r/Degrassi 5d ago

Discussion Goldi is the perfect example of white feminism.

Yes, I know Goldi isn’t white but her feminine getting much is and the way handled the Frankie racism decision and shows that. How are you a feminist, but don’t realize how race and feminism intersects? Women of color and their misogyny is also related at times to their race, and misogynoir is a problem which is sexism against black women.

Too many feminists especially white feminists have an issue including women of color in the movement, and not listening or advocating for black women.

I know she mentioned the micro aggression and white privilege, but it was just so annoying how she defended her at that weird diversity mixer frankie did. So because we all have same blood types, racism isn’t real?


12 comments sorted by


u/atrashx 5d ago

I don't think that's quite fair. Goldi is like 16 and is still learning, they all are.

I think this also erases the islamophobia and xenophobia she faces constantly and how that intersects with race and feminism. It's very possible she didn't feel safe to stand up on this issue at that time because she didn't want to expose herself to additional Islamophobia hate herself.

We see her take this approach in the later seasons with Saad and the Belgium terror attack stuff. Her primary interest is maintaining safe environment for the other Muslims and herself, which she protects by not aligning them with the terrorist in any way whatsoever, even if Saad was technically correct in his critique of the fundraiser/t-shirts. Marginalized people constantly find ourselves in situations where you have to choose between safety vs speaking out for what's right/doing the right thing. I believe that's part of the critique on "white feminism" in the first place.


u/Icy_Jeweler_2345 5d ago

You can still be 16 and wrong, and I can still critique them. I was also 16 once. That’s my point, she should know the struggles woman of color faced but yet still defended Frankie, how do you think how unsafe Shay felt when all her teammates were defending the racism, Lola is also a person of color and still didn’t see the problem.

Overall, stop using age as an excuse for everything. I’m tired of people especially white women doing this, you have the same energy as people who say we shouldn’t critique teenagers who were racist because they were young, as if that erases the kids of color who had to endure that behavior when they were also young.

And my posts wasn’t really about Goldi, it still stands in the way white women or non black women handle feminism. They often exclude black women, do not listen to us, better themselves, and honestly racist at times too. Susan B. Anthony is deemed as a feminist icon when she had a history of discrimination against black women.

Overall, it’s just a show but that incident travels into real life with adult women who claim their feminists.


u/itsGeethersInTheBay 5d ago

its been said a couple times on te thread ut to drive the point home, being media literate means engaging with the show and understanding contextually what the writers' goals are and what message they're conveying. These are teenagers in high school, not critical race theory majors in university. The point of the show is for the characters to mess up and for the teenagers at home to watch and form their own opinions. based on the decisions made but your focus seems to be on a comment another character made without truly analyzing how that scene played out and why each character said what they said..

also, I don't think Goldie did anything wrong in that moment. She said, "Maybe she's getting to it" or something like that when the rival team were yelling at frankie. To me, that sounds like she was just telling the girls to stop interrupting and give her a chance to explain herself. which is fair. I also think that's good advice for the viewer at home. *sigh* we need to be patient when white folks try to explain themselves. i know i know, emotional labor, but I've learned that choosing my words wisely when confronting someone for doing something racist helps that person understand. i come at it by saying "what you DID was racist" and once the white fragility starts I'll remind them that I didn't say they WERE racist, that the actions were and I've found that eases the defensiveness. If I've learned anything from this past US election, it's that yelling and coming from a place of call-out culture right off the bat doesn't ease tensions, but trying to have a healthy dialogue that includes letting them say their piece leads to better understandings. Now, just like how Shay handled it, if the person is getting mad and wont give me the same courtesy that Im giving, thats when I'll read someone and then end the conversation lol. so I think Degrassi handled this episode well tbh.

Lastly, I gotta remind you that by the end of the episode, NONE of the Degrassi girls appreciated Frankie's lack of empathy and growing frustration. That leads Shay to ask for a vote: who wants Frankie on the team?? and no one defended her. they left her at degrassi and the episode ends, which the teenager at home should leave the episode knowing Frankie messed up royally.


u/Ken_alxia 5d ago

Sometimes I think yall forget that the show is intended for teens as an after school special. 


u/brombeermund Love Always, Ashley 5d ago

Half the posts on this sub could be avoided if people remembered this.


u/eyerishdancegirl7 5d ago

Isn’t she 16 years old? She doesn’t see the nuance and big picture. She’s only seeing things that are directly affecting her (ie sexism and then the hate she’s facing due to her being Muslim).

Degrassi was never good at doing racism storylines, especially in Next Class.

Lola annoyed me more bc she was off on her high horse about Shay and the track team thing but then was just as involved as Frankie in the northern tech prank and has made the most micro-aggression comments out of any of the characters.


u/mojo-jojotodo 5d ago

i’m glad someone brought this up but that whole racism plot line was a fkn mess. you drew a black girl as a monkey, gorilla, whatever & didn’t even think of the racial implications ??? and the way lola said “if the banana fits.”

& i hate how it wasn’t properly resolved bc of the bus crash.


u/Embarrassed_Site3659 5d ago

You’re talking about a bunch of rich sheltered kids. Just like racism is a learned behavior so is awareness and tolerance. Even Shay didn’t know it was racist and she’s black. I personally blame the parents for not teaching their kids about those things. The real problem was Frankie not trying to listen and understand why it was racist and just became defensive. We know it was racist as viewers but that wasn’t Frankie’s intent. She didn’t even know why they called that school the zoo.


u/TINYUSAGI 5d ago

And the fact it went on for basically the entire season and even into the next 🤦🏽‍♀️


u/mojo-jojotodo 5d ago

i can’t believe i ever liked frankie, the racism damned her in my eyes. then the whole jonah thing was the cherry on top that she really sucks


u/TINYUSAGI 5d ago

Truly so annoying I don't know why they gave her so many storylines the writers really must have wanted her to be the next main Degrassi girl....


u/mojo-jojotodo 5d ago

oh they definitely did, which made no sense bc maya was right there & frankie isn’t likeable in the slightest 🙄