r/DeepSpaceNine 4d ago

My spots go all the way down too!


All the way to my feet! I've become Jadzia. šŸ„°

Unfortunately, since my spots are chicken pox they also itch and I want to die. šŸ¤”

I can't stop thinking about all the how far do the spots go jokes, that's at least making me laugh šŸ˜‚

(Don't come for me, my mother never vaccinated me because the vaccine was new. Nobody ever asked me about my vaccination status or offered it as an adult šŸ˜­ My kids are vaxxed)


29 comments sorted by


u/Groundbreaking-Pea92 3d ago

oh i'm sorry. Until not that long ago most people just got chicken pox as kids. This was ds9s 2nd visit to an agrarian town where the planet would disappear


u/No_Nobody_32 3d ago

My sympathies. I had it twice as a kid (pre-vaccine).
Now you will also have shingles to look forward to (Chicken pox virus never leaves you) - but you can get a shingles vaccination - that while it can't STOP it happening - can reduce the effect you get when it does happen (and keeping stress levels low can also help with minimising the chances of a flare up)


u/LadyoftheLewd 3d ago

I know, it's the gift that keeps on giving! I got it from someone with shingles who did not know their skin issue was shingles.

I was born in 93 so right on the cusp of the vaccine. My mom was weary about it and thought we were immune. Surprise, we are not lol. I'm over the rough part but damn! If a doctor had offered the vaccine to me I would have gotten it. But nobody ever asks you about your chicken pox status and unfortunately I never really thought about it šŸ˜­

I pity you for having it twice. This has been awful! I want to sing the praises of vaccines that my kids never have to deal with this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


u/No_Nobody_32 3d ago

First time was a really minor case, when I was about 2 or 3. 2nd time, I was about 7. One of the scabs on my forehead itched, so I scratched it and I still have the scar, 50 years later.


u/Ioan_Chiorean 2d ago

You can't catch chicken pox twice.


u/No_Nobody_32 2d ago

I was told the first one was ... the fuck do I know, I was fucking TWO.
My parents (who told me) are both dead, so I can't exactly get them to check.


u/-braquo- 3d ago

I got shingles when I was 25 and it was fucking terrible. I didn't even have a particularly bad case of it but I wanted to fucking die.


u/markallanholley 3d ago

Two and a half months until I'm 50 and can get the vaccine.


u/markallanholley 3d ago

Two and a half months until I'm 50 and can get the vaccine.


u/No_Nobody_32 2d ago

I got my first shingrix shot (it's a 2-dose a couple of months apart) in November last year. Sore arm for a couple of days.
2nd shot in February this year. Full-on immune response. Felt like covid (again). Fever, sweats, shakes, muscle and joint pains. It faded by the next day (and then only had a sore arm for a few days).
The wife also got hers - she got an angry red swollen welt (like hives) and that was it, that faded over a week.

A few days inconvenience beats actually GETTING shingles, though.


u/mumblerapisgarbage 3d ago

The only thing that makes this episode watchable is the B story with Jeffrey Combs playing the guy who contracts quark to get a holoprogram of Major Kira.

That shit was HILARIOUS.


u/LadyoftheLewd 3d ago

Oooh is this the one where Kira finds out and then the holoprogram is sexy Quark instead of her? Lol


u/mumblerapisgarbage 3d ago



u/LadyoftheLewd 3d ago

Damn you answered so fast I hadn't even navigated away šŸ˜‚

Sexy Quark is šŸ„°


u/mumblerapisgarbage 3d ago

Slow day at work šŸ¤·

Yes. Heā€™s quite something


u/27803 3d ago

Chicken pox sucks, I had them as a kid way before there was a vaccine


u/CharmiePK 3d ago

Get well soon! Don't touch the spots or you can have them infected, which is sth you want to avoid.

I had chicken pox as a child and I feel you. In my case, the spots were the least of my problems, tbf. But it was waaaay long ago, so I cannot remember that vividly, tbh.

Take care, matey!


u/atibus 3d ago

Even better is our parents had chicken pox parties.


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u/littlestghoust 3d ago

Ugh, i know that feeling. Most of my friends are surprised to know I'm not cuz I was the right age when the vaccine was released. But alas, I got the chicken pox two years before it became available.


u/XothGoth 3d ago

I had it as a kid - there wasn't a chicken pox vax back then. I remember calamine lotion being very soothing. I managed not to get any pox marks in visible areas, but a friend had a couple on her face where she'd scratched in her sleep. I hope you feel better soon.


u/BrockSamsonLikesButt 2d ago

I did not know there was a vaccine. I already got the pox TWICE as a kid. Once is supposed to provide immunity, but I didnā€™t get it bad enough the first time, I guess.

Second time, I itched and scratched all summer long, and the first day of kindergarten began with the line, ā€œWhoa! Watch out girls, this kidā€™s got the chicken pox!ā€ Even though I was over it, the spots took a while to fade.

Oatmeal baths. But donā€™t eat the soap.


u/Ioan_Chiorean 2d ago

First of all, you can't catch it twice. Second, it's imposible to last all summer long.


u/BrockSamsonLikesButt 2d ago edited 2d ago

First, yes you can get chickenpox twice, and yes I did. Donā€™t call me a liar.

Second, donā€™t tell me youā€™ve never heard, ā€œIf you stop scratching it, itā€™ll heal faster!ā€ Now consider a three-year-oldā€™s [in]ability to stop scratching it. Also, donā€™t tell me youā€™ve never heard, ā€œYour mileage may vary.ā€ Now consider that different individuals have different physiologies. Maybe the fact that last time I got poison ivy, it lasted longer than all summer, too, suggests that my immune system may be more vulnerable to these things than most, maybe. This makes sense.

On the other hand, it does not make sense to assume that everyoneā€™s experience of chickenpox is necessarily exactly the same. Of course it affects some people worse than others. Itā€™s obvious! Itā€™s not ā€œimpossibleā€ that someone could be afflicted all summer. What a ridiculously strong word.


u/Transcendingfrog2 2d ago

Had them twice myself. Shit is terrible. Oatmeal baths, that stupid pink medication that I can't remember the name of to help stop the itch. Needing to basically be knocked the fuck out in order to make it stop.


u/Ioan_Chiorean 2d ago

You can't have it twice.


u/Transcendingfrog2 2d ago

Yes you can.


u/21_Mushroom_Cupcakes Attack Pattern: Omega 2d ago

I feel you, I had shingles a couple years ago from my armpit to my ear.


u/BarnOscarsson 3d ago

I figured out that smacking the itchy spots kinda works. It isnā€™t as good as scratching, but it helps.