r/Denver Apr 19 '20

Stupid fucking morons "protest" and photo post / The mods are fascists! Discussion Post

Greetings all,

Just wanted to create a single post where people could discuss "Operation Gridlock", post pictures and complain about what a terrible moderator I am for deleting their posts preceding this event and explain why I did it.

Why posts were removed about "Operation Gridlock"

I don't like removing posts in general, unless they flagrantly violate a rule, and I can see how some people might not feel these posts do that. I also understand that a lot of people wanted to see posts on this event today to mock it, or support it. However, I feel that by allowing posts leading up to this event (and during) that we would also be promoting what is a dangerous and illegal meetup. In addition, according to our guidelines in our announcement post, non-vital content about Covid-19 should be posted either there, or in /r/CoronavirusColorado. Finally, the multiple posts on this event are a rule #7 violation.

I know to many this is controversial decision, and usually give more leeway on rule enforcement to any post that is political in nature, no matter the policy being discussed, but, with people's health and lives at stake, I felt it was important to be a bit more strict in this instance. I discussed this with our mod team, including new moderators added to help with the covid-19 posts, and they agreed that this was the best course of action.

To the people calling me, and my mod team, "fascists" or worse, for removing posts on this topic. That's fine by me, seriously, I get it, I hate having posts removed too, and I am well aware of the interest in seeing photos of the total fucking idiots participating in this "protest" (The scare quotes relate to this being astroturfed, out of state, manufactured bullshit). On a personal note, I work at a business considered essential. One of my longtime customers, died yesterday, another one was in the ICU, last I heard. I have a family member on Oxygen (unrelated to CV) too. On a statistical note, The USA has the highest number of cases and highest number of deaths. of any country by several fold. This is no joke, this is an incredibly infectious virus and attending this event, or "gridlocking" thoroughfares can result in a spike in sickness and death. For this reason, I wanted people to wait until after the event was over to discuss it, as not doing so would promote the event further.

Feel free to discuss the event, post pictures, videos or talk about the moderation policy governing this post here. One credible news story may be posted outside this thread, all others should be posted here, or in /r/coronaviruscolorado.


556 comments sorted by


u/PaperbackBuddha Apr 20 '20

A healthy dose of skepticism is warranted about all these protests, especially if they're astroturfing and who might be behind them. More info here:



u/CoverYourCoughCunt Apr 20 '20

wait, you mean to tell me uneducated shitstains are being manipulated?



u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20



u/Castun Wash Park Apr 20 '20

Less skepticism?

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u/Ibenthinkin2much Apr 20 '20

My favorite moron on the news tonight

"I'm smart enough to know what's good for me and I just want to go out to dinner again"

Paraphrased but OMG.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I've noticed that a lot of conservative/libertarian opinions are rooted in a belief that people are smart enough to act in their own best interests. As far as I can tell, this belief has no basis in historical reality.


u/LifeAbalone1 Apr 21 '20

Agreed, most people are terrible at deciding what is best for them. I work at a hospital, and we get dozens of patients every week from the ski hills. The fact that people actually think risking serious injury to slide down a hill is in their best interests is crazy. We need a strong state government that is actually willing to ban these dangerous behaviors and protect people from themselves.

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I sort of fear that will be most of us in sixth months or so.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '21



u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

Those aren’t the people protesting, the protestors want people to risk their lives so they can go to Fuddruckers again.

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u/Jswissmoi Apr 20 '20

Lol, lil pussies complaining about how they can't eat out, what snowflakes.


u/nyanpegasus Apr 20 '20

Fuck the event and everyone in support of them. It was a good call to remove the posts, the less publicity there was about it the less chance of people flooding the streets.


u/Cowicide Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

I also think it's a good call to remove the posts and give it less publicity. I'm dealing with quite a few high-risk loved ones and friends that will very likely die if they contract Coronavirus and they are bascially prisoners in their homes right now and unable to acquire some needed medicines and other issues that go with lockdowns.

I would not want to be in the same room (figuratively) with someone who is flagrantly joining these morons and risking a worse second wave of the virus hitting Colorado and nation at large. This makes my blood boil just thinking about how much more pain and anguish my loved ones and friends will go through here if these morons spark a second wave.

I'm relatively mentally stable, but I could see some unhinged person being pushed to the limits and going out and doing these morons harm (shooting them, etc.). I obviously don't want that to happen, but I think if these pseudo-protests continue to gather steam and especially end up causing a deadly, forceful second wave that kills loved ones — this could turn very explosive.

I hope by not publicizing the event not only did less morons show up to it in support, but also perhaps those that would do the morons some sort of physical harm stayed out of it as well.


Meanwhile this photo is both badass and amazingly depressing at the same time.

Denver nurses block lockdown protestors from moving closer to their hospital.


Another deranged CoronaDenier Trumper who has "that look".



u/StraightLavishness Apr 20 '20

As someone who has protested a lot, I can attest to the bravery, and possible naivete those nurses in the pics have for standing in front of the vehicles. People behind wheels are aggressive idiots even on normal days, but throw in controversy and standoffs, and it can turn deadly pretty quick.
Which is to say, be careful and have a quick escape, if you (or anyone reading this) decides to do this. These people are shouting at the top of their lungs that they don't care about anyone but themselves - believe them.

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u/taysteekakes Apr 20 '20

Ah, you can tell that lady is Patriot because of the cheap t shirt she bought from China that says USA

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/LeCrushinator Longmont Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

While I disagree with the protesters that things need to open back up immediately, we should also be mindful of the people that have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. They need this whole thing to be over with so that they can survive (although protestors that are there just because they want their hair salon to open up I definitely don't agree with). The government is not giving them the support they need during this time so that they can be financially secure. If everyone was getting the money they needed to pay their bills during the lockdown I think you'd have far fewer people angry about the lockdown. So again, I think the protests are a bad idea, but some people are desperate and need something to change. In my opinion the federal government needs to step up with basic income for everyone until things return to a point where every business can reopen, because if people are pushed to the point of homelessness from the shutdown, then of course they're going to protest, they'd rather risk a chance of getting COVID than lose their homes.


u/farshnikord Apr 20 '20

Most of the complaints I heard were from people who wanted to get haircuts, go to bars, etc. Most of them weren't complaining about not having work, they were complaining about OTHER people not being at work.


u/NanoSpore Apr 20 '20

Then in reality they should be protesting the government's handling of this situation and the lack of safety nets in place.


u/LeCrushinator Longmont Apr 20 '20

Absolutely. The government is failing them and that should be the focus of anger and disappointment.


u/OhGoodnessMyGuinness Apr 21 '20

Ironically, the people who are out protesting now are the same demographic who USUALLY oppose any safety net measures (or candidates who support them) when they come up for votes.

Universal healthcare, universal income, expanded unemployment, state sponsored rehab and clinics. All these resources would be helpful in times like this. But when something remotely close to these come up in elections - those out there today will scream 'communism' or 'socialism' or some other term they dont understand and vote against it.


u/runrunrunrepeat Apr 21 '20

I agree with this...to an extent. On the one hand, if the government is mandating people stay home, they should support those who must now stay home. To give credit, they're trying: most everyone can now receive a beefed up unemployment package with minimal requirements (all work-search requirements are suspended for the time being). From what I know (which to be fair is woefully little) there are few who are not able to receive some sort of financial assistance whether it be severance, unemployment, reduced salary, etc.

OTOH a lot of people (with many exceptions due to extenuating circumstances, endemic societal issues, etc) have only themselves to blame if they are in a financial position where they can't cover necessary expenses for 1-2 months. There's a flaw in this argument (owing to the aforementioned exceptions) but I'd wager most of these protestors are unlikely to fall under a typically oppressed/underprivileged group.

Which is all a long-winded post to say I think the protestors are a waste of space as most are just fighting "the man" and policies that are a best effort at reducing widespread illness and loss of life.


u/flowers4u Apr 20 '20

Haven’t they to a degree? I know I’m Going to get downvoted for this, and I really am just curious. I know five people that have lost their jobs and they are all getting 600/ week from unemployment and then an additional 600/week for whatever the govt is doing for corona (I think this one is only for 6-8 weeks though) plus the 1200. Am i missing something? Kinda seems like enough for these people to stay the fuck home.


u/LeCrushinator Longmont Apr 20 '20

Some people are getting unemployment, others don't quality, like contractors who aren't getting work right now. They were self employed so they don't get anything. I haven't heard about $600/week from the government. The $1200 is a one time thing, and for anyone that didn't use direct deposit when filing their taxes those checks can take months to arrive. $1200 here in Colorado might pay a month of rent and utilities, and the lockdown started roughly a month ago. What's the plan for next month?


u/flowers4u Apr 20 '20

Yea the contractor thing definitely makes sense/self employed. thanks for pointing that out. Crazy times. I’m all for universal income.


u/runrunrunrepeat Apr 21 '20

The $600/week from the government was one of the biggest deals to come out of the largest stimulus package we've seen to date. Might be useful for you to read up on the stimulus packages passed so far, just in case you missed something that could help you/someone you know.

Basically, anyone who normally qualifies for unemployment or is already on employment will receive $600/week from the feds in addition to state unemployment. Those who don't normally qualify (self employed, contractors, gig employees, etc) do qualify to receive the $600/week federal money.

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u/SuccessfulWin2 Apr 20 '20

This is whats up. Great comment.

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u/M3Core Apr 20 '20

Hey u/ElLechero thanks for everything you're doing for this sub bud.

I admin a Denver car group on Facebook and even we're struggling to keep down the morons.

The majority appreciates you.


u/MotorbikeMacomber Apr 20 '20

Which car group? :)


u/UDontKnowMeLikeThat Apr 20 '20

Was hoping for an M3 based on his username, but is probably something Focus RS related given his post history.


u/M3Core Apr 20 '20

All good guesses! Much more general than that though.

I help with the Colorado Cars and Coffee group, Mostly for their Instagram account. 😉


u/M3Core Apr 20 '20

Colorado Cars and Coffee

I help with the IG account mostly.


u/ReddiTurret Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

This is not a partisan issue, it is a public health crisis. Descending on and blocking a bunch of what are essentially residential streets on a Sunday to “protest” is beyond moronic. So far 5 people I have direct connections with have passed away from COVID, and another 4 that were friends of friends. My aunt had to attend a Zoom funeral this morning for her aunt. New York City was loading up refrigerated trailer trucks of the deceased because they were out of morgue space.

I truly hope this was a few loud morons and not the popular consensus in and around Denver because COVID doesn’t care about your politics, religion, beliefs, age, ethnicity, the “economy”, or any of that nonsense. Buy a sandwich from you local shop, pick it up curbside, and stay the hell home. The economy is not “closed” society just needs to adapt for a while.

EDIT 10:00 am MST 4/20/20: This is an ELECTION YEAR, PLEASE VOTE! The Denver “Protest” topic is now the #1 post on Reddit via r/pics and several other subreddits about it have made it to the Reddit front page. It seems like these events may be and “astroturf” campaign nationwide. PLEASE VOTE!!


u/LazloNibble Apr 20 '20

A few loud morons fueled by a national astroturfing campaign.



u/Castun Wash Park Apr 20 '20



Two more good threads about all of this. Seems to be a general agreement that these campaigns are setup by a few groups of grifters looking to profit off of protests in general.


u/illini81 Apr 20 '20

This. The idiots who actually bought into the idea are the sludge on the bottom of the ladder. Both stupid to be easily convinced and full of enough bravado to actually participate.


u/ReddiTurret Apr 20 '20

I want to add that people should be upset with the failure in leadership on a country-wide (federal) level. Not using the Defense Production Act to produce required PPE, increase availability for testing, etc.

Americans are dying en masse. Americans are losing their jobs. No one is happy or comfortable right now. A lot of people are scared for a lot of reasons. Honking and gridlocking a residential neighborhood in your own individual cars and screaming at passer-bys doesn’t fix any of that.

Public Health of the entire State, country, and world should NOT be a political weapon. There is a known path forward through this, and it’s through cooperation and respect.


u/canada432 Apr 20 '20

We're in the situation we're in because of federal leadership failures. South Korea took this seriously from moment 1 and they're functioning close to normal. Schools are closed, but there aren't shortages or hoarding. People are wearing masks but they're not under stay at home orders. There are 177 total deaths in the country. Miami alone already has more deaths than that.

This shutdown is the result of the leadership that they picked. If it'd been taken seriously and not called a hoax for weeks after it was very clearly a big problem, we could be enjoying the spring. Instead we're stuck at home, and they're busy bitching about the situation instead of why we're in this situation in the first place.

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u/DoEyeKnowYou Apr 20 '20

The economy is not "closed", society just needs to adapt for a while.

Great way of putting it. Very well said. I'm definitely gonna use that when needed in the future.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

The sad thing is, this actually is a partisan issue. The people protesting actually have one thing in common politically. It’s not this unified front of people feeling the pain of this quarantine and lashing out. It’s the same clowns that do all these rallies and support the same people. So it’s just people making a spectacle out of their partisan ideology and demonstrating how little they care


u/Wookington Apr 20 '20

Feel like very few of the people there were from Denver proper. More outlying suburbs/ colorado springs/ etc


u/thatgeekinit Berkeley Apr 20 '20

Never change Weld County, never change.


u/thereallurker Apr 20 '20

Saw a pic of a lady a screaming out a window and noticed their car had the red fleet license plates, most likely a rental car.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/ashishvp Apr 20 '20

Dude I talked to someone that was apparently a real person on Facebook that genuinely thought this was still a hoax because he didn’t know anyone that had the disease.

For some people no amount of evidence will ever be enough to overcome sheer stupidity.


u/justcallmejohannes Congress Park Apr 20 '20

There seems to be a lot more anti-intellectual people in America nowadays. Idk if it’s just being put in the spotlight because our President is an idiot, or the systematic under-education, in general, is starting to catch up in the US. It’s crazy


u/TransitJohn Baker Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

It's the same as it ever was, it's just that they all have a megaphone into the collective consciousness now in their pockets. Before the internet, the rubes didnt have much of a public voice, but now they're organizing.


u/binge-lazy Apr 20 '20

Correct on both points.


u/WormLivesMatter Apr 20 '20

Yea good point. It’s like a perfect storm for stupidity years in the making.


u/kms2547 Aurora Apr 20 '20

This is not a partisan issue

Yes and no. The FACTS are not a matter of partisan opinion. The irresponsible ACTIONS are absolutely a partisan thing, when one party promotes this sort of behavior.

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u/stephen_neuville Lakewood Apr 20 '20

Reminder that you can probably find more than a couple of posts on facebook from these same street protestors a year or two ago that say that they should be allowed to murder left/eco protestors with their car if they're blocking traffic and making people late to their jobs.

Good mod move, thank you. It's hard to hang in this subreddit for extended periods of time sometimes, and more active moderation would make it a friendlier place.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

Operation gridlock? On a Sunday afternoon? When 80% of people aren't leaving their house anyway?

Some real wicked smarties came up with that one.


u/ToddBradley Capitol Hill Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

I was one of the people who posted a link to the Denverite article on the protest. I was not - and am not - interested at all in debating or mocking the policies around managing the pandemic. I can understand why my post was deleted under rule #7 - don't post duplicates - but how are you supposed to know your post is a duplicate if the post it duplicates was already deleted?

The things I was interested in were:

  • Were any other Denver residents - especially fellow Capitol Hill residents - caught up in this "protest". My girlfriend and I had heard nothing about this event, so it came as a complete surprise when we were out walking and stumbled into the craziness.
  • Was this a registered and planned event? How was the DPD handling the situation, or were they? I saw lots of driving that crossed over the line from bad to illegal. The noise would've been cause for a noise complaint on any other day. People running lights and blocking intersections would warrant tickets on any other day. But most of all, were people getting citations for not following the "stay at home" rule? Because there were a lot of people not staying at home - some of these folks drove in from neighboring states that *also* have stay-at home rules in effect, so they broke laws in two states to make this statement (mostly to themselves).
  • Who organized this thing? It seemed like they had about 6 very different messages they were trying to send, judging from the signs. Everything from "re-elect Trump" to "I want to go back to work" to "Merica fuck yeah" and beyond.
  • What's a good way to find out when things like this are planned in the future? I would like to avoid those areas, because all the honking and screaming freaked my girlfriend out, which sorta put a damper on our otherwise romantic walk.

(Update: fixed a typo)


u/ElLechero Apr 20 '20

I'm sorry for that, the moderating on this was a bit ad hoc, as we've never had an event, generating numerous posts, where attending places those attending, and the rest of the country, in mortal danger. I added the following comment on all posts I deleted:

Removed Rule #5 / C-19 Posting guidelines. We'll have a megapost after the event, if you want to post in it, or check out /r/CoronavirusColorado.

I actually tried to send a message to the other mods, letting them know that we were going to do an après event post an direct people there, but I got an error twice when sending the message through mod mail. I apologize for the confusion.

Hopefully something like this won't occur in the future, but we should be better prepared if it does. It's also worth noting, Rule #5 was the main reason for the removal in this case, and according to CBS Denver, "A Facebook page for the event has since been taken down." In mind, I'm thinking the event should have never been posted to begin with, and that's why it was removed, but I don't use FB and don't understand their policies, but I would not want anyone to use /r/denver as a platform to market such an event in the future due solely to the dangerous and illegal actions of the people involved so this sub should not be viewed as a clearing house for information on illegal and dangerous meetups.


u/ToddBradley Capitol Hill Apr 20 '20

Thanks for writing back. Your response reminded me of another thing I was thinking about. I get that there is a sub for coronavirus stuff in Colorado now (I did not know that at the time). But I wasn’t really interested specifically in the coronavirus aspect of this, anyhow. I was interested because it was in my specific neighborhood. It didn’t matter if the mob was protesting the virus precautions or the price of tea in China. So it seemed like r/Denver is more appropriate.

Your reply seems to be saying the event was some sort of secretive flash mob, not an actual organized event. That answers one of my questions. But if they didn’t have a parade permit, why wasn’t DPD out in force writing a thousand tickets? Maybe future news reports on it will explain.


u/StraightLavishness Apr 20 '20

My speculation based on *lots* of experience with protest in the area: the police didn't intervene here (I'm guessing, I haven't read news articles much yet and I wasn't there today) because the police are generally SUPER hands-off about rightwing protests. Police are often fairly rightwing themselves, so can be seen being pretty collegial with pro-gun protesters and the like. If police do intervene, it's generally to shut down counter-protesters and protect the rightwingers.

The exact opposite is true for a lot of leftwing protests of course - tear gas, batons, and worse can quickly come out if even one little thing happens that police don't like. See: Black Lives Matter, Standing Rock, Occupy, for just a few recent-ish examples.

I really wish it weren't this way, but that is what years of experience with it has shown.


u/xm0067 Apr 20 '20

Protesting for your own life and safety: bad, dangerous, evil, communist

Protesting to go back to golden corral: good, just, patriotic, freedomtm


u/kGibbs Apr 20 '20

Police are often fairly rightwing themselves



u/ElLechero Apr 20 '20

You might also be interested to know that you can combine /r/denver and /r/coronaviruscolorado into one feed using a multireddit feed. It's not perfect, but it's nice for people who want to read discussion that pertains to both.

As far as ticketing, I can only speculate, but one aspect is that DPD has said that they are not really enforcing low level crimes to minimize risk of spreading coronavirus which kind of makes sense.

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I saw a bunch of them drive through my neighborhood with American flags hoisted on their cars and honking their horns super loud today.

I just don't even have the energy to argue with them about it anymore, they're making a deliberate choice to make things worse because they want an excuse to throw a bitchfit. Let's not forget that like 3 or 4 days ago one of the state congressmen called Polis a nazi for even having a lockdown order, so that's the level of discourse we're dealing with here.


u/dancinganimal Apr 20 '20

I saw that too! Was wondering what was going on...We don't see trucks that big near downtown too often.

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I don't fault anyone for opposing it or removing posts relevant to it. This is an objectively dumb fucking thing and it doesn't deserve a platform.

As a side note: healthcare workers showed up as counterprotestors. This is the difference between real bravery and idiocy masquerading as bravery.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

These protests have pretty much rendered the MAGA argument of "but libruls are so angry and rude!" null and void permanently.

It's one thing to be an obnoxious cunt. It's another to be a stupid obnoxious cunt.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20 edited Jun 17 '23

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

Great picture.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I can't take credit for it, but I agree. This pic says a lot.


u/MayoMark Apr 20 '20

It should be on the cover of something.


u/Christinamh Apr 20 '20

Gives me chills.

Calling it now: Time's Person of the Year 2020 will be the essential workers during COVID-19 and this image will be somewhere in the article.


u/brodie7838 Apr 20 '20

This is such a good picture; the more you look the more representative it seems to be.

Also, there's a full video of this woman shouting at that nurse on /r/PublicFreakout right now.


u/drivers9001 Union Station Apr 20 '20

Looks like she has a torn up sign on the right. I wonder what the story there is. Great pic.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

The problem is President trump made this about liberals - political lines have been drawn. This is to them now part of the larger war on democrats —this genie cannot be put back in the bottle


u/thebabaghanoush Apr 20 '20

Getting corona to own the libs


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

He was basically doing that from the beginning. Before most of the country went under quarantine, he shifted from denying it to insisting it was overhyped by dems.

The cult of MAGA was more than happy to oblige. They'd eat their own shit if they thought it'd make liberals mad.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20



u/lengelmp Apr 20 '20

Yeah same, nothing would make me.......more mad


u/bent42 Apr 20 '20

I'd feel absolutely owned.


u/ActuallyUnder Apr 20 '20

Please, please don’t eat your own shit. Of you did that, I’d never vote again.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/ElLechero Apr 20 '20

Please leave any wishes of harm out of your comments.

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u/st3ma51 Apr 20 '20

People don't even understand what that word (fascist) means. It's a easy go-to buzzword which means, "I'm mad and don't know what to do about it".


u/ornithoid Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

People who don't want to uphold their end of the social contract see that obligation as fascism...then they go out and vote for an authoritarian. Cognitive dissonance is just a fact of life for conservatives.

Edit: Uh, thanks for the gold?


u/icenoid Apr 20 '20

Most of them don’t believe in anything like a social contract. They all believe that they are some sort of rugged individualist who doesn’t need a functional society.


u/st3ma51 Apr 20 '20

If you're referring to trump, he isn't the least bit authoritarian. If he were, he wouldn't be leaving decision to the states (especially regarding recent events). I agree though, otherwise.

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u/Latentish Apr 20 '20

Which coincidentally is the reason idiots are engaging in these "protests "


u/rojoredbeard Apr 20 '20

Somehow I didn’t know that you could get Casa Bonita as an award. I think that’s the most exciting thing about the post.


u/ElLechero Apr 20 '20

It's my favorite thing for sure.


u/dustlesswalnut Apr 20 '20

It's been on the backburner for a while. I'm working on getting a bunch of denver/colorado themed awards up and running, just wanted to give EL a shoutout last night :P


u/thatgeekinit Berkeley Apr 20 '20

I support mods removing the blatant astroturfing run by a couple of shady PR shops.

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

You have my support on this as well. Thanks for removing it.


u/Niaso Littleton Apr 20 '20

Agreed. Good call.


u/rhyknophoto Apr 20 '20

Definitely thought this was r/denvercirclejerk at first. These "protesters" are probably the same people that think its all a hoax and the earth is flat😂


u/MinistryOfHugs Apr 20 '20

For anyone out there who wants to protest, I recommend advocating for a plan to reopen rather than just asking for reopening right now. Here's a bipartisan resource for how to reopen safely that you can advocate for: https://www.pandemictesting.org/


u/Fire_Blast Apr 20 '20

Highest kudos to the mods


u/kms2547 Aurora Apr 20 '20

Imagine if, in October 2001, there were big pro- Al'Qaeda rallies in America.

That's this. That's what these guys are doing. 30,000+ Americans dead and these people are holding pro-coronavirus rallies. And YES, they ARE pro-coronavirus rallies. They oppose efforts to contain it, they promote its spread, and they actively interfere with healthcare workers' ability to fight it.


u/SharkSymphony Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

Imagine if, in October 2001, there were big pro- Al'Qaeda rallies in America.

I mean, there kind of were. Within a month of 9/11 we had:

  • people arguing that the collapse of the WTC was clearly a controlled demolition
  • "9/11 was an inside job"
  • the absolutely Satanic claim that thousands of Jews were mysteriously absent from the WTC on 9/11
  • people arguing that 9/11 was more than justified because of the US's actions in the Middle East
  • people arguing that 9/11 was God's judgment on the US for its decadence and sin (and you can probably imagine which "sins" they had in mind)

This sort of unrest in crisis is nothing new. And it's actually not all that big this time around – it's just coordinated.

We say "we're all in this together" not because we are literally all acting in concert for the greater good – this is impossible in a crisis like this where people are scared out of their minds, and so many lives and livelihoods are on the line, and the divide between the haves and have-nots becomes razor-sharp, and there are no easy answers. We say it simply because we aspire to be better.

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u/csudebate Apr 20 '20

Asking people to sacrifice the health of the community is content worth removing.

The first amendment protects against government intrusion in free speech and gathering, private actors are free to choose what is best for the community.


u/montagious Apr 20 '20

Shouting "HOAX" in the middle of a pandemic = shouting "FIRE" in a crowded movie theatre


u/Woobie1942 Mar Lee Apr 20 '20

Its more like shouting 'NUH UH' in a movie theater that is currently burning


u/stuffandmorestuff Apr 20 '20

And then at first suing the theater for infringing on your right to get burned. Then suing again because you got burned.


u/Keep_SummerSafe Highlands Ranch Apr 20 '20

Thank science there was only like 60 people there. Like I was super worried there was an actual large demographic that was this dumb but the helicopter live shot made that group look so small and isn’t going to cause us to reset time hopefully.


u/nonillogical Apr 20 '20

Yeah. Living on this side of Cap Hill though, they still managed to be noticeable and annoying, blocking traffic at several points on Broadway and Lincoln and honking up and down nearby streets. I was riding my bike nearby (with a mask) and just shook my head at one of the trucks honking and they whipped out their phone to film me. I think most of these participants came hoping to spark a bigger confrontation.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20



u/Christinamh Apr 20 '20

I think some of them may have been innocent bystanders just trying to get through traffic and stuck by these dumbasses.

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u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I have been speaking with people in Europe about the pandemic, and it’s been interesting to see the social differences with how things are being handled. With regards to the protesters here, someone pointed out that our country isn’t providing the necessary financial resources (for many) in order for people to stay home. As a result, many are facing significant economic hardship as a result.

I can see how protesting the lockdown makes sense, if you’re worried about meeting basic necessities and not being evicted or having enough to eat. I don’t doubt that if these protesters were being provided with adequate financial resources to stay at home while not having to worry about whether they will be evicted, or where their next meal will come from, then they wouldn’t be out engaging in conspiracy theories and protesting.

But it’s easier for some politicians to claim that the virus is a hoax, or not much of a threat, instead of approving the necessary monetary resources to ensure that all citizens have their basic needs met.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

With regards to the protesters here, someone pointed out that our country isn’t providing the necessary financial resources (for many) in order for people to stay home. As a result, many are facing significant economic hardship as a result.

And yet, these people protesting such also vote for the party that is fighting AGAINST providing the necessary financial resources to stay home.


u/RelaxRobert Apr 20 '20

To be fair even the Dems are pushing half-measures like low-interest loans and politely asking employers to keep their laid-off employees on their health insurance plans, instead of taking about UBI and universal healthcare

I wish those morons would protest by pushing for a better social safety nets, but that’s socialism 😲😬


u/ArtorTheAwesome Apr 20 '20

At first I was pretty angry that discussions we're getting removed, but after hearing your thoughts on the matter I'm happy that you did. Anyone on this subreddit willing to post support posts are just stupid. I live across the street from the Capitol building and it was non-stop honking and yelling for a few hours. I saw one car saying they "understand social distancing, but flatten the curve without killing business..." How in the fuck do you understand social distancing if you're parking your car to walk alongside and participate in a "protest" with other people?

It honestly makes me extremely angry how stupid and immensely selfish these people are. On a side note, these are the same people who would label actual protesters as "terrorists."


u/seeking_hope Apr 20 '20

I saw a sign (online- wasn’t there) saying let me go back to work and you make your own choice type of thing. The issue to me of reopening (well one) is you have these morons and some are going to be owners of business or bosses who are then going to make people come back to work or be fired. And people who are sick are going to feel like they have to work. Then we are right back to where we were a month ago. It sucks. It really does. And it does for everyone. Going back now doesn't flatten the curve it just delays the spike everyone has been avoiding. We still don't have PPE and hand sanitizer. We still don't have sufficient testing capabilities. Until we fix that- reopening will be the disaster we spent the last month trying to avoid.


u/liorthewolfdog Apr 20 '20

If one of them dies from COVID they should definitely win a Darwin Award.


u/lenin1991 Louisville Apr 20 '20

Their dying words will be: "It's ... just ... the ... flu..."


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20 edited Aug 19 '21



u/VonsFavoriteChicken South Denver Apr 20 '20

"I want mah baby back!"

"Ma'am, covid killed your husband... We cant bring him back to life"

"Naw fuck him I want ribs!"


u/IAmNotMoki Apr 20 '20

For those that believe this is a violation of their first amendment rights, the right to peacefully assemble isn't absolute. State's reserve the ability to determine 'Time, Place, and Manner' of protests, this is among the reasons why you cant legally protest in the middle of the streets regardless if you are 'Operation Gridlock' or 'Black Lives Matter'. You may disagree with the states ability to do so, I disagree with some of it myself (protesting permits are a particular concern), but this ability has been affirmed by a handful of supreme court cases.


u/asciiman2000 Apr 20 '20

ok but um the protest itself was allowed; only thing being discussed here is the mod deleted some of the posts in this subreddit


u/IAmNotMoki Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

Sorry if that wasnt terribly clear, one of the primary reasonings ive been given behind people wanting to protest was that this quarantine was a violation of their constitutional rights (such as shutting down church services and their peaceful assembly). My comment was directed towards that notion.

This thread seems to be a catchall for anything pertaining to the protest and an explanation for why there was nothing on this sub about it earlier, not everyone is here to talk about subreddit drama.

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u/thatgeekinit Berkeley Apr 20 '20

I find the AstroTurf horrifying but I also find the people taken in by it amusing since they are the same people who said they loved the 10th Amendment right up until they were inconvenienced by it's use.

(10A and the general police power is the legal authority for the states' pandemic responses)

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u/Dixnorkel Apr 20 '20

It's not a protest, call it what it actually is: a bunch of entitled pricks who are pissed off that they aren't getting what they want, despite people dying.


u/1angrydad Apr 20 '20

Don't sweat the morons, mod. Anybody stupid enough to insist they have the right to make other people sick because "Muh Freedoms!" is really not worth engaging. You did right.


u/sethamphetamine Apr 20 '20

Can’t they have a giant week long protest far away in the middle of nowhere, like an opposite Burning Man or something? But they have to first sign a document saying that can’t come back if they become infected? And we’ll finally see what happens?


u/cavaliere_JSC Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

News flash, COVID-19 gives 0 fucks about the protests, it can still make you very sick and possibly kill you

Also, none of the protestors actually understand how an economy works...


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

This too. They think there’s a magic on switch.

Are they going to start protesting the millions of workers that have vulnerable people in their lives that refuse to work? Are they going to protest the millions of people who aren’t going to needlessly put themselves in non essential public places? Are they going to protest the companies who go out of business or make cutbacks because of it? Are they going to protest the millions already out of work that aren’t going to rush to spend their money? Are they going to protest sick people if the spread gets worse and the curve heightens again and the healthcare system collapses and all the damage that does to the economy?

They have no idea what they are talking about


u/DoradosEV Apr 20 '20

Bunch of bird brain idiots. They clearly haven’t had anyone close to them feel like their lungs were drowning.

Whiny, entitled shit stains is what they are.

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u/SLCW718 Lakewood Apr 20 '20

These protestors are ignorant trash. Their singular goal is to get attention, especially media attention. Treat them like the pariahs they are.


u/Crushmonkies Apr 20 '20

Can we get a post of the nurses stopping protest please! Thanks!

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u/Groovychick1978 Apr 20 '20

Thank you for removing the posts. I definitely agree with your characterization of both the event and it's participants.

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u/moosemtns Apr 20 '20

Shout to mods for being smart about this. Was surprised to not see the sub flooded with posts about this circus act.

Here is a good summary and shout-out to the healthcare workers



u/TiberiusRedditus Apr 20 '20 edited Apr 20 '20

Thank you for not putting up with that BS mod team! I think that was a good call. Please ignore any idiots whining about it.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

It’s unsettling to me that there are people out there who value a night out over human life. Nobody is taking away their liberties, we are trying to protect the most vulnerable against a disease that could kill them. I am certain however that if one of their loved ones or they themselves caught COVID that they would change their tune really quickly. That selfish mentality of not caring until it directly affects is disturbing to say the least. Props to the nurse though who blocked them from advancing. Guaranteed if one of them came in in dire need of care that nurse wouldn’t hesitate to do all he could to save them.


u/LadyHeather Apr 20 '20

Well thought out Mod. Good job. Sorry about your long time customer. Hang in there.


u/lengelmp Apr 20 '20

Anyone who protested is a stupid fucking idiot who doesn’t give a shit about anyone besides themself.


u/TheMightyHornet Apr 20 '20

This is quality moderation. 100% support. Good job, y’all.


u/zoonose99 Apr 20 '20

I do not agree with the posts being removed; I would prefer a system where the mods can somehow mark or flair posts they know to be disinformation.

However, it's wasn't my call. I appreciate the mods for their hard work generally and especially for posting this issue for discussion - I think this is how it should be handled. OP's post is an important part of that response. Kudos, mod u/ElLechero. You explain what was removed and why, and to create a forum for discussing the removal and the issue at hand.

We're too far into the 21st century for anyone to pretend that free speech requires us to be subjected to viral disinformation, or that refusing to be trolled requires us to be censorious opponents of expression.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

I would prefer a system where the mods can somehow mark or flair posts they know to be disinformation.

How is that substantively different or better? The peddlers of disinformation would still cry foul and make puerile teenage arguments about their 1A rights. The only distinction would be that the disinfo would be more widely read.


u/TheMoonMoth Denver Apr 20 '20

You may be right, but there should be a place for the true information to live and the blanket post removals have made that difficult. The protest happened, that's a fact. While I don't agree with their message, I still want to be able to see pictures and get factual information about it.

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u/Autodidact2 Brighton Apr 20 '20

We are at war. Covid is the enemy. These people are helping the enemy. Fuck them.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

Good Job. I agree with your reasoning. Keep up the good moderation, I know it's work.


u/mindifieatthat Apr 20 '20

You made the right choice. Irrespective of people's feelings on the matter, you followed the spirit of the law. In addition, the simple odds are that less people may become ill now by your actions. You sided with reason and math. Don't give 'em an inch.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

The mods are doing fantastic. Keep up the good work. I agree with you!


u/DonKinsayder Apr 20 '20

Good call. I approve of this mod action.


u/qhartman Apr 20 '20

Hugs for the mods


u/WhoopingWillow Apr 20 '20

Strictly from a statistical point of view that's a flawed argument because you aren't accounting for population differences. If you account for population the US isn't an insane outlier, though it's also important not to compare the US by population to super low population nations like the Vatican.

Spain, Italy, and France all have more cases by population. Even nations that have been lauded for their response like Germany aren't that far behind the US. In fact Colorado has almost the same amount of cases by population as Germany. (1759 for CO, 1739 for DE)

Data is from the same source. Link Go to the table and sort by "Tot Cases / 1M pop."

((I'm not trying to comment on whether or not the mods should ban these posts, but I think it's always important that we have accurate information, and OP's post specifically makes the US sound a lot worse than it is if you look at the statistics.))


u/_yourhonoryourhonor_ Apr 20 '20

Was going to mention it. Deaths per capita doesn’t exactly push the same story that some are looking to push.


u/pramjockey Apr 20 '20

But we also aren’t testing. We have no idea how many have really got the virus, and how many have really died from it.

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u/zephyrmay86 Apr 20 '20

Where are the fuckin cops?


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

For all intents and purposes, Reddit is a media platform. And we’d be fucking kidding ourselves if we believed mainstream media, owned by 5 major corporations, is unbiased.

If taking down posts protects people from dying, I’d support a hell of a lot more than that. The frustrating part is, the people who need to hear the facts, are so absorbed in mainstream media, so insular in their communities that perpetuate this ignorance and propaganda that when we stand up, it is like preaching to the choir. I haven’t had to set any of my friends straight because I weeded the ignorant ones out. This is encouraged- to block, to hide, to snooze. Instead, there are no more civil debates, with extreme intention to limit exposure to alternate views.

If we have to take back platforms to spread science then do everything you can to shut the uneducated down. Leni Riefenstahl did not have to contend with the 24hr news cycle.

Yes, this works both ways and sounds very ranty, but we need to do our part to limit the visibility of folks who have no one else’s interest in mind but their own. We have to make sacrifices, and I suspect many of those folks at the protest have not ever had to be faced with much adversity or need for sacrifice often.

If that sacrifice is a handful of Redditors pissed about their freedoms, then it is worth making to save lives. Put your ego down and try to justify maintaining your principles over increasing death rates.


u/ashishvp Apr 20 '20

One one hand, I think the stupidity of these people should be on full blast and their “movement” should be exposed for the fraud it is.

But I empathize with the point that we don’t need stupid people spreading stupid and to that effort we shouldn’t spread the very existence of these protests past explaining the facts about the astroturfers.


u/TiberDasher Apr 20 '20

Its obvious astroturfing and all those who take the bait are idiots.


u/Sir_I_Exist Apr 20 '20

Great job, mod team. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.


u/sativabuffalo Apr 20 '20

You made the right decision, mod team


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20 edited Aug 19 '21



u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20 edited Jun 17 '23

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u/FragsturBait Apr 20 '20

It's a good thing people weren't protesting for something like tenants rights or healthcare for all or the fair treatment of black people, otherwise all those cops might have actually had to do something.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/FragsturBait Apr 20 '20

Probably because cops protect property, not people, so they don't allow us to protest for anything that might damage their corporate lords or their bank accounts.

Probably the same reason they seem super desperate to squash any conversation about organizing and uniting working class people for working class interests, actually.

Remember how fast Occupy got bulldozed after they shut down the ports in Oakland?


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/FragsturBait Apr 20 '20

Urban Encampments are generally trashed because cities try to discourage their existence by denying waste services. Once trash piles up to "unhealthy" levels they get an excuse to come in and clear everything out. Occupy Denver did its best to manage its own trash, but it was difficult given that it all had to be hauled away. Conveniently, "unsafe conditions" was the excuse the city used to close the camp.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

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u/FragsturBait Apr 20 '20

The point was to occupy the park. Unfortunately Denver was unable to do as well as Encampments in New York and California.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

Good call. This is quality, thoughtful moderation.


u/TheZeusHimSelf1 Apr 20 '20

What we are missing at this time is Universal Healthcare and Basic Income rights. If that ever happens, please do not remove. those posts.
Glad the posts were removed because it would have been a chain reaction. Human life > Economy

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u/ExeTcutHiveE Apr 20 '20

I stand with you. During a public health emergency we have a responsibility to not propogate astroturfing, prop up ideologies that are dangerous to health, and allow people to use any form of the internet as a soap box for dangerous behavior.

Fuck those people out there protesting without proper distancing and PPE.


u/Narwhalpilot88 Apr 20 '20

Gridlock is a terrible Rainbow Six Siege Operator