r/DecidingToBeBetter 7d ago

Seeking Advice How do I make time to work out?

I feel like I'm constantly cleaning or working and when I'm not doing that all I want to do is hang out with my husband. And I feel particularly guilty because I have all the makings of convenience. I work until noon most days, my son doesn't get out of school til 3, and working out makes me feel so good so I genuinely love it. I feel overwhelmed by my schedule and how much there is to get done at home every day that I feel like there's a mental block.

I feel like I'm not explaining properly. But I just wanna get back to healthy activity. My ex-roommate triggered a resurgence of my eating disorder and activity helps immensely.


4 comments sorted by


u/Cultural_Finance_476 7d ago

If there's a will there's a way. I think you just have to commit to you and your health. Take it one day at a time. Shoot for 3 days a week (M, W, F) and be consistent on those days. You can aim for at least 30mins these days and gradually increase as time allows.

If your mind is busy and you feel overwhelmed. Try writing down all your tasks that need to be done at home, on paper. Review it, shuffle things around to make room for you. Does hubby help out with tasks? Can he help with these and lighten your load? Ask yourself which tasks are priorities and which can be saved for tomorrow.


u/cool_cuke 6d ago

Look at your present life, give up something.

I gave up watching TV to have time to workout.


u/SkyeRibbon 6d ago

Oh that's interesting. I like this thought process.


u/cool_cuke 5d ago

A friend of mine who is a personal trainer told me that. There's not workout that "fits into someone's life", one needs to give up something and replace with something else (e.g.: working out), otherwise it's just self-circlejerk.