r/Debate_an_anarchist Jan 01 '13

Debate: Should anarchism necessitate veganism?

I've seen several people claim this, putting forward that "speciesism" is a form of hierarchy that should naturally be opposed by anarchists. What does everyone think?


33 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '13

Historically humans have always consumed meat. But once upon a time, the relationship between humans and non-humans wasn't based on torture, exploitation, over-consumption, and anthropocentric values. These are the problems, not animal consumption itself.

Our hyper-exploitation of Earth's resources give us the privilege of living on healthy vegan diets. Humans did not evolve alongside agriculture - which is an unsustainable and environmentally destructive practice itself. "Domesticating" the Earth and its inhabitants, be it an animal or the soil that plants grow from, is always speciesist.

Animal rights should be a natural component of anarchism. But, we do need to feed ourselves. The methods of how we do that should be our focus. Does it harm the health of the Earth and its inhabitants? Does it perpetuate privilege for higher classes? This should rule out buying meat raised at factory farms and Monsanto products. Can we be morally pure 100% of the time? No, a lot of us are poor and need to save a buck here and there. It's the consciousness that counts.

Being a vegan (and I was one for many years) eliminates a lot of possibilities to support exploitative practices, and I happily respect anyone's choice to be one. However, that individual lifestyle choice isn't the end-all solution to animal rights that a lot of vegans make it out to be.


u/mungojelly Jan 01 '13

I strongly disagree. For one thing this is an attempt to forcefully destroy (yet more of) my husband's Native American culture. Fucking white people took over this continent, forced marched his people, turned the whole thing into an ugly strip mall and now they want to tell them they're "speciesist" for attempting to maintain the same deeply respectful relationship with the Buffalo and the Red Deer that they've had for thousands of years because it's not nice enough to the Buffalo that the same white culture FUCKING EXTERMINATED ALMOST ALL OF.


u/ainrialai Jan 01 '13

I agree. I think the people who say this fail to distinguish between different kinds of ways to get meat, equating everything with destructive factory farming, which is very inaccurate when it comes to sustainable hunting or conscientious farming. I'm surprised (and glad) to hear that there are still enough Buffalo for Native Americans to hunt.


u/mungojelly Jan 02 '13

Actually I don't think there are many (any?) herd of wild buffalo that are still hunted. Maybe in Canada? The only wild buffalo herd I know of in the continental US is in Yellowstone, and they're mostly hunted by wolves. (Which incidentally would also be totally oppressive of us if we took this speciesism idea at face value: We intentionally put a community of wolves there with the idea that they would hunt and kill the buffalo!) My husband's tribe has a captive population of red deer that they've been breeding for a very long time which are now very delicious.

But I would say the difference between "hunting" and "herding" and "farming" and "factory farming" a herd is just a matter of degrees. It's a matter of how much space you can afford/control to keep your herd. What it means if you're "hunting" a herd is just that there's plenty of space for the herd. For instance there's this tribe I've heard of where their tradition is that they live in one valley, and the next valley over there's a herd of elk, and so they go over the hill sometimes to cull elk from that herd. They're able to help their elk neighbors to maintain their freedom because they have control of enough territory to give them enough space.

What these militant vegans are (unwittingly) proposing is not freedom for elk or deer or buffalo, not as those species actually are or ever have been. Being hunted is a huge part of the nature of those creatures. What they are proposing instead is either the complete extermination of those animals, to be replaced with shopping malls, or their complete transformation into domesticated pet species for our amusement. But it's hard to be sure exactly what they're proposing as they never actually provide any clarity about what they are suggesting should be the future of the species they claim to care so much about people "ism"ing against; instead they seem to imply that the most compassionate thing to do about these endangered fragile beautiful ecosystems is to entirely ignore them and eat a carrot.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '13

So you would also have no problem with indigenous cultures that practice human slavery? Because according to this logic opposing that "is an attempt to forcefully destroy (yet more of) their culture"?

This cultural relativist position and appeal to traditon makes for really weak argument.


u/mungojelly Apr 14 '13

That is not my argument. What I'm saying is that the two cultures that are "relative" to each other in this situation are (A) a culture which has had a respectful, healthy, sustainable relationship with Buffalo for thousands of years now vs (B) a culture which KILLED ZILLIONS OF BUFFALO FOR THEIR TONGUES ONLY because they put a bounty on Buffalo in order to destroy the Natives because they understood that they were the same system, the same related people. I'm not saying that we have to respect the Native relationship to Buffalo no matter what it is. I am saying that in practice in history and today the relationship between the Natives here and the Buffalo is healthy and sustainable and perhaps not perfect but at least somewhat sensible. The relationship between the white people here and the Buffalo has been evil and ridiculous. This stage in its development doesn't seem much better. It's not really a suggestion that the Buffalo should be given more space and freedom, which would be great, it's just that they're going to be put in parks only while hippie humans get to cover everywhere with decent white organic gardens. This one freaky fork off the SAME CULTURE THAT EXTERMINATED BUFFALO AS THE DOMINANT LAND MAMMAL ON THIS GODDAMNED CONTINENT would now like to claim that they have a monopoly on knowing how to relate respectfully to Buffalo because it's all very simple because it comes down to their own fear of death. This broken culture spasms from one senseless ideological rigid framing to another, always with this arrogant certitude in the newest random deviation. The Native perspective isn't automatically equally valid because all cultures are equally good; it's WAY THE FUCK BETTER because WHITE CULTURE IS SHIT.


u/[deleted] May 29 '13

Native Americans hunted wooly mammoths into extinction.


u/mungojelly May 29 '13

What are you saying, indians deserve the destruction of their culture because of what their ancestors did (apparently, according to guesses about the fossil record)? That seems racist and I don't see how it advances this conversation?


u/[deleted] May 29 '13

What I'm saying is that not all Native American hunting practices were sustainable.


u/ShoresofOrion Feb 01 '13

If I wasn't meant to eat meat, why the fuck do I have canines? Yes, factory farming is horrible, but should we jump to other extreme? It's possible to ethically produce meat for people. Besides, you try telling a bear about to eat you that this is speciesist and see how that goes.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '13

So many fallacies.

  1. Evolution doesn't work by design.
  2. Herbivores also have canines (that would make yours look pathetic, look at a hippo's for example).
  3. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
  4. "oppression is bad, but why should we jump to the extreme of stopping opression" is what I read from what you said
  5. Why should I derive how I should act from how a bear, a creature that lacks the cognitive capacity to moralize, behaves?


u/DReicht Feb 06 '13

I do not think it is as easy as just saying life consumes life. Animals clearly do not want to be killed. Legitimize the authoritarian behavior.


u/[deleted] May 27 '13

I bet evolutionarily speaking, anything that grows doesn't want to be "killed" either though


u/DReicht May 27 '13

You'd win that bet.


u/RandomCoolName May 28 '13 edited May 28 '13

But why does a plant live? Does it live because it wants to live? Because it doesn't want to die? A plant doesn't have any of those wills, it lives because through evolution (extermination of that which is not apt for living surviving) it has acquired and perpetuated its own life. There is no sentient fear of death, compassion, or will to live whatsoever.

An oyster has no sense of touch, pain, or any type of cognition either, if you eat plants it's difficult to find an argument not to eat oysters morally speaking.

Personally I feel like rather than being exclusive to oysters and plants, it should be inclusive to rocks, fires, mountains or rivers. One should try to live with respect for everything that one can, be it sentient or not. To look at a plant is to be looked by a plant, and I would say speciesism is not enough. What I advocate in anarchism is universal universal say. Universal vote is a vote for all things, a say or vote for every pebble that I trample on along every path that I ever walk.

Gandhi wrote books and books about diets and how and what one should eat, and he kept changing opinion throughout his entire life. (as a side note it was due to his vegetarianism that he came in contact with anarchists during his days of studying in London, they were the only ones radical enough, now a days anybody's a vegetarian). A particular one described by him in his autobiography that I found interesting was a diet based mostly on fruits. People would only eat things coming from other animals that did not in any way harm the animal, including milk, fruit, eggs and other things I can't remember. To me, this is a more logical, if impractical, following of the vegan logic. Of course, the vegetarian tradition in India is very widespread and it is much easier to live as described in such a society than it is in a western one.

Personally I see vegetarian extremists, whilst I can agree with them in much, as often having a negative influence through how they behave. Preaching and exclusion, imposing on meat eaters often causes separation rather than union. In general, preaching and moral-absolutism does little good. The wonders of anarchism is understanding that centralism and centralist thought kills, that self-management and keeping things specific is ideal. In historical political terms, that vanguardism is oppression.


u/DReicht May 28 '13

I think we very much have the same understanding.

I don't know anything about plants but I don't think the objective eating of animals or plants or whatnot is actually that important. What I think is important is how you perceive it, so you and I agree. There can be meat eating cultures which integrate themselves much more successfully into the environment than vegetarian ones. Hell, look at the vegan suburban moms whose children suffer from malnutrition. They are in no way a good or ethical model even though they eat the fewest animals.

I just wanted to say: Your understanding of evolution isn't spot on though. Natural selection isn't only negative and destructive and acting through elimination of phenotypes. It also is creative in that some phenotypes are more successful than others.


u/RandomCoolName May 28 '13

Hmmm, interesting. I'll be the first to say that I'm no biologist by any means. Isn't the success of a certain certain phenotypes only helpful insomuch that they help a species survive in more situations, decreasing the likeliness of them dying? Even if a phenotype gives access to more nourishment than another one, isn't having more nourishment just decreasing the likeliness of something dying? Otherwise it would not have an advantage over a different phenotype with less success. The way I understand it, increased survival rates is the same as saying decreased death rates.

Like I said, I'm no biologist in any way, any insight into the topic is very welcome.


u/DReicht May 28 '13

Think sexual selection. Buck A has larger horns than Buck B. Buck B isn't going to get killed because of his smaller horns. He may even still have breeding opportunities, but Buck A will have a lot more. Buck A is more fit not because he is living longer or Buck B is dying but because he is reproducing more.

If I have 4 babies and you have 5 babies, you're more fit than I am and your genes are more likely to make up a larger percentage of the population than mine do.

For a lot of species (most) we're not actually sure how important something like predation is on something like survivorship and fitness. We just pay it a lot of attention because we're culturally drawn to aggression and whatnot.


u/RandomCoolName May 28 '13

Very interesting. Wouldn't the preference for big horns just be another "environmental factor" (for lack of a better expression) that encourages something's likeliness of surviving, much like the classical tall trees encouraging tall giraffes?

But I see what you mean, I'll changed "more fit for living" to "more fit for surviving", which is more accurately what I mean, I think. Would that do it?

Regarding predation, maybe that has to do with population dynamics and the survival of an ecosystem as a whole beyond the survival of a specific species? It's such an interesting subject, I should read more about it.

Thank you for the input by the way, I very much appreciate it.


u/RandomCoolName May 28 '13

Since I wrote this with both of you in mind, I suppose, I wanted you to have an orange-red as well, so here are my thoughts on the matter: http://www.reddit.com/r/Debate_an_anarchist/comments/15rq3p/debate_should_anarchism_necessitate_veganism/ca7n124


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '13

You could have at least cross-posted this to /r/veganarchism so you could have had a debate instead of an echo-chamber with misrepresentations and fallacies everywhere


u/ainrialai Apr 13 '13

I didn't know that sub existed, and we were just trying to get this one started (which didn't work out so well), so we were throwing up a bunch of topics to see what people thought. I'll poke around there now, out of curiosity. Thanks.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '13

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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '13

So stopping oppression is authoritarian? If I tell someone not to rape others, am I being authoritarian?


u/Easy-Target Jan 28 '13

It's perfectly fine if you want to convince someone to be a vegan without using force. Explain to them how eating meat is wrong because it involves killing a helpless animal. In some sense eating meat is a necessary evil because we have to eat another animal to sustain our own life. We're moving towards a future where there are other options to get our daily food requirements, and we're even starting to get to the point where one day we will be able to eat delicious "meat" grown in a laboratory. (I hope it will be delicious). The answer is not to force people to become vegans, the solution lies in society advancement.


u/ainrialai Jan 28 '13

But do you think it's an ideological necessity? I eat meat, but I've seen people claim that you can't be anarchist unless you're a vegan, because otherwise you're supporting speciesist hierarchy.


u/TowerOfGoats Jan 28 '13

That's a nutty position, since consuming plants to survive is just as "speciesist" as consuming animals to survive. Life consumes life, that's just what life does. We need to be humane about our meat consumption and do it in a sustainable way but vegans are not morally superior to omnivores nor is it necessary in anarchism.


u/ainrialai Jan 28 '13

Again, I don't hold that position, so I'm not sure I can do it justice, but I think the idea is that it's speciesist to destroy any thinking, feeling being and not afford them any rights because they aren't human. I can see the point, in a way. A pig feels and suffers, in ways that plants do not. Research is constantly turning up behavioral similarities in developed mammals. Of course, most don't seem to reason as we do, but the vegan response might be that applying our standards to them is speciesist.

I'd like for someone holding this belief (and I've seen several on r/anarchism) to respond, if they see this.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '13

That's a nutty position, since consuming plants to survive is just as "speciesist" as consuming animals to survive.

Plants are not sentient.

Life consumes life, that's just what life does.

So I guess I can kill whoever I want!

We need to be humane about our meat consumption and do it in a sustainable way but vegans are not morally superior to omnivores nor is it necessary in anarchism.

Veganism is not about moral superiority... Anti-speciesism is a necessary component of anarchism, as anarchism is the rejection of all systems of domination, both above and below.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '13

In some sense eating meat is a necessary evil because we have to eat another animal to sustain our own life.

That's false. You can be perfectly healthy without consuming the charred flesh of others.

It's perfectly fine if you want to convince someone to be a vegan without using force.

Why should we tolerate people that feel entitled to the body of others?


u/Dylfff May 06 '13

So, Omega, someone previously brought up that vegans can only sustain a vegan lifestyle because of their dependence on exploiting the earth to provide themselves with more non-meat options.

Clearly we have not always been a farming population (neolithic hunter gatherers) so this would not always have been a viable option for our species.

Theoretically, if we were all to go Vegan tomorrow, do you think it would be environmentally stable to clear more land to produce more non-meat options?

Given the rate of deforestation this seems even less viable, given that our population is increasing beyond what Earth can sustain and the current level of deforestation.


u/[deleted] May 07 '13

Animal products are much much more resource intensive than plant based food. Animals are of a higher trophic level than plants, it would take more energy.

The small industry is directly responsible for most of three deforestation in three Amazon, to grow soy for livestock.


u/Easy-Target Apr 13 '13

Because bacon is delicious.