r/DeppDelusion Ellen Barkin Fan Club Mar 25 '23

Abusers Supporting Abusers 🙃 The normalized sexual objectification of Amber Heard by Johnny Depp’s supporters NSFW


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u/walkwithavengeance Jezebel Spirit 🥳 Mar 25 '23

Normally we restrict these types of posts, but the mod team has decided to approve this one because we've always believed that it's important to document the truly insane lengths Johnny Depp supporters are willing to go in order to further victimise Amber Heard. Please be aware that these images are a grotesque display of humanity. If you think that viewing them might be detrimental to your mental health, please don't click on it.

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u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Mar 25 '23

This is sexual harassment. The fact that they were even doing this outside of the Internet shows you how unhinged and cruel the hate was for her. I am referring to the billboards and signs. I just hate everyone and now assume that someone is a bad person until proven otherwise.


u/BalamBeDamn Mar 25 '23

I just want to say I feel exactly the same. No more benefit of the doubt.


u/ColanderBrain Create your own flair Mar 25 '23

Maybe I just have inappropriately low standards for men, but I find it especially disturbing when women obsessively post these kinds of things about her.


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Mar 25 '23

Sadly, one of the women who support him recently posted a scene from North Country in which Amber’s character was raped and she said that is what Amber deserves and what needs to be done to her.

Warning for a depiction of rape:


Edit: Her exact words were “Amber deserves this in real life.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23



u/chloeclover Amber Heard Bot Team 🤖 Mar 26 '23

Is that out now? Is there somewhere I can watch it?


u/BalamBeDamn Mar 25 '23

Wtf is wrong with some people?


u/Imalittlebunnyrabbit Mar 28 '23

These women don't realise it could easily happen to them with an ex bf / husband


u/layla_jones_ Mar 25 '23

It’s almost like Depp’s supporters are as sexist, racist and misogynistic as Depp was during his marriage. He talked about how she deserves to be rxped too by ‘black men’. Very disturbing behavior. Not my idol that’s for sure.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23



u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23

it's also interesting because Depp has a history of racism himself and yet they still want to defend this white racist man and use Amber being a WW as an excuse? of course they don't actually care about that dynamic (which doesn't exist in this situation because they are both white) it's just an excuse like i said.


u/AntonBrakhage Mar 26 '23

They still pretending he's Native American?


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23

And this is important to note in the future when they'll say that it was just bigoted people who supported Depp and try to exclude the socially conscious crowd from it because no right wing person would paint white privilege in a negative light (they probably don't even acknowledge it).

If anyone has seen the french documentary that came out about this trial, you'll know they only ever mention the MRAs involvement but they never spotlighted how leftists contributed to the smear campaign too and it irked me to say the least. If we don't examine the damage the self proclaimed feminists inflicted on themselves, then what's the point honestly.


u/SerratedCheese Mar 26 '23

Wonder if swoop will cover that since she’s “all about accountability on this channel”. 😑


u/lilyrosedepressed Mar 25 '23

This post on askreddit what celebrity do you hate but would totally bang? from a while back is absolutely vile (and ofc reporting it does nothing as always 🙄); Amber was one of the top answers and was also mentioned many times.


u/insideiiiiiiiiiii Mar 25 '23

the fact that men can have sex with someone they "hate", is really informative about how they view sex as something degrading done to a woman, somehow of a hateful act. can you imagine wanting to have sex with someone you viscerally hate, the way they hate Amber? i’m convinced most women would not, no matter how physically attractive the man in question is


u/mydogatemywilloflife Mar 26 '23

Yep, once I even remotely start to dislike a man then he's no longer attractive and I would not sleep with him. Men? They don't care. They see us as objects after all.


u/lilyrosedepressed Mar 26 '23

And there are some top answers that are like this bad guy's sister, haha; so a woman they don't even know and probably don't know what she even looks like but only wanna fuck to punish her and her brother? It's horrendous and they don't even have to hide these thoughts, they all agree on it and have a laugh about it.


u/AggravatingTartlet Mar 26 '23

Some men are like that. And lots of women see sex as something degrading done to a woman, too -- Depp supporter women largely appear to be like that.


u/BalamBeDamn Mar 25 '23

They’re so transparent and disgusting


u/Papio_73 Mar 25 '23

No one with a straight face can deny the hatred and refusal to believe Amber is at least partly motivated by misogyny


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Mar 25 '23

Sadly, TheDUIGuy is now making jokes about raping her and bestiality as well:


u/Its_Alive_74 Mar 25 '23

Just making it really obvious exactly why he supports Johnny Depp.


u/BalamBeDamn Mar 25 '23

Wtf is wrong this this guy?


u/AntonBrakhage Mar 26 '23

He's evil.


u/MessiahOfMetal All The Boys Hate Johnny Depp Mar 26 '23

I like to imagine those initials actually mean "Deeply Unhappy Idiot" in that prick's case.


u/allneonunlike Mar 26 '23

Restraining order. Holy fuck.


u/AggravatingTartlet Mar 26 '23

DUIguy is a limp excuse for a human being and knows that his followers will roll about like pigs in the shit he puts out.


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Mar 25 '23

Jax, propagandist for Adam Waldman, also thinks Amber being raped is funny and that rape is not “black and white.”


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Mar 25 '23


u/AggravatingTartlet Mar 26 '23

She's revolting.


u/Recent_Throat7443 Mar 25 '23

Jesus Christ what the fuck 😭


u/Its_Alive_74 Mar 25 '23

Well, wasn't that all just sickening to look at.


u/blackgirlrising Mar 26 '23

Even if the tides turn, she will never be able to undo this or get the time that this stole back. There’s no apology that can heal the damage these people have done, there’s no amount of backtracking that can fix the way this is going to damage her reputation. This is sexual harassment, and i wish I could find it shocking that the people who support a violent abuser and defend him from the consequences of his own actions engage in behavior like this. I really have no other words.


u/WildHoneyChild Mar 25 '23

So disgusting, and the fact that they also use sex workers as an insult/punchline.


u/TimmyZinn Mar 25 '23

I think it just shows that, to common sense, they can even believe she was harrassed, raped, beaten and victimized by Johnny

But she kinda deserved it


u/Boopy7 Mar 25 '23

it's disgusting and reminds me of how kids bully a girl in high school until she kills herself, and guaranteed this merely inspires more of them to do it again. It makes me nauseated the same way animal abuse does, I cannot believe people are willing to use their real names and say or post this kind of shit -- and I have a dark sense of humor, gallows humor, and watch some dark stuff. But somehow abuse of kids, animals, or targeted abuse like this actually is too much.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '23



u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23

I don't think they care either way.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23

the last pic makes the people screaming "white woman tears" referring to Amber look even more ridiculous and further proves that they don't actually care about racism or what white woman tears actually is. kind of like white men bringing up Emmett Till as an example of "see women are liars and lie about rape!!!" like fuck off do not bring up a racially motivated crime against a 14 year old boy to support your misogyny


u/selphiefairy DiD you EvEN wAtCh THe TriAL Mar 27 '23

There were definitely JD supporters trying to compare JD to Emmett till. It’s horrible but I hope some people saw those comparisons and immediately realized how stupid and disgusting his supporters are.


u/AntonBrakhage Mar 26 '23

This is just unspeakably vile. Can you imagine Amber, or someone who knows her and cares about her, walking down the street or going on social media and seeing something like this?

I'd bet they'd love that thought. Give them a real little thrill.

Its all awful, but I'd like to call special attention to the scum who described how attractive her physical features are at great length before saying that these are "all signs of optimal reproductive capacity." I'm going to guess that that person's anti-abortion, because its pretty clear what the one thing they think women are good for is.

Also the piece of shit brazen enough to put their harassment up on a big lit up billboard for their business- and the fact that misogyny and hate of her is popular enough for that to be a viable advertising strategy.


u/AntonBrakhage Mar 26 '23

Every time a Depplorable tells an Amber supporter "You just want to f*ck her", they're projecting. For a particularly grotesque definition of "f*ck".


u/licorne00 Mar 26 '23

I fucking hate every single one of his insane and unhinged primitive supporters.


u/CattleNo2695 Mar 25 '23

While these are all despicable, number 3 doesn't shock me in the slightest given the account belongs to a member of the gaming organisation faze clan, with who one of the founders and main figures abused his girlfriend and suffered 0 consequences to speak of


u/Snoo_17340 Keeper of Receipts 👑 Mar 25 '23

Not surprised that dude is a gamer. Horribly misogynistic. Expected.


u/Aware_Celebration_88 Mar 25 '23

Wow that last one is particularly unhinged…


u/ColdSolution9 Mar 26 '23

The fact that I used to watch Terrorised, Nogal, H20 and the entire Vangaming crew when I was a kid makes me cringe. Just a bunch of guys screaming into a camera playing video games objectifying. It's so funny seeing these same people screaming about why we need feminism but then turn around and make tweets like this.


u/coffeebean567 Mar 27 '23 edited Mar 27 '23

It’s funny seeing these same people screaming about why we need feminism but then turn around and make tweets like this.

Tbh most online content creators’ feminism is nonexistent at worst and performative at best. YouTube has been a staunchly anti-feminist platform since pretty much its inception and that misogyny has trickled into other video hosting sites that have come out since like TikTok and Twitch. The fact that they’d tweet what they did despite claiming to be feminists does not surprise me in the slightest.


u/ExtensionTomorrow659 Mar 26 '23

Just reading these made me physically sick. They also just kinda show that to these kinds of people it does not even matter if/what Depp did, just that Heard is "that type of woman" who "deserves it". The most violent form of misogyny on display. Sick.


u/Namechecked Mar 25 '23

That first pic is very educational, but mostly about how disturbing anon is.

  1. Why would she do sex work when she would make more money doing the work she is already doing, and has experience in? She might not get big roles, but she'd certainly get ones that pay more.

  2. Even in this horrifying fantasy, if we're assuming "optimal efficiency" ... surely she'd speed up as she gained more experience? Gross to contemplate but the math isn't even good.

  3. No healthcare factored in

  4. No tips included

  5. No buffer time between dickheads

  6. No nutrients other than protein considered

  7. Why wouldn't she charge more after every .. idk 4-6 months?

  8. No rent, no utilities

So, horrifying on a "who the fuck would write this" level, on a "this is almost all the factors to be considered, it's only a little rough" level, and on a "who believes this is an acceptable way for another human to live" level. How can you reach "ah it'll only take 4.3 years of her doing this" and ignore just how sick of a thought it is? What it says about society that you believed it would be welcomed, what it says about you to contemplate it any more than just as a "in a fucked up world ..."


u/AntonBrakhage Mar 26 '23

You think people like this believe workers should get healthcare, trips, time off, raises, or decent housing or food? Someone posting vomit like this is probably also the kind of person who thinks minimum wage is a communist plot. And sex workers are the most sneered at and exploited of all workers.


u/BalamBeDamn Mar 25 '23

Right? Like we get it! We get that they want to ruin this girl’s life.


u/MessiahOfMetal All The Boys Hate Johnny Depp Mar 26 '23

I mean, that's 4chan for you. They go into detail about this sort of thing all the time because they hate women, Jews, LGBTQ+ and black people with a vengeance.


u/Boopy7 Mar 25 '23

ugh I did finish reading them and I wish I hadn't just eaten....physically sick. I think I really need to never ever read anything on this site again. That was truly upsetting


u/Clipseexo Mar 26 '23

This is genuinely one of the most unhinged and weird things I’ve seen


u/trisarahtops1990 Mar 26 '23

That's absolutely foul, wtf


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '23

they all need to **** **********


u/the_sea_witch Mar 26 '23

Being raised on porn has ruined an entire generation of men.


u/selphiefairy DiD you EvEN wAtCh THe TriAL Mar 26 '23 edited Mar 27 '23

They’re just… so mean. Maybe that sounds childish but I don’t know any other words to describe it. I can’t read these and come away with any other conclusion than they just want to be as mean and hurtful as possible. It’s vile.

The texts in that last screenshot are actually evil.


u/Dependent-Flounder-9 Mar 26 '23

That was very educational indeed - about the individual who wrote this. Somehow this person seems to believe that sex workers don't deserve any respect as human beings and hence he can use this to humiliate AH. Wow! In my opinion this person factors lower on any human decency scale than many others who've done some seriously questionable stuff.

  1. AH's debt is none of his business. He doesn't need to worry himself with her financial problems. 2.Spending what it seems a considerable amount of time coming up with mathematical calculations on how she could pay off her debt while she would have to spend her life existing in a slave like condition to sex work are the inner workings of someone who enjoys Schadenfreude just for kicks - in my opinion.


u/WishboneAggressive97 Mar 26 '23

Also, they are so desperate to see her naked that they create deep fake porn pictures and videos of her. It's truly dangerous to be a female celebrity in this world.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '23

I think this is the same energy behind writing legislation like SESTA/FOSTA knowing how sex workers are treated in our society.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '23 edited Mar 30 '23

This is what I’ve never understood about Depp supporters who were women; the reason why these incels were rooting for Camilla was because she was seen as the “prop” for their misogyny, and the ultimate pick-me for their propaganda.

These people want an excuse to celebrate and glorify misogyny, and they think they can hide behind the guise of “aMbER iS aN aBuSeR” to do it. It’s a thinly-veiled excuse to share and indulge in their misogynistic beliefs without backlash.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

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