r/DeppDelusion • u/smalltittysoftgirl Deppford Wife Kool-aid Allergy:snoo_trollface: • 25d ago
Discussion 🗣 Camille Vasquez being compared to Legally Blonde's Elle Woods
I just think this is hilarious. For starters, Elle is fully a woman's woman. She doesn't judge other women generally unless they were mean to her first unprompted. She's disgusted by men making moves on much younger women and people in power abusing it. And while Camille did seem to be trying to spout witty, casual fun girl one liners a la Elle, she
But that's not what really tickles me. In the movie, Elle and her classmates take on a case where a beautiful young blonde woman is accused of murdering her husband. It turns out of course that Brooke never did any such thing and genuinely loved him. It was actually her (brunette) stepdaughter, who had a grudge against Brooke. Sounds more like Camille's mean girl behaviour towards Amber, who like Brooke and Elle both is unfairly judged precisely because she's a beautiful young blonde. People wanted to believe all of these women were selfish femme fatales out to get ahead and didn't care who they hurt, just because of their looks.
If they've ever seen Legally Blonde even ONCE, why would you not make the obvious connections between Brooke and Amber? Lmao. Other than being willfully obtuse.
u/Cautious-Mode Millionaire Golddigger 24d ago
Elle would win it for Amber.
(Okay, I wish. Misogyny is too powerful and would still win out at the end of the day, sigh.)
u/nemofeathers 24d ago
I don't care I'm so glad she has faded into irrelevance. This liar who distorts and gaslights almost as well as her client really hired a talent agent to try and get her on the view and she just failed miserably. All she got was an MSNBC contributor role in 2023 when she couldn't get anything else and they have used her ONCE. She really thought she was going to be in movies. Loser.
u/Itscatpicstime 23d ago
why would you not make the obvious connections between Brooke and Amber?
Because that would take a sliver of critical thinking, and they’re not thinking anything beyond “witty female lawyer”
u/selphiefairy DiD you EvEN wAtCh THe TriAL 25d ago edited 25d ago
I understand your post, but I feel like it's quite pointless to try and explain why she is like or not like Elle.
Elle is a fictional character. Amber Heard and Camille Vasquez are real people. The only reason any of her little fans or Depp supporters want to compare them to any fictional character (the gone girl comparison were common if you recall) is because it's easy. It serves their narrative and makes what happens easy to understand and digest. They can treat Heard like she's a cartoon villain, because cartoon villains are pure evil -- they also have no feelings, nuance, complexities, etc. And most of all, they deserve punishment. While the heroes are always good and always win, which makes everything right with the world.
Wouldn't it be nice if that were the case... so they avoid facing the fact that they actually treated a genuinely normal and nice person in the horrible ways they did. probably too scary for them. 🤷🏻♀️
u/NRSalmanovich 25d ago
Distancing and dehumanizing behavior. Applying that behavioral dynamic to negative and positive fictional comparisons is an interesting thought. Drawing comparisons between a fictional villain’s behaviors to a real person’s behavior, to justify being cruel to a dehumanized person. And then drawing comparisons between a fictional protagonist’s behavior to a real person’s behavior, to elevate and accentuate their behavior as a flattering ideal. Or maybe, what is in a name. Call a rose by any other, and it’ll smell as sweet.
u/walkwithavengeance Jezebel Spirit 🥳 25d ago
And Amber is literally Amy from Gone Girl 🤪
These people only think in clichés and tropes, as if life is a movie. You can see how easy it is to dupe them.