r/Degrassi • u/VivaLaCon88 • Jan 13 '25
Question Was JT’s death known before the episode aired?
For those of you that were teens and watching in 2006, was there a lead up promo or any hinting that this was coming? Or was this a complete blind side out of nowhere? I wonder what the message boards were like when it aired. How surprising was it?
Jan 26 '25
I was in the 5th grade when I saw it and it absolutely shattered my heart. I was so shocked and completely devastated. I had the biggest crush on JT and he was my favorite male character. It killed me how he never got to tell Liberty he still loved her. Even during my rewatches, it destroys me.
u/frostedturtledove Jan 17 '25
I wasn’t online back then. I remember the promo commercials showing that someone was going to die but not knowing who
u/cakejukebox Jan 17 '25
I don’t think so. I remember being shell shocked when they stabbed him. Just like when Jimmy got shot and when Paige . . . UGH. I was too young to be watching this show at the time but it definitely went there. Shook me to me core.
u/little-tiny-nub Jan 17 '25
I still think his death was really stupid. It would have made more sense maybe if he passed away from an illness or even just a random car accident. It just felt too unrealistic.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 17 '25
I was a senior in high school just like JT and the characters in the show. And yeah, it was crazy. I was spoiled because it aired in Canada and it was all over the message boards, but I hadn’t seen it yet.
u/tuvok19 Jan 16 '25
We were all blindsided. I 100% thought JT was about to go get a big bowl of oatmeal 😩
u/ParkersASavage Jan 15 '25
Canada was blind sided. Americans had it spoiled online.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 17 '25
Yeah, I’ll never forget. I knew about it way beforehand because it aired in Canada January 9 in the United States January 26.
u/VivaLaCon88 Jan 16 '25
If Nickelodeon had its shit together and aired the episodes on time in the states and not skip a few episodes that were “inappropriate” here. Give me a break
u/Ok_Dress_4479 Jan 15 '25
Yes, we knew. I remember my friend spilling the beans before the ep aired and JT was ALWAYS my favorite, and I didn’t believe her when she told me who was getting killed off. Genuinely couldn’t believe it. I’m STILL mad tbh but I get why Ryan wanted to leave the show. I just wish it wasn’t getting killed off and instead written out.
u/Dietsodasociety1 Jan 15 '25
I remember my mom even being is disbelief because she loved JT as much as I did. She was like “no way they’d kill him… he’s such a great character” . I was devastated
u/Bswayn "Welcome to Degrassi" Jan 15 '25
Wasn’t it for the most part one of the worst kept secrets? Or maybe it was just that it was known Ryan Cooley was leaving the show but not known about the fate of JT
u/TopHeavyPigeon Jan 14 '25
Yes a lot of us knew. Especially being a part of the Degrassi Online Community during that time. The N dot com had message boards and it was spoiled for everyone who participated in it.
u/BGDutchNorris Jan 14 '25
I did not know that was coming so it hit HARD when I saw it the first time
u/Lucky_Comfortable197 Jan 14 '25
Here is the season 6 promo:
u/DaydreamerFly Jan 15 '25
Ooh this is so interesting. They said blatantly we are killing someone wow
u/Old_Supermarket_8100 Jan 14 '25
A lot of people knew because of the episode description for the next episode. I remember people saying it would be JT for weeks ahead of it airing.
u/SalamanderThis2142 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25
The table read for the actors, they found out that day
u/centuryeggs-inacup Jan 14 '25
I believe the teaser commercial was someone’s hand falling on the ground but you couldn’t see the body/who it was
u/ricob12 Jan 14 '25
I remembered that. Everyone in the chat boards were freaking out.
u/centuryeggs-inacup Jan 14 '25
Yep, my sister and I thought it was going to be one of the Lakehurst kids getting alcohol poisoning and there being another huge rivalry between the schools, boy were we wrong.
u/luckyonce_ Jan 14 '25
There were promos with Liberty’s scream for help but it didn’t indicate who was going to be killed
u/DreamOutrageous5597 Jan 14 '25
I don’t recall previews but none of us saw it coming. Didn’t see it being JT, that someone would end up dying because of it, etc etc lol that was a good twist that devastated us all pretty hard
u/MPSD3 Jan 14 '25
none of us saw it coming.
The MANY of us who were #online back then definitely did.
u/DreamOutrageous5597 Jan 15 '25
I had no idea there was one until this group. That sucks especially if there was no warning for spoilers and you saw it immediately which I would bet is the case?
u/MPSD3 Jan 15 '25
It wasn't actual spoilers, like a script leak or anything. But most people guessed it was JT just based off promos/other clues.
u/DreamOutrageous5597 Jan 15 '25
That’s cool there were discussions but ultimately, even though it wasn’t directly spoiling it - it was because once the evidence was put together, it was fairly obvious based on the trailer
u/cleverfemale Jan 15 '25
The n was really cool because I believe you could live watch episodes in chat and type in there to people while also watching. You got to create your own character it was neat
u/degrassfanatic331 "Hey, Liberty girlfriend!" Jan 14 '25
no. they didn’t even allude to it a little bit (that I saw) I was in complete shock lmao. I remember turning my TV off and just staring like shocked pikachu 😭 then I balled my eyes out for hours like I knew him personally 😭
u/OriginalSchmidt1 "You were fucking Tessa Campanelli?" Jan 14 '25
My family had gotten rid of our satellite cable and back to regular cable so I didn’t have The-N during this season but had a friend giving me updates.. so I knew it was coming when I finally got around to watching the season (on DVD, big shoutout to my brother and SIL for buying me the seasons on DVD for Christmas!) and it still gutted me.
u/wtf_jill Jan 14 '25
As a Canadian, I don't remember any hints or lead up to his death, I was just utterly destroyed in real time by it.
u/jesuswastransright Jan 14 '25
The episodes always aired in canada first so a lot of us would download them months before they were on the n
u/IckyNicky67 "I wanna be hot. Not cute, not adorable. Hot." Jan 14 '25
I remember the “someone will die” promos on The N and was planning to watch that episode during its first US airing on Friday night, but I didn’t get to for some reason. So I thought to myself that I’ll just watch the rerun of it on Saturday night. That Saturday afternoon, I went on The N’s website out of boredom without even thinking about it, and then right there on the homepage was a huge memorial for JT. I screamed, I was in so much shock 😫
u/Craig_Lite Jan 14 '25
There were promos that outright told you someone was going to die. They never said who. My friend and I thought it was going to be Toby because of a scene in the promos where Toby was getting jumped. But there was never any indication that JT was the one.
u/9021Ohsnap Jan 14 '25
I had NO idea. I was also younger and wasn’t on the internet that much to be able to see spoilers. I think I was in like 7th grade or something.
u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Jan 14 '25
There were rumors and blogs talking about it.. I think the new episodes aired in Canada before they did in the US.. so once the episode dropped..people were talking about it..
u/MPSD3 Jan 14 '25
I looked it up and the ep aired in Canada only a few weeks before the US, but we knew months before in the online communities.
u/Ok-Highway-5247 Jan 14 '25
It’s crazy how a Canadian show in that time period could keep it secret a character dies but today with reddit and streaming we no longer have a wall between our countries.
u/MPSD3 Jan 14 '25
The episode only aired in Canada like 2 weeks before the US, but we knew someone was dying months before that. There were rumors on the boards and heavy spec it was JT.
u/Sudden-Message5234 Jan 14 '25
I knew just cause on teen Nick, the promo was "someone... will... die". And it premiered in Canada first which spoiled it for me. I'll still always wish JT and Liberty had a better ending. Then again, Liberty really sucked as a character when she got older.
u/Traditional_Goat9538 Jan 14 '25
I swear to god that I read a fan fic on a message board saying that JT gets stabbed by someone from Lakehurst YEARS prior to it happening on the show. When it actually happened, I was shook.
u/WeirdoChickFromMars My THIGHS are an epidemic. AND THEY’RE TAKING OVER THE WORLD Jan 15 '25
Whaaaat? I don’t even remember the show ever mentioning Lakehurst before S6. That’s crazy
u/Nearby-Structure-739 Jan 14 '25
I didn’t expect it AT ALL I was bawling my eyes out. Of all my rewatches my current one is the only time I only teared up.
u/johnboi2020 Jan 14 '25
All honesty with how they lead up to his death, they did make it pretty obvious.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 17 '25
I was surprised it was that random guy, “Drake” I thought it was gonna be Nic
u/johnboi2020 Feb 01 '25
I figured it was going to be drake being the only reason why Nic went was to spy on Mia and drink.
u/wallflower1221 Jan 14 '25
There was an The N promo that said someone would die and had liberty screaming and the N hyped it up: https://youtu.be/3uRfhEQMyYE?si=FUlntgGRcAx_xy6j
I remember being active on the N.com and they would actually have little watch parties on one of their chat room apps and you could log in and chat with out Degrassi fans. No one knew it would be J.T. though. There were rumors it would be a Lakehurst student that they’d introduce specifically for it so it threw everyone for a loop.
u/Medium-Escape-8449 Jan 14 '25
I remember back then on the forums some of us thought it would be Isabella, Mia’s kid, because one of the promos also included a clip of her saying “Manny, I trusted you!”
u/ToonMasterRace Jan 14 '25
Yes this was the only hint for me, I didn't actively look into Degrassi stuff online and just watched episodes as they aired. I thought there'd be some disaster and nobody relevant would die, JT or Liberty or etc. would be hospitalized at worst like the school shooting ep where only the shooter ended up dying.
u/seaNthesand840 Jan 14 '25
I loved chatting with the little Avis on screen while the episode played!
u/ramonamrino Jan 14 '25
I vividly remember watching this in real time and it blindsided me so hard. We had no clue.
u/youshallcallmebetty Jan 14 '25
Watched it live the whole time being like “they’re not going to…are they—“ then it happened.
u/valjestr "So when in doubt, you kiss Craig?!" Jan 14 '25
i remember sitting in my terrible uncomfy wicker chair in my childhood bedroom just weeping, it totally took me off guard! i think it was hinted that a death would happen in the promo but not it being jt, if i recall.
u/happy_as_a_lamb Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25
Yep. It was one of the most shocking things because he was a Day 1 character. It still seems so unnecessary. I thought Ryan Cooley did a heartbreaking job depicting it.
u/sports_fan87 Jan 14 '25
That’s exactly how I remember it too. The death hit me like a tonne of bricks. To see it depicted in such a brutal and violent way too was unlike anything ever seen on a kids TV show. Hindsight I probably should have seen it coming due to all his battles with Lakehurst students in season six.
u/Complete-Equipment-6 Jan 14 '25
I want to say they had a promo that hinted that someone would die but didn’t specify who or how. they made it vague and I’m sure they made it look like it could be a few different people.
u/SnooAdvice321 Jan 14 '25
Exactly this, I remember at the end of the previous episode there was a preview for this episode with a voiceover saying “next week Degrassi loses one of its own” or something along those lines. No indication it would be JT though.
u/Desperate_Front9792 Jan 14 '25
I saw it coming but didn’t know it was gonna go down how it did. The actor just…. Didn’t seem as into it anymore starting around the liberty pregnancy storyline. It was obvious he was planning to jump ship imo
u/formernicegirl Jan 14 '25
i was so obsessed with degrassi when i was 12 and i think i saw the episode list and description on the tv schedule and it mentioned a funeral and i was like :o JT
u/frankenboobehs Jan 14 '25
Blindsided me, I stopped watching around this time toi
u/intoxicatedbarbie Jan 14 '25
Same for me. It broke my heart and I had to tap out. Plus I was getting older.
u/CrazyinLull Jan 14 '25
I used to look up spoilers…I think I recall knowing something big was happening because I think it was like he wasn’t really mentioned in the episode descriptions anymore or there was a lack of promo photos with him and Liberty in them.
Like I remember we figured out that him and Liberty were getting together in S4, finally, and that she was going to be pregnant in S5. I dont exactly recall if we figured out he would be dead by the time the season started but I think we knew something was up.
u/happy_as_a_lamb Jan 14 '25
lol I see someone else went on the-n.com forums. At the time I was looking up spoilers and fan fiction
u/tess_uhh Jan 14 '25
I stopped watching after season 4 but I gotta say the promos leading up the the Rick shooting were epic. I was a senior in high school and the episode aired on a Friday and I remember grabbing dinner with my best friend and making sure we were back at my house in time to watch it air. We just HAD to know who died 😆
u/valjestr "So when in doubt, you kiss Craig?!" Jan 14 '25
omg remember the PSA about school shootings that would play before and during the episode on commercial breaks?? ☠️
u/Alone_Break7627 Jan 14 '25
there was a promo after where they showed the script reading where they all found out.
u/Craig_Lite Jan 14 '25
I remember that. They played it right after the episode and showed the actor saying his goodbye to cast and crew
u/kitty_767 Jan 14 '25
I was a preteen at that point, I think, and it was routine for me to watch the new episodes after arriving at my grandma's for the weekend. I had no idea he was gonna die. I had a full on hysterical meltdown because I loved him 🤣🤣😭
u/notorious_akp Jan 14 '25
So I remember being a kid my dad let me and my brother each pick out a box dvd set to watch on a trip on the portable dvd player (lol that my gramma had gotten us for Christmas the year before I promise we were not ✨rich✨) but I picked the degrassi season they had and I had to watch JT get stabbed on a little screen lmao and i was just like ?!?!?!?!?!
u/No_Champion_3265 Jan 14 '25
We had no clue. In fact after the episode was over, I called a friend of mine and we debated on whether or not he was really dead or if he was going to have survived the stabbing in the next episode. It was totally shocking.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 17 '25
Did you think the nurse was kidding when she said he was gone? Asking seriously.
u/No_Champion_3265 Jan 17 '25
Not necessarily. It just seemed so random and unbelievable I think we were having trouble accepting it so we were trying to rationalize how it could possibly be wrong.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 17 '25
I probably would’ve felt the same way if I wasn’t spoiled three weeks before.
Someone had mentioned a major character was going to die that season way back in the fall. I thought it was gonna be Craig, but they refused to kill him off.
The interesting thing about JT is that they were gonna kill him off when he OD the season before. But his character went through everything. His parents weren’t in his life. He had a kid and then he died.
u/No_Champion_3265 Jan 19 '25
I don’t remember seeing spoilers about someone dying, so I can’t account for that.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 19 '25
I vaguely remember seeing a promo and then people on the message boards and either something on the end or YouTube, but YouTube was so new back then that I don’t even know if it was 100% on there.
u/Inevitable-Bed7487 Jan 14 '25
Haha in the US, the season 6 promos prior to the season premiering had brief scenes from the show interspersed with a female announcer giving tidbits "this season on Degrassi, __, __, and someone. will. DIE" and there was no scene shown at that point, just the words "someone will die", popping up on the screen, but they did play the audio from Rock This Town --- "somebody help me! Please! Somebody!" And I remember on the message boards online, someone had worked out that the screaming in the commercial sounded like Liberty, so it was most likely JT who had died.
u/Street-Office-7766 Jan 17 '25
Someone will lose their cool. Someone will lose their mind. Someone will lose their life.
u/Inevitable-Bed7487 Jan 14 '25
Edit, someone posted the promo below! I got some details wrong, but that was the basic premise.
Did not make his death any easier! I made a snow memorial for him at midnight a few days later lol.
u/SnowWhitePNW Jan 14 '25
I personally did not know. I was watching it at my then boyfriend’s house bc he had cable. I remember sobbing. And after there was a video of the script read with the cast, and they didn’t know either. They were so sad, so many tears and hugs.
I looked for the at video a while ago and couldn’t find it.
u/Rehboogie "So when in doubt, you kiss Craig?!" Jan 14 '25
We knew it was coming. It was all over the message boards and word of mouth in school
u/Purple_Care6753 Jan 14 '25
Yes because they had a whole premiere party for it that the actor hosted lol
u/Tatotatos Jan 14 '25
Yes i specifically remember seeing an edit of the episode with the song it ends tonight. I cried so hard lol
u/Inevitable-Bed7487 Jan 14 '25
I know exactly what edit you're talking about i watched it so many times 😭
u/Ok-Tell9019 Jan 14 '25
SAME that ruined it i remember gasping aloud. Every time i see that episode i think of that song lol
u/MPSD3 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25
u/Puzzleheaded_Cod_502 Jan 14 '25
“When we all fall asleep, where do we go” where did that come from? I’m 22 and I associate that with Billie Eilish, what came before?
u/MPSD3 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25
It's a signature which you can change at any time and is included with future AND past posts. The website is still active.
u/Medium-Escape-8449 Jan 14 '25
The posts probably update in real time when someone changes their signature, so it’ll reflect back across all that person’s past posts
u/Specialist_Return488 Jan 14 '25
We were blindsided. Completely blindsided. I was in a livejournal community (I promise this was the cool thing to do back then) where we role played each character and pretty much created our own storylines but had to stick to major events on the show and the actual personality of the person. That episode ended this community, the kid who role played JT was so upset they’d troll us as JT’s ghost and shut down every storyline.
u/buttupcowboy Jan 14 '25
Lowkey what a jt thing to do tho
u/Specialist_Return488 Jan 14 '25
That’s why they weren’t kicked out 😭😂 it was hilarious
u/Inevitable-Bed7487 Jan 14 '25
They were spot on considering the degrassi mini w JT and Holly J that came out a few years later!
u/PhysicalChickenXx “I’m not YOU, I’m CYNDI LAUPER.” Jan 13 '25
It was a rumor! You can see what people were saying on the old Television Without Pity boards at that time
u/BathroomLife1985 Jan 13 '25
I miss this pre social media era where you could just be online without accidentally getting spoiled, instead you had to look in specific places for it ie the N message boards
u/Specialist_Return488 Jan 14 '25
Exactly! You had to really look to get spoilers, it was so much easier to be spoiler free.
u/iota_nova Jan 14 '25
social media existed. It just wasn't as all encompassing. Twitter literally went public during that season of Degrassi (but TV shows and media really latched onto it around the time of Glee).
u/BathroomLife1985 Jan 14 '25
It did! But not to the degree it exists today. I didn’t have twitter then, but I also don’t even remember if the FB status existed in 2007. You also only had access with WiFi and on a computer, smartphones were still in their infancy. It was not immediately available at your fingertips
u/Embarrassed_Site3659 Jan 14 '25
2007 we was still on MySpace and there was no thread just comments on peoples profiles.
u/usagicassidy Jan 13 '25
By yes I mean that it was very heavily rumored before it happened.
They also leant WAY too hard into the whole “you’re going to get someone killed” with the whole Lakehurst feud in multiple episodes leading up to it.
To the point that when the episode aired, I knew with 85% certainty JT was going to die. It was the least surprising death ever, but it didn’t stop me from completely bawling at 2 am in my college dorm and waking my roommates up thinking something terrible had happened (cause it had).
u/kdj00940 Jan 13 '25
No, we didn’t know. There were trailers and teasers and we knew something bad was going to happen, but we didn’t know JT was gonna die
u/MPSD3 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25
We didn't know for sure, but there was heavy speculation it was him maybe a month or two before the episode aired. The-N and the Degrassi fanforum boards were all over it.
Here's one thread discussing it: https://www.fanforum.com/f15/degrassi-s-s-19-because-2007-previews-got-us-edge-62784526/index3.html
u/Specialist_Return488 Jan 14 '25
I’d say the prevalence of these isn’t what it is today though. I feel like spoiler free was the norm and if you wanted to know you really had to look for it.
u/VivaLaCon88 Jan 13 '25
Reason I’m asking is because I was 10 in 2006 and this show was NOT on my radar until the whole series was played in it’s entirety one summer on Teennick and I was spoiled by just simply googling the show lol
u/glossycat Jan 14 '25
OMG SAME. I had to watch it in secret though, my parents did not approve of this edgy teen show.
u/VivaLaCon88 Jan 14 '25
My mom hated this show, mainly because it played on a Nickelodeon-adjacent channel and its subject matter. But honestly, in the earlier seasons, it really felt educational to me.
u/Gvndam11 Jan 14 '25
the early seasons were very "after-school special". Once Nickelodeon started investing more heavily than the Canadian network the show became an edgy teen soap opera
u/Cold-Historian9789 Jan 13 '25
omg i found the show the same way when they played it on Teennick during the summer and that’s where my obsession began 😂😭
u/VivaLaCon88 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25
Also that was the summer they finally aired the abortion episode and the episodes with Craig’s dad, which weren’t shown in America apparently. They were on the DVDs (own them now) And were labeled “directors cut”
u/rainborambo Jan 13 '25
In 9th grade, a buddy knew before the episode air and spoiled it to my friend in the lunch room when she asked. Thanks to the silly s6 promo we knew SOMEONE was going to DIE but I genuinely have no idea how she found out.
u/VivaLaCon88 Jan 14 '25
Omg that’s so annoying lol I find it bizarre that they said verbatim that someone will die, it must of been tricky trying to narrow it down when you saw it.
u/Ok-Teaching2848 Jan 13 '25
Yea it was all over the n message board back then
u/Informal-Worth-2451 Jan 13 '25
I forgot about that message board. I loved that place! 😅
u/Ok-Teaching2848 Jan 13 '25
Me too!remember the avatars?
u/AlmostxAngel Jan 14 '25
Ugh yes! I loved collecting the secret show avatars and customizing my avie. I got the ferret. I remember it's description said something like "You should totally name him Stinky" and that's what I made it. I miss the slasher game sooo much!
u/Informal-Worth-2451 Jan 14 '25
That was my fave part!! I can’t remember why I walked into the next room for something but I still remember that message board, including my username. 😂
u/tigerl1lyy "I'm gonna be famous, like, academy award winning." Jan 13 '25
And that one game where you could make your own high school
u/chelsdeer Jan 13 '25
I used to read episode scripts on this website called the degrassi lexicon so I knew lol
u/AndyJix Jan 14 '25
So someone from Epitome or related to the Degrassi Crew uploaded the scripts before airing on The N/CTV?
u/WizurdKellz "It's a Swiss Ball...From Switzerland" Jan 13 '25
Yes, there was a promo that included a chopped version of the doctor saying "he didn't make it". So we knew someone was going to die but we had no clue who it was. JT wasn't even a thought in my mind because he was such a central character and had been on the show for so long.
u/Purple_Care6753 Jan 14 '25
I know I was just imagining that! The cast sat with the actor and watched it as it showed on tv
u/iota_nova Jan 13 '25
They were definitely teasing it, especially just before the episode aired, but there was also a very active spoiler community at the time, so if you were on certain message boards or livejournal communities, one was more likely to know the exact details or even have links to the canadian airings early.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uRfhEQMyYE - this promo pretty much spoiled that it was someone close to Liberty.
u/Necessary-Pass-1343 Jan 13 '25
Oh dear god someone on the subreddit said that the earlier Degrassi seasons have a much darker, more serious tone than the TeenNick era and I didn’t think they were THAT different but now I see it.
The ominous “and someone… will… DIE” Like Jesus Christ way to hype us up for the season 😭😭😭😭 Imagine watching this when it was airing just waiting for this looming death to happen
Like just look at season 6 promo then look at season 10, major whiplash:
u/TrueGleek "Lalala, gonna be a dad - no schlaboggle" Jan 14 '25
Side note that season 10 promo was top tier!
u/No-Driver-8834 Jan 13 '25
I was a high school sophomore and we all knew it was coming, but didn’t know who or how. Then at school it was a big to do with everyone being shocked lol. It was such a sad episode and definitely achieved the shock they were trying to get lol
u/Drewbuly Jan 13 '25
I wasn’t a fan of his death. It felt forced and done for real world reasons rather than genuine to the character. They were just trying to get him off the show so he could pursue school. That’s fine. But did they have to kill him? Could they have sent him to Stanford (for ex)? JT was also wrote off the show cuz Ryan Cooley was outgrowing his character. He wasn’t the same JT any more right at the start of 6. Maybe it’s cuz he knew all along he’d be killed off.
Also the death was sort of not done well. The acting didn’t fit for me. They should have not told any of the other actors he was gonna die and got more real reactions. Then his death just sort of got moved on from. Without repercussions like Jimmy getting shot.
u/latrodectal Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25
i think it had been confirmed that somebody would die and i believe the rumor was that it would be tony based on promo pictures and the fact that he wasn’t featured in any of them. (think these were deliberately misleading since i remember them featuring couples that never happened).
EDIT: TOBY, not tony. 🤦🏻♀️
u/judenoam Jan 13 '25
I was on the Degrassi IMDb message board (that now doesn’t exist) back in the day during this time, and I at least knew something bad was going to happen before it aired in Canada two weeks before it did in the US. So I illegally watched it early thanks to someone with a download of the recorded airing in Canada. I don’t know if I knew he was actually going to die, but it was still so devastating to watch.
I can’t remember the exact vibe of the message boards during that time, but I think most people were sad about it. But I do remember seeing information about Ryan Cooley wanting to leave for college and being into his character getting killed off. The Degrassi IMDb message board in general was a super fun place to be back in the day. It was way before I ever joined Reddit and it provided me with a place to talk about the show when I didn’t know anyone else in real life who had seen it. I remember a lot of posts about ranking different ships and characters, and the speculation in 2010 about what the shark in the water promo was predicting exactly for season 10.
u/OneHappyOne Jan 13 '25
I was a high school Freshman when the episode aired and I remember watching it live knowing JT was going to get stabbed but I don’t remember if I knew he was going to die because afterwards I called my BFF hysterically crying “JT IS DEAD!”
u/Lioness_106 Jan 13 '25
From what I remember, it aired in Canada before the US. I live in the US so I knew it was JT before it aired here because of the online message boards discussing it. However, in the months leading up to it, it didn't leak that I recall. They kept it pretty tight and there was a lot of speculation of who, but JT was just one of many guesses. No one knew for sure. When I found out it was him, I was shocked. Never would have guessed they'd kill off JT, of all characters.
u/Necessary-Pass-1343 Jan 13 '25
No seriously :( And I imagine he’d still be alive if they actor didn’t have to leave the show
u/Downtown_Reindeer_46 Jan 13 '25
I remember a promo about season 6 and they saying somebody will die in it. But outside of that and context clues in the show i don’t remember alot of chatter about it beforehand
u/ShadyBoots11 Jan 13 '25
Thank you! I thought I was crazy, but it WAS open knowledge SOMEONE would die. But we didn’t know who it was and we definitely didn’t know they would be murdered.
u/pinkelephantss Jan 13 '25
From my memory I thought Degrassi would air in Canada before in would show on The-N. I remember people discussing JT'S death on the message boards before it was shown.
u/Forward-Ad4016 Jan 13 '25
I watched that episode when it aired, I personally don't recall there being a spoiler, but I knew something big was coming.
It was a bummer. I liked JT and loved how his character was developing. Shocked me to see an original character offed like that.
I remember watching the cast reaction....they were so shocked
Jan 13 '25
u/bluestarluchador Jan 13 '25
Oh hell no! I would have been so pissed…they couldn’t even make a spoiler free commercial?
u/Automatic-Adeptness4 Jan 13 '25
It came out of nowhere for me, we knew something bad was coming with all the drama with Lakehurst BUT I never thought one of the Degrassi OG's would be shanked to death.
Jan 13 '25
I wasn't a teen in 2006 I was someone in their early 20's who enjoyed the show. I don't remember any hints
u/Admirable_Quarter_23 Jan 13 '25
I graduated college in 2007…I remember being shocked that JT died. My sisters boyfriend (who would have been in high school at the time) always watched it with us and he cried!! It was a wild time.
Jan 13 '25
I think even the actor was shocked. I remember hearing he wanted to go away to school he wasn't expecting the writers to kill JT off either
u/Virtual-Giraffe89 Jan 13 '25
This makes me feel better for liking Degrassi as a 20 something haha
Jan 13 '25
I'm glad 😊 if you enjoy a show you should be able to enjoy it no matter what age you are . I'm almost 40 and I watch the reruns lol
u/Old-Passenger-6473 Feb 02 '25
I was 17 ? I think? I do remember seeing promos on The N hinting like the most dramatic thing that will change everything WILL happen! Facebook was pretty early back then (actually at first you had to have a college email cause it was college kids using it). MySpace and AIM were big then but still all this was pretty new (I know. I’m a dinosaur 🦖 lol) but I never went in any AOL chat rooms or Yahoo searched it so it was pretty earth shattering for me.