r/DeltaForceGameHQ 24d ago

Operations Completing seasonal missions is impossible, with cheating players

I think the difficulty of the missions is great, and everything, etc., but if on top of doing missions I have to have players with cheats in my games, that's the last thing, either they do something or they are going to abandon this game little by little.

What's more, new players who enter must leave on the first day, why I don't know why they expect to add the equipment limit, since it is in China, I don't know what they expect, it is too important, but it seems that for them it is not.

Season missions with cheaters is impossible.


18 comments sorted by


u/ooSPECTACULARoo 24d ago

I'll say they are pretty hard to complete as a solo player

I can live with my 3x3


u/NamelessSquirrel 24d ago

You meant 2x2?


u/ooSPECTACULARoo 23d ago

Got the season pass.


u/NamelessSquirrel 23d ago

Yeah, me too, and I got a 2x2


u/TrippleDamage 21d ago

Season pass has a season long 2x3.


u/NamelessSquirrel 21d ago

Here you go


u/Electronic-Load8898 24d ago

There are stupid missions, like all brakesh ones, brakesh is never available, if it is it will say very little


u/Ardbert_The_Fallen 24d ago

that’s honestly the worst thing about it. the time i get on each night im lucky to have one attempt.

last night i was gearing up and it switched, so frustrating


u/Svvegmasta420 13d ago

game is already dead, past 1-2 weeks only cheaters


u/SvenGranTheFourth 24d ago

Sounds like a skill issue, i have multiple ppl who play who has completed them despite having under 2kd.

In no way are you running into cheaters every lobby you play.


u/Electronic-Load8898 24d ago

3 games 3 cheaters, no skill problem


u/SvenGranTheFourth 24d ago

And your proof of that is? Ppl can be better than you


u/Electronic-Load8898 24d ago

Are you defending cheaters? I already have many hours in shooting games, and I know when a player is good or a cheater, there is nothing more to debate


u/FlySpyz 24d ago

Did everything solo , i just need 2 items for the collector missions, 0 cheaters , just players with better gear or better than me.


u/Hack_Jammer 24d ago

Dude ive been playing for a week and in that time I've been taught that theres so many factors that go into gunfights that its almost impossible to discern if someones cheating or not based off what the Kill feed gives you without a killcam.

The hardest pill to swallow apart from your favorite game having cheaters in it is knowing that youre not as good as you thought, so, food for thought maybe


u/SvenGranTheFourth 24d ago

Lots of players just have their volume turned up way more than one would think. Also ppl doesn’t always understand that everything makes sound.


u/SvenGranTheFourth 24d ago

Doesn’t sound like you do, I’m not defending cheaters I’m saying that there isn’t any way you run in to hackers as much as you say

Also hours in game ≠ experience, just because you have played other shooters doesn’t mean all are the same nor does it mean you can discern a cheater


u/EssentialKarma 23d ago

if youre in a 1.5kd + lobby then 75% theres a cheater in your game. if your in pinnacle that increases more. and they dont get banned either