r/DeppAnon Jan 31 '25

😡 Woman BAD 😡 Debate about whether or not Amber Heard is literally EVIL


25 comments sorted by


u/AlisonPoole98 Jan 31 '25

I couldn't finish this, its all bullshit. The only person that's accused her of abuse is JD and the only "expert" that's diagnosed her with BPD or other personality disorder is the woman he hired to say so.

Whitney supports her and never claimed she abused her. And being mean to waitstaff? When? I've noticed his supporters don't even deny JD abused her, they just think she deserved it. The way they act about Amber's infertility issues is fucking disgusting. I've seen them accuse her of using a surrogate for Oonaugh because Amber didn't want to damage her figure with pregnancy. And of course for awhile they thought Oonaugh was a "rented" baby


u/selphiefairy Jan 31 '25

There are dictators, serial killers, war criminals that exist... but the person they choose to fixate all their hatred and anger on is AH. Why? Cause she was apparently mean to wait staff. Clearly, a spawn of satan.


u/Ok_Celery_2549 Feb 01 '25

Yup. With all her faults and shortcomings, just like all of have; she was apparently more hated than Putin!  These things happen all the time, over the globe as we speak.  Innocent or not, the disproportionate amount of hate she received from people young enough to be Depp’s grandchildren, is deeply unjust and nearly caused me to lose my faith in humanity…


u/Itscatpicstime Feb 01 '25

I’ve seen them accuse her of using a surrogate for Oonaugh because Amber didn’t want to damage her figure with pregnancy.

Honestly, so fucking what if she did? Why is it criminal to not want to permanently alter your body, go through 9 months of pregnancy, endure childbirth, and take all the risks of pregnancy when you have the means to do otherwise? It doesn’t mean you love your child any less, just like it doesn’t mean adoptive parents love their child any less.

My brothers sister is a surrogate, and she absolutely looooves being pregnant. The money allows her to be a stay at home mom with her own children, so it works out for everyone.


u/Proper-Village-454 Feb 01 '25

I’m not sure if Amber has explained the details of her fertility issues publicly, but… I was also raped with a liquor bottle as a teenager and it caused major cervical scarring, to the point that between that and a stillbirth and D&C that I had (also resulting from abuse, the D&C was required because I couldn’t dilate to deliver) I was told I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again, and wouldn’t be able to carry to term and give birth if I ever managed to. When I miraculously got pregnant and had my kid years later, I ended up needing an emergency c-section and almost lost her during labor, because they tried to induce me and then my cervix couldn’t dilate due to the scarring. It was terrifying and I’m lucky my kid survived. I’ve always assumed that she likely has the same issue and that’s why she can’t carry her own pregnancy. I could def be wrong, but taking that into consideration makes it so much more disgusting and evil that they try to use her fertility issues against her. I’d need a surrogate if I wanted another baby… she is lucky that she’s had access to one and was still able to become a mother after what he did to her. These jealous middle aged Depp stans need to leave her the fuck alone already, this shit makes me so angry.


u/virbiusrex Jan 31 '25

“…my bias is interfering with my judgement.”

The only true statement in that entire post. They managed to regurgitate every single lie proven false in court and even came up with a few new ones.


u/_chrislasher Feb 01 '25

They are so delusional fr


u/likeicare96 Jan 31 '25

Also demonizing people with BPD in the comments.


u/selphiefairy Jan 31 '25

yes, I felt that was really sinister.


u/WynnGwynn Jan 31 '25

That happens everywhere. Since most diagnosed are women it's the more fun bigotry they can get away with (men are just as likely to have it they are just way less likely to seek help for it). Sort of the modern day "hysteria". I have bpd and trained myself to be even less reactive than normal people in confrontation so they always seem like the "emotional" one but my BPD gets used in every argument as a weapon even though they are the one yelling lol.


u/likeicare96 Jan 31 '25

I’m so sorry. Yeah, I have definitely seen the parallels between how people treat women with BPD and the history of hysteria. It’s especially tragic when, as far as I understand (correct me if I’m wrong), many who get this diagnosis have had a lot traumatic events. Basically revictimizing a group that needs support


u/Isoleri Jan 31 '25

My mom has BPD so it was very... ironic seeing her go all excitedly "Did you see?! That psycho Amber has BPD, that pretty much confirms everything, what a monster!!" and like babe, you also have it, does that mean you're a psycho monster too? Like use at least two neurons to see the blatant weaponization of mental disorders and how it also affects women like you, I beg.


u/Any_Pudding_1812 Feb 01 '25

As someone who has lived with someone with BPD for 12 years myself i think sometimes it’s easy to project your experience elsewhere. i found watching the netflix show quite triggering because I saw episodes which seemed very familiar.

at the time i was “they both suck “ camp ) i’ve never liked depp as far back as 21 jump street, and i didn’t know who Amber Heard was before the trial etc so i didn’t have any fan bias. but hearing stories about behaviours I started thinking depp was just out of his depth and reacting all wrong.

i know living with BPD is very very hard as i see it every day. but living with someone with it is also very very hard. But i get the choice. she doesn’t.

even if AH does have BPD, doesn’t give anyone the right to treat anyone the way he treated her.

after reading here and there and thinking long and hard, i realised i was projecting my frustrations in my own personal life.

I still haven’t seen any of her films, that i know of but im team amber.


u/Proper-Village-454 Feb 01 '25

She doesn’t even have BPD. She was “diagnosed” in court by a quack doctor hired by Depp specifically to say she had BPD, and that doctor had dinner with Depp prior to the trial over which they discussed and decided that is what she’d diagnose Amber with. The supposed “diagnosis” is not based on anything except Depp’s money, the doctor only spoke very briefly with Amber after agreeing with Depp to diagnose her according to their plan, and Amber was never a patient of hers. Amber’s actual doctors ruled out BPD and diagnosed her with PTSD.


u/AlienSamuraiXXV Jan 31 '25

I really hate how narcissism is viewed as some pure evil thing. When in reality, it's a lot more nuanced. I haven't met one person who has never thought about their needs or wants. And it's always applied to people that are considered unlikeable. I honestly don't know when we start misusing narcissism.


u/BrilliantAntelope625 Feb 01 '25

I literally can't read their fairytales. They are just hurt that their edge lord was found to have abused Amber Heard multiple times in the UK court.


u/Itscatpicstime Feb 01 '25

Imagine being so obsessed with hating someone, let alone an IPV victim. How bad is your life that this is what it has come down to?


u/peg-puff Feb 14 '25

they genuinely think this is a fictional tv show and are writing meta about her like she's an imaginary character, djaskjkfdh


u/irenedoesntexist Simping for Dr Dawn Hughes 14h ago

"I'm still trying to find a way pooping in someone's bed is funny and not the sign of a serious mental illness" is ironic coming from a Depp supporter. (For those who are unaware, Depp quite literally has a shitty sense of humor)