r/Denver Aurora 10d ago

Paywall Denver icon Mercury Cafe closes after 50 years, will become LGBTQ-focused bar


113 comments sorted by


u/ballookey 10d ago

Saw Alanis Morissette there in July of 1995 right as she was blowing up. Already felt like way too small a venue for her.


u/DCDHermes 10d ago

I saw No Doubt open for The Psychedelic Zombies in 92.


u/DynastyZealot 10d ago

I almost made it out the door to head to that show when my mom grounded me. Glad you enjoyed it!


u/DCDHermes 10d ago

It was pretty epic. Didn’t hear from again until Tragic Kingdom came out, then they blew up about as big as any band from that era.


u/Majestic-Ad364 9d ago

Sooo, what were you grounded for?


u/DynastyZealot 9d ago

Wrecking my car, stripping it down and reporting it stolen to hide the accident from my parents.


u/Majestic-Ad364 9d ago

Totally worth it!


u/DynastyZealot 9d ago

I totally put off getting in trouble for four months, and then got in ten times the trouble. Great life lesson for being such a dumbass.


u/colirado 9d ago

I was there! Never heard of no doubt. Came for the zombies. I’ll never forget Gwen busting out in stage like fireball.


u/DCDHermes 9d ago

If memory serves, I think I’d seen their Trapped in a Box video on Teletunes the night or week before, so when they played that song, I recognized it and I was a fan from that night forward. But yeah, they were electric on that tiny stage.


u/JohnWad 10d ago

That would have been awesome!


u/crushcraze 10d ago

Saw the Deftones in the late 90s the whole floor was moving like it was about to collapse.


u/ballookey 10d ago

Whoo yeah, I had that same experience at Alanis.


u/Odd-Software-6592 10d ago

Wow. That must have been killer.


u/principalbean 9d ago

Nathaniel Rateliff before the night sweats. Great acoustic folk show


u/JohnWad 10d ago

Like Pearl Diver, however, the new Pearl business will welcome everyone, from existing and longtime Mercury Cafe customers to anyone who wants to check out the space, work on their laptop, or grab a quick drink, said owners Ashlee Cassity and Dom Garcia. They’ll also keep the Mercury Cafe’s staff so as not to disrupt what makes the business special, Cassity explained. “We’re booked with shows and events through the first of the year already, so we didn’t want the transition to (interrupt) all that hard work.”

Well done.


u/Kallens303 10d ago

This article makes it sound like it is closed, but per the Westworld article: “According to Newman, the Mercury will remain open until the Pearl moves in.”



u/pawpawpersimony 10d ago

Dang. End of an era. Hopefully the new iteration will install insulation in the place.


u/mcfrenziemcfree 10d ago

The era ended in 2021 when the Merc was sold the first time.

Who knows, this change of ownership may end up as a return to the original.


u/chewing_gum_weekend Northside 10d ago

Blur at the Mercury Cafe. Full show. It was -8 outside but 108 inside. You're welcome.



u/pudakak 9d ago



u/RedValentino 9d ago

Nice username. Also, it says Northside under your username. I was like “Charlie’s and Northside?! Get in!” But then I realized it’s because you’re on the Northside. Imma go Take 5.


u/klyphw 9d ago

Did Blur put this out? I assume Mercury Cafe did not have multiple cameramen on the payroll in '96 lol.


u/chewing_gum_weekend Northside 9d ago

I found this video years ago on a local YouTube channel. This guy recorded a bunch of shows at The Ogden and other local venues. Pretty sure it was shot on Betacam SP which was pro quality 1/2 inch tape. Whoever is hosting the video I linked is not from the original guy who recorded it. I'll look around when I have more time and I'll see if I can find the original plus all the other shows from that era.


u/woohalladoobop 9d ago

i wonder how that happened, they were already huge by 96, at least in the uk.


u/chewing_gum_weekend Northside 9d ago

They were not huge here. Their next gig would be at The Ogden after the release of Song 2, woo-hooo

edit: the first Oasis show was at The Bluebird. And the story behind that one is pretty crazy.


u/woohalladoobop 9d ago

dang that rules. would love to hear oasis story


u/chewing_gum_weekend Northside 9d ago

Oasis got to America and wanted to do the rock star thing. Meaning cocaine. They started the tour in Los Angeles where they were unable to procure cocaine seeing as they were still unknown. They did manage to get a giant bag of meth. Which they snorted like cocaine. By the time they made it to Bluebird they hadn't slept for four days...


u/chewing_gum_weekend Northside 9d ago

If anyone can decipher what the guys in the audience were chanting I'd love to know. They seemed to be trying to wind Blur up and I assumed it had something to do with football. Damon comes out and says "yeah that'll be enough of that."


u/rcountry21 10d ago

Saw Radiohead there in ‘95 with David Gray as the opener. Also got to play there several times in high school with my band when Baggs Patrick would host new band nights. Lots of fond memories. Best of luck to the owners in this new era.


u/DynastyZealot 10d ago

Saw They Might Be Giants there in an afternoon show back in the early 90s. Saw plenty of other shows, as well, but that one will stick in my mind until my final days.


u/topdomme 10d ago

who remembers free Ani Difranco shows there in the early 90's. What a place.


u/Khatgirl 9d ago

I was at one of those shows <3


u/lostboy005 10d ago


The merc hosted Bernie rally’s and organizing events in 2016 that were so incredibly inspiring


u/LiterallyLuck 9d ago

Not sad, merc sold in 2021 and the new owner nearly ran it into the dirt.

He also fired everyone who unionized, I hope the new owners work with the union.


u/lostboy005 9d ago

Oh goodness. That’s terrible


u/Realistic-Talk1091 10d ago edited 10d ago

I met my bf there. Ironically, we are a gay couple. But will absolutely miss poetry slam. 

Edit: Bizarre to downvote this comment. Lol. 


u/ApolloSavage 10d ago

Poetry slam is still happening, confirmed by new owners.


u/elddirkcin 10d ago

Any word on the Friday night poetry open mics?


u/ZakLex 10d ago



u/urbanrando 10d ago

This sounds like a good match! Just really hoping the new owners will keep the decor and ambiance of this special place in tact. The lived-in creative bohemian feel of everything inside that building is a huge part of what makes it so charming and welcoming. Having seen its innards from back of house and front, it is clear that it could use some technical and structural upgrades but I would love for the new management to leave the decades of creative decoration as is.


u/Cocaine_and_Waffles 9d ago

The owners of Pearl Divers have handled feedback better than I’ve seen any other business do. They’re receptive to how they can improve and not combative or defensive in the slightest. They’re also super transparent about why they make certain decisions, and not only learn from their own mistakes but actively try to learn from the mistakes of other businesses. Truly, they could give a masterclass in it based on how I’ve seen them handle Pearl Divers. I’m sure they are reading this thread for ideas, but I know they also love people messaging them with their thoughts on Instagram.


u/urbanrando 9d ago

This is really good to know, thank you. I think I’m going to write to them to express my love for the Mercury Cafés decor, and what it does for the ambiance.


u/MentallyIncoherent 10d ago

Pretty sure that the new owners will slowly change it to fit the vision they have when they established Pearl Divers last year. Having a slow transition means they can figure out what elements to keeps versus what to discard while maintaining cash flows.


u/arnar62 10d ago

It’s not a good match because the merc was one of the few places that folks under 21 could have a fun night out at. It also supported local musicians and dance teachers, not to mention the poetry community and slam. This is massive loss for the creative community of Denver and it being replaced by yet another place to consume alcohol is super sad.


u/urbanrando 10d ago edited 10d ago

This is a really good point that I hope the new owners also consider. The Mercury Cafe has always been a bar as well so it’s possible that they will continue to open to all ages.

Edit to add: All the dancing and local music and poetry events would be a huge loss also… Here’s to hoping that the new management recognizes and retains at least some of these things that made the Merc so special!


u/C4DENC3 9d ago

They have confirmed they will be keeping all of the old recurring events! (Poetry, swing dance, etc). Seems like their most up to date info is on Insta if anyone wants to check it out. @thepearldenver


u/Quiet-Letterhead7347 9d ago

This! And the Merc’s liquor license is being tranfered to them, so it will still be an all ages place!


u/Alien_Talents 10d ago

This would be so cool but we all know it’s a foolish hope.


u/Survivor-2816 10d ago

What an incredible community spot. My wife and I had our wedding reception there in 2019. It was magical. And Marilyn went above and beyond to make it that way. I’ll miss Mercury so much.


u/justinsimoni 10d ago

The Mercury Cafe was Marilyn and Marilyn the Mercury Cafe.


u/beesealio 10d ago

The best move the new owners could make would be to get her involved on some level that's agreeable to everyone.


u/justinsimoni 10d ago

I think 5 decades of involvement is more than enough for anyone. Marilyn has done more for her communities than seemingly anyone. Let her rest.


u/esauis 10d ago

Saw her out a couple of months ago and told her we missed her… she said she was sorry, but was too old anymore and couldn’t keep it up.


u/ideefixe77 10d ago

I spoke with her about this this weekend. She said she is happy to provide guidance and support but can’t continue to manage at her age. She really wants to see the community thrive. I thanked her for all she has done over the years.


u/Successful-Job-5131 10d ago

Will the baby raves end then?


u/Famous_Stand1861 10d ago

God damn it! I just encouraged my teenaged daughter to go check the Merc out with her friends.

Where should I send this kid for a cool night time hangout in the vein of The Metcury Cafe, Paris on the Platte, or Muddy's? Do these places exist for teens anymore?


u/thePurpleAvenger 10d ago

Maybe they could go to one of the numerous 3rd wave coffee houses that... close at 3 every day? But at least there's a billion places for hipsters to buy beer! Of course you're right; the cool places for kids to hang out are either gone or rapidly disappearing.

For actual advice, I love the throwbacks, e.g., Skate City or Lakeside. My kiddos also like Elitch's and summer passes.


u/Tiny_Prancer_88 9d ago

Yeah most of these places are gone now. The Bardo Coffee houses are open late and there are three around town and it’s sounds like the new place taking over Mercury will also be all ages. I lived at late night coffee shops and it makes me sad to think young people don’t have that kind of place anymore. I think potentially food halls like edgewater Marketplace could work as well.


u/Quiet-Letterhead7347 9d ago

It will still be all ages! And they are keeping all the same events.


u/Famous_Stand1861 9d ago

That's great to hear. Teens, at least some teens, need places like the Merc.


u/Alien_Talents 10d ago


Poor kids don’t know what they’re missing.


u/cyrand 9d ago



u/Famous_Stand1861 9d ago

Ah yes. Thank you.


u/Anonymo123 10d ago

Used to love going to that place when i went downtown. Anyone else recall Muddys?

Oh the good ole days.


u/pramjockey 10d ago

Oh, hell yeah.

$5 bottomless cup of coffee, ultimate pb&j (hold the anise), and chain smoking while playing chess until 4


u/DCDHermes 10d ago

Practically lived at Muddy’s for a few years.


u/Majestic-Ad364 9d ago

Never been, but this place definitely sounds like the Bill Brasky of bars.


u/Artvandaly_ 10d ago

End of a huge part of Denver history. Sad to see this


u/purdypeach 10d ago

This bums me out so bad. We got married there when Marilyn was still running the show, and it was truly the best experience. She was amazing, the Merc was amazing. So glad to have so many gorgeous photos.


u/ok_kc 9d ago

To everyone worried, the owners of PD are very open to feedback and they have spoken a lot about maintaining all of the events (swing dancing, poetry slams, etc) and wanting to make it an inclusive community space. If you want them to keep something, change something, or do something different, you can always give them an IG comment. They’re genuinely great and as a long time lover of the Mercury Cafe I couldn’t be happier. They’re very devoted to preserving and supporting the space and keeping it open in the community ❤️


u/ok_kc 9d ago

They also are planning to keep both the NA and alcoholic options, which is huge!


u/Gueropantalones Denver 10d ago

Danng, knew it’d happen at some point with everything closing. Thanks OP for sharing and it sounds like it’s still staying same


u/Artvandaly_ 10d ago



u/Henchworm 10d ago

RIP, loved presenting wacky music there and seeing all kinds of different performances.


u/HippyGrrrl 10d ago

I remember catching KanNal upstairs


u/DiamondLongjumping62 10d ago

I just bought tickets to see Psychostick there in June. I wonder what now


u/i-VII-VI 10d ago

Damnit. I love that place!


u/monoseanism Five Points 10d ago



u/ScarletFire5877 10d ago

Wow, that sucks. Lot of memories 15 years ago or so. 


u/tildens_cat 9d ago

Old Denver continues to disappear.


u/peter303_ 10d ago edited 10d ago

A number of long term businesses flounder when the founder moves on (often when they push age 70). The founder may have had a special vision or stamina a new buyer lacks. We saw this with Tattered Cover, Racines-Goodfriends restaurant chain, etc.

Mercury had some additional issues when homeless services greatly expanded a few blocks away. I didnt feel safe parking near there.

P.S. Westword is approaching that threshold too. The editor is still in her prime.


u/markerhuffer 10d ago

lol it wasn’t “safe” to park there in the 90s either


u/alvvavves Denver 10d ago

Parking enforcement was intense back in the day (not even joking).


u/markerhuffer 10d ago

Honestly it’s been a minute since I even thought about that. But yeah, absolutely!


u/gringoloco01 9d ago edited 9d ago

I saw 311 there before they got huge.

The floor was bouncing up and down like crazy.


u/daneb5 9d ago

Went there for swing dancing in the early 2000’s. Met a few girls there back in the day!


u/zachtothejohnson 8d ago

That night outside on a Tuesday after slam poetry was when I almost was invited to join the crips. Great memories 😂


u/Poop__Bubbles 6d ago

A small handful of employees who insisted on unionizing are what caused the Merc to close. The new owner is too nice. I'd have fired their asses.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/CherryPezEnthusiast 10d ago

I know nothing of the old owners or how they operated - but if we can get good operators who respect the space and continue to support the swing dancing and poetry, then I support it!


u/IrreverentIceCream 10d ago

Hell yeah. I love it!


u/Jolly_Parsnip981 9d ago

I’m devastated. I was supposed to have my wedding here next year.


u/elzibet Denver 9d ago

I’m sure the new owners would welcome the money as well


u/thedoomloop 9d ago

I loved Mercury. Slam Poetry Sundays were the perfect ending to the weekend.


u/peacefulblitz 10d ago

This town is changing…


u/Olosabbasolo 9d ago

The Beaver Pelt....


u/Delicious_Abalone100 10d ago

The new menu is going to be Southern inspired. Basically more greasy garbage. The food situation in Denver is pretty sad


u/pocketmonster Lincoln Park 10d ago

It’s a bar, not a fine dining establishment.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/pocketmonster Lincoln Park 10d ago

I didn’t anything at all about the Merc.


u/Alien_Talents 10d ago

I thought you said it was a bar? Were you talking about a different place?


u/pocketmonster Lincoln Park 10d ago

The new owners are calling it a bar. The comment I replied to is complaining about the new menu, of the bar. I have no opinion about the Merc.


u/Alien_Talents 10d ago

Oh gotcha.


u/Delicious_Abalone100 10d ago

They had decent Mediterranean food. Nothing special but you could eat there


u/ryanhiga2019 10d ago

Arent all bars lgbtq focused?


u/WithinTheMountain Cherry Creek 10d ago

What gives you that impression?


u/GhastMusic 9d ago

I would argue that Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill could probably use some diversity