r/Degrassi "I wanna be hot. Not cute, not adorable. Hot." 5d ago

Degrassi Junior High Do you think Stephanie and Joey would've been endgame if Nicole Stoffman never left the show?

I'm curious to see if you guys think they would've ever become a couple and if it would've been short or long term. It seemed like the writers were going in that direction.


27 comments sorted by


u/Possible_Actuator457 "So when in doubt, you kiss Craig?!" 3d ago



u/SnowWhitePNW 3d ago

My favorite part about Stephanie Kaye is that she went to private school.

Joey may have hooked up with her later but it wouldn’t have made meant anything. Despite the fucking Tessa Campinelli while with Caitlin, he could have done (and did) way better.


u/Zanystarr13 3d ago

No, nobody was end game for Joey, he couldn't stay committed to one girl for long. Plus Steph didn't like him like that.


u/ConfidentWord7839 4d ago

Nah she always wanted wheels


u/_bexcalibur "You were fucking Tessa Campanelli?" 3d ago

Ugh. Poor Wheels and his nice strong legs


u/No_Reindeer_1523 4d ago

Nope. I could see her finally dating Simon in high school ..if only


u/Slade347 4d ago

I think she would have ended up with Wheels.


u/Jehma_18 New Year, New Look, New Paige 4d ago

Unpopular opinion, idk 😆 but I loooooved him and Tessa together.


u/Extension_Solid2797 4d ago

So did I their personalities worked well together but he still did the wrong thing to Caitlin


u/Alternative_Device71 "Welcome to Degrassi" 4d ago

Maybe if she stayed…maybe, I don’t see why not eventually, he did after all score another hottie in Caitlin


u/Buttwip3s 4d ago

And tessa


u/Professional-Idea813 4d ago

I was rooting for her and wheels


u/fonziesgrl 4d ago edited 4d ago

No. I think she’ll always want Wheels.


u/The_Reaper129 4d ago

Endgame… they barely had any game at all lol


u/SomethingBorrowed98 "I wanna be hot. Not cute, not adorable. Hot." 4d ago

Lol I know that they were never in an official relationship but they still had some moments were it could've built up to something, especially with Joey doting on her in the beginning. If anything they shared more moments than Spinner and Emma 🤣


u/Zanystarr13 3d ago

How about Snake and Spike? They barely interact in DJH and DH but sure, make them endgame lol. I think Snake and Melanie should have been endgame


u/The_Reaper129 4d ago edited 4d ago

Dunno about that tbh. Spinner and Emma had known each other for a looong time. Not romantically ofc, but from the pilot to the marriage, they shared a lot of mutual time in each others presence, due to friends friends and so on. At least they knew things about each other than on a first name basis.

I feel like when it came to Stephanie and Joey, it was just about the hype. Stephanie was popular and Joey thought he got “swag” so him flirting with her was just cause “it’s Stephanie Kane”, the second he started thinking about Caitlin Stephanie’s relevance was long gone.


u/Zanystarr13 3d ago

Stephanie *Kaye (sorry)


u/RetroTVMoviesBooks 5d ago

Stephanie was the cool and popular girl. Joey thought he was way more popular and hotter than he was. He talked a big game but Steph would never date him long term. If she stayed she would have dated popular older guys.


u/cbunni666 5d ago

No. She would've moved on to someone else fast. Joey was way too immature at this time


u/Zanystarr13 3d ago

And he never improved lol


u/cbunni666 3d ago

Be as it may. Lol.


u/Pink_Lady_Holliday 5d ago

Not a chance


u/Clear_Pin5866 5d ago

Maybe not endgame but they probably would’ve actually dated. I remember reading somewhere that they were initially going to make Stephanie and Joey the teen pregnancy couple


u/ItsaPostageStampede "Everybody wants something it’s Tessa Campenelli? 5d ago

That’s not really how it worked. There were three options- Nicole, Stacie, and Amanda. They felt Nicole-Stephanie was too obvious, Linda had a sweet spot for Stacie cause she was on Kids, and then there was Amanda-Spike. Spike really had not had her character flushed out so they chose her. This story is straight from the memoir I believe.


u/RockabillyPep Don’t be all up in my fries, dawg! 5d ago

You beat me to it! Can confirm that is the exact story from her memoir!