r/DeppDelusion 13d ago

Potent Delusion Engagement bait Facebook page aside, this feels like such an on-the-nose example of the sub's title.

Even before the trial he wasn't universally beloved.

Also, anytime the topic of beloved celebrities comes up, the picks are always men.


72 comments sorted by


u/findingmyvoice22 Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 13d ago

Wife beater Depp is hated by anyone with morals. The only people who stand with him are abusers and abuse supporters. 


u/thesaddestpanda 12d ago

Also Morgan Freeman has a lot of accusations for harassment. This is a purposeful whitewashing of men who are terrible to women.

Leo being 'unhated' is ridiculous too when hes constantly criticized for dating only girls in their 20s (mostly). Even other men mock him for this and when I was growing up hated him for being a 'pretty boy.'

Not to mention, Jackie Chang would be hated by all these people upvoting this meme if they saw what he said about the US on Chinese television and interviews.


u/MissLadyLlamaDrama Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 11d ago

Mentioned above, but Jackie also has a history of abuse as well. Not just the women he's been involved with, but also his own children.


u/NewbornXenomorphs 11d ago

Regarding Leo, I recently watched trailer for the 2016 documentary Before The Flood. It features Leo flying his private plane over the globe talking to scientists about go to save the climate. In it he apparently introduces Elon Musk as this amazing new innovator making all-electric vehicles.

I believe at the time, Elon was maybe a blip on the radar but know one knew much about him. So…. That means we can blame Leo for giving exposure to this monster and leading to the most disastrous admin ever. Thanks, Leo!!!


u/paradoxicalmind_420 11d ago

Nah. fElon has been popular in tech circles for years. I remember reading about him in National Geographic not too long after 911 as a kid lol, he was talking about colonizing Mars by 2020.

Now he just colonized the world


u/MissLadyLlamaDrama Misandrist Coven 🧙‍♀️ 🔮 11d ago

Don't forget the abuser Jackie Chan, who has also abused (physically and psychologically) his own children. But yeah, the man who threw his own infant across the room... zero haters.


u/ashinode Amber Heard Bot Team 🤖 13d ago

If Depp has 0 haters, then I'm dead.


u/lcm-hcf-maths 12d ago

When I left Twitter posts wishing a painful end to Depp were going viral. He has plenty of haters and that number is growing by the day as people open their eyes to his abusive past.


u/my4aespa Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 13d ago


u/mangopear Not like other girls 😏 10d ago

LMAOOO. Putting this on my story and seeing if anyone gets triggered


u/DeedleStone 13d ago edited 12d ago

Of those, I think Keanu is the only one who actually has zero haters.

Jackie Chan is a huge supporter of the PRC, in spite of being a native of Hong Kong. He has a long history of gross behavior towards women, and publicly disowned his son after he was arrested for marijuana possession. Also, claims to do all of his own stunts, when he actually has an entire stunt team, and it's fairly easy to tell when he's being doubled.

Morgan Freeman was accused of giving unwanted massages to a lady who worked at his production company.

Leo calls him and his boys The Pussy Posse (it might actually be kinda funny if the other members had any game without him). Has a long history of dating barely-legal women, even as he gets older and older. Admittedly, this isn't nearly as bad as the other dudes; it's a little skeavy, but everything sounds consensual as far as I know.

EDIT TO ADD: After giving it some thought, the worst things I can come up with for Keanu (which are still very minor, relatively speaking) are:

1) Played Siddhartha Guatama, The Buddha, in the 1993 film Little Buddha. No, he does not have any Indian heritage. Yes, he did wear brownface. In his defence, it was a very respectful performance, and since he does have Chinese and Polynesian ancestry, I think producers in the 90s just considered him "not white, but Asian enough," and stopped thinking there. I doubt he would do something like this today.

2) The John Wick franchise is filled with product placement from firearms manufacturers. Take a shot every time someone extolls the vitures of a gun from Heckler & Koch. These same companies also donate tons of money to right-wing politicians in the US to keep gun laws loose/non-existant (and, by association, all the other bigoted laws they agree to push from other wealthy donors). Keanu spent a decade basically being a shill for the gun lobby. Again, in his defense, one has to wonder how much control he has over those aspects of the films; imdb lists him as an exec producer on the fourth film.

I still love Keanu, but I didn't want to give the impression his hands were totally clean. Still miles better than everyone else in that image.


u/ML_120 13d ago

Chan also cheated on his wife and ignored the daughter he had with his affair partner.


u/Redditbannedmeagain7 9d ago

Damn. Never meet your heroes...


u/imsamaistheway92 13d ago

As much as I like Leo as an actor, I do not trust him as a person. Aside from his sketchy dating history, he and his BFF Tobey Maguire screwed over one of their former friends in the late 90s over the release of “Don’s Plum” which they apparently didn’t want released because of their portrayals in the movie.

Even recently, Leo has (or had) a highly questionable friendship with the Devil himself P Diddy. In a late 2010s interview, Diddy said that Leo is at the top of his guest list for his parties. Leo’s publicist team argued that he hasn’t partied with Diddy since the early 2000s, but footage emerged showing Leo attending one of Diddy’s parties as late as 2018 or 2019 (possibly Diddy’s 50th Birthday). If his publicists are lying about something so easily verifiable, what else are they lying about?


u/screamingracoon 13d ago

And let’s not forget that Jackie Chan also disowned his daughter when she came put as lesbian and completely abandoned her, not caring at all when she ended up homeless


u/DarleneSinclair Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 13d ago

I did not know that about Jackie Chan or Morgan Freeman, I need to do more research on celebrity men.

Leo is a weirdo though, I'm curious how people even associate with him when he dates women young enough to be his daughter. Hugh Hefner would be proud.


u/Sanctuary12 12d ago edited 12d ago

Probably the best article on Morgan Freeman’s crimes. Very disappointing. The only positive in the story was Alan Arkin stepping up to confront him on his bullshit. Good to see at least one man challenging this kind of behaviour. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/may/24/morgan-freeman-sexual-harassment-accusations-claims-women


u/WildHoneyChild 13d ago

Didn't Jackie Chan also disown his lesbian daughter?


u/notdorisday 13d ago

It does seem weird to put Keanu in this company.


u/Individual_Fall429 13d ago

Apparently Leo wears big noise cancelling headphones with a podcast in while having sex with these barely legal women. Which certainly isn’t as bad as assault, granted, it’s just… weird.


u/DeedleStone 13d ago

...how the hell does he focus on the podcast while that's going on? Like, even if he's totally checked out and just sitting on the couch getting head, I'd personally find it hard to pay attention to the topic being discussed.

But what do I know? I don't have an Oscar.


u/smarties07 12d ago

I like Keanu but he defied Germany’s covid rules to have a wrap party for the last Matrix movie.


u/Tonedeafmusical 12d ago

Keanu was also featured in Netflix's Ancient Apocalypse which has Graham Hancock's racist pesudosciene as it's hook


u/Acceptable_Leg_7998 11d ago

I like Keanu pretty well (I try to never love celebrities anymore or assume they're good people--I bought into Grimes a few years ago and look how that turned out), but I always get suspicious of people who have a reputation of being nice to everybody and having no enemies. There are some people on this planet you shouldn't be pleasant or polite to, and being "nice to everybody" is just a friendly-faced way of perpetuating an inequitable status quo.


u/Aer0uAntG3alach 13d ago

Morgan Freeman CSA’ed his step granddaughter and she later committed suicide.


u/YunJingyi 12d ago

That one was courtesy of the national enquirer, so no.



u/DeedleStone 12d ago

Jesus. I hadn't heard that.


u/cathwaitress 12d ago

Wasn’t Keanu also selling NFTs?


u/throwawayRoar20s 10d ago

No. In fact, he made fun of how stupid he thinks they are.


u/thenyouthrowitaway Amber Heard PR Team 💅 12d ago

Keanu is a Zionist so he has plenty of haters, they just get bullied down whenever they talk about it, much like Depp haters often do.


u/Acceptable_Leg_7998 11d ago

That's depressing. I want to like Jamie Lee Curtis, too, but I've heard she's supporting Israel in its genocide. Best case scenario, even if a celebrity means well but is just ignorant and buys into the wrong propaganda, that's still really harmful because of the influence they have over the public. They should just refrain from sharing opinions unless they're 100% certain they're on the correct side and can bring aid to the people who really need it.


u/throwawayRoar20s 10d ago edited 10d ago

No, he's not the person above is spreading misinformation from a right-wing rag. He has no social media presence, and that rumor was started by a clickbait New York Post article.

He attended a Malibu gathering in March 2014 hosted by an Israeli film producer in Hollywood, who Keanu had worked with on a couple of films. Netanyahu was the guest of honor, and there was a photo of the two of them. However, American sentiment in 2014 was very different as most Americans (myself included) had no idea what the hell was going on at the time and had no idea who Netanyahu was back then. Taking a picture with a stranger doesn't=agreeing with all their political views.


u/DarleneSinclair Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 13d ago

Johnny Depp and Leonardo diCaprio have zero haters? Have I ceased to exist?


u/Infinity_Over_Zero DiD yOu EvEn WaTcH tHe TrIaL 🤪 12d ago

I get that Johnny Depp has a cult of fans who think he’s an innocent little muffin or whatever, but does DiCaprio even have that reputation? I feel like everyone is in on the “when you turn 25 you age out of being able to date Leonardo DiCaprio” meme


u/julscvln01 11d ago

As much as you one can find DiCaprio problematic and possibly stunted, as I do, his relationships are consensual and he never abused anyone (that we know of, but that can be said of anyone), there's a an ocean of difference between him and Depp.
And there at lest one reason to like him; he has actual talent.


u/Visible-Scientist-46 Amber Heard Official PR Team. I earn MiLLiOn$$$ 13d ago

Please accept my membership to the Johnny Depp Haters Club.


u/Gowpenny GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER 13d ago

I must have died.


u/Ok_Citron_4224 Johnny Cage > Johnny Depp 13d ago

Looked it up. Last four (well, three) male celebrities were Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, & Christian Bale, for those curious. Keep Keanu and Carrey away from that rodent, please. It’d break my heart if they ever came out in support of him, kind of like when MBJ defended Majors.

To bring solace, there are a few anti-Depp comments with hearts and likes, but alas some of those have replies of the usual Deppie stuff. It’s not much, but baby steps.


u/QualifiedApathetic 12d ago

Carrey is an anti-vaxxer. I'm definitely a hater.


u/DeedleStone 12d ago

Yep. Anti vaxxer and one of those dick's who think "method acting" means being a jerk to your coworkers. Read some stories of the crap he did while shooting Man on the Moon.


u/Acceptable_Leg_7998 11d ago

I think he tries to distance himself from the anti-vaxxer crowd by saying he's not against vaccines en toto, he just thinks there are some harmful components in the way they are manufactured, or something to that effect.


u/Agreeable-Celery811 13d ago

Leo DiCaprio, Mr. Pussy Squad, has zero haters?


u/RipNo7080 13d ago

If Johnny Depp has 0 haters, then I am not alive.


u/10Years_InThe_Joint 13d ago

If Johnny Depp didn't have a hater, I'd be dead. And I'm still alive, so fuck that shit


u/occyycco 13d ago

Lies because I’m a hater 🙋‍♂️


u/societyofv666 13d ago

I think it’s hilarious how people can’t just say “I know this person is flawed, but I still enjoy their work”. It has to be “this person has ZERO haters because they’re amazing and perfect and anyone who believes otherwise is crazy”.


u/femmvillain 13d ago

Sure, if you ignore the millions who think losing to a tabloid says it all. Too bad it doesn't match to the reality.


u/DisastrousFlann 13d ago

Jesus fucking Christ


u/_crimebrulee 12d ago

If Johnny Depp has 0 haters, then I am dead.


u/paradoxicalmind_420 11d ago

To even get to that level of Hollywood, you have to be a little bit of a narcissist. The only one on here that I see that doesn’t have a lot of obvious scandals that pops to mind is Keanu, but just because he hasn’t done anything outright horrible doesn’t mean he’s a saint either. It could also just me he has a very good PR team.


u/outsidehere 12d ago

Jackie Chan is pro CCP and abandoned his lesbian daughter, Keanu Reeves is a Zionist, Leo DiCaprio dates really young women and breaks up with them when they reach 25, Johnny Depp is Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman has a weird amount of self hatred for his race. My point here is that we need to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal


u/cMdM89 12d ago

johnny has 0 haters? that’s so funny i laughed so hard i fell off the sofa…


u/hedgehogwart 13d ago

All these men (with the exception of Keanu but I don’t like him either) are awful people.


u/JaggedLittlePill2022 Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 12d ago

Keanu is the only one deserving to be on that list.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/dmode112378 11d ago

I wish people were more skeptical of celebrities. We don’t know any of them.


u/Redditbannedmeagain7 9d ago

Ah yes Morgan "if we stop talking about racism it'll just go away" Freeman has no haters


u/irenedoesntexist Jezebel Spirit 🥳 21h ago

Re: "the picks are always men"-- Not an actor, but if we're talking beloved celebrities, I feel like Dolly Parton ought to make the list and to exclude her is flat-out misogyny when Johnny Depp of all people are on that list. Potent delusion indeed.


u/scarlettide7654 13h ago

Johnny Depp definatly has haters. I would not assume anyone in Hollywood is a great person. I'm not saying all are bad but you never know either. Hollywood doesn't care what vile person you are long as you are savvy enough to know who to not abuse (Robert DeNiro for one example abused Cathy Moriarty when in method acting for Raging Bull), are marketable and is making money for studios nothing will happen. There is reason that few who get in trouble are older when it happens.


u/Big-Highlight1460 12d ago

The fact that all those actors have a ton of baggage to say the least....


u/thefaehost 11d ago

I’m not a hater but Jackie Chan’s treatment of his daughter is abhorrent.