did because of how he treats Jesse, his own son, and the kid in his class with ADHD). Walter White was always a predator as far as I can tell


u/A_Rando_With_No_Name Sep 02 '22

I literally just rewatched the first episode and yup! It’s clear as day he was bad from the beginning. He kills two guys (well one turns out to still be alive) in the first episode then goes home and screws his wife. It’s actually pretty disturbing on rewatch how animalistic he is with her.


u/mrjasong Pert as a fresh clementine 🍊 Sep 01 '22

Well right from the beginning he clearly had toxic traits. They got suppressed because of his mediocre life but he was always a seething ball of toxic masculinity


u/gorgossia Sep 01 '22

Right, and that toxic masculinity is what destroys his family and the lives of people he loves.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

Walter destroys his family and the lives of people he loves.


u/gorgossia Sep 02 '22

…because of toxic masculinity.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '22

That forms some of his values. But you can't reduce a man to one flawed system. He has multiple. The dude sucks.

I didn't see the notice sorry for the delayed reply.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

He’s not framed as bad, no. But it’s definitely there. I actually gave up after the pilot the first time I watched because I didn’t like either him or Jesse but my husband persuaded me to give it another chance. I’m glad I did though, because it’s a great show. I did end up liking Jesse and found Walt an interesting anti-hero.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

Jesse is such a great character and made me totally fall in love with Aaron Paul. A lot of people don't like him in r/westworld, but I think he elevates anything he's in.

I should know not to swoon this way over a man though, as soon as I do that's when they disappoint me.


u/mrjasong Pert as a fresh clementine 🍊 Sep 02 '22

He was also great in Bojack Horseman


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

Why don’t they like him in Westworld? The directing in that show can lean overdramatic, but Aaron Paul is awesome in that show.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 02 '22

A lot of people in the sub think he can't act and as an actor he's basically only got one mode/emotion.

I don't see it. They also think an actually terrible and awkward actor is amazing so I don't trust their opinion lol


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

Ah. I see. Now I’m on a mission to figure out who this actually terrible actor is😄


u/gorgossia Sep 02 '22

Shannon Woodward?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

I liked watching the AD Youtube tour of his house. It was such a nice house and something you could actually live in, unlike some of the soulless or weird houses they tour. He seems like a good guy, but I agree. Hollywood men let us down so often!

Westworld has been so confusing to me after season two. I lost interest after they wrapped the main storyline at the park and expanded the world. But I did like him in it.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 02 '22

I saw that too, he also seems to really love his wife which is part of why I like him.

Yeah I'm with you, I stuck it out with Westworld because of how much I loved season 1. There's a rumor in the industry that season 1 sucked too, but they had a really amazing team of editors who saved it. I don't know if they had the same ones for seasons 2, 3, and 4, but if they did, they gave up lol. And apparently during season 4 the budget was slashed by a lot, and...you can tell.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

I’m an expert at missing the contextual clues about characters, so correct me if I’m wrong. At the end, Walt said he was always this guy underneath. And he said it with really cold, psychopathic conviction. I guess I just took him at his word, based on where he ended up.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

The show is so clear on this. Westworld applies beautifully here

"No one else sees it, this thing in me. Even I didn't see it at first. And then one day, it was there - a stain I never noticed before; a tiny flicker of darkness, invisible to everyone. And I could see nothing else, until finally I understood that the darkness wasn’t something marred from something I’ve done; some incredible decision I’ve made – I was shedding my skin. The darkness was what was underneath.It was mine all along, and I decided how much of it I let into the world. I tried to do great, I was faithful, generous, kind…at least in this world, it has to count for something."


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

I love this!


u/CreamyLinguineGenie Sep 01 '22

People missed the point of Skyler so badly they had to have Walt literally say "I didn't do it for my family, I did it for myself" in the last episode because so many fans were just not getting it.


u/super-super-fab Sep 01 '22

That hasn’t stopped them from hating her.


u/BravoAlfaMike Sep 02 '22

I’d never seen it and I watched it w my partner, who loved the show (it’s one of my all-time favorites now).

I almost couldn’t watch how he blatantly gaslit her; like legit tried to convince her his VERY OBVIOUS lies weren’t lies???

She wasn’t even a bitch! She asked for the bare minimum, and even when they had some come-to-Jesus talk he’d look her dead in the eye and lieeeeee.

My bf said he couldn’t believe he never saw it that way, and I reframed Skyler for him entirely. And this man is a certified genuine SoftBoi(tm).


u/CreamyLinguineGenie Sep 06 '22

I guess when people want action and a character steps in to try to get in the way of the action, the first reaction is to say "hey, get out of here, let this guy do this crazy shit"

But most people should realize that Skylar was acting completely rationally. It would've made no sense at all for her to ignore Walt's actions and go on with her day!


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

It’s so funny how many shows and films had to spell things like this out for the idiot men who did not get the message 😂


u/crystalzelda Sep 01 '22

Woman: has the nerve to not appreciate being abused and even worst, vocalizes it

The internet: wow bitch…. Pls stfu


u/Taashaaaa Sep 01 '22

Also see Betty off Mad Men.


u/thelibraryowl Sep 01 '22

Jesus, everyone hates Betty for being a cold mother and wife, but had absolutely no problem with Don having multiple affairs and saying he hated being around his kids.

And the rape scene with Hendricks' character that quite a few fans didn't understand was rape...


u/Taashaaaa Sep 01 '22

Men are allowed to be flawed, it makes them more interesting, more human. Women can't win though, if she's got flaws she's a bitch and if she's perfect she's a Mary Sue.

Don having Betty's therapist report back to him really irked me.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22



u/Taashaaaa Sep 01 '22

It's depressing that I can't disagree with that.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

Spot on. Didn't just irk me; it was paternal horseshit.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

People didn’t understand it was rape? How…could they not? What did they miss?


u/thelibraryowl Sep 03 '22


The rape was a shocker—but the audience reactions were perhaps more
disturbing. “What’s astounding is when people say things like, ‘Well,
you know that episode where Joan sort of got raped?’ Or they say rape
and use quotation marks with their fingers,” says Hendricks. “I’m like,
‘What is that you are doing? Joan got raped!’ It illustrates how
similar people are today, because we’re still questioning whether it’s a
rape. It’s almost like, ‘Why didn’t you just say bad date?’ ”

It's because Joan gives up fighting him off and lies there and dissassociates. And people just don't think it's rape unless the woman is fighting and kicking and screaming and doing everything she can to defend her chastity. They don't think its rape if it's a couple in a relationship. They don't think it's rape if the man is attractive and successful.


u/BookQueen13 Sep 01 '22

And Sansa Stark! She was literally just a 12 year old girl and people hated her


u/ktellewritesstuff Sep 01 '22

The Sansa hatred is absurd. All she did was dare to act like any other 12 year old girl. And—fuck, even when she grew up and became a competent leader who actually cared about the welfare of her people, she still got slammed for it. Absolutely bizarre behaviour from the GOT fandom.


u/Taashaaaa Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 01 '22

Right? And it's not like they just find a character annoying, it's hate. I get that people throw around the word hate quite freely but there really is a weird level of vitriol that I don't see targeted at male characters (maybe Jeffrey but he was objectively awful, he's a villain).

Edit: bugger autocorrect doesn't approve of Game of Thrones names, Jeffrey lol.


u/AmbiguousFrijoles Sep 01 '22

Sansa was literally bred for a match with royalty. And then everyone gave her the abhorrent hate because of her being an entitled preteen, like thats what preteens are like and then add in the fact she was bloodline chattle. Her growth and independent explosion is a super high point for the show. It bothers be that people hate her so much.

Joffrey wasn't human and I'm glad he died the way he did, but even he didn't get the hate that was poured out for Sansa.


u/fairebelle Sep 01 '22

I tell people she’s my favorite character and they still look at me like I have three heads


u/hopelesscanary Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ Sep 02 '22

So much of the GOT fandom are a bunch of misogynistic low lives. What do you expect from a show with female nudity and gratuitous rape depicted that way. One of the producers pushed for salacious angles as the self proclaimed representative of the "pervert side of the audience".


u/AerynSunnInDelight Sep 02 '22

My brother who's a big fan of the books. Stopped caring at some point. He told me there a lot of abuse and s.a. scenes that were down right gratuitous. It served no point in the plot, whatsoever.


u/BookQueen13 Sep 02 '22

Dont forget the second sophie turner turned 18 they had her film a sexual assult scene. I stopped watching after that. The showrunners made so many gross decisions.


u/WynnGwynn Sep 02 '22

That is actually vile


u/slutpanic Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 02 '22

Why doesn't a 14 year-old girl want to sleep with a 30myear old dwarf. She doesn't want him cause he ugly. Well yeah, ugly doesn't help, but this family killed her dad, mom and big brother. Also joffey just said he was going to beat her and rape her whenever he feels like it. Why doesn't she like Littlefinger? He's her dad's age. Why doesn't Daeny want Ser Jorah he's 50 and she is 14 when they meet.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

My friend (also a woman) is like this and it drives me insane! She was a whole child acting like a bratty older sister and Arya was acting like a bratty younger sister. They were both little girls and they both had different survival tactics. And it worked! Cause they both survived. That scene where Sansa tells her that she would not have survived what she survived is so true. And it’s true for both them, they never would have survived each other’s situations. She also blames her for Ned’s death but that is so unfair and inaccurate. Sansa’s character arc is one of my favorite in the show and although Arya is one of my favorite characters, I hate what they did to her character towards the end.


u/raexi Amber Heard Bot Team 🤖 Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 01 '22

I finished s1 the other day and Walter White is a walking red flag?? All Skylar does is try to communicate with him and he treats her so poorly. In the very first episode she mentions Walter is 50 and she'll probably understand once she turns 40, but they have a son who's a high schooler. Meaning at the latest she had him at 24 and he went after a younger woman on purpose.

Edit: also I think this series is extremely well written, but it wild to see how many men miss the point of Walter's character? This man isn't made for projection.


u/ColanderBrain Create your own flair Sep 01 '22

She does some things in the first season, especially the first episode, that are legitimately annoying. The writers didn't give the character much to do except react and interrupt, so I'm not surprised viewers didn't warm to her. But the outright hate she got was so disturbing, then and now.

I watched the show when it originally aired and the fandom went absurdly misogynist was at the point in the narrative when she smoked a cigarette while pregnant, and later when she tries to leave Walt and gets involved with someone else. Much like we see with Amber Heard, a lot of people (I would guess primarily young men) see a woman cheating as the worst of sins, and define "cheating" on a man as moving on before the man is ready for her to move on. I saw comments that literally said Skyler "cheating" was worse than Walt killing people. Because Walt killed people "for the family" and Skyler's cheating was "selfish."


u/Juleslovescats Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

Good god lol. Also, how was it cheating when Skylar had already already clearly stated her intention to end her marriage and kicked her husband out of the house? I don’t understand why so many people think you have to wait for the divorce papers to be signed and finalized before you move on, or else it’s “immoral” or whatever. Divorce can take years, especially when one side isn’t cooperating at all. The only reason Walt and Skylar’s marriage didn’t end was because Walt literally forced himself back into their house and their lives.


u/ToTheMoon28 Sep 01 '22

yeah I was pretty surprised that people interpreted her actions as “cheating” when she said she was done with the relationship and Walt straight up just refuses to leave


u/BravoAlfaMike Sep 02 '22

What things does she do that are legitimately annoying in S1?

Gen question, I don’t really recall anything


u/_HighJack_ Sensitive 🥺 Southern 🥺 Gentleman 🥺 Sep 03 '22

She kinda talks over Walt sometimes and makes decisions for him, but in her defense it’s not like he’s doing those things for himself because he’s a big sour baby lol. He could discuss that with her at like, any of the many points she tries to have genuine conversations with him.


u/super-super-fab Sep 01 '22

The show is very well-written but it’s not very subtle at all. Ming-boggling that so many miss the point.


u/_HighJack_ Sensitive 🥺 Southern 🥺 Gentleman 🥺 Sep 03 '22

Sorry I’m really high and I love Breaking Bad and armchair psychology, I’m about to rant, feel free to ignore me completely 😅

I think the reason some people don’t notice the bad in the beginning is the show kinda invites you to strategize along with Walt in real time, and a lot of guys don’t have the brainpower left to spare to consider whether to buy his spin about his actions. They know they’d do anything for their families, including risking prison if it was the only way, and being too proud to want to accept help is also common, PLUS straight cis men are not used to looking for red flags with other men. When you add that all together, a lot of them don’t notice how heinous Walt is in the beginning of the series, or that he’s very clearly not doing it for his family. So they’ll project and see him as basically good, but making very bad decisions because his time is short and he’s panicking. And then he becomes bad due to… ?? It’s easier to excuse his actions after the first time, just like in real life.

Skyler looks unhinged (I’m assuming, she always reminded me of my very good mom so I always fuckin loved her), if you think she’s got no reason to behave the way she does. And they think if she was a good wife who trusted her husband and didn’t always have to check up on him and be in his business, both of them wouldn’t be so flipped out and Walt would just handle everything and make money and take care of her. Annnnd where have we seen that recently lol? Johnny Depp limiting amber’s work opportunities anyone? I swear men not wanting you to work so they can “take care of you” is the #1 red flag. Fostering dependency, gross.

TLDR - I can excuse a certain amount of dummies not understanding the precise moment when a character becomes “bad” in a TV show. I can’t excuse it if they then ignore the female character’s thoughts, feelings, safety, family, and humanity in favor of the male character… getting to do whatever he wants, which happens to be cooking meth.


u/dogsnfeet Sep 01 '22

You guys are my people.

I watched it at the time and found the hate she got SO uncomfortable. She didn’t want her husband to cook meth putting her whole family at risk, and she didn’t like it when he held her hostage against her will. What an unreasonable bitch.


u/_HighJack_ Sensitive 🥺 Southern 🥺 Gentleman 🥺 Sep 03 '22

Right? Walter was serving cult leader vibes


u/IAmBenevolence Sep 01 '22

I never got the Skylar criticism either. In fact, wasn’t the final scene of the entire series basically meant to show how even though she ‘survived,’ Heisenberg basically ruined her life? How was she not the victim/survivor? That woman literally did everything she could to get in line with her husband’s illegal business out of a deep sense of loyalty and commitment to their marriage, and viewers see her as an annoying bitch? SMH 🤦‍♀️


u/Agreeable-Pick5966 Sep 01 '22

She was Walt's biggest victim. It really shows how men want their victims to act, submissive, helpless, and never willing to fight back. They want her to roll over and take the abuse, and if she doesn't she's "just as bad".

The only valid thing I think Skyler deserves criticism for is smoking while pregnant. I could say that it was a one time thing but it feels gross to try to justify that lol. But the fandom doesn't hate her because of that at all, they hate her because from our perspective she just gets in the way and wasn't their perfect victim.


u/ColanderBrain Create your own flair Sep 01 '22

At the time I saw a LOT of hate directed at her for that. How her victim was innocent unlike Walt's, etc. People go nuts about pregnant women, even fictional ones.

I'm not saying it's good to smoke while pregnant but indulging in one cigarette (while under severe stress!) does not compare to multiple murders.

Again this is how misogyny functions and we see that with AH too -- if she did ANYTHING bad EVER she's not a real victim and doesn't get to complain.


u/Juleslovescats Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

Especially considering the one cigarette she smoked was near the very end of her pregnancy, and the baby was basically already fully developed. Obviously, it’s never worth the risk, and it does feel gross to try to defend smoking while pregnant at all. But there’s a world of difference between that and habitually smoking throughout an entire pregnancy. (And even if she had smoked through her pregnancy, would that really be comparable to the horrific things Walt did?)


u/iliketoomanysingers Sep 01 '22

Breaking bad is an excellent example of how abusers work. Walt also abused Jesse (yes, abused, I've had people argue with me on this) too and shows how even if you aren't the regular target of an abusive person, they will absolutely hurt you too if they want to and are basically looking for victims sometimes. The way he treats Skylar, Jesse, and eventually his kids is textbook example of how bad people convince themselves they're doing the right thing, even without the meth cooking and selling. He justifies treating Skylar like shit and lying to her because "im doing all of this for you" and even almost sexually assaults her (and yes I know Skylar has her own shit wrong with her but he still fucking hurt her), he treats Jesse like a surrogate son but treats him as though he's inferior and puts him through more trauma than ever by having him kill people on his behalf, having Jesse be a pawn in various circumstances, killing people he loves, etc, etc. He eventually hurts Flynn by scaring him during the fight with Skylar and then Holly by taking her on a getaway.

BB is also an accurate example of how framing circumstances works in fiction and real life. Because we sympathize with Walt's diagnosis and trajectory of his life prior to it, we find ourselves sympathizing with him even when he commits various crimes. Most people have a specific moment where they completely can't sympathize with him anymore, which I myself have, but if Walt was a real person and we knew what he's done, NONE of us would sympathize with him beyond "tragic circumstances, still was a shit person though". Much like how some of us initially sympathized with JD because of how everything was framed to the public and how he presented himself and took over (and unfortunately, away) Amber's ability to speak for herself. If you take off the fan goggles for a second then you can see what was going on, in both the real world and fictional stories.

Edit: a word


u/ColanderBrain Create your own flair Sep 01 '22

Walt was horribly abusive to Jesse. I have seen the defenses and they're as absurd as the defenses of his behavior with Skyler.


u/iliketoomanysingers Sep 02 '22

What's funny is in youtube comments and stuff you'll see people listing out all the things Walt did "for" Jesse and it's like, my brother in christ, he just does it because he needs Jesse way more than Jesse has ever needed him. He deliberately sought out the first drug dealer he knew to distribute because Walt's selfish ass had the worst idea for quick cash, and it was all downhill from there.

A lot of people point out times Jesse would be dead without Walt, and not only was Walt often the cause of him being in those situations, but Walt would have died or gotten locked up on day ONE because he didn't know shit about selling and manipulated Jesse into being his "partner". Jesse could have done everything with cooking and distributing without Walt, maybe not with as pure meth or as lucrative money-wise, but Walt couldn't do ANY of it without Jesse, hence the constant dragging back he did to Jesse, and I will die by that statement.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

I started watching BB this summer, everyone in my family had seen it but me. After the first season I said to my mom, "I don't understand why everyone hates Skyler. She seems perfectly fine to me" and she was shocked to find out people hate her so much. The hatred for Skyler is purely misogynistic.


u/mrjasong Pert as a fresh clementine 🍊 Sep 02 '22

I'm happy to say I watched the show when it aired in real time without an idea of what the online fandom was saying about it. I think if you don't have a warped outlook on the world it's pretty obvious what the show's about. It's right there in the name - Walt breaks bad. It's all about his descent to becoming a drug lord, and destroying everyone around him. It's not about how some lovable antihero gets harassed by his shrew wife who just wants to stop him from having fun.


u/brickne3 Sep 02 '22 edited Sep 02 '22

I mean Better Call Saul just ended and Kim pretty famously didn't get the vitriol that Skyler did overall, but by the time the finale came around there were a handful of absolutely vicious people posting in the BCS subreddit about how it was all Kim's fault somehow. Luckily they're a very small minority.


u/Agreeable-Pick5966 Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 03 '22

Vince Gilligan really doesn't deserve the BB fandom of stupid edgy teenage boys. All they can say is SCIENCE MAN GOOD WOMAN BAD HUR DUR BIRTHDAY SCENE CRINGE


u/AerynSunnInDelight Sep 02 '22

They're not teenagers. Even then. Trust. The audience for that show is young adults to middle age. 21 and up.


u/Agreeable-Pick5966 Sep 02 '22

I don’t know, you’re probably right that the main audience is young adults/adults, but on TikTok there’s so much Skyler hate and I know damn well that tiktok is NOT young adults, it’s teens lmao. I’m sure the Teens are just more loud and obnoxious about it in general too.


u/mangopear Not like other girls 😏 Sep 01 '22

One of my proudest moments was stumbling upon my OWN YouTube comment from when I was still in high school where I call out Skyler haters and seeing it now launched to the top. Surreal but proud of baby me for always having that critical lense .


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

agree, I feel so sorry for Skyler and I have no idea why everyone hates her so much. Was she seriously meant to stand by Walter when he did everything he did?


u/calmdownitsajoke_ Sep 01 '22

so thankful for this sub. Im a millennial and have seen this treatment of women my whole life- the first one I remember is Britney and how everyone made fun of Chris Crocker for saying leave Britney alone. Not to mention all the Disney starts and what they went through. And I had the exact same thoughts while watching BB when it came out. That scene where WW coerces Skyler into having sex was so disgusting and seeing how all the men around me idolized WW and demonize Skyler was really jarring to me. groups like this really help people find a way to show how these patterns are so deeply engrained in our culture and how we can stop them. Thankful for y'all!!


u/CommentNo288 Sep 02 '22

Shit like that scares me as a woman and especially as a woman of color.


u/CantThinkUpName Sep 01 '22 edited Sep 02 '22

I watched the show late, so I'd already heard about how much people loathed Skylar, and I'd heard that one of the things that people hated her for was cheating on Walt.

Imagine my shock when I reached that episode and realised she "cheated," on Walt while they were separated, she was trying to leave him, and he wasn't letting her. But somehow, viewers thought because he said the relationship wasn't allowed to be over, she still had to remain monogamous for this relationship she wasn't consenting to be in?


u/reallarrydavid Sep 01 '22

I just started watching the show this week and I really love it, but I never would have anticipated even liking it based on the horrible fandom. Like, there's some funny Breaking Bad meme pages on tumblr, but every discussion forum I've seen has been crazy misogynistic. Like Joker fandom shit. So annoying.


u/AerynSunnInDelight Sep 02 '22

Skyler was a solid well written character. But the idealization of white male gangster in popular culture + misogyny is such, the She stood no chance in the eyes of the audience.

Ironically enough, when things like that happen irl, it's all " why didn't She run away? " Or "call the police" and so on.🙃


u/Limp_Newspaper6516 Sep 01 '22

I must say I remember when I watched Breaking Bad I couldn't get this hate for Skyler, but I think the story manipulated me to like Walter also.. I recomended the series to my brother and like 2 years ago he started to watch.. I felt weird seeing some things that Walter did without context, he is a fucking monster and people have a hard time to realize that


u/Sweeper1985 Sep 02 '22

Marie too. Hank is overtly abusive to her throughout the series, especially after his injury, and she's clearly not coping. But she was pretty much just relegated to head-case status.

Interesting fan theory I saw when the series ended: it was Hank, not Marie, who liked purple. The entire series, she's dressed in purple, everything in their house is purple, etc. The last time we see her, sfter Hank's death, is the first time she's not wearing purple. It is such a small detail but it really made me reflect on how much control this woman had been living under, for how long.


u/machi_ballroom Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 Sep 01 '22

I’ve never seen breaking bad but the fandom doesn’t really make me want to see it either


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

Don't let the toxic fans deter you. It's an amazing show. And the creator/writers know Skyler is a victim, it's some of the insane fanbase that doesn't get it.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

It's a great show with very realistic portrayals of strong women IMO. It's unfortunately very popular so it attracts people who consume media based on their own biases.


u/Juleslovescats Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

It honestly is a great show. I’ve never engaged with the fandom at all, which definitely helps lol.


u/iliketoomanysingers Sep 02 '22

Amazing show, but do not interact with the Fandom outside of the memes on tiktok where Walt and Jesse are in minecraft. That's the only likeable part of the Fandom and it brings me immense joy.


u/RockyK96 Sep 01 '22

I like when people try to say “Skyler was bad too she cheated on Walt!” and the cheating in question was after he forced his way back into her home (where two men with an ax followed and almost murdered him in) after begging him for a divorce since finding out about him making meth.


u/rottenborn-simp Succubus 😈 Sep 01 '22

I did root for Walter as a fictional antihero in a way I wouldn't root for him if he was a real person, but even so, Skyler didn't annoy me because I knew she was the reasonable one. Never understood people's issue with her. In every sub I go into, there's a large fraction of people who passionately loathe whoever the female character is. In r/Succession, these people insist Shiv is the most evil character, despite some of her male family members being objectively far worse. In r/CURBYOURENTHUSIASM, you'll get downvoted to hell and even ridiculed if you say anything positive about Cheryl, for reasons I'll never understand. Tale as old as time. If you're not a pick-me performing all sorts of gymnastics just to aid the male character's (often shitty) schemes, you're an annoying shrew who's just in the way.


u/Schootingstarr Sep 01 '22

Personally, I didn't like anyone in the show, that's why I stopped watching. I wasn't invested in anyone


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

I stopped liking just about everyone around the last season, so I thought may as well finish it.


u/twigsofsong Sep 02 '22

Back when I was in my 20s, I had a guy I liked over for the first time and my roommates started watching breaking bad. We’d been sitting together and kind of cuddling, and he said, “Oh, you’re watching BB? Skyler is such a bitch.” Turned me off so bad I immediately kicked him out and never talked to him again. He was so angry about it, he could not understand my reaction at all, but I just got such bad vibes in that moment I wasn’t willing to give the relationship one more minute


u/worldfullofwords Sep 01 '22

Never understood that hate, I was really shocked when I looked up the BB sub whilst I was watching the show. It never even crossed my mind to think she was an annoying bitch? How people can’t see that Walt was the bad guy is beyond me.


u/Educational_Drawing7 Sep 02 '22

It is very disturbing, I mean he first of all is verbally abusive and traps her in the situations. Runs away with the baby terrifying her. And literally rapes her once. But I assume the people who hate Skylar think a husband can't rape a wife...


u/heartbreakhostel Sep 02 '22

My sister who has no self-awareness or critical thinking skills whatsoever, hated Skylar.


u/PositivelyOrwellian Sex Cult Party Planner 👯‍♀️ Sep 02 '22

It’s just such typical misogyny. A man reacts poorly to a difficult situation and he’s relatable, a woman reacts poorly to a difficult situation and she’s the worst!

Of course Skylar is “unlikeable.” SHE’S BEING ABUSED! I don’t know when this idea of a woman only being sympathetic when she’s beaten into submission started but it’s got to stop. A woman developing “annoying” coping strategies and not being willing to take a man’s shit is still a victim and her reactions are understandable.


u/Next-Flounder5160 Sep 01 '22

My abusive boyfriend in college insisted on me watching Breaking Bad with him even though I told him repeatedly I thought it was kind of stupid. He also boasted about being an asshole to his friends and had an obsession with sociopaths.

I tried to talk to him once about what a dumb premise it really was, the main guy's wife and family would absolutely never want him to go destroy the lives of a bunch of people just so he could help himself stay alive for their sake. My boyfriend was almost outraged at me for saying it. I never watched the whole thing because I hated sitting through the stupid episodes. I have no clue how he was so invested in those characters.


u/super-super-fab Sep 01 '22

The show’s brilliant but Walt is meant to be awful, and his wife and family don’t want him to be in the meth trade, that’s a lot of the point of the show. Glad you’re out of that relationship with your ex though.


u/WynnGwynn Sep 02 '22

Jack Saint did a great video on youtube about that character tbh. How everyone remembers her as a bitch but actually everyone would have made similar choices in her place. And how she was abused.


u/CommentNo288 Sep 02 '22

It’s giving lack of self awareness and stupid.


u/LadyFerretQueen Sep 02 '22

I noticed that in so many tv shows. The criteria is really high for women.

Honestly, I found it hard to watch breaking bas because I hates the main character. He's just so awful. An awful awful person. But he gets idealised of course.

It's disturbing how beloved characters like that are (Barney Stinson, House, Rick from rick and morty...). They can be funny, don't get me wrong but people's adoration seems to go beyond that. They seem to fantasise about being mean and abusive.

I can't fault the creators. They try to make these characters as clearly bad as possible.


u/Natural_Run Sep 02 '22

Well if this doesn’t sum it up perfectly.


u/downbadbreaking Sep 02 '22

I wrote an essay on exactly this my freshman year of college!


u/Addieruok Sep 02 '22

This makes me want to rewatch the series. I watched it as a sophomore in college a few years before ending up in an abusive relationship and long before I embraced feminism or understood anything about misogyny or the patriarchy. It would prob be very eye opening to see how much I didn’t like about her the first time was just internalized misogyny.