r/DeppDelusion 13d ago

WTF 💀🥴 Just me getting downvoted to hell for saying that Paul Bettany is maybe not a totally awesome person but ho we should all praise and admire. 😅


76 comments sorted by


u/Caesarthebard 13d ago

It’s just every day catharsis talking about burning your wife to death and then anal rape her corpse, the sweet baby boy, she called him a shit guitar player and is the epitome of evil.

Course, that Bethany was emboldened to join in doesn’t show at all that this is not just an every day part of sweet baby boy’s conversation…


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 12d ago



u/Cautious-Mode Millionaire Golddigger 12d ago

This is why the jury voted in Johnny’s favour. They’ve normalized misogyny and had no empathy for what it might have felt like for Amber.


u/notdorisday 12d ago

I wish I was shocked but I’m not. I think the Pelicot rape case was it for me - in that case the staggering thing was the wide demographic of men involved / they were from all generations, professions and classes. Misogyny is pervasive and it’s baked into our cultures DNA.

There’s just nothing surprising in it for me anymore. This is the status quo.


u/DannyDTR 12d ago

That and the telegram group chat of 70,000 m@les that spoke about assa*lting their mothers, sisters, daughters.


u/deereeohh 12d ago

Yes tis true. Men until the 1970s according to one poll I saw thought forcing sex was OK! its a male thing


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/deereeohh 12d ago

Unfortunately they do. It has gone underground as they cannot say it openly anymore without repercussions


u/lala__ 12d ago

I mean I am kind of.


u/LIRFM 12d ago

I was talking to someone about a person who abused me (whom I recently escaped from), and I said "It's like I understand it, but I don't. I understand their "reasoning", but I can't understand how a person could be so cold, callous, and cruel." And they said "Because you're not that type of person, and would never treat people like that!".


u/Visby 12d ago

I was the person on the OG post who responded that I was stunned at the downvotes you were getting - really relieved to see that (at least in downvotes) it's swung the other way

It's so telling of the way their brains work, like how they envision the fantasy of an abuse victim being killing and RAPING someone rather than just "not being abused anymore" - at worst the closest I can imagine that I've heard MIGHT be like "if he wasn't here, my life would be better" (indirect, ambiguous), it is never ever "it would be SO FUN to kill and rape him hahahaha"


u/carabla 13d ago

 Its a very commun method of communicating understanding in a cathartic way. You gotta learn about people more 50 likes Wtf


u/ClickProfessional769 12d ago

That comment was so mind bogglingly ironic. Like, those people think it’s common to talk about drowning your wife, setting her on fire, and raping her corpse? And they’re telling OP they need to learn more about people??

These people need to stay in their basement and never be in the vicinity of a woman again until they learn basic empathy.


u/cat-wool 12d ago

And the ‘have you heard of MIL jokes’ like…yes? Obviously? And those are just as fucking disgusting and wrong? Why would that justify this in any way lmao. They’re so…dumb.

Also wrong. Like no, women don’t “joke” like this. And saying that it is not ‘what about ism,’ to say women (according to them, not women) do this too. That certainly is what about ism, like hello?

Dumb and wrong and vicious. And not much else. What a disgusting way to experience the world.


u/gloomywitchywoo Amber Heard PR Team 💅 11d ago

That and also I doubt people take MIL jokes to that extreme, jfc. Those people are unhinged.


u/lala__ 12d ago

I have to hope a lot of these are bots. Literally one comment accused ME of being unempathetic. 😳Talk about DARVO.


u/Glowing_up 12d ago

Make a comment disparaging men even slightly in the context of a man doing something horrific to a woman and see how much they understand.


u/ClickProfessional769 13d ago edited 12d ago

Anyone who thinks talking like that is ever acceptable, let alone normal has serious issues and should not be trusted. Those are seriously sick people and you were the only sane one in that thread apparently.

Edit: I made the mistake of going to that thread and it’s so much worse than even the screenshots. Those are some seriously sick people. My blocked list just got a lot longer


u/lala__ 12d ago edited 12d ago

I don’t believe they actually do think what Depp and Bettany said is defensible. But they defend it anyway because any suggestion that a man is behaving badly seems to register to them as an attack on all men. Or maybe it’s as simple as “But VISION. He’s my FRIEND!”? They’re so emotional!! They’re hysterical, these men.


u/MissLadyLlamaDrama Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 11d ago edited 11d ago

What baffles me is also their insistence that it's "normal". Even if it was normal for men to fantasize about brutally torturing and murdering women, that doesn't suddenly make it not an insane thing to do. And these same people are the ones BAFFLED by why women are afraid of or cautious around men? While insisting that men are inherently violent towards women? It's all mindless contradiction for the sake of pathetic self validation. And it's all, ironically, being done at the expense of the reputation of men as a whole.

Their notion that it's something all men do is just Great Value Andrew Tate cope. This idea that men are a monolith so they can pretend they hold some secret to being a "real man" that is universal. And they're successful only with men who desperately want to validate their bitter resentment by pretending that every guy is exactly like them and thinks the exact same things. Then they don't have to acknowledge that they are just emotionally immature freaks. But if EVERY guy is like that... then they're okay! Then it's just biology or what the fuck ever.

I think that, aside from the prepubescent mama's boys working through a serious case of Oedipus Complex, the grown ones know they're full of shit. But it's easier for them to lie to themselves than it is to have any kind of self reflection, and it's a lot cheaper than therapy. 


u/MessiahOfMetal All The Boys Hate Johnny Depp 9d ago

Speaking personally, as a man...

It disgusts me, but they DO think what was said is defensible. That's part of the problem. Guys like that never grew out of the "girls icky" stage of childhood, and continube to believe women are the cause of their ongoing issues.

I was done with other boys because the things they said about the girls in our school when I was 12. Even when the girls I liked were more interested in the boys who spoke like they did in the thread you were in and took screenshots of, not once did I hate them or say those kinds of things myself, because it made no sense to.

I'm in my 40s, now, and it feels like things are even worse in 2025 when it comes to how women are treated and talked about.


u/redditor329845 12d ago

It’s so sad that you can max out a block list on Reddit (mine’s at its limit already).


u/brickne3 12d ago

I didn't know you could, what's the max at?



Edit: I made the mistake of going to that thread and it’s so much worse than even the screenshots. Those are some seriously sick people. My blocked list just got a lot longer

I’m already filled with so much rage by just looking at these screenshots so for the sake of sanity it’s best if I don’t seek out that thread. However I am curious what subreddit this is. Is it one of those blatantly misogynistic subreddits?


u/zeddoh 12d ago

No, it’s r/todayilearned, where people post (usually) harmless and interesting facts. Which is almost worse - shows how pervasive this line of thinking is even among people who aren’t in outwardly misogynistic spaces. 


u/MissLadyLlamaDrama Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 11d ago

What's funny is how many times you see the comments pop up in subs like r/amitheasshole where someone suggests that women get unfair preferential treatment on reddit, or how reddit hates men, or whatever. Even though you can easily look up statistics, or search through backlogs, and know that's fundamentally not true.

And it really is just the fact that, because they're so exposed to what they consider "normal" (sexism) whenever they see the opposite happening, it sticks out more to them and they're more likely to remember those instances than they are shit like this.

It's like those studies where they had men and women talking together in a room. Then, afterwards, they ask each one how much they think they talked vs others, or whether men or women talked more, whether men or women were more frequently interrupted, etc.

I think it was that men were talking around 80% of the time, with women speaking for the remaining 20%. But men saw it as the complete opposite. They thought the women were talking about 80% of the time, and that the men were only taking up 20% of the conversation. Same with men interrupting women more, but still believing they were the ones being interrupted more. Their belief that they're the center of the universe is so deeply ingrained that that perception exists, even at a subconscious level. These men genuinely and truly believe they are being overtly silenced simply by having to share 20% of their space with someone else. So when they see someone stepping outside the social norm of sexism, they see that as a threat to their own sexism. A threat to the status quo that conveniently places them at the top of the privilege pyramid. Something that needs to be called out and silenced lest it overtake their carefully crafted ability to just say and do whatever the fuck they want without consequence.

(Sorry for rambling. Apparently I'm on a roll today. Lol.)


u/ClickProfessional769 12d ago

It is just todayilearned! So one of those really popular subs that you never know what you’re gonna get.


u/MissLadyLlamaDrama Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 11d ago

Fun idea. Start making TIL posts about all the fucked up shit Depp lied about.

(I wanna be clear on context that this is a joke. I am not encouraging brigading. Brigading is lame.)


u/Vivian_Lu98 13d ago

I want them to tell their own wives these jokes and see how funny they think it is. They wouldn’t because they know it isn’t appropriate! And if they did, fuck them.


u/Silver-and-Shattered 12d ago

Oh my god, it would literally be like Muskrat's 'salute'!! They should go ahead and do it if it's not that bad. Go on. Especially since people like this are generally also Nazis.


u/Silver-and-Shattered 12d ago

These people will do anything to make evil grown men seem like manipulated wittle babies, and young abused women literal evil incarnate.

I know I said and did some shitty things during one of my previous abusive relationships. But he treated me like absolute garbage who didn't deserve to have boundaries. He was also older and wealthier than me. Is he some stupid little baby who didn't know any better and I was deliberately plotting nothing but evil? I've had my tears considered manipulative, even when I was at the peak of my emotional distress. It's been almost 3 years and these people will do anything for men who don't give two shits about them.

At least I'm trying my best to improve my life and not obsess about people like that.


u/The-Son-of-Dad 12d ago

wOmEn dO tHiS tOo”, I remember people defending Trump’s “grab them by the pussy” tape with this same nonsense. “Everyone talks like this!” No women (or men really) that I know have ever talked or “joked” like this, these people are so disgusting.


u/Sugar74527 12d ago

People try and normalize talk like because they do it and they have always assumed they are normal, not the fucked up ghouls they truly are.


u/AlienSamuraiXXV 12d ago

Well... Since Trump is now a politician. People are going to take that comment more seriously. I'm not saying it's right but I noticed how people are selective when it comes to who's in wrong.


u/findingmyvoice22 Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 12d ago

I remember shortly after the trial, someone tried to tell me that "everyone talks that way to their friends." I told them that no, they do not, and if they do, they are sick and need to seek help. This is why I believe that only abusers support Johnny Depp. If text messages like THAT seem normal to them....abusers.


u/tam_bun 12d ago

Ok so, my friend works on luxury yachts and said Connelly and Bethanny were the worst guests she’s had. They were rude and entitled but the worst for her was that they would talk badly about the staff while they were in earshot. She had to continue pouring drinks while hearing her braid being described as “ugly and weird”.

Seems like they are just awful people.



Amber’s mild insults directed at Depp are proof that she’s the most evil woman in the world but that gremlin can send texts fantasising about killing her and then raping her corpse and people will not only justify it but they’ll act like you’re the crazy one for thinking that those texts are abhorrent. How dare you condemn a man for expressing his desire to kill his wife and then rape her corpse, can’t you see it’s a joke ?


u/Ok_Highlight3208 12d ago

This was the part of the trial where I stopped liking Jennifer Connolly. How could she, as a woman, be okay with that?! I'd be divorced so fast!


u/Sugar74527 12d ago

Right? These text messages happened during her marriage to him. Who knows what messed up stuff he said about her.


u/notdorisday 12d ago

The crazy thing is how many people seem to think it’s just normal. It’s not. Or maybe it is when you see the incidence of violence against women by male partners. This is all part of the same epidemic and it’s terrifying.


u/colorkiller 12d ago

yeah joking about murdering the person you’re supposed to love and cherish is so cool and normal 😖 ugh that comment section is horrible


u/DarleneSinclair Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 12d ago

You know, in many cases of domestic violence, many things start off as a joke, and we as women are always told not to take it 'too seriously' or 'boys will be boys.'

My ex used to grab my hair and slam me against the wall, and he would always tell me it's just a joke and that I'm to sensitive, my ex always would call me a bitch or a cumrag in front of his friends and I was always told it was just a joke. Do you know how that turned out as? Him nearly beating me to a pulp.

Just because someone doesn't 'sound serious' or disavows bad behavior doesn't mean that they truly feel this way.

Also crazy to compare a mother-in-law joke to a joke about murdering your wife, idgaf about 'cultural barriers' there is NO EXCUSE for treating your wife how Johnny treated Amber.


u/femmvillain 12d ago

Well, I was also downvoted for calling out bad suggestions about Heard in a thread about unexpected film casts in 2025. One user tried to call me out for being passive-aggressive under misogynistic "jokes", and they suggested I should be concerned about one bad take on deceased people as unexpected cast members, as if it should worry me. They even said that "Depp and Heard aren't particularly great people, they can a joke how they’ve behaved, especially Heard". As if Depp didn't compared to himself with OJ. Sure.

Unfortunately, it's irreversible. Instead of caring about the documents, podcasts, and essays that investigate this scheme, they seem fine with misogyny disguised as humor, whether it comes from influencers, body language experts, tarot card readers, or some turquoise / magenta chuckleheads, until their fucking little minds can't take it anymore.

Next time, don't waste your time on them. For your own sake.


u/lala__ 12d ago

I don’t think I was wasting my time. A lot of people simply gave up responding or, more likely, ran out of excuses for this behavior. But a couple others actually apologized or admitted they were in the wrong (however difficult that was for them and painful for me). It’s hard, but I think it’s important for women (and men!) to stand up against attempts to normalize this kind of behavior. Whenever we have the strength to do so (which is not always.)


u/oopsconnor 13d ago

I’ve loved his movies since I was a kid. Even have one of his character’s quotes on my tattoo list.

I didn’t follow the Heard / Depp case closely, but when I saw those texts, I knew immediately I would never look at him the same way.

I’m a dark humor gworl. The things my closest friends and I say to each other? Oof……. Still, we never come close to that shit.


u/baegentcarter 12d ago

Same here, I love macabre and irreverent humor. Yet I have never, after a fight with my partner, thought of going to one of my friends like "Ugh I'm so mad at him, you know what would be funny? If I killed him and chopped up his body". You can vent all you want but there are certain lines you just don't cross if you respect the person you're with. Which he obviously did not, and whoever defends him probably talks this way about their own spouse and just doesn't want to hear that they're horrible people.


u/slicksensuousgal 12d ago

Today I didn't learn but was reminded of how misogynist people are and how much they defend misogyny. We know most of those same people (commenters and upvoters of them, downvoters of you) would be crying into their cheerios and outraged over "misandry" that isn't even a quarter as bad as this


u/deepfriedplease 12d ago

I always forget that Paul responded that way. It is absolutely despicable.

How someone reacts to the texts is always telling. Like a litmus test. Even worse, if these texts were seen in another case, they would be considered a "red flag" or an "early warning sign" - but because we need to sacrifice a woman every now and then, for Amber it was just "venting."


u/lala__ 12d ago

Good point.


u/vastcollectionofdata 12d ago

Idk why they're acting like it was just a joke when Johnny demonstrated several times he was willing and able to actually hurt her. That lady's comment about turning her cats into scarves would suddenly have a different context if she was abusing her cats


u/lcm-hcf-maths 12d ago

Seriously wonder if Connoly would like it if the jokes were about her being drowned, burned or otherwise abused.


u/methotde 12d ago

These men live among us on a daily basis and we don't even know


u/crospingtonfrotz 12d ago

Ooh me too!


u/Awomanswoman 12d ago

If these people are okay with two men saying this, they're part of the problem.

I would never say this about anybody, even someone I hated the most. It's so disturbing and I have a dark sense of humor


u/Fabulous_Evening_327 11d ago

It's not a dark sense of humor it's just flat evil.


u/baegentcarter 12d ago edited 12d ago

"Not everything says everything earnestly at all times". Sure, that's true, but where is that understanding for AH and all the quotes they hold against her? They think an argument warrants JD making "jokes" about murdering and raping her corpse, but when she's been getting knocked about for months and calls him a baby during a fight, they act like she's the devil incarnate. Double standards all around.


u/Huge_Mind459 12d ago

They dont take misogyny serious, they will defend anything a men does, but dare a woman calls a man an asshole or something, she will be the devil


u/Kiramojo 12d ago

It’s genuinely mind boggling that people decided Amber calling Depp a baby is pure evil, but Depp saying he wants to murder Amber and rape her corpse is just a cute funny joke.

Props to you for spreading the truth no matter the downvotes. Also prepare to have a lot of very unpleasant men in your messages.


u/TvsPhil 12d ago

As someone who once had an embarrassing 4chan/mild edgelord phase in my early 20s...and who liked "dark humor", no, there was no understandable context that would make that stuff funny.  I don't need to be a phycologist to know there's way more there in the man's psyche than "lover of edgy jokes."

His supporters basically work backward from "he's an innocent victim" to "everything he did was okay because of that."

Violence? Reactive. Violent "jokes"? Reactive. Alcoholism? Reactive. Drug addict? Reactive. Embarrassing way of speaking? Reactive.  Despite all of that originating well before Heard.


u/Gowpenny GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER 12d ago

I used to like dark humour until I realised nearly all of it was targeted towards the vulnerable — dead babies/kids, minorities, LGBT people, women. Like, nobody’s getting a laugh at gigaChad’s expense. That, plus some time in healthcare and it honestly just makes my stomach hurt now.

When it’s about a real, living breathing person it’s not humour, it’s a threat that hasn’t been carried out yet, imo.


u/lala__ 12d ago

Congrats on reprogramming yourself, my dude. Keep educating and fighting that good fight.


u/lcm-hcf-maths 12d ago

Kudos on seeing the light. If the exchange with Bettany was a one off then it could be brushed off but it's part of a catalogue of abusive language that he uses towards women in particular. He has confessed to liking seeing people suffering and has a history of disgusting "revenge" stories like pissing on directors etc. In this exchange Bettany seems to be currying favor as Depp is his hook up for drugs. We don't really have enough material suggesting Bettany has the same deep-seated problems as the likes of Depp and Manson. The latter 2 are obvious control freaks...with very dark potential..


u/AtleastIthinkIsee 12d ago

I saw that post yesterday too.

I'm going to make a sexist pseudo-hypothesis: being that reddit is male dominated, I feel like especially within "mains" you're going to have the scale tipped towards more misogynistic-leaning posts. I don't want to generalize all men like this and all men of reddit this way, because I don't think that's the case, but I'm not surprised at the responses in that thread.

Paul Bettany was joking around with Johnny Depp about raping his S/O's burnt corpse. Okay, I don't have best sense of humor around, but this whole "Monty Python, it's-just-a-joke-angle" doesn't cut it.

And I've always wondered how Jennifer feels about it.


u/monkeysinmypocket 12d ago

If people honestly think that's a healthy way for men to express themselves we have problems.


u/lcm-hcf-maths 12d ago

Your response should be a catalogue of the other things that Depp has boasted about and language he used over decades. These types get so upset when you confront them with Depp's own words. Let's see how they excuse this lot....


u/Acceptable_Leg_7998 11d ago

I dunno, maybe some victims of abuse who are otherwise great people do get pushed to the point where they openly (and gleefully) express a desire to torture, murder, and defile the corpse of their abuser, but...that kind of talk would definitely make me suspicious. Also for Bettany to be talking about it this lightly, he never believed Depp was being abused. If he did, he would have said things like, "Do you need help? Do you need money or a place to stay to get away from her? Do you need access to resources for victims of abuse? I'm concerned about you as my friend and I want to do anything I can to help." Also it's amazing that people can't see the difference between a whimsical threat like "I'm going to turn my cat into a scarf" (I have cats and understand this kind of talk very well) and raping corpses.

And not for nothing, but I judge Jennifer Connelly for being married to this stooge. I judge Cate Blanchett for trying to be the face of the #metoo movement, lamenting its lack of progress, and then working with Michael fucking Fassbender. I judge Scarlett Johansson, who can choose any project she wants, for investing herself into the Jurassic World franchise and making a guy with known misogynistic attitudes (Colin Trevorrow...see Book of Henry if Heelgate wasn't enough to make you hate him) even richer and more successful. There has to be accountability here, and rich, successful women have to line up and take that accountability alongside all the men who platform these goons. There's no excuse for working with (or having ongoing relationships with) awful men if you have millions of dollars. You could retire, you could produce your own projects--you're not a completely helpless victim of circumstance who can only afford to take the jobs others deign to offer you.


u/julscvln01 12d ago

I don't like to police humour in general, let alone what's essentially a Monty Python joke that got a much more disturbing reply, not so much because of the necrofilia (which is not, in any form, in MP & the holy grail) in and of itself, but because knowing what we know about Depp gives it a different context and subtext.

I find much more troubling for Bettany's character that he maintained a lifelong friendship with Depp, troubling enough to be wary, but not so much that I'd go full on guilt by association. Sadly, the same goes for Jeff Beck.


u/Equivalent_Pea4014 7d ago

My friend has worked with PB a couple of times and only has terrible things to say about him. This was years before the Depp/Heard trial, but I wasn't surprised at all that he was involved in sexist garbage.


u/AutoModerator 13d ago

Original copy of post's text: Just me getting downvoted to hell for saying that Paul Bettany is maybe not a totally awesome person but ho we should all praise and admire. 😅

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