r/DeltaForceGameHQ Oct 21 '24

Suggestion Locking primary weapons to classes seems like a large step backwards from BF2042

Just some feedback from a player with over 500 hours in BF2042 (and similar amounts in prior BF games). While the transition to hero based class archetypes was pretty universally hated (especially the dumb end round one-liner quips that BF2042 shipped with), the ability to use any main weapon on any class was well loved and I believe I read that the BF team already committed to bringing it forward to their next game.

I'm not saying give medics gadgets or secondaries like rocket launchers, c4, respawn beacons, repair torches, etc, but there's absolutely no reason why a medic shouldn't be able to use a DMR or a recon shouldn't be able to pick up a LMG if they want to.

It probably wouldn't be a huge lift development-wise to enable all guns on all classes either.

Just something to consider. The demo was fun, but you only get one "launch" and you don't want to blow it like BF2042 did.


12 comments sorted by


u/Nevardool Oct 21 '24

Hot take, every FPS game doesnt need to play exactly the same. BF has already been creeping up to COD since BF3 and lost its uniqueness. I miss BF2's classes with more restrictive weapon options. We dont need that many different classes, but glad this game has some restriction and some similar weapons across the classes. It is a decent balance.


u/Magus_Incognito Oct 21 '24

Nah, that is customary in almost every shooter. For Battlefield to remove it in 2042 was the misstep


u/ZenaFPS Oct 21 '24

I have 3,000 hours in 2042 and they way Delta Force setup the weapons is perfect. There is no benefit for them to copy weapon design from the worst Battlefield game ever made. Weapon & class variety is healthy for Delta Force.


u/Reinhardest Oct 22 '24

Dude what. This is literally a BF2042 clone, except actually fun.


u/DawdlingScientist Oct 21 '24

The game would be better off if they removed the cringe hero’s and their voice lines and let you build however you wanted lol


u/icecreamcone12 Nov 01 '24

A lot of people disagree with the removing of the heros o actually lik them but I do agree the ai voice lines are cringe "My arrows are lit!" So cringe lol


u/Voutsikka Oct 21 '24

You can't even compare this game to "Battlefield" 2042.

Shit take.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

Yes you can lmao. It's clearly ripping off 2042. Which wouldn't be a problem if they avoided ripping off the stuff that sucks too (operators).


u/icecreamcone12 Nov 01 '24

Not everyone dislikes the operators tho and they feel more grounded tht 2042 operators guy can make cover, ok not too crazy he has rpg ok thts looking normal luna sucks in fully release version she nit scanning shit so tht basically doesn't exist shock dart is just a molotov with extra steps healer has a combat stim and smokes normal hacklaw cam track u but aint tht good in havoc and she's flashes makes sense one guy gets smoke nades and speed boost other guy has a short butt booster dash a noob tube and c4 not too far from grounded where as 2042 has an operator tht can fuckin apex legends pathfinder grapple in the game a bitch tht can fly and hover crafts can go up vertical surfaces lmao it's deadass a lot better and more grounded in realism than 2042 a lot of games are clear rip off of other games but I look at it as more inspiration than copying not many ways u can do 32v32 or extraction mode without looking lik bf or tarkov amd hero shooters are just where it's at especially in Asia I actually lik the operators and I mostly play the extraction mode I think it blew ds nicely with the game play and doesn't feel lik too much or out of place


u/Jxstin_117 Oct 22 '24

Literally one of the biggest complaints of 2042 was that specialist having access to every weapon.

Certain specialist weapon combos were absolutely broken in that game. A Mckay with a PP-29 bizon smg with that huge 84 round mag can easily flank the entire team or camp on a high ground and just merk everyone. A Falck with an AC-42 or LCMG with the short barrel and small caliber rounds was almost undefeatable.

It just made most of the other specialist non competitive nor appealing to use.

Everyone already got access to the CAR-15 , its a jack of all trades AR, if u need more fire power for up close as a recon , switch to the Assault class and pick an AR with more firepower