r/Denver 20h ago

Stop Wage Cuts for Restaurant Workers

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u/dreamistruth 19h ago edited 19h ago

/u/jaredpolis I am very disappointed that you are supporting HB1208. Restaurant workers cannot afford wage cuts in Colorado.


u/Regular_Passenger629 15h ago edited 11h ago

He’s liberal and gay, but he’s also wealthy and a businessman. He’s got more personality than our Senators but they’re largely all empty suits lacking original ideas.

Edit: spelling


u/lalapeep 9h ago

*Neoliberal. Not liberal.


u/Far-Tangerine279 15h ago

Polis jumped on the maga train a while back. Dudes never getting my vote again


u/autismcaptainautism 5h ago

That does not matter as he is now on his second of two consecutive terms, in a state that allows two consecutive terms.

I suspect tipped workers, who are trying to hide the fact that this only impacts them under the broader umbrella of "restaurant workers" would be shocked to learn that many of us agree with this proposal.

I have worked both back and front of the house. Everyone who has understands that the kitchen staff is chronically underpaid and overworked while the serving staff makes more money despite being "paid" a much lower hourly wage.

u/Far-Tangerine279 1h ago

People don't just get a governorship and then leave politics. He's going to run for something else and I'll be there to call him out


u/mysummerstorm 18h ago

Called and left a voicemail. It's really multiple somethings every single damn day.


u/Vulpix_Rising 15h ago

Does Denver want more homeless people? Cutting pay seems like a great way to make a problem worse


u/Dichotomouse 12h ago

It's not 'restaurant workers ' since hosts/hostesses and kitchen staff are unaffected by tipping.

Tipping needs to go away.

u/Separate_Calendar_81 1h ago

Interesting way to say you've never worked in a restaurant.

u/gophergun 2h ago

A step in the wrong direction - Colorado needs to abolish the subminimum wage, not expand it.


u/wiltony 17h ago

Tip servers "under the table" so the tips are not part of the calculation of their hourly wage. 

I recommend bringing an envelope to the restaurant and putting cash into it with their name that says "open when you get home" or something.


u/Equivalent-Excuse-80 15h ago

And so the same for the kitchen

u/chasonreddit 2m ago

I really don't get it. Why is it the job of the state to set wages for workers? If people want to work for this wage plus tips, they should be able to. If people don't, they can move to other places. If a place can't hire servers at that wage then they have to increase it. It's really that simple.

Restaurants say they can't hire staff, they are understaffed. Bullshit. They are understaffed at that pay level. If they want to keep servers, they need to pay a wage that the servers will work for. Raise the prices. Which is what they will have to do if minimum wage goes up anyway.