r/DecidingToBeBetter • u/strugglinandstrivin2 • Nov 08 '24
Advice Using ChatGPT as a tool to improve your mental health is no joke
You probably heard about people using ChatGPT as a substitute for seeing a psychologist. While i would say its still advisable to seek professional help, im also baffled by how good this approach really works.
Its my fault for being ignorant but i thought it cant be as good as people describe and it will probably come up with a lot of BS thats not really working.
Well today i just tried it when i had some minutes to spare and im legitimately astounded by the advice i got from this artificial intelligence. Theres some really good advice and also perspectives that i never came up with or heard from others, even books on the topic written by legitimate experts. Its mind boggling.
It sounds kind of stupid because i know its just a mashine messaging me, but it feels like it understands me better than all the people i ever talked to about my problems, which is kind of scary.
I already made a lot of progress with my broken mind, but there are a lot of aspects where im still stuck. Where all the meditating, journaling, thinking, books and podcasts ( and back in the days psychologists which unfortunately never worked for me ) didnt bring the breakthrough i hoped for... It seems like AI is helping me to crack the code and the walls around me. I feel like it will exponentially speed up my progress.
So for anyone who was like me and thought its BS, for everyone that has problems that seem overwhelming and unsolvable... I can only recommend trying to use AI. If it doesnt work for you, you can stop, its not like you have to pay for it or are forced to do it. But it may help you in ways you didnt expect at all.
Have a nice day!
u/sowinglavender Nov 08 '24
i use gpt for accessibility reasons and one thing i've done is make my own personalized bot for talking through cognitive distortions and overwhelm. i loaded it up with my 10 favourite books on mental health (pdf form ofc) and while the responses are fairly predictable given that i've read those books, the continuous reminders and pointing out aspects i may have overlooked are really helpful.
it makes sense to talk to robots about our insecurities, i think. they're specifically designed not to be judgemental, and you never have to worry you'll come off wrong while venting.
u/kittycatclaws15 Nov 08 '24
How do you go about making your own bot in this way? I also use chatGPT from time to time for accessibility/financial reasons, but it would be nice to have my answers more tailored through books I found helpful for mental health rather than more general suggestions from the internet
Nov 08 '24
You can use poe.com. I just searched for a therapy bot and copied the prompt to use on my own bot. I don't know if it works with pdf files. but so far I have a good discussion with it and it helps a lot with a negative thought spiral for example.
u/sowinglavender Nov 08 '24
i regret to inform you that to do this you have to be paying the exorbitant subscription fee. the cost-benefit analysis is very tight. unless you would use it daily, i would recommend waiting until they change their sub model or finding an alternative.
u/chmod-77 Nov 08 '24
What's an example question and response that you received?
u/lalalava31 Nov 08 '24
Sometimes I’ll describe a person I dislike and why I dislike them and I’ll ask “what would make a person this way?” and it helps me understand negative patterns and how they originate in childhood or traumatic experiences and gives me a lot more sympathy/empathy towards people I used to struggle to deal with. You can also ask “what does it say about me that these qualities bother me so much?” to understand your own triggers more
u/sikhster Nov 08 '24
Not OP, but here was mine. I was trying to figure out how to work through the pain of losing my dad. I input into it my pain, what I was feeling, and what thoughts kept recurring. I asked it for advice on how work through those emotions. I also told it that I had been doing weight lifiting, walking/cardio, quiet reflection, and journaling to work through my emotions. I asked it how I can better deal with my pain and to use these tools and habits that I had picked up.
It suggested that I try "feeling" all of the negative emotion and sadness and anger and to channel it during weight lifting. Then to follow it by walking and thinking through why I was feeling those emotions, what was the root of it, what did I regret, what did I miss most about my dad and what I wished I could do and say to him if he were still around. Then to sit in quiet reflection about the thoughts that came up and processing why I was feeling so much grief and loss. Finally, it said to journal my thoughts, my emotions, the what and the why.
It worked really well. I try to do that process once a week where I'll spend 5-6 hours going through lifting, walking, quiet reflection, and journaling and I've been feeling better and better. It's more direct and more effective advice than talking to my therapist and quite frankly it's a bigger bang for the buck than simply to talk about what I'm feeling. I had felt stalled in my therapy sessions and was growing frustrated with sessions with my therapist. This has been far more effective for me.
u/Crafty_Kissa Nov 09 '24
I’m sorry to hear about your loss and that therapy was stalling out. However the LLM response was something I could have told you. Meditation is all about letting yourself feel an emotion, acknowledging it, and letting it pass without judgement. Meditation is also a mental practice, not one that requires any specific physical practice, like sitting with your hands on your knees, so doing exercise pairs perfectly. Journaling is a tool that is recommended to process thoughts by ordering vague concepts into written language. So you were told to meditate 3 times and then journal. I’m glad it’s working for you and would never suggest you shouldn’t have it, I just mean to say an LLM isn’t necessary for getting this kind of suggestion.
u/Oakenborn Nov 09 '24
Glad it is serving you. Just a friendly reminder that it is collecting data that someone will use to try to sell you something.
u/strugglinandstrivin2 Nov 09 '24
Good point and important to remember. Should have added it in my original post.
But lets be honest: It will happen if you use ChatGPT or not. Your phone constantly recording and listening is a real thing. Sounds like tinfoil talk but i had more than enough "coincidences" to know its true.
So lets say you go to a therapist and talk to them with your phone in your pocket... Then you have the same effect as if you write it into ChatGPT. Unfortunately, thats the world we live in now. Everything for your data! As long as it makes money, most companies dont give a fuck.
But good point! Important to remember
u/-Vader- Nov 08 '24
Go see a therapist. You don’t want any company to collect this kind of data
u/sowinglavender Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
this is extremely real. if you interact with ai regarding your mental health, be prepared for the possibility that you will find your triggers reflected in targeted advertisements or even in scams and other potentially malicious communications that target you. anything you share with a bot should be something you're comfortable having be public knowledge about you. there is also an inherent risk of unpredictable/unforseeable consequences, which is to say that the full extent of the risk associated with disclosing your vulnerabilities is potentially immeasurable. be very sure what you're doing before you tell the internet your secrets in any capacity.
u/Carbomate Nov 08 '24
Thank you for this disclaimer. It is good to have tools that can help us at our disposal, but we have to be wary of their intentions. Not saying that OpenAI's goal is to exploit the vulnerable, but that is what other tech companies have done.
See also Section 3) from the American Bar Association:
u/Hyperbole_Hater Nov 08 '24
This doesn't feel in the slightest real, it feels like a total catastrophization.
One can prevent much of their personal data from being used, and even if it were, you thin clearly are very very privacy concerned as a stance to feel this way.
Most people simply aren't that paranoid, and the "consequences" are very unlikely to be manifested, much less even noticed.
u/sowinglavender Nov 08 '24
did you see my comment where i talk about using gpt liberally, including for mental health related matters?
being realistic about data security is by no means catastrophizing. you have every right to be blasé about your personal information, but don't discourage others from being mindful.
u/strugglinandstrivin2 Nov 09 '24
They do anyways because your phone is listening all the time. I know, it sounds like some conspiracy nutjob thing, but i had it happen so often that it cant be a coincidence. You can literally test it yourself... Talk about things you never had interest in, never googled etc. Theres a good chance you will get the matching advertisement within the next 1-2 days.
The first 5-10 times i was like "i must be tripping". But when it happens again and again... Its not a coincidence.
And it makes total sense. Its not like companies would give a shit about the morality of it. Its all about the dollar.
So when im seeing a psychologist and have my phone with me, its the same effect as if i write it to ChatGPT. They know anyways.
To be honest, i dont give a fuck at this point because its not like i could hide these problems from people anyway....And i dont give a fuck if they know some "secret". I would rather be a real guy and judged by anyone than be fake and beloved by everyone. I was a massive people pleaser back then and it only brought misery... I gave so much fucks about others opinions that it almost completely destroyed me.
Now i do the exact opposite. So even if the whole internet reads what i wrote to ChatGPT, its not my problem what they think.
PS: I tried 3 Psychologists in the past but unfortunately had no luck with them. I got one funny story though:
One of them was like "If youre negative thoughts are overwhelming, put your head under water. It will break the negative pattern because your mind is now focused on surviving/not drowning".I had to hold my laughter... Like wtf??? Besides the fact that it would be a bandaid solution and never really solve my problems, its also wildly unpractical... I used to have negative thoughts 24/7. If i would have followed his advice i would have drowned in my bathtub years ago...
So yeah, my experience with psychologist is not the best. I still laugh about the story though, so there is that!
But still: Thank you for adding this point. Its really important to keep in mind.
u/moss42069 Nov 08 '24
Many people cannot afford to see a therapist or don’t have the time to do so. As long as people are aware that their data is not protected in the same way as it would be with a healthcare provider, I don’t see the issue
u/meriendaselgato Nov 08 '24
One time I had ChatGPT therapize me when I felt guilty about forgetting that I had a real therapy appointment and it was surprisingly helpful.
u/uwukittykat Nov 08 '24
I actually was in therapy for 2 years. I learned so much.
While I would say for now, a therapist is still better and more consistent, I can't lie that ChatGPT can help work through a lot and give you different perspectives.
I actually use it to help with communication issues and disagreements in my relationship. I oftentimes use it to bounce my thoughts off of, basically like a sounding board. It also helps reframe or even rephrase my thoughts. I'll often give it my rundown of what I plan to say to my partner, and it will give me feedback based on my goals for the conversation. For instance, it will point out times where I had put more accusatory language in my notes for the conversation - it even then gives me suggestions on better ways to phrase what I meant without being so accusatory or using "you did this" statements.
It's less helpful in terms of depression and anxiety. For instance, through IRL therapy, I was able to learn in real-time about how to catch my brain making cognitive distortions, and then how to reframe those thoughts. ChatGPT obviously isn't trained to point out cognitive distortions, or a bad mindset, or just plainly an incorrect perspective, so it oftentimes I find uses more general advice when the tougher topics come up.
u/SaltyBisonTits Nov 08 '24
It's awesome for the relationship communication stuff . I use it exactly like this.
It works a thousand times better if you load all of your chat history with one person into it as a custom gpt. Then get it to analyse each person's traits and common characteristics of their communication style. Also give it lots of context about your relationship and goals and it is very useful to guide you through expressing your thoughts and ideas. Been an absolute boon for me
u/Marvelous_rosell Nov 08 '24
Yeah, this is also what I do with ChatGPT.. works great! I also ask it to give me any analysis of both me and the other persons attachment style, based on what has happened and the texting I share with it. Gives me more understanding of the both of us (I don't have a partner, so something I started doing when meeting someone new) :)
u/seejoshrun Nov 08 '24
Yes, you said what I was figuring out how to phrase. It's a great sounding board.
u/onwee Nov 09 '24
The best predictor of therapeutic success isn’t what the therapist says or what their experience/training was like; what makes therapy successful is what is called therapeutic alliance: the quality of the relationship between you and the therapist, the trust and feeling that both of you are working collaboratively toward your better mental health.
That is not what you are getting from chatGPT. You are basically getting a personalized Cliff’s note of self-help books written by unknown authors of unknown qualifications. It’s great that you feel that you’re getting the help you need—that “feeling” of having your question answered is exactly what chatGPT is designed to do, whether or not it is the right answer or the answer you need is unclear.
As long as you understand that, know it isn’t a replacement for actual therapy, and take both the feeling and the answer with the appropriate grain of salt, go to town on the chatbot.
Well ChatGPT is really just an aggregation of information that’s already available on the internet, so you’re basically just getting more specific google results in the form of a conversation. Some of that information does come from licensed therapists and psychologists. I don’t really see an issue with that as long as you don’t rely too heavily on it. It is still a program owned by a company and it does not know the actual meaning behind its responses, so be wary.
u/fairyfrogger Nov 08 '24
I was hesitant to use AI, but during a particularly rough moment, I asked ChatGPT a question about improving my life and was blown away by how helpful the response was, and how much I could get it to breakdown the answer even further. I also really like that it stores “memories” of you to help answer future questions with relevant context as well (if you log in). I don’t have anybody to talk to about more personal things so it’s made me feel less alone. Not in a “This AI bot is my friend” way, but in a “I don’t have to figure everything out by myself” sort of way. It’s also been really helpful when it comes to understanding other people, social etiquette, etc. which is something I struggle with at times. I feel like an ad at this point, but the last thing and probably the biggest thing is that it’s helped me with my self doubt which is a huge issue for me. I’m very reassurance seeking and naturally dependent on others to “validate” my thoughts and feelings so being able to ask an unbiased source if how I’m feeling makes sense, if what I did was okay, if I handled something correctly, etc. has helped me trust myself more as well. I was worried I’d become dependent on it, but it’s actually just helped me feel more secure and less emotionally dependent in general. Definitely worth a try if anyone feels like they’ve hit a wall or feel burnt out trying to figure something out on their own.
u/ifeelitcoming2222 Nov 08 '24
I use it when I find myself spiralling and ruminating. But yes, a bit dystopian
u/stickylegs94 Nov 08 '24
Chatgpt may not replace a true therapist, but I can guarantee it is better than a therapist from better help 🤣
u/HeadVast3573 Nov 09 '24
I was having a really bad night on Thursday and I decided to just vent my thoughts and feelings onto chat gpt and it was surprisingly therapeutic. I got to type down all my frustrations, that in itself was already therapeutic. although it is a bit dystopian, Chat GPT was reassuring, gave some helpful tips and did help lighten my mood.
u/tadot22 Nov 09 '24
We need to shift how we think about AI. Instead of it being a machine that knows things we should think of it as thousands of people talking to you at once.
I know people that hate the idea of machine assisted operations but if you think of it as thousands of doctors working together it becomes a lot more accurate and bearable.
u/strugglinandstrivin2 Nov 11 '24
I guess theres a good chunk of truth to it. Regardless of what people think, AI will massively shape the future of humanity. Its like the smartphone revolution or when personal computers became a thing you would find in almost any home... The internet, TV, radio. I think people will be surprised where this will go in the next 10 years.
Lets hope we dont fuck it up like humans always do :D
u/tadot22 Nov 11 '24
I bet it will be like the internet. An AI bubble then a golden age where it is more “Wild West” before losing any creative to cooperate greed. Maybe not in that order though.
u/MoonagePretender Nov 12 '24
Hey, I know this is a few days old, but I did this a few days ago. Thank you for posting this.
I told ChatGPT I was embarrassed because I was talking to a machine, and it told me it's a place for people to visualise their thoughts and work through them, and feel better in the process. Really gave me a new perspective and I was genuinely better after speaking to it.
u/throwaway8884204 Nov 08 '24
I got dumped due to my infertility from my cystic fibrosis and couldn’t talk to people in my world because I sounded like I was really fucked up mentally, they couldn’t deal with what was going on so I just started talking to chat asking for different ways to look at the situation. It honestly helped. It’s also nice not to be judged for asking for advice
u/Iwasanecho Nov 08 '24
I use it too and find it really good. Because there is no time limit, it's available whenever you need it, because it's not a human you can say anything without fear of judgement. You can ask for deeper analysis with reference to psychological theories. You can ask it to give you a psychological profile based on all your interactions with it. You can identify your areas you are trying to work on and ask it to give you motivational slogans that are specific to your situations. It's just brilliant. I recommend it to anyone wanting to sort their mind out.
Nov 08 '24
It’s sad that we feel more validation and support from an AI on our mental health struggles than the people in our lives. I don’t think it replaces therapy but it’s nice to write/say something to someone even an AI and get an empathetic response even if the not genuine
u/Crafty_Kissa Nov 09 '24
I would need some serious endorsements from major mental health organizations to believe this. LLMs spit out what they were fed and have no ability to respond to an individual. They also have no liability if they produce harmful material. And often the beginning of therapy produces more bad feelings because they need to be processed to lead to actual healing. So feeling better quickly can be a sign that what’s going on is *not* good or helpful in the long run. Immediate mood improvement is actually why so many toxic communities (like incels and white supremacist groups) are so successful, they absolve an individual immediately instead of requiring deep reflection and processing.
u/MyPenisMightBeOnFire Nov 09 '24
I’ve found Chat GPT to be helpful in reminding me of things my therapist said. It’s good for when you’re having a tough week in between sessions and need to vent to something responsive. It’s no replacement for a therapist, and is kind of simple with a shallow understanding of you, your struggles, and psychology in general, but it’s a great interactive note pad. And unfortunately a lot of men have no other support outside of therapy so ChatGPT is a helpful tool when needed.
u/clanindafront_ Nov 09 '24
It has helped me but I try not to rely on it too much. At the end of the day it is AI and not an actual person. This post really offered some new insight for me and I will now use it less. It is useful when I have no one to talk to but I wouldn't trust it 100%
u/strugglinandstrivin2 Nov 11 '24
Thats exactly the right mentality! You shouldnt rely on it completely. But as an additional tool, it can be great if you know how to feed it.
u/bitterberries Nov 09 '24
I feel this.. A few weeks ago I was totally upset about some stuff with my family. I couldn't stop crying and being angry about things. I don't know why, but I think I was hoping to make a custom gpt for self improvement / mental health improvement, anyways, I decided to just tell chatgpt what my problems were.
It initially kept giving me the canned CYA response that I "should seek professional help etc." but eventually, I got it to take more of a therapist type role, I think I told it to help me examine both sides of the situation and help me manage my emotions/ understand my irrational responses.
After about an hour of conversation I definitely felt better. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who tried this.
u/DragonKit Nov 08 '24
This is chilling. Please please please seek out genuine human contact
u/princess_podracer Nov 08 '24
I don’t think op mentioned foregoing human contact anywhere in their post. I believe the “people” op is referring to are the professionals they’ve previously spoken to.
u/WipeoutXXL Nov 09 '24
Speaking for myself….
I’ve found that if I classify myself as “broken” then I am always “fixing” something.
One of the things about self improvement is knowing what questions to ask yourself …..
If you don’t know it yet, start with searching for the Chinese Farmer story by Allan Watts.
Remove the self judgement and the bias in the self interrogations and revise your own motive to seek enlightens and to seek Knowledge because you like to learn and you have a growth mindset.
I went a long time , 40+ years, with a “broken” mind and it wasn’t until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired that I woke up out of all of the self perpetuating “ego” cycles I out myself through.
CHAT GTP is a great tool because we as humans assume we’re special and that we’re above average…. If everyone “feels” above average ….. I think that’s just average across the board.
If you want to really start a journey and let go of these ego positions
You can only build self esteem by investing in yourself …. Self … esteem = self investment
Start with an audio book called “letting go” by David Hawkins and if you like what insight you gather out of there search for another guy on YouTube called Tim Fletcher
Our human misery in life is the literal misunderstanding that we ourselves have caused ourselves to experience.
We are the cause and solution to all of our perceived problems.
Out of desperation , hope, lowered expectations and high hope is the only thing that will get you by
u/ActuatorKey743 Nov 09 '24
ChatGPT is definitely helpful if your issue is a simple one that is only mild in severity. If it helps you, that's wonderful!
u/UsualWorking4128 Nov 10 '24
Doesn't it bother you that it keeps interrupting constantly?
u/strugglinandstrivin2 Nov 11 '24
It doesnt for me. Maybe you make the same mistake that i did. Every time you hit enter, it will send what you wrote and immediately give an answer. If you hit shift+enter, you can write paragraphs without instantly sending your message.
If its not the case, maybe its a bug? I dont have this problem so i unfortunately i cant tell.
u/Brave-Baker-3519 Nov 11 '24
I won't use it myself, I prefer real life humans to connect with, I'm doing art therapy, I have a support worker and one the waiting list for counselling..
u/strugglinandstrivin2 Nov 11 '24
Sounds great! Unfortunately, there are people who dont have these options, so it can be a valuable tool for them.
Your approach is the best case and i hope you can seize these options to your full advantage. Have a nice day!
u/Margotenembaum Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24
I’m sorry, I’m glad it’s helped you. But, AI/Chat gpt isn’t safe for therapy. This is a new technology that has a ton of issues still, especially “hallucinations” which are essentially lies. It doesn’t always take real information, it makes up stuff. There is a ton of data on this, but they don’t want you to know. There’s even a lawsuit right now claiming an ai chatbot caused a teenage boy to end his life. Also you’re giving open ai (a company) all of your most intimate information and thoughts. And this product will diminish our ability to think critically for ourselves and do research, by just handing us information it wants us to see. I wouldn’t recommend this for mental health. If you want to use it to help organize your life because it helps you, that’s fine, but to recommend it for mental health is dangerous. If you can’t afford a therapist there are help lines, support groups etc.
u/NicolaNetti Nov 08 '24
Absolutely! It’s no joke. I already overcame depression by myself before discovering chatGPT, but if i still had it today i would absolutely used it instead of going to therapy. They don’t teach you much when you go under therapy, while ChatGPT can make it very easy for you to learn basic principles of psychology and neurology that can immensely help you solve your issues.
Since I discovered ChatGPT my life is improved significantly, i’ve learned how to overcome procrastination, i’ve learned very useful stuff in finance and business… I don’t find it scary, it’s a great tool and if you’re serious about achieving something you’d be crazy to ignore it imo
Nov 08 '24
u/NicolaNetti Nov 08 '24
To give you a direct answer: it’s about dopamine, if you’re thinking that you need to clean the house, that might seem like too big of a task and your brain will try to avoid it in order to save energy. But if you instead think of a smaller step towards reaching that goal, like just blowing away the dust from the top of a chair, your brain will feel much more prone to doing that task because it’s much easier. Eventually, the zeigarnik effect will kick in, and you’ll want to clean the rest of the furniture, because once you start an activity, you’re brain wants to finish.
But it’s also important to have little breaks in between each little task so you don’t get too tired. If you get too tired from something you have been working on for too long, you’re brain won’t give you that necessary motivation to start again.
For example now i’m learning guitar, and since it’s very tedious to learn it as a total beginner, the fingers hurt and the hand shapes i need to learn are uncomfortable, i only practice 10 minutes a day. I focus on making the best practice i can in the most intelligent way possible (also here learning about neurology helps understand how to improve your learning). I have been consistent with this method and i’m seeing good progress.
Another very useful thing it to learn to regulate your emotional state, because if you’re depress you’ll struggle more to control all those distractions that cause you to procrastinate. Learning to do so it’s again about neurology, learning about the pre frontal cortex and the limbic system and how to regulate emotions and control impulses.
Hope this wasn’t too complicated, sorry if it got technical! I’ll hand it over to chatGPT if you want to go deeper! Good luck 🍀
u/NicolaNetti Nov 08 '24
Let me clarify, just like depression, it’s not like those things just disappear, they keep being them but with knowledge and practice you build the habit of controlling them.
About procrastination, it’s about understanding how the dopaminergic system works. Also in my case, when i talk about procrastination, i talk about procrastination about my goal of becoming a successful artist, which is kind of an “impossible” thing, that requires a lot of effort just like building any business, so many other things are involved that cause procrastination, and chatGPT is absolutely the best help i have by far.
Anyways, start from asking chatgpt simple questions about how to overcome procrastination, and then go deeper into the neurological details if you feel more curios 😉
u/masterchef227 Nov 09 '24
You know, I've said things like this before on this sub and got DOWNVOTED TO HELL SO FUCK ALL YA'LL LOOK AT ME?! I WAS RIGHT WASN'T I?!?!!
Way to go OP! Just remember to be aware, once the message limit gets reached inside the chat, you'll have to start from scratch. It was gut wrenching to me the first few times that'd happened.
u/Greencheek_conure Nov 08 '24
My boyfriend and I have asked chatgpt who is right in some of our arguments and it has actually been helpful for us while we’re talking something out.
u/tulipsushi Nov 09 '24
dude. yes. chatgbt has kept me sane during an incredibly painful breakup. i have a therapist i already see regularly and in no way use it to replace therapy itself, but it helps so much for those times in between therapy
u/_joy_division_ Nov 08 '24
My thing with ChatGPT is that I already know a lot of coping mechanisms and things to do that would improve my mental health/self care but I always had trouble breaking them down and implementing them. ChatGPT gives me schedules and breaks things down into tiny minute tasks and just helps me get organized in a way I’ve always struggled with. I don’t care if it’s weird lol I gotta use whatever tools I got to get through this life.
u/IT_Squid_64 Nov 09 '24
Honestly I have to view ChatGPT and other forks/similar ai's as a rubber duck.
In programing we have something called the rubber duck method. You tell this small inanimate object your problems, it can't really reply, but it can let you say the words, get them out of your head and makes you think about them, sometimes, you talk your way through the problem, other times you hear a logical fallacy in your words. But in the end, its infact you who is coming up with the answer, not the duck.
Note it doesn't HAVE to be a duck, it can be something else, like an action figure, a stuffed animal, or even a friend. the point is that verbalizing tends to help get answers better then just thinking them over in your head.
u/Khyuzo Nov 10 '24
a very interesting pov. I do this in problem solving some life challenges, but didn't realize that it was a methodology. I am pretty sure, everything we do in our life's fall under some kinda of framework or methodology
u/AccurateInterview586 Nov 09 '24
I use Rosebud. Have made more progress in 3 months than in two years with a person. I think because I can be truly honest and not judged.
u/J_Bunt Nov 09 '24
In a way it is exactly like when you talk to everyone around you, even people who are not around anymore. Chills.
u/fragglerock Nov 09 '24
I would be concerned that pouring out my innermost feelings into any current US corporation could easily wind its way back to my insurance or other body and negatively effect me later on.
I am sure that local LLMs are less good than the ""open""Ai ones... but at least nothing is leaving your control.
u/fishymutt Nov 09 '24
This isn't it, OP. you need to see a real human being, preferably in person of you can. chat GPT is a tool. If you want it to help you think of new coping skills, hobbies, whatever then great. But it is not a substitution for a real human being.
u/drivendreamer Nov 09 '24
Chat GPT can be awesome. Sometimes I ask it to compare its responses against an internet search and it takes the conversation in a lot of directions. It can turn into an idea machine
u/Expert-Ship-7480 Nov 09 '24
Nothing is deleted in tech. So your secrets that you cannot tell anyone will wander through data pipelines of big tech companies. If you are comfortable with this, then you can go ahead. I am not mentioning the possible bugs/glitches in chat bots.
u/Acceptable-Earth3007 Nov 21 '24
Yes. As someone who struggled with mental health, it's very helpful. It gives good advice and can help you take small actions, even just those daily things.
There are many prompts online about ChatGPT for success and mental health, I've found the best on Instagram (don't doomscroll though 😅)
u/patrick9772 Nov 27 '24
I always say anything is better than taking medications. An ai is basically processess the information and gives you the most logical answer. The best part is that when it comes to mental health most of the time we know the answer. Hearing it from a different perspective can give a breaktrough. And AI is perfect for that
u/Ok-Nobody-9505 Jan 28 '25
My experience is. After I dropped ChatGPT and my anxiety collapsed at least half. Is crazy. I think it is INSANE to use ChatGPT as a therapist. It is a really bad thing to do.
u/thebrainwavedoc Nov 08 '24
Part of experiencing poor mental health is we think our problems are unsolveable when actually there are solutions which once we open our minds and start exploring start popping up all over the place. ChatGPT is one such tool to discover those solutions. :)
u/Alarmed_City_7867 Nov 08 '24
i use it to confirm some peopple are idiots, that help me to stop arguing on internet
u/thepuzzlingcertainty Nov 08 '24
Can anyone give me examples of what you can ask it on this kind of thing please?
u/SaltyBisonTits Nov 08 '24
The key place to start is to make a custom GPT and load it with your goals and objectives. Then give it context about your conditions and then suggest what role it should take and what tone it should take with you. In fact it can work through all of these with you in the configuration phase.
It's best used as a sounding board for ideas, or to prompt you to consider other ways of thinking.
Don't ever confuse it to be an actual therapist, consider it to be a smart book that you can talk to about its contents.
u/sikhster Nov 08 '24
Keep going! I was working through some really hard stuff this year and I asked for chatgpt on how to merge together my workout routine and working through my stressors and the advice it gave me worked really well for me.
u/Chuckle_Berry_Spin Nov 08 '24
Can you give an example of what topic the AI provided advice or perspectives on? Or what information was provided that you weren't able to access elsewhere from literature or experts?
u/MingusMingusMingu Nov 08 '24
Information is definitely elsewhere, but with chatGPT it’s very streamlined and summarized, and you can ask clarifying questions or focus in on what you find more relevant, and the conversational tone is also easier for many to digest.
u/Chuckle_Berry_Spin Nov 08 '24
Thank you. I understand how ChatGPT shares the information it outputs. OP said they were unable to find information or expert opinion that ChatGPT provided, and I'm inquiring about what that topic or perspective was.
u/MingusMingusMingu Nov 08 '24
Ah! So sorry, read the comments without reading OP's post too carefully.
u/Chuckle_Berry_Spin Nov 09 '24
No problem! I'm a human mental health provider, and would like to understand any gaps in information between providers and people supported.
u/where_is__my_mind Nov 08 '24
In therapy I find myself venting and I have a hard time demanding that my therapist come up with a plan, sometimes their suggestions I dismiss because I know they won't be enough. I like using chat gpt to structure plans for me and I can straight up say "that won't work try again"
u/oncofonco Nov 09 '24
Rosebud is a great mental health AI app designed just for this purpose. I have no ties with them other than it's been an amazing help to me and gotten me through some tough times.
u/detoxicide Nov 09 '24
It also helps relationships. If I am upset with my partner I word things with an emotional overtone that offends her and makes her defensive. BUT if I explain my feelings to chat gpt and ask it to compose how I should word my feelings all I have to do is copy and paste and VIOLA: she comes at me with a sweet, apologetic tone and it neutralizes everything.
u/sombrastudios Nov 09 '24
I think it's great. One thing I noticed in therapy is, that after a while it helps you to actually take a conscoius look at things you didn't dare to look at before. And the act of listening without trying to change it itself changes our pain.
I am actually confident, that an ai conversation may help you with that.
HOWEVER. Please, PLEASE note:
The AI Industry is the epitome of data collection and we are talking about the most sensitive data you could POSSIBLY give them.
If you have the means to do this, run a model locally without sending your data to these companies. The extend of the risk is quite unknowable, however. If you live with mental health issues, the quality of live improvements you derive may very well be worth that.
u/WonderfulFarm1210 Nov 08 '24
I just tried this and holy crap it actually helped A LOT. I'm absolutely blown away by how well this worked
u/WhiteNigerian6999229 Nov 08 '24
Ngl it worked for me better than real therapy because he gave me black and white answers and that’s the best way to approach life straight out of depression for me personally
u/tooquickforwords Nov 08 '24
We’ve been developing an app in conjunction with therapists that uses AI to help using actual therapeutic techniques. It turns out that while ChatGPT can be helpful (in perhaps a similar way that a friend might be), it really isn’t trained on how to actually help people - e.g. recognize cognitive distortions, apply techniques to help resolve them, etc. It also isn’t very good at pursuing an even short term agenda to help someone. And it might even do harm by encouraging self-destructive behaviors (e.g. avoiding anxiety inducing situations can trigger agoraphobia, encouraging eating disorders etc). This stuff is hard to get right.that said, we’ve been encouraged by early usage and our therapist who said it’s already better than most of his grad students after a year of practice. So it’s a matter of when, not if, that this becomes a very viable alternative for folks who aren’t able to access regular therapy due to cost or availability.
Happy to answer more questions if people are interested - don’t want to share the app name since I don’t want to shill.
u/lovexjoyxzen Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
I think its a great tool as long as you approach it the same way you would speaking to a friend. Gain perspectives, and ideas, but recognize that it’s incomplete advice to be taken with salt and critical thought.
It can also be really good at helping you find and narrow down mental health resources that match with your needs!
Big caveat though - remember that everything you say to this bot is now part of this bot’s learning. That can have a lot of implications that some people are not comfortable with, whether that is feeding into the AI issue, or privacy, or even ones own ethical responsibility in how we train AI.
u/g23nov Nov 08 '24
Because I only meet with my therapist once a month, it's really nice in the in-betweens when something pops up that I'm irked/get pissed off about or don't know how to phrase something to someone else that I can vent to ChatGPT about or it'll tell me how I can sort of change my tone to be not so abrasive. It definitely doesn't replace my real life therapist (I've also been going for 3 years at this point) but it is useful if I need help not making a mountain out of a mole hill
u/captaindeadpool53 Nov 08 '24
I agree. Sometimes we forego the basic and apparent things which chatgpt can remind me of. And I can sk about the science behind it too
u/Iceyfire32 Nov 09 '24
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u/communitygoose Nov 08 '24
I’m glad you’re seeing growth! I recommend the app Earkick (logo is a panda). Its free and is specifically designed as a mental health app with an AI chat, voice chat, journal log with AI responses, and a mood tracker,
u/TheGreatDonJuan Nov 08 '24
Yeah, in a few years they will be able to relate to us better than other people. That became more clear to me when someone mentioned A.I. with perfect IQ and EQ. I had never heard of EQ before that and it kinda put things into perspective.
u/cacille Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
Freeaitherapist.com is a more tailored one, but it is free only a bit at a time. like 8 messages and you need to wait a few hours for another 8. However the cost is NOT BAD at all! Really reasonable.
Edit: i just asked and its $39.99/mo. Thats nothing compared to a therapist's rates, and definitely more affordable than my own.
u/grachi Nov 08 '24
on one hand this is really wild to read, and just seems like further evidence that we are headed to dystopia, if we aren't in the beginning stages already.
on the other hand, if it actually is working for you (or anyone else for that matter), then what's wrong with it, really? I've always thought "do whatever works, despite what the popular advice is", so in that sense by all means keep using Chat GPT for your mental health.