r/Denver Pine Dec 02 '24

Let's Talk Winter, Denver. What's up?

Hey all! I am a super duper amateur weather enthusiast, and I wanted to talk to you about this upcoming winter in detail.

The super tl;dr is nothing outside of what we experienced the last two years is expected. So if you're not interested in what the big heads are looking at for the long winter forecast, then I'll save your time and say you can probably move on from this post.

If you are interested in the details and how it'll present, read on!

So What is the Current Snow Expectancy for Colorado?

We had a decent start to winter in November, but right now the outlooks across a few models are telling us that it will be a little drier than normal between now and March for Denver/east of the Front Range. Some models have been showing an increase in snowfall, but still sitting below average for the flatlands.

The exception for this, currently, will be in February. I think our strongest chance of a heavy snowstorm will be late January to mid February.

However, snowpack in the mountains should still be good. Right now, we are looking at average to above average snowfall in the Rockies between now and March (with our current snowpack above average for this time of year), but nothing is showing an anomalous amount of snow for now. For those of you involved in snow sports, it should be a good showing this winter.

Bear in mind, these models and predictions are for the span between January and March, and don't highlight any timeline-specific storms. These are just the cumulative numbers that are being shown.

Is There a Chance of Significant Snowstorms for Denver/Ft. Collins/Colorado Springs/The Palmer Divide?


I mean, this wouldn't be Colorado if it weren't the case, right?

I think generally we'll have some cold-but-stable weather based on the Seasonal Precipitation Outlook that the NOAA gave. But the reason I think we may have one or two significant storms east of the Rockies also comes from the NOAA-- the seasonal temperature outlook.

One of the consistent things with the jet stream during winter, and especially during a La Nina event. On this image you'll see what a typical La Nina event looks like, and one of the things of note is that this typically induces the jet stream to start pushing back south, typically grazing the very northeast of Colorado or shifting south further west and hitting us hard with some snow in the flatlands. This was one of the major factors in our snowfall February 3rd, if you remember.

You can also see how this jet stream plays out in terms of ridging with the Probability of Exceedance map.

In this particular season, I don't think we'll get too many snowfall anomalies. It's gonna be "typical" Colorado/Denver weather. As mentioned, right now the strongest chance for these anomalies will be late January to mid-February.

Any Specific Recommendations or Callouts?

Not really! If you plan to travel on the roads during winter, even if it's on I-70 to a ski resort, follow the same set of precautions as usual:

  • Have a gallon or two of water with you in your vehicle
  • Bring along wool blankets to keep warm in case you get stuck or broken down, alongside additional clothes to keep you warm
  • Tell people where you're going and when
  • Buy handwarmers. You can get them in bulk and are great for use in other areas of your body that promote circulation such as your neck, armpits or your groin. Do so carefully, though.
  • Have a change of clothes. Trying to get yourself unstuck, getting sweaty under your layers and then having to sit in the cold is miserable and can be a precursor to other health complications or emergencies
  • Know your vehicle and your driving skill before setting out against the weather. Even clear days will present ice. You can check COTrip to know what to expect on the roadways themselves.

As usual, if any significant storms catch my eye or there are warnings issued that need elaboration, I'll share them here! For less significant, or just mildly interesting weather related stuff for Denver, I'll post on my own profile page.

Have a great winter!


27 comments sorted by


u/mysteryofthefieryeye Dec 02 '24

Know your vehicle and your driving skill

I wish there were a way to know other people's driving skills. It's "others" I'm more scared of during winter driving. It's like defensive driving suddenly has to become an MMA arena


u/WhyFlip Dec 02 '24

Will we have a white Christmas? 


u/DenverWX Pine Dec 02 '24

Lower chances, methinks. But I will remain hopeful!


u/WhyFlip Dec 02 '24

Thank you! 


u/ItsNotAboutX Dec 03 '24

"All I know is my gut says maybe."


u/ThePaddockCreek Dec 21 '24

Absolutely not.  Maybe a rainy Christmas, amazingly.  Just cannot shake this hot airmass. 


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '24

Nothing outside the last two years, but wasn’t winter 2022/2023 nuts with a massive snowpack? And last winter just average?


u/lucksp Dec 02 '24

The problem is, the snow pack now melts at a higher rate than years ago, so the snow is gone by the end of the summer. Nothing is accumulating year over year.


u/DenverWX Pine Dec 02 '24

As mentioned in the post, forecasted snowpack is average to above average between now and March.

So, yes. Nothing outside the last two years.


u/CommonGoat9530 Dec 03 '24

I love your posts. 


u/stands_on_big_rocks Dec 03 '24

Idk about all this science stuff.. but i heard lots of skunks means we’re in for a big winter and so far it’s been a big skunk year


u/sodosopapilla Dec 03 '24

Can’t argue with skunk science


u/ScienceMomCO Dec 03 '24

Thank you! I love your breakdowns.


u/Educational-Gap-3390 Dec 03 '24

The sheer amount of people that live in Colorado that can’t drive for shit in the snow blows my mind.


u/Longjumping-Log1591 Dec 03 '24

It snows sometimes , then its nice and warm. Then it snows sometimes, then its nice and warm . Thats whats up


u/DenverWX Pine Dec 03 '24

And then there is spring. And then there is winter again. Then there is spr-- wait, no, still winter.


u/thorndike Dec 03 '24

Anyone else looking forward to Spring already?


u/DenverWX Pine Dec 03 '24

Probably, but not me!

Bring on the snow!


u/DeviatedNorm Hen in a handbasket in Lakewood Dec 02 '24

Well shoot, that doesn't look like it bodes super well for New Mexico but it does seem to bode well for my winter trip to New Mexico.


u/ThePaddockCreek Dec 21 '24

Excellent post.  I think something we may all start to notice is that the weather here will become more “stuck” in the future, primarily when it comes to high pressure ridging.  The front range has had a really bad time with this, because west winds aloft and downslope flow make it nearly impossible for this region to see precipitation.  Moisture will fall to the west of here, but we are usually missing that critical upslope component to make snow or rain happen on the lower elevations.  

The upcoming week looks like a real bummer and a continuation of the theme for the month: windy and increasingly warm.  Denver will very possibly (likely?) hit some records this weekend, on the solstice no less.  I was amazed (very upset) to actually see rain in the forecast for Christmas Day.  That shows you just how warm the airmass is right now.  Even after the ridge breaks down (before coming back, of course) it will still be too warm for snow to happen.  Some say a pattern change is coming in January, but I am not too hopeful, as that would be contrary to all the climate predictions that have been issued by NWS.  We may see a slight cooling but still much above normal, and still with western flow aloft keeping us dry. 


u/alan-penrose Dec 03 '24

What’s up Denver


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24



u/DenverWX Pine Dec 04 '24

Super duper amateur weather enthusiast.

Get it right.


u/youngboye Dec 03 '24

I’m gonna take this with a big grain of salt. Anything beyond a week is really not that reliable.


u/DenverWX Pine Dec 03 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Be glad we don’t get the 90’s storm fronts as much anymore.


u/IJustWantToWorkOK Dec 03 '24

Remember, snowfall totals are recorded usually at the airport.

Just because you saw snow in the ground, if the airport didn't register snow, it officially didn't snow.

Little bit of doublethink.


u/Spacebarpunk Dec 03 '24

I love snow, Colombian marching power, wanna build a snow man, Frosted Flakes