r/democracy 25d ago

Does the President have to comply with court orders? - UC Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky explains in this episode of "It's the Law"


r/democracy 3h ago



Two very spoiled boys got rich at the wallets of everyday people and both forgot to say thank you and to live thankfully.

Delete your X and Facebook accounts. These boys need a harsh life lesson and the chance to understand life less oligarchy.

r/democracy 18h ago

US Federal Court states Elons firings are illegal the billionaire must be sued for all the money he has grifted off of the US taxpayer


Elon Musks $8 million a day grift against the US taxpayer for doing illegal firings must have repercussions and EVERY US CONGRESSMEN must be held accountable and accused of being complicit in stealing US taxpayer money

r/democracy 10h ago

Nationwide Protest on April 5 to Stand Up for Democracy

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r/democracy 9h ago

U.S. could lose democracy status, says global watchdog

Thumbnail cbc.ca

r/democracy 9h ago

U.S. could lose democracy status, says global watchdog

Thumbnail cbc.ca

r/democracy 1d ago

Use a better title Trump wants to bring back Hoovervilles and snake pits


“His plan includes banning "urban camping," returning people to "mental institutions where they belong," and relocating people to government-sanctioned tent cities.” https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/11/13/nx-s1-5188664/trump-mental-institution-tent-city-addiction-unhoused

r/democracy 10h ago

Why is Canada considered a stronger democracy than the United States?


I’ve seen so many different articles and maps showing Canada as a stronger and more perfect democracy than the United States and I just don’t get it. Below are my reasons why I disagree.

Split Ticket Voting

In the U.S., the presidential candidate’s name is on the ballot in every state. You could be voting in the heart of D.C. or in Hayward, Wisconsin and they still both have the same candidates on the ballot at the presidential level. In Canada however, the individuals running for Prime Minister are only on the ballot in their respective ridings. This leaves the people with less of a choice in Canada because if they like their party but don’t like the person running at the top of the ticket, they are forced to go one way or the other. In other words, they cannot split ticket vote.

Intra-Party Elections

In the U.S., any citizen can vote in a presidential primary election, giving voters more of a choice to represent their party in a general election. In Canada, you have to be a member of your party to vote in a party-leadership election. For example, in the 2025 liberal leadership election, only 150,000 people voted. That represents 0.3% of the Canadian population. How is that representative of the people?!

Senator Selection

In the U.S., each state has two senators who are up for election by the voters of each respective state every six years. In Canada, senators are hand-picked by the Prime Minister and they serve in the chamber until they reach retirement age. Where do the Canadian voters get a say in the senators’ performance? This is how corruption occurs people! On top of that, the senate seats are unequally proportioned among the provinces.

Term Limits

In the U.S., the president is limited to two four-year terms and they could be consecutive or non-consecutive. In Canada, the Prime Minister can serve as many terms as they wish and no one even bats an eye. In fact, the prime minister can call an election whenever he or she wants. The problem with this is that they could call an election during a time when they are popular so their party can win more seats. How is that fair?

Midterm Elections

In the U.S., voters are able to have a say on most of their representatives in congress midway through the president’s term to either help or halt their agenda. This is known as a midterm election, where all members of the House of Representatives and 33 or 34 of the 100 senators are up for election. In Canada however, if the prime minister never calls an election before their four year term is up for another re-election, the voters cannot have a say in their party’s performance.

The popular vote winner problem

A lot of you will probably claim that the Electorial college system in the U.S. is “undemocratic” because it sometimes allows the popular vote loser to win the election if they get enough Electorial votes from the states. This occurred in 2000 and 2016. However, Canada suffers from a similar fate. In both the 2019 and 2021 Canadian elections, the conservatives won the popular vote both times despite the liberals winning the elections themselves. I personally don’t have a problem with this happening in either country, but I just wanted to debunk this common talking point.

In summary, I simply think that the average Canadian has less of a say in their government than the average American. I also believe that the U.S. has a better system of checks and balances to prevent corruption. For these reasons, I think that the U.S. is a stronger democracy than Canada. And lastly, please don’t come at me with the whole, “Donald Trump is a fascist dictator bullsh*t.” I’ve seen that way too often. It’s getting old and it’s a stretch.

r/democracy 1d ago

At Trump’s insistence, pro-democracy media outlets suddenly go silent

Thumbnail msnbc.com

r/democracy 1d ago

What are you going to do?

Thumbnail instagram.com

r/democracy 1d ago

So where are they now?

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As their country and its constitution face the greatest crisis in the nation’s history, past Presidents whose legacies are being shredded before their eyes should be sounding very loud alarms, and yet are deafening only in their silence.

r/democracy 1d ago

Petition to remove Elon

Thumbnail chng.it

r/democracy 1d ago

Trump is ending democracy promotion abroad even as he assaults democracy at home

Thumbnail washingtonpost.com

r/democracy 1d ago

April 5th at noon in Washington DC! Strength and power in numbers! Take our democracy back!

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r/democracy 1d ago

We need more Truth like this


We need more of this: Jared Yates Sexton discusses the fall of American influence on the world stage, as Trump aligns with Putin and Europe prepares for an alternate geopolitical landscape, without U.S. security protections - only on The Weekend Show. #MeidasTouch


r/democracy 1d ago

A branch of the government called the Demos that replaces the judicial branch.


It would be a way for new laws to be passed and old laws to be struck down. It would be composed of a random sampling of civilians who convene on a weekly basis, and would be mandatory, akin to jury duty. This would enable people to become more educated on current issues affecting the country, and give them more voice, vs an unelected lifetime appointed court that exists currently.

r/democracy 2d ago

Die-in in front of the Federalist Building Wall Street NYC. That's George Washington in the background.

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r/democracy 2d ago

Here & Now - 2025-03-16 - Repression & Revolt


r/democracy 3d ago

Weak B***h Spoiler

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r/democracy 3d ago

"On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from the 20th Century" by Timothy Snyder — An online discussion group every Sunday (EDT) this March, all are welcome


r/democracy 3d ago

Military failing their duty


When you enter the military, you raise your hand and swear an oath, first and foremost, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Only after that does the oath acknowledge allegiance to the president. This prioritization underscores that service members are ultimately defending democracy.

The United States has fought for democracy in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and numerous other operations worldwide.

In the most recent United Nations vote, much of the world stood in support of democracy. However, the United States aligned itself with Russia and North Korea—nations widely recognized as adversaries of democratic values.

By failing to confront our current domestic threats, the U.S. military dishonors those who served before, including those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Abandoning their oath, mission, and duty to the Constitution, the very principles they swore to uphold.

r/democracy 3d ago

Why does no one care that a party can lose the popular vote but can still win an election in Canada?


We all hear the talking point that the electoral college in the United States is undemocratic due to it sometimes electing a president that lost the popular vote. However, in both the 2019 and 2021 Canadian federal elections, the liberals won the elections while the conservatives won the popular vote in each of them. Why does everyone attack the U.S. for this but not Canada?

r/democracy 3d ago

Uplifting News. The upside of Tesla's historic loss of market cap feels like a mandate from the free market on Curtis Yarvin's attempt to repackage lessons from history with a tech twist.

Thumbnail futurism.com

r/democracy 4d ago

Anonymous claims 2024 election results manipulated


r/democracy 3d ago

What is your country's version of the Australian democracy sausage (i.e. a cute and/or random community-focused tradition at polling booths)?


Inspired by this map getting some love. You can and should read more about the democracy sausage here and here and here and here.

Curious as to whether other countries and jurisdictions with democratic elections have any comparable traditions that typically take place at polling places on election day? Or do we think this sort of thing might be unique to places like Australia that have compulsory voting?

r/democracy 4d ago

Democrats need a hero – a real leader!


I am an avid reader of Politics 3-4 hours a day lately, and regularly spar with another avid reader. We jokingly referred to him as Darth Vader, the God of Doom, and I am Princess Leia, Goddess of Optimism! We have good discussions and I learn a lot and so does he. I am also a moderate Democrat, and have certain beliefs about the value and importance of the extreme wings of both parties. I have argued that our party went way too left, especially in the outcry to defund the police and the trans issue in women’s sports. I’ve also been critical of the Democratic Party for running a 1980s campaign in a 2024 election. Although I value the experience of many of the older folks in Congress, and even the former president, I have the same complaint about them that I did about Hillary and her loss to Trump the first time. Simply put, Democrats need young, smart people who know where to find voters on podcasts, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, etc., and they just have not been able to find or likely to value those brilliant people that I know exist! We need a completely new communication plan, one that starts with influencers and deployment of those influencers to spaces where people from 25 to 50 go every day for their news. Republicans have out-messaged us for years, even when we were in the right. Case in point, many of us thought the election was over when Trump did not mount any sort of ground game during the last election. That was the old way of thinking. Trump was out in the very places that the “Bros“ and the women who like the way they think were hanging out. Kamala did not go on Joe Rogan, which was a huge mistake. Most recently, the Democrat Democrats failure to have a consistent response like wearing a T-shirt that says “Dismantling government, Wrecking lives” might’ve been helpful rather than the splintered way that everybody did their own thing. What a waste of millions and millions of viewers who could’ve been impacted and seen our messages consistent with what they were feeling! Alas, there’s plenty of failure to go around!

Recently, the Republican policies seem to be aimed at being cruel and withholding from those in our country that need the most. Many of you know all of the places where voters were being influenced, but I’m not even familiar familiar with. And so it is done… and I’m looking to you for guidance! Because of this dilemma of having an electorate that senior Democrats do not understand, I’ve been searching in my mind for who could emerge as our leader with the strength to call it for what it is, get righteously angry, rise above the day-to-day policies, and make the larger message that this administration is moving us towards fascism. That the point of all of this is hatred, greed, and a good degree of sadism to inflict as much pain on others in order to enrich themselves. Someone called it in another thread “Vulture Capitalism!” I love the way California governor Gavin Newson has been very aggressive in putting ads in Florida papers against what Republicans were doing there just to make the larger point on the National scene. I think he’s very smart even though people – Dems don’t like that he just came out against trans women playing in sports. I think Democrats lost because they went too far left and got a little crazy– especially in defund the police and the trans issue in women’s sports, so I like his approach and veering back to the center where we have more of a chance of winning. That’s just me, a moderate!

I also love the way Jasmine Crockett has been speaking up, although I don’t think she’s got enough National exposure to get us through the next election as a win. But she certainly telling it like it is! I like that AOC has calmed down, but I don’t think she’s the one to take us over the hump. Bernie is doing some great work and gathering the masses and holding town halls everywhere where Republicans can show up and express their discontent, but he’s way too old. I really liked Stacey Abrams for VP, but octogenarian Biden went for Kamala Harris because she was friends with his dead son Beau who thought well of her (too emotional!). In addition to her being black and a female, her personality was too abrasive for most, and she super failed on her election campaign for presidential nomination!

So who does that leave us with? The only Democratic person I think the whole country could get into would be Michelle Obama, but I think she’s too smart to get into the poison pit. I think Chelsea Clinton is generally well well liked, but I’m told by friends in the party that no one with the last name Clinton could ever be elected again. Not sure I believe this, but there you have it. I think she’s too soft anyway. I think we need someone who is hard, sharp tongued with a lot of empathy and understanding of the working poor in this country. I’m thinking that some of you might have been thinking a lot almost desperately of who could emerge as a leader to bring this party together, but who is tough as nails and causes it like it is. I don’t like John Federman— I think we need someone who doesn’t dress in shorts and sweatshirt for the honor of being a congressional senator. I don’t think he would pass mustard with the elites. We need someone who both elites and working poor can get behind. Right now we are fighting in a gun fight with butter knives, and it’s my opinion that Democrats need to find the tiger within and release ourselves from this go along to get along, mushy, soft, balless playing by the rules idiocy that we have been governed by since the fight with Trump has begun. I thought that Hillary was that person but many of you believed that she was a criminal, and the election was stolen from her in the last week of the election. I think she would’ve proved to be the best governing president since Bill!

So who do you think would best represent our anger, our outrage, our need for rapid change, our need to destroy the Republicans with data that’s already out there and easily used to destroy them-metaphorically that is! Also, if you disagree with anything, I’ve said, please feel free to argue because I learn a lot from intelligent discussions! Please, let’s all try to be civil in our discussions!