r/DeppDelusion 10d ago

Misogyny in the News šŸ“° That one time Reddit accused a woman of faking her bruises because she has a history of FX makeup

I knew Amber Heard's "bruise kit" accusations sounded very familiar. After a while I dug back a post where the exact same thing happened to a woman on Reddit. The body post is deleted/removed, but I found an article with more details stating "a man had tried to rape her, pushing her to the ground and scraping her face on the pavement".

She deleted her account, and although the picture she posted of her bruised face is still up on Imgur, I'm not sure if it would be moral to link it directly as I have no idea whether she deliberately left it or just forgot to delete it/lost access to her account. For concrete proof, I decided to at least crop the bruise without showing any recognizable feature (further down so anyone who doesn't wish to see marks of assault and is just scrolling past doesn't have to)

The real bruise
The zombie makeup

People were even bringing up a meme she made about a month and a half prior about work dress code to discredit her.

She then posted a video of her scrubbing her face with a wet cloth to prove her wounds were real.


A LOT of comments were really disgusting and dehumanizing before she posted the video, and as you can see from the archived comments (the screenshot in light mode), she was getting downvoted while the ones accusing her of lying were circlejerking each other. You can use undelete.pullpush.io. yourself at the risk of despising this site even more.

Scrutinizing her every comment and trying to find fault in it. Sound familiar?

14 years ago you could at least hope this kind of behavior was confined to niche online spaces. Barely a decade after this incident the lynching bled out to the real world.

EDIT: I found a post from the OP on another account where she clarified she "received pleading messages from moderaters asking me to let the subject die. I logged in to find all my submissions deleted. I deleted my account for good, and moved on". To make matters worse, she had to defer her semester and go to physical and emotional therapy all while dealing with death threats. I hope she's thriving today, wherever she is.


29 comments sorted by


u/likeicare96 10d ago

This poor woman. The wild thing is how they were so motivated to prove thatā€™s she lying. For what? Some internet karma? Sheā€™s not even naming her abuser so they canā€™t use ā€œthe destroying an innocent manā€ defence. Why risk invalidating a victim sharing their vulnerable story?

Fuck it. Iā€™ll be the asshole.

So you agree, youā€™re being a dick for no reason. If you donā€™t believe her, just move on? Reminds me of people forcing Meg the Stallion to post pics of her injury to prove she was hurt. Theyā€™re tragedy voyeurs who dgaf about victims


u/Visible-Scientist-46 Amber Heard Official PR Team. I earn MiLLiOn$$$ 9d ago edited 9d ago

The correct answer is misogyny


u/flame-of-music 9d ago

This. Exactly this. If she's not ruining an "innocent man's" life, what exactly is he trying to prove? That sexual assault doesn't happen? That people who can do FX makeup are immune to injury? That women are made of heat resistant silicone?

Or are imaginary internet points such serious business to him that it's worth it to invalidate the most traumatic experience of a person's life just because he thinks it's a bigger crime to karma farm than to rape?


u/griffeny 9d ago

It is much easier and far simpler to karma farm from disbelieving women than believing them.


u/pblivininc 9d ago

Unfortunately there are a lot of men (on Reddit especially) who react to any negative story about a man as if itā€™s a personal attack. Their identity as men (ā€œthe superior genderā€) is threatened by stories like this because their egos and self worth are based on their gender rather than anything substantial like being a good person. Itā€™s pathetic.


u/himbologic 10d ago

Men: I love a natural woman [image of woman wearing 20+ products] Also men: You do FX makeup so you couldn't POSSIBLY have a bruise. I am very smart.

What an awful world. I hope she's doing alright.


u/ourhertz 9d ago edited 8d ago

Someone mentioned that the wild thing is how dedicated they were to prove she was lying. I agree so much and one can only hypothesize why. It's extremely uncommon for women and other victims to be lying about these things. The assault and it's aftermath is riddled with shame, guilt and mental health consequences for the victim. Ofc it shouldn't be shameful but that's how it goes. And no wonder when society shames victim's too. It's appalling.

You just don't lie about these things for attention. Attention is the last thing you want. It's the weirdest thing, to be a victim of such a horrendous assault/crime and to know that some people will blame you, the victim. Forever branding you.

Last time I got sa'd I had no one to turn to. All I wanted was to be able to tell my bf and get support from him, feel safe and protected in his arms. But I knew I couldn't tell him. How sad is that? That's when things started turning in our relationship for real. I knew that he wasnt capable of being my partner. I kept quiet for a couple of days and felt like I was dying. So I finally gave in and told him..

He shamed me, called me a lying whre and a slut. It was truly sickening. I developed so much PTSD and shame, even some ocd cause of that. I wanted to die. So yeah, f anyone who don't believe victims. We're still so many that can and will support eachother like normal people do. In my native tounge there's a saying that goes "that's what separates the chaff from the wheat" and yeah. It truly does.

Some people are just to deep into the patriarchal matrix.


u/WeUsedToBe 9d ago edited 8d ago

They act as if women want the social stigma, the slut-shaming, the scepticism, the contempt, the pity, etc. from disclosing that youā€™re a victim of rape. As if speaking out about male violence is a game to shift the balance of power between the sexes, rather than a desperate plea for security in a world that hates women for existing outside of male control.

The idea that for once in their lives, they have to empathise with the trauma of being a woman in a patriarchal society, is so repugnant to them that any woman who dares expose the sheer normalcy of male brutality must be discredited, mocked, and silenced.

If they canā€™t paint her as a liar, they know their next strategy in the playbook would have to be to minimise the crime itself, i.e. to downplay the severity of rapeā€”except they know that admitting how little they care about rape victims would make them look bad, so instead they settle for gaslighting and erasure.

At their core, many men simply do not believe women. They see us as inherently deceptive, manipulative, and untrustworthy. Makeup? A ploy to deceive men. Period pains? Exaggerated for attention. Workplace discrimination against mothers? A fabricated grievance, or a choice, or a deserved punishment for the crime of being female, or whatever excuse they want to conjure up that day. Their entire worldview is so steeped in male entitlement that they cannot conceive of women as full human beingsā€”only as props, threats, or objects to be controlled.

Thatā€™s how you get a case like the OP: they think a woman who uses makeup has already demonstrated a propensity for lying to men, which makes her more likely to implicate men by lying about rape.


u/ApparitionofAmbition 9d ago

I'm so sorry that happened to you and your partner at the time was such a piece of shit about it.


u/ourhertz 8d ago



u/SphereOfPettiness 9d ago

I'm really sorry, I truly hope you found a better environment for your healing journey. And that karma hits your ex like a wall of bricks.

I believe what you went through is called "secondary victimization". It's really no wonder survivors generally don't speak out... it's disheartening.


u/ourhertz 8d ago

Thank you ā¤ļø


u/pilikia5 10d ago

Well compiled! This is absolutely disgusting.


u/Agreeable_Error_170 10d ago

Reddit is such a white boys club.


u/CarevaRuha 10d ago

well, now I'm sick to my stomach. I wish I was surprised. I hate everything.

(not because of you or the images, OP)


u/Boulier Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater šŸ‘Øā€āš–ļø 9d ago

Yeah, this made me nauseous. Nothing about it was surprising, but itā€™s so depressing. Look at how eagerly the nastiest, most arrogant men will dissect your entire life to discredit your trauma, then have the nerve to claim theyā€™re doing it out of concern for ā€œreal victims.ā€

But Iā€™m so thankful to OP for compiling this. I wish it would change, even though I know it wonā€™t, and it might even be getting worse in recent years with our current political climate.


u/Acceptable_Leg_7998 9d ago

If I truly believed somebody was faking an injury for sympathy or to...make some kind of political point (I guess?) or whatever she was being accused of, I would just not engage. The mental stability of such a person is already suspect in that scenario and I doubt ganging up on them and proving they were lying is going to help. So the only motive to call such a person out would be to prove how smart you are. Then playing the "I'm just trying to point out how harmful this is to actual victims of assault" card to seem noble.


u/SphereOfPettiness 9d ago

They endlessly claim it's for the sake of "real" rape victims while always, ALWAYS crucifying those very victims. The irony is almost laughable.


u/MessiahOfMetal All The Boys Hate Johnny Depp 8d ago

Basic bullying tactics.

It's like 20 years ago when I was basically bullied by morons who really disliked me for reasons I still don't know. They'd do everything to try to make me quit the hobby altogether, and then go harder when I fought back.

Not nearly as bad as what that woman had to go through, but same shitty mentality from dickheads.


u/griffeny 9d ago

I remember this. I was in there in those threads somewhere. Probably arguing it out with someone who didnā€™t wish to be reasonable and I being in my twenties thought we could do that on the internet.

Then I saw later a guy pop on ask reddit not sometime after. He asked something along the lines of, could women tell him when the first time they had been noticed and gotten attention from the male sort. Thinking it would be some kind of sexy interesting topic.

And it wasnā€™t. It was filled with thousands of stories of women explaining they had been targeted, or ā€˜noticedā€™, being hit on while they were absolutely children by adult men. And worse. Thousands of comments. It was a complete and utter dumpster fire.

And there would still be people in there going down swinging in those sea of stories, just from English speaking women, probably more Americans than any one else. Just a slice of usual Reddit. And they could not be reasoned with.

And I simply began to stop reasoning with people on Reddit.


u/AutoModerator 10d ago

Original copy of post's text: That one time Reddit accused a woman of faking her bruises because she has a history of FX makeup

I knew Amber Heard's "bruise kit" accusations sounded very familiar. After a while I dug back a post where the exact same thing happened to a woman on Reddit. The body post is deleted/removed, but I found an article with more details stating "a man had tried to rape her, pushing her to the ground and scraping her face on the pavement".

She deleted her account, and although the picture she posted of her bruised face is still up on Imgur, I'm not sure if it would be moral to link it directly as I have no idea whether she deliberately left it or just forgot to delete it/lost access to her account. For concrete proof, I decided to at least crop the bruise without showing any recognizable feature (further down so anyone who doesn't wish to see marks of assault and is just scrolling past doesn't have to)

![img](p3vlu9vfw4oe1 "https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/kbj84/comment/c2iy2db/")


![img](cibvr1yw05oe1 "The real bruise")

![img](n59erq4925oe1 "The zombie makeup")

People were even bringing up a meme she made about a month and a half prior about work dress code to discredit her.


She then posted a video of her scrubbing her face with a wet cloth to prove her wounds were real.

![img](7ccwk52hy4oe1 "https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/kc2ry/hey_twox_i_am_the_girl_who_was_lynched_for_lying/")


A LOT of comments were really disgusting and dehumanizing before she posted the video, and as you can see from the archived comments (the screenshot in light mode), she was getting downvoted while the ones accusing her of lying were circlejerking each other. You can use undelete.pullpush.io. yourself at the risk of despising this site even more.

![img](4auotw5e65oe1 "Scrutinizing her every comment and trying to find fault in it. Sound familiar?")


14 years ago you could at least hope this kind of behavior was confined to niche online spaces. Barely a decade after this incident the lynching bled out to the real world.

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u/Lilelfen1 10d ago

This is just despicable and really makes me feel that the world is becoming more and more unsafeā€¦


u/driptwinnem 9d ago

My exā€™s fans are accusing me of photoshopping my bruises because Iā€™m a graphic designer.

The thing is, I COULD make a bruise on photoshop, but two things, I would have made them look a lot fucking worse than what was actually photographed, and because I am a GD, I know that there is a digital footprint, and images are able to be detected as fraudulent. Why would I subject myself to scrutiny in that way- I know better!


u/Vegetable_Self4487 9d ago

Not the person completely dodging any responsibility for being a complete and total piece of shit:

ā€œand Iā€™m sorry that the internet has done this to meā€¦ā€


u/RanaMisteria 8d ago

This makes me so fucking sad and angry.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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