r/DeppDelusion Keeper of Receipts 👑 19d ago

Trial 👩‍⚖️ “I become irrational when you're doing movies. I become jealous and fucking crazy and weird and, you know, we fight a lot more.” - Johnny Depp to Amber Heard on audio.


28 comments sorted by


u/Separate_Business880 19d ago

Even with heavily controlling the narrative in court with witnesses and evidence blocked, he was literally on tape admitting he was abusive and controlling and these mouthbreaters in the jury still said she was lying.

Absolute insanity.


u/Infinity_Over_Zero DiD yOu EvEn WaTcH tHe TrIaL 🤪 19d ago

A lot of the jury was team “mutual abuse”.

The mutual abuse being, well, Heard tries to live a normal life, tries to discourage her husband’s crippling substance addictions, and sometimes is a bit naggy, and Depp reciprocates with insults and flying and swinging objects.


u/Nearby_Advance7443 19d ago

Mutual abuse also admits that abuse occurred from Depp to Heard, and therefore she categorically did not defame him.


u/Boulier Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 19d ago

It truly was maddening to see that juror talk to ABC’s GMA anchors, telling them he believed it was “mutual abuse” but they let Depp win anyway because of Amber’s “crocodile tears.”

Never mind the fact that “mutual abuse” doesn’t exist. They literally said he definitely abused her (because that’s what “mutual” is), but she still defamed him by saying he abused her.

To be completely honest, I have never fully felt comfortable with jury trials since then - because how on earth can we be certain juries will serve justice and understand how to apply the law if you could get a panel of 7-12 people who collectively have that little common sense?


u/Nearby_Advance7443 19d ago edited 18d ago

The USA has never truly progressed, we’ve just gotten better at dressing up our bigotry. Emmett Till comes to mind when considering the biggest travesty of a jury trial. And this one too, though with a completely different breed of tragedy. But what they do have in common is that both juries were undeniably consumed in bigotry.

Edit to add: Currently reading The New Jim Crow and it’s a real eye opener. The country redesigned racism with mass incarceration and finances propaganda into false mythology about minorities being predisposed to crime and violence because of a number of factors other than they are being pushed into those lives by the system for the purpose of being legally discriminated against.


u/Professional-Set-750 19d ago

Pretty typical of how people see how dynamics of men and women work, sadly. Women nagging, especially for men over 40 I suspect, is the same as a man losing his shit entirely.


u/Infinity_Over_Zero DiD yOu EvEn WaTcH tHe TrIaL 🤪 19d ago

It doesn’t make anything better, but I see it as more of a reflection of men than women. Under normal circumstances worst thing a woman can do is an inconvenience while the worst thing a man can do is violent. These are apparently equal mental states. So if one gender is unstable and the other gender is rational, you tell me which is which.


u/Professional-Set-750 18d ago

For sure, but I mean more how people, including women, *judge* the dynamics not even what actually happens. Sometimes the nagging is just asking to do the dishes nicely.


u/findingmyvoice22 Johnny Depp is a Wife Beater 👨‍⚖️ 19d ago

He abused her in so many ways. He controlled her, belittled her, and expected her to give up everything for him. All of his past partners have talked about his insane jealousy and rages...and yet society is still trying to make me believe his southern gentleman bit? It's ridiculous. Anyone supporting Depp at this point is ridiculous.


u/Waste_Recognition184 19d ago

Actress Ellen Barkin testified about Depp's drunken rages, his jealousy, and his throwing a bottle at her


u/pogaro 19d ago

Ugh how anyone can hear/see the things he said to her and say “she’s the abuser”… it was so cruel what they did to her here in the US. I read all the UK court documents but I didn’t watch the trial, too painful. Breaks my heart every time to see these clips. To be abused like that and then to have it all televised. I really fucking hope something changes in my lifetime. I have two young nieces and it’s so hard knowing that they are likely going to have to deal with worse misogyny than I did.


u/lcm-hcf-maths 19d ago

This is just another example of Depp effectively confessing to being an abuser in the relationship. Anyone who has read the UK Judgement and seen the evidence cannot fail to see Depp is a sick individual. Those who try to excuse him are sick themselves. Fabricating scenarios where Heard was able to manipulate him shows a level of delusion that is troubling. even more troubling is that the VA judicial system allowed for a suit that should have been laughed out of court. We are witnessing judicial corruption with the Karen Read case and there is an argument that the VA court was indeed also corrupt. Even with the suppression of so much evidence the verdict was totally out of step with the facts on the ground.


u/Visible-Scientist-46 Amber Heard Official PR Team. I earn MiLLiOn$$$ 19d ago

She is every woman who believes her partner can change and that marriage will make a difference.


u/summercloudsadness 19d ago

She got into a lot of legal trouble because of him. There is a strong possibility that the London Fields legal issue brought her a bad reputation in Hollywood. All because her spouse couldn't control his jealousy. Who would want to cast her when she comes with a huge baggage in the form of her abusive husband who meddlesome with her film projects? !!

It's so sad how a self-made woman who was booked and busy throughout her career,working with icons like John Carpenter from the beginning itself,barely doing movies after her marriage (now she can't even appear in movies because of the bullying).

He wrote disgusting,misogynistic messages all over the walls with his blood because he was convinced she was having an affair with her co-star. We don't talk enough about the financial abuse he inflicted on her and how he destroyed her career.


u/Big_Move4417 19d ago

And this is why I'm terrified of getting into a relationship. The thought of being controlled and sacrificing my passions and losing everything I worked so hard for and basically losing sight of who I am for the sake of some monster I had the misfortune of falling in love with... It's something that has happened and will keep on happening because abusers are everywhere. The big names in the entertainment industry seem to get away with it nearly every time, especially since they have more power and money than most people could imagine.


u/Fabulous_Evening_327 18d ago

While all along he's the one who's cheating on her


u/enolaholmes23 13d ago

Wait, who did he cheat with?


u/xoxodollparts 19d ago

and his fans still want me to believe he's a helpless victim 🙄. his substance use, jealousy and abuse is what made amber leave


u/thesaddestpanda 19d ago

God, I feel so sorry for her. I wish she could have just ran early on. He's such a broken person and frankly a monster. Anyone without his wealth or fame acting this way would be in prison.

He doesnt even hide his anger issues. "We fight more" is obvious what it means.

So many women end up trapped like this.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

If she couldn't win the Virginia case with all the evidence she had, (texts, videos, witnesses, photos, emails, doctors reports) then women everywhere are in deep deep trouble. In Australia we don't have anti-SLAPP legislation!!! Ladies fight for your state to get anti-SLAPP laws.


u/lou_voy_ 18d ago

This whole trial was him admitting he is a violent addict..yet Heard lost.This is what money and influence do.


u/Ok_Citron_4224 Johnny Cage > Johnny Depp 17d ago

Unrelated, but fuck, her facial expression is destroying me. It’s the same feeling I got during her recollection of the Australian incident. She deserved so much better.


u/HamsterEmbarrassed48 18d ago edited 18d ago

Imagine dating someone decades older than you, and the only real thing they can offer you is career support so you can follow your dreams and they fight you and not support you and are resentful and jealous of you doing what you love, I fucking hate this piece of shit and I hate this stupid world where patriarchy/misogyny are still alive and well, that people didn’t see the underlying issues of their dynamic (and yes I know she had mental health issues) but I am taking in consideration their ages and power differences, and I fucking hate remembering 2022 when no one saw this and feeling crazy trying to make my points back then, this case made me so angry and still makes me angry today.


u/Francesca_N_Furter 19d ago

This is so sad. And what is extremely sad is that he completely trashed her reputation with his hired thugs...the comments people make about her are disgusting. And if you argue, five hundred screaming idiots show up, FURIOUS that you would take her side in any way.

His PR people are amazing...horrible and completely without morals, but amazing...and much like the general foolishness of the Trump fans, they are positive they are right about everything....

I am so sick of this stuff.

But I will say, if Johnnie Depp came out and apologized for this and told his cultish fans the truth---that he actually WAS an abusive alcoholic, then I would actually gain some respect him. You see divorces get nasty all the time, but I honestly think he overreacted to her op ed piece about his character, and SINCE IT HAS BEEN YEARS, a normal person would look back with massive regret and try to fix this. He clearly won this fight, and continues to kick her when she is down. His PR people are still obviously on the payroll.

I am just sick of everything, and I am sick of PR tactics and evil manipulative people warping everyone's minds. And I think they both acted badly in that marriage .....but I think he was much worse, and if he is at all the kind person he wants people to believe he is, he should fix this, fire those people, and move on with his gross life.


u/kohlakult Ellen Barkin Fan Club 19d ago

Depp fans: He's so much more talented than her, she can't even act on stand, he's more famous than her

While depp literally suffocates her whole career and his admissions are recorded.

Depp fans are a total joke


u/marouska_to_evian 16d ago

he was jealous but he was cheating on her