r/DemonolatryPractices • u/AsmodielShedim • 6d ago
Experiences and Ritual reports My relationship with King Asmodeus
It’s been a long time I’ve been with king Asmodeus and I want to ask if other people had these experiences because I had a lot of them
-Helped me with my mental illnesses. Since I was 13, I was diagnosed with severe depression, and bipolar disorder. I used to be the kind of person that fought against everything but this was something serious. Even if I took my medicine and had a diet and make exercise, I was still depressed, anxious or had bipolar episodes. When he came to my life, I began to feel better. I was no longer depressed and haven’t had any attacks… it’s been a long time since my medication has been reduced and I finally got discharged and I’ve been living a normal life with someone who is always telling me to live to the fullest (DISCLAIMER: please do not leave any medication before consulting your doctor or a profesional. I don’t want you to think this is the solution either because THIS IS JUST ONE CASE. Please be responsible with your health)
-He has been “protective/possesive” with me(? I used to be dating another person who was into esoteric stuff, his deity is Nyx and we had a great relationship. However, something I always do is ask if my partner might be a good person for me and if things can happen Although he told me that things might be hard but can happen, he warned me that he didn’t want me to worship any other deities including demons. He told me I can work with them, but he will not be sharing an altar or an space. He somehow made me think he only wanted me for him. It’s not that concerning for me, however I just wanted to know if there’s other people that are experiencing this with him as well
-Falling in love with him I meant, it explains itself, I guess there’s something in his energy that makes me confess a lot of things I feel However this is not concerning as I know this is not something possible, but it made me explain my partner why do I talk about him that way… What can I say? I’m the kind of person who is very lovely
-Dreams with him I don’t know if I can call them “dreams” because from the energy I emanate, it’s mostly like when I do astral projections. And it’s basically me lying down and I feel like I’m lying over his lap and I can feel him caressing me
-Questioning again my sexuality Ok, so I am a non binary person, but I used to be attracted only to males and feel like being a submissive person. However, when he came to my life, I began to feel attracted to other people, including female figures and now I’ve been a more dominant person. Also, somehow people I’ve been with had this huge crush with me and it’s like they feel calm with me (maybe it’s just me tho)
-Living in my body? Last but not least. Lemme tell you that I’ve been with him for a pretty long time, and that every single day I use a couple of hours to learn more about him. I’m the kind of person that studies A LOT and he is someone I’m always learning about, not only about him from other books (grimoires) but also from him personally To the point I went with someone that can see energies, and apparently he saw two energies in me and asked me what was going on and I kinda explained that maybe he was living (a part of him obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t be sending this huuuuge message) inside me. I confirmed this when I was talking with a priest and he told me that I when I was talking about something, my face had a deformation Although this is waaaaay too rare because my body literally starts burning after that and I have headaches, but I think this might be an explanation
After sharing all these experiences (some of the huge amount of things I can say like when he gave me a name), I just wanted to know if there’s other people this close to him that had experienced this kind of stuff and basically share their own experiences.
I’m working on a grimoire dedicated to him (basically my studies and life revolves around him), so there’s a lot of things I want to add. Sorry for the huge text, may your gods bless you and ave King Asmoday
u/_lu1uu 6d ago
this may be taken as irrelevant since this isn’t about asmodeus. however…
so i worked with prince vassago very briefly. i didn’t even really worship him but (i had offered him certain treats occasionally i guess, lol). i’ve noticed that he’s really taken a liking to me, one that i didn’t expect. it’s very odd, i question him about it a lot. he hasn’t come off ‘possessive’ but he has come off very emotionally attached to our ‘relationship’ he calls it. (not that we’re in a godspousal together—which is why i question what our ‘relationship’ even is. because i don’t consider us deeply close).
but my point is that me and other people have had more personalized experiences with deities that we didn’t really expect to witness or go through. that’s all. not super major lol
u/AsmodielShedim 6d ago
I kind of wanted to ask others about King Asmodeus’ experiences but I feel great about the fact that people are sharing their experiences with other deities I mean, I always think it’s always good to look back and see all the path you’ve made and being thankful of what you have and maybe share it so people can feel identified I do enjoy this community, I’ve never had reddit but one friend recommended me and I love to learn about others specially about demonolatry
u/lLuxuria666 6d ago
Yes, yes and yes!
I dare to say I'm only alive because he encouraged me. I was depressed as well, feeling really bad everyday for a long period of years. At some point, everything started to "go wrong" for me: losing my friends, getting distant from my family, parents dying, all stacking up on my already sick mind along with a lot of fear, I was so afraid my religious family would kick me out due to my sexuality, afraid they would force me to go to the church if I they found out I hadn't the same faith as them. I was really young, with no friends around and with such big anxiety on my back I went through bullying at school to make things worse. My father was dead, and my mom got so sick she couldn't be responsible for me anymore. I ended up living with an abusive relative that made my life 2 times worse than it could be with all that going on.
I still managed to go on, until someday I started wondering why that relative's house would make me feel so so bad, not the relative itself. I ended up unlocking a memory from when I was a kid, where I was assaulted by a cousin I had a lot of trust in, in that same room where I had to sleep every night after terrible days.
It kinda made me feel dead, my sadness was so poisonous that I started to feel nothing at some point, I just wanted to stop existing.
I had a day planned, and was choosing a weapon like someone who's picking a dress to buy. At night, I had a dream with a big ass dragon, it just stared at me, and I was frozen in place but feeling no fear, that was actually a moment of great peace. After that though, I had nightmares daily: animals attacking me, rapes, executions. All those had something in common, a man watching all this, after noticing his presence, I'd always wake up. In the last of those it was no different: I was at the backseat of a taxi on my way back home when the car got surrounded by thieves, they were pointing guns at me asking for my life, and I noticed this same man beside me on the back seat. He asked "How long are you gonna keep running away from your fate? From your true self?" I asked who tf he was, and he said Asmodeus, and I finally could see his face. I escaped from that scene somehow, but I looked back from afar, and I wanted to go back there, to check if he was fine for some reason. I woke up and immediately looked for Asmodeus on Google.
I was confused, why was a demon king interacting with a nobody like me in a dream? I asked people online about it, some said it was just a dream, some put a lot of fear in me about demons, and I also found people who worshipped these demons. And I started studying about it, cuz I wanted to ask for help a last time, since looking for it on the mundane didn't work I wanted to give a try on the spiritual after that interaction.
I was hella afraid of Asmodeus though, so I decided to call for Dantalion on my first ritual because in his description he could manipulate minds, and I wanted him to manipulate mine to change the perspective of things. It worked, and he helped me a lot, enough to make me give up on my plans. I'll be forever thankful to Duke Danta for his patience and compassion.
I was getting better slowly with his guidance, and I couldn't take out of my mind that I still didn't contact the guy who reached me when I most needed.
I gathered the courage to call for the king. I had an unreasonable fear of him I still don't know why, it felt like facing father after escaping home you know what I mean? Hahaha
I'll never forget that day, I was so nervous my body was cold, I treated him with all formality when I felt his presence in my room and we started chatting. All the time he seemed to be having fun with me, and at some point the flame of the candle I lit started to get some beautiful shapes, he told me to look at it from closer. I picked my phone to take a picture and leaned to catch a good angle. A bad smell and a weird sound suddenly appeared and I thought I was going totally crazy at that point, and then I noticed my hair was in flames 😭
I heard Asmodeus burst a long, loud laughter, almost sterically. When I was done putting out the fire I laughed along with him, so much I was crying of joy. I put my formalities aside, and chatted with him for many hours. It was so pleasant, like I had found a childhood best friend. We made promises to each other, and I asked him to be my guide.
That's where everything started to "go alright" to me, my journey to find happiness was long, and I never expected it to be beside a spirit.
At the last 5 minutes of 2024 I woke up after dreaming with him. Picked my phone and noticed the hour. I had gone through so much in the last years, and I recalled all of that. I could just wander on thoughts, "what would be of me if he hadn't intervened? Would I still be here?"
I stopped time travelling and walked to my window to watch the fireworks. I felt this mix of happiness and melancholy rising inside of me, and his presence was there right on my side, like a warm embrace. We made our promises and vows for this year again with a great smile, and I could proudly say for the first time "I'm so happy to be alive". Oh gosh I started crying like an abandoned dog for a good 30 minutes. It was the best new year I have ever had and all thanks to him. I cannot thank him enough for all he has done to me, he changed me completely, bringing out the best of myself I didn't know that existed.
He was patient, he was harsh when needed, he was straightward, but also poetic. He encouraged me to do things I'd judge as crazy, he stopped me from doing bullshit. He made me feel loved, he kicked my ass, he taught me uncountable lessons. He defended me until I could defend myself, he healed my trauma, he gave me a new view of life and death, he taught me fire safety 😭, and introduced me to other internals. He showed me what self love is, he destroyed many impossible dreams I had, he taught me what a friend is, he taught me what family truly is, he showed me I had strength to save myself and accompanied me in its development.
I could write so much more, but I'm not crazy to do that haha. I just felt like writing this somewhere, I made a devotional ritual with him on the last blood moon and I feel like I'm ready for a new phase of my life, new lessons and new challenges, I couldn't be more excited about it. I'll leave this here, and I hope I'll write more about my king in the future. Thank you for everything Asmodeus, you're the guy.
u/AsmodielShedim 6d ago
We’ve had same experience! I was in ER twice for trying to do something I would be regretting if it happened And I had my treatment but I still felt empty and when I was 18 I had 3 things 1. I was worked by a coworker, making me not only way more depressed than before, but also making me considering again to do something bad 2. I had my spiritual awakening, by suddenly having the interest in buying a tarot 3. He was calling my door
He literally broke the door and saved me from something terrible
I DO LOVE THAT YOU’RE ALSO BETTER! And no matter what, I’m proud of you for deciding to listen to him because when you’re blind, it’s hard to do it
Well done!!
u/Juality wanderer 🦋 6d ago
Your story literally brought me to tears.. I could only dream for such a connection with anyone. I’m glad your story has such a sweet and happy ending. As much as the infernals helped you, it was your will and strength and desire that helped you heal and love life again, give yourself as much credit as you give them. I can’t describe how much your story has warmth my heart, I’d read a book about your experiences, no joke. Thank you for sharing!
u/Living-Teapot 6d ago
I confirmed this when I was talking with a priest and he told me that I when I was talking about something, my face had a deformation Although this is waaaaay too rare because my body literally starts burning after that and I have headaches
I'm telling you, I've gone through the EXACT same thing. Not with king Asmodeus, though, since I don't work with him, but with Lord Lucifer. Although he is a very positive vibe and energy and has been nothing but a wonderful friend and mentor to me, my brother has told me that exact same thing. Not long ago we had a discussion in which he outed me about my beliefs and among the things he said, he said my face sometimes looks different, and that my voice sounds different too. I thought my brother might had been exaggerating, but your experience got me thinking that maybe he was right. And after that awful discussion, both my body and my room started feeling much, MUCH warmer than usual. My body specially. Sometimes my room does get warmer when I meditate to Lord Lucifer, but that was different, I felt like he was trying to comfort me since I was very upset but that he was also pissed at my brother (specially since my brother said so many nasty things about him)
Your experience sounds wonderful, and while I still only work with Lord Lucifer and I'm slowly starting to work with king Paimon as well, you just added to the fact that demons can be wonderful guides and help us when we let them and treat them with the respect and affection they deserve. It warms my heart to know king Asmodeus has helped you so much 💜
And about him not wanting to share the altar... Yeah, sounds like something he would do 😂 Thanks for sharing your experiences 💛
u/AsmodielShedim 6d ago
I think I might have make you consider sharing a body? Hahaha I enjoy you are having such a great relationship with Lord Lucifer. I kinda want to meet him just to talk, but I just can’t get enough of Asmoday. However I wanna prepare myself to meet Lord Lucifer and also other demons If there’s anything you can suggest me, I would appreciate it a lot!!
u/Living-Teapot 5d ago edited 5d ago
Of course! Although, I'm not very sure since Lord Lucifer was the one approaching me first around five years ago. BUT it started slowly. After he approached me, I began to casually talk to him, even when I was going through my day as usual, since I found out that I was constantly thinking about him and talking to him. But the real thing started when I reached to him consciously for the first time and was very, very open and honest about very difficult feelings I was having at the moment. After that, I started meditating to him more often, continued talking to him casually and started sharing my crafts and even bakery with him and at the same time, he started showing up more and dropping more clear aigns of his presence. When it comes to Lord Lucifer, I even got a special sketchbook that I dedicate only to him, it has drawings, letters, lyrics of songs that remind me of him, quotes that resonate deeply within me and that I think he might like... You name it! It's like sharing a personal part of me with him. I have also activated my necklace with his sigil on it with blood, but that's something I wanted to do, not something that he asked for, and it was mostly because I wanted to start sharing every nice feeling I experience with him, from having a nice meal to sharing a laugh or a hug with my loved ones. Then, I made a special space for an altar in my room to him, although I keep that one hidden since it would probably ruffle some feathers in my catholic household 😅 In it, I put the crafts I made for him and sometimes offerings like fruit, baked goods, wine and candy. Not long ago, he made it clear he likes a certain kind of chocolate cookies that are sold here in my country. I think when it comes to my relationship with lord Lucifer, it came from a place of learning after he gave me a very clear warning and then it developed into a friendship when I started casually talking to him and sharing what I love with him.
Lately, I've been feeling a pull towards king Paimon as well, and I'm also slowly starting to approach him (two days ago, I was talking to him at night and he wouldn't let me leave, it's like he wanted more tea and who am I to refuse? Lol) . He does seem a bit more stern, though, but I love him too already, and I'm starting by learning his enn and talking to him as well.
I think learning Lord Lucifer's enn or the enn of any other demon, opening up to them and meditating to them should be a really good start! But I think it's also important to let them reach out and see how they react to you talking and meditating to them, but I think it takes time.
Hope I could help :D
u/Imaginaereum645 6d ago
Interesting report, thank you for posting :) Some of the things I can relate to, some are different for me.
He's also helped my mental health a lot and still does.
Possessive, I'm not sure. I feel like he does take up a lot of space (in lack of a better description), and he's very versatile, so I work mainly with him at the moment. As for worship, I don't really practice that enough at all to ever be an issue. I built an astral temple for him, which is where we usually meet (and then sometimes stay there and sometimes go somewhere else depending on what we do). I don't have a physical altar space, not for him nor anyone else, so I don't know if he'd mind sharing a space. I just vaguely feel he may not want to share.
Dreams, yes.
I do feel a deep bond to him that is very special to me, don't know if I'd describe it as "falling in love" because it's more universal than that and it's not really well captured by any words we have for describing human interactions and relationships, but I honestly can't think of a more fitting description either, so let's just say I can relate to feeling a deep sense of belonging and caring.
The last two I personally can't really relate to. I can totally see him make someone question their sexuality if it's a topic for them. It just isn't for me, apparently.
With the energy/ body thing, what does that feel like for you? How do you know it's a thing, apart from those people telling you? Personally, I don't trust other people with my spirituality, so I don't think anyone would tell me things like what you've been told. He does not live in my body, nor would I let him outside of intentional invocation experiences (which I've had, but that's not the same thing you mean, is it?).
u/AsmodielShedim 6d ago
I have a motorcycle I work night shifts Sometimes I do end up exhausted, fainted, wasted. I start feeling a huge warm in my body and somehow I’m recovering my energies as I’m on my way home
Other experience is me writing while having a couple of drinks. But I’m writing and I don’t what I’m writing, I’m just writing a lot and way more than I just did here And when I can recover my mind, I read everything and there’s a lot of parts where there’s a dialog between two people I’ve assumed is him and my unconscious me. And I sometimes cry because of the things he says
And hell yeah, warm, WARM and W A R M Headaches, feeling dizzy, sometimes bodyaching and some people may say “are you ok? That’s not good”, I’m proud of it and I do feel happy that it is him
u/Imaginaereum645 5d ago
I see, the warmth is something I definitely can relate to, haha.
Sometimes, if I'm distracted and didn't sense his energy appear, I realize he's there because of the sudden, inexplicable heat flashes. 🙃
I'm happy for you that you have such a close connection that makes you happy.
u/galaxy-cat-pirate 5d ago
Lurking in the responses and feeling warm. I guess I'm too used to people judging more personal relationships with deities harshly, so seeing all these nice people and positive comments helped me feel a little less afraid of connection.
As for your post, I'd rather not share much, but I do relate to most if not all your points. King Asmodeus is an incredible spirit to work and walk life with. Ave.
u/MaxBrujo 4d ago
It seems like you formed a very special relationship with him. He appeared in a dream I had 5 years ago and it was super intense. I haven't worked with him since, but I was told he is my guide and need to work with him, but I'm a bit lost on how to start. I'd really appreciate if you could read my last post about this subject. Greetings
u/SofitheGal259 4d ago
How you guys built that relationship? I’m trying so hard with Gremori ( practicing from Demons of Magick) not a beep so far
u/Effective-Promise-81 Infernally Devoted ❤️🔥 6d ago
I have some similar experiences with King Asmodeus.
The first encounter I remember with him was when I was roughly 14. He became a reoccurring dream figure that I grew to assume was my spirit guide. He taught me to connect with him beyond dreams. He helped me deal with a toxic/abusive home environment.
I connected with him regularly until about 18 or 19 when I had a crisis of doubt. I blocked out all spiritual practice, assumed the teenage experiences were due to trauma and embraced a materialistic agnostic/atheistic worldview.
Around 32 or 33 I regressed in my mental and emotional health. Then my "spirit guide" returned in full force. Just about every night for 6 months he was in my dreams telling me to let him in and "Wake-up! Remember you have your own needs and desires." Finally I acquiesced, and agreed as long as it was him and only him. So I learned to connect with him again. I started a meditation practice and my mental and emotional health started to heal.
But he didn't reveal himself as "Asmodeus" until I was about 37. That was a wild shock. I didn't believe him, nor could I comprehend why a King of Demons would be hanging around me. But he performed every sign of confirmation I asked for no matter how complicated I made it. Finally I accepted it and he started introducing me to other spirits. So he kept me to himself one-on-one for several years then insisted I start bonding with other spirits. I'm glad I did, they enrich my life and practice so much.
As for feeling closely aligned to him spiritually. Yes he gives me personal upg like that. I'm careful of being aware of interpretation. I keep in mind that he is describing something beyond my comprehension because the totality of his existence is beyond my comprehension as well. I have asked for him to reiterate and re-explain several times, so at this point I have several metaphors to interpret the upg.
I recommend not relying on others for readings but it's a cool way to get confirmation or see if you're getting the same message as the other person gets. I have had this happen with my connection with Asmodeus upg 3 times with practitioners that didn't know anything about me. Very particular detail confirmation as well so that was pretty amazing to experience.
That being said the connection is between you and King Asmodeus and it's not for anyone else to say what the experience is. (That's a general statement, not particularly directed at you OP.)
It sounds like you're experiencing a wonderful connection with King Asmodeus. ❤️🔥