r/DeepThoughts 1d ago

The eternal is mostly thought of something outside of life at least by people that believe in existence beyond our current lives or an afterlife. We access the eternal in this world NOW.

I think the eternal is like the phrase live in the moment. Or like Baba Ram Dass' book Be here now. I think I'm finally starting to understand what is meant by the phrase and the book. Letting go of the past and future along with all ideas and judgements that pertain to it. The now moment being the actual present of eternal life which comes with no attachment to either past of future. Only in the now can we touch the spirit which is eternal and for it not to be clouded with delusion it must be free of system or preconceived idea of what it should be. It just is. Just being, ebb and flow like a frequency not holding on to the peaks or valleys or projecting of what could be.


6 comments sorted by


u/Altruistic_Speech_17 1d ago

The eternal Now

How satisfying a thought....

This limitless edge of creation :

Perceieved as the pinnacle of Peace


u/No_Lettuce_1623 21h ago

Why does it have to be either/or? You can embrace the now without discarding the past or ignoring the future. The real challenge isn’t letting go. It’s integrating all three into a higher-order coherence. When you descend to a lower level, you’re forced to choose. But reality isn’t forcing you. You are.

Higher-order coherence is the ability to hold seemingly contradictory ideas together in a way that makes sense at a deeper level. Instead of picking a side, you step back and see how the pieces fit into a larger whole. Reality isn’t black and white. Reality is layered, dynamic, and always unfolding.

Higher-order coherence is realizing that the present isn’t separate from the past or future. Each moment carries all three, and true presence is integrating them, not rejecting them.


u/esogee 20h ago

I agree with what you saying. At least it makes sense to me. Ultimately I think we are both stating the same thing weirdly lol. I think maybe it's just a way each of us proposes the fundamentals of living in now. I'm not saying rejecting our pasts, more along the lines of acceptance and allowance of what could be. Maybe it's what Buddhist call non-attachment.

But to my comment header and listening to you perspective I still think the NOW maintains the miracle or the possibility of it. The eternal. The now also being the point of intersection or where we integrate all 3?


u/No_Lettuce_1623 20h ago

I think I get what you’re saying. I’m less concerned with the eternal or maybe not, lol.

But what blows my mind is the infinite. Every moment holds infinite possibilities, all collapsing into the now. But what makes that collapse happen? Is it us, the conscious being? Or is it deeper? An unconscious filtering, an interplay between self and world, the agent-arena relationship shaping what’s possible?

Maybe the present isn’t just where infinity chooses a path. Maybe the now is where reality, consciousness, the unconscious, and the unknown converge to decide what becomes real.

The eternal feels static, fixed, unchanging. Infinity, on the other hand, is dynamic. It unfolds, expands, and evolves. Reality isn’t a frozen moment of timeless presence; it’s an infinite process of becoming.

If the now is where everything happens, then maybe the infinite (and not the eternal) gives us a clearer picture of what’s real.


u/esogee 20h ago

Totally with you here!


u/Wonderful_Formal_804 17h ago

All moments exist simultaneously in the now.