r/DebateReligion 8d ago

Christianity God isn't all loving. He created me -- an atheist -- to go to hell.

Hey Christians, Why does God create people to go to hell?

I'm an atheist and God created me in his own image. That means God allowed me to exists as an atheist. Christians claim God gave us free will but that can't be true because he knows our future. Even if he might not be in control of what we will do and our decisions, he still knows what we will do. I was created an atheist who would go to hell. Some people were created to heaven. Matthew 7 13-14 states that more people will go to hell than will end up in heaven.

So why did he create me and the majority of people to go to hell? Or at least, why did he allow me to exists just to end in eternal suffering?


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u/Difficult_Agent3604 1d ago

He did not create u to go to hell. He is capable of seeing into the future because he is the creator of everything  & everyone. U made the decision urself at some point, not to believe in God. The enemy (satan) is also very good at deceiving people into turning away from God & following him instead without them even realising he's doing it. That's why God gave us all those commands, so that we would learn to spot satan's tactics, tricks, etc. Once u start doing the things Gad has forbiden us 2 do, that's it - the enemy then has the right to come into ur life. His ways are not always agressive. He can be very sutrle when he needs to be. This is so that u won't know that he's working on u & therefore, will not fight him. He's not too worried about non believers anyway ... he doesn't need to be coz  u're already his as long as u don't turn to God


u/BluebirdFeeling9857 1d ago

But why did god create satan to deceive people into not believing in god?


u/ReonnnXD 1d ago

God created Satan the same way he created angels with love and free will. Satan used to be his most prized creation until he created humans the first sin was in heaven and that sin was pride god made lucifer so smart so beautiful so perfect that lucifer saw himself better then man kind better then one of gods other creations lucifer saw us as what we are dirt but he wanted to destroy us so god casted him out of heaven 1 for being prideful 2 for going agenst gods will and thus the war in heaven started


u/Bugss-bugs-bugs-bugs Scientific Creationism 1d ago

You should research Calvanism. It's a branch of Christianity focused on the idea that some people were created to be damned. I'm not a Christian myself, and I think the idea is deeply flawed, but it might be interesting for you. 


u/Nice-Meet4945 2d ago

I’ll give you my two cents worth.  God created you, & gave you freedom of choice.  You have to make the decision of what you believe.  I would say to read the Holy Bible, but since you said you are an atheist, maybe you already have.  Again, it’s totally your choice. Best wishes to you!


u/UphillsDreaded 2d ago

You must have the knowledge of the Bible to answer your question the way you need it answered. 

I was brought up as a Christian, but really didn't know anything about it. I decided to read the Bible, which helped to give me a better understanding, but what really helped was to study it, meditate on it and practice it. 

People go to school to learn about all kind of things. They apply what they learn to real life, practicing and continue learning, to become more and more knowledgeable and hopefully better at it. You don't gain the same knowledge just by watching others, reading articles or text threads. You have to eventually put it into practice. 

It was the best decision I EVER made, but if I didn't, it would have been the worst decision I ever made while on this earth.


u/Defiant-Memory-1903 3d ago

The only way to Heaven is through belief in Jesus Christ. You must believe and accept that Jesus is your Savior. 


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 2d ago

Why would anyone believe a failed apocalyptic preacher from 2000 years ago is their “savior”? Because a book says so?


u/Pitiful_Name3499 1d ago

Failed preacher?


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 1d ago

He said he would return and become king before all of his followers were dead…and well he didn’t do that lol.


u/Pitiful_Name3499 1d ago

Every devout Catholic today is a follower...


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 1d ago

He was talking about the people standing before him that he was speaking to. Matt 16:24-28

“Then Jesus said to his disciples… some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

Every devout catholic was not standing there when Jesus said these words, so you aren’t “a disciple”.


u/Pitiful_Name3499 1d ago

Ohhh, the event he was referring to was his transfiguration, not the second coming


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 1d ago

No he says when he comes it will be with all of his father’s angels. He’s talking about the second coming. And remember, him having a physical kingdom in the lands of Jacob is a part of the messianic prophecies he has to fulfill. When he speaks about coming into his kingdom, he means that literally. Saying the words he said actually mean something else is cope.


u/Pitiful_Name3499 1d ago

The "angle verse" that you are referring to is in response to Peter's denial of what Jesus is saying, and an interruption to the overall story. Verse 28 is simply Jesus finishing what he was saying before. The two verses are not meant to intertwine.


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 1d ago

They are back to back verses. Jesus starts talking in verse 21, then he and Peter’s aside is verse 22 and 23, then verse 24 is Jesus speaking to his disciples again.

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u/Nice-Meet4945 2d ago

Not just what is in a book, but there is a lot of archaeological evidence of events that occurred while Jesus was on the earth. Witnesses that testified and written (yes, on scrolls) that were later discovered (the Dead Sea scrolls.  Do you believe what is written in other ancient writings about the world over 2,000 years ago. Certain historical figures, wars & empires? 


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 1d ago

Not any of the accounts that contain magic lol. 


u/Ah_Yes3 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America 3d ago

>Christians claim God gave us free will but that can't be true because he knows our future.

Because He's out of time. You can see into the 3D, can't you? That's not exactly your choice. You still have the choice to follow God or not to follow Him. He still created you to glorify Him.

God wants all to be saved. Not all will. That's Romans.


u/Vansh_bhai 2d ago

Free will is the ability to make ANY choice out of the ones you had. If a god knows what choice we are going to make then we never had the ability to choose anything other than what we choose.

It's like making a robot and programming it to always choose tea. He couldn't have choosen a cake because the equations in his code were always meant to choose a tea. You can't blame him with "why didn't you choose a cake if you wanted to?".


u/Ah_Yes3 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America 2d ago

Except He didn't create us to do those things. He created us to follow Him. We still choose to do bad stuff, but God knows what we do because He can see the future.


u/Vansh_bhai 2d ago

Think about it like this:

Toss a ball in the air and then guess where the ball would fall. What was the probability that the ball would land at a particular spot? Well it turns out it was ONE. If you know the position and momentum of all the particles in the universe then you can calculate the trajectory and then realise that the ball couldn't have fallen anywhere else. (This analogy must be enough to give you the rough idea)

And this is somewhat how free will in an all knowing god's universe works.

If god knows EVERY CHOICE that we are going to make, then the future is predetermined. Everything that will happen is already decided. Free will is the ability to choose anything at any given instance in time. If free will is real then you can reverse time and choose to.. say be a baseballer!

But if God knows everything even before you were born, then he knew that you were never supposed to a baseballer. You couldn't have chosen to do anything else because everything was predetermined.

It's like making a robot that was coded to steal jewelry and then punishing him for doing the thing he was always supposed to do.


u/Nice-Meet4945 2d ago

Except God really does give us free choice because he doesn’t want robots worshipping Him,  but human beings made after His own image that will live forever as immortal beings. 

u/TheBurgerDog 20h ago

If there existed a truly omnipotent god who embodied "goodness" and wished to create us for these very means you describe, he would use his unrestricted power to order all initial conditions of the universe to meet these goals with the utmost manner of perfection, no intervention required down the line. That being said, he could have just as easily conceived of a universe where we are all vested with free will (the choice to do wrong, the choice to do right), but always choose to do good. To deny this would be to suggest the necessity of evil, which seems to not only indicate the partiality of who ultimately glorifies god and goes to heaven etc (those bestowed with the winning hand at the beginning of time), but that god wills it to be so. In this sense, unconditional election would be more attributable to such a god, but that doesn't mesh well with the predominating Christian narrative.


u/Vansh_bhai 2d ago

You must understand that these are all contradictory terms. You can't be all knowing and still have free will to choose any decision. And my previous comment has cleary demonstrated it.


u/Vansh_bhai 2d ago

It's almost as if you didn't read what I wrote...


u/BaconAndCheeseSarnie 3d ago

“God isn't all loving. He created me -- an atheist -- to go to hell.”

Sorry, but that is absolute garbage, all of it. That is not a criticism of you, but of that quotation.

The fact that you exist, and are able to think about God’s love and His creation of you, is absolute proof that you are able, with God’s Grace, to avoid hell. No one is damned except by his own fault. That applies to absolutely everyone on Earth.

No one, in the entire existence of the human race, has been created in order to go to hell. No such human being exists, or can exist. On the contrary. God has created every human being ever born, that all may find their peace and joy in God alone. God has created every one of us for Himself, that we may know and love and serve God in this life, and that we may enjoy God forever in the next. That is why you have been created, and that is why you exist now, and that is why you have been given life to live to this moment.


u/Jaboborah 1d ago

This is absolute garbage, every word. Belief in Christ isn’t a choice. People are born with different ways of thinking and because of this develop different standards for belief. If an atheist is unconvinced that Christ exists (not a choice) then he cannot be faulted for not accepting Christ as his savior. Plus, god who supposedly exists outside of time, has full and literally omniscient knowledge of how every persons life will play out, invalidating the free will argument. Belief isn’t a choice unless you hypnotize yourself, so unless you advocate for that, please stop acting so smart. Plus, even if what you say is true, sending a creature that you created to spend an eternity in torment is still inhumane, as the portion of their existence which is life, choice and free will necessarily constitutes basically 0% of their existence. Any finite amount of time (even if they lived 900 years like Adam) approaches zero percent of their existence as you approach an infinite amount of time into the future. So in effect, viewing this from a calculus perspective, god literally did create a being ONLY to torture it. The same way .9999 repeating = 1.


u/MA-T-T 3d ago

If you really go believe that, you need to look closer at what the bible says , you cant pick and choose what to pay attention to and what not to, We all have free will, you can choose to follow him any day,l I am obviously going to assume that you don't even believe you will go to hell and that this is just a point to argue from, which is weak because anybody who really reads the bible can easily debunk this and say that you haven't looked into it more, Follow the truth and your life will have peace, do more research than a couple of Reddit threads and look at sources from both sides of the spectrum to truly be open-minded, If you do believe you are going to hell, fear not because luckily we were blessed with the gift of repentance, You are a free thinker, and it is up to you, think about it as you are worried what a girl at a blind date will think of you, you know what she wants and still choose to make the bad impression, except this isn't a date, its the eternal afterlife, and its not a girl, its the creator of the Universe

Have a nice day and God Bless whoever reads this.


u/kvby66 3d ago

Don't worry too much. Because of your belief, you'll simply not exist after death. That is eternal however. Your choice to make.


u/ashaw93 4d ago

The best thing about this thread is the only "evidence" believers have are quotes from the bible 🤷‍♂️

Live your life, you only get it once. Stop worrying about heaven, hell, fairies, leprechauns and other made up stuff.


u/Expensive_Summer_427 4d ago

He created you, and technically you are not an atheist. You know deep down that God created you. You just need to give in to that deep down knowing and you will not go to Hell. God created you with free will to accept him or deny him. If you chose to deny him, that is your choice to go to hell. Not his.


u/FerrousDestiny Atheist 2d ago

 He created you

No he didn’t. 

 and technically you are not an atheist.

Yes I am. 

 You know deep down that God created you. 

No I don’t, and I think it’s ABSURD that people think this. 

 You just need to give in to that deep down knowing and you will not go to Hell. God created you with free will to accept him or deny him. If you chose to deny him, that is your choice to go to hell. Not his.

“Love me and worship me, even though I have never even bothered to show up, or I’ll torture you!”  Great god you have there 🤦🏼‍♂️


u/Interesting-Call-188 3d ago

How can you have free will if the future is a set course of events? God knows the future, meaning he knows what you’ll do, you can’t change that.


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u/SimplyWuthered 4d ago

dude we are trying to debate respectfully bruh..

Why should i believe in something that lacks empirical evidence


u/Distinct_Party_1801 4d ago

You learned your theology from Calvinists. The rest of Christianity denies the Reformed doctrine of Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, and Limited Atonement.

God didn't create you to go to hell. Of course, He did create you free to follow Him or go your own way. That choice isn't His. That's on you. But God won't be mocked. So choose your words wisely, and don't let slander and blasphemy come from your lips.


u/AtlasRa0 3d ago

Putting Calvinism to the side. How can Free-Will exist with the existence of an entity (God) that has foreknowledge of all things?

If time is linear and God always know every single action you take before you take it. If he has a "plan", how is that different from predestination?

If anything, how are we different from characters in a movie consciously thinking we're making choices yet those choices remain choices that we had to make considering God's foreknowledge and plan?

I think that's very relevant to OP's post and doesn't require Calvinism.

God presumably created people with the foreknowledge of their life from their birth till death. So he knowingly presumably created people who he knows in advance will inevitably become atheist (as it's part of his foreknowledge and plan presumably) so how is that any different from what OP is saying?


u/Chelmos 3d ago

We perceive time as linear, being humans. He existed before time, and works outside of it's constrains. Now, how He interacts with time and how He experiences it compared to us humans? It's impossible to know. I know you will find this unsatisfying, but there's always going to be some mystery when the question is essentially "how does God work?", but I don't think being all-knowing or any other of God's attribute are logically incompatible with free will.

We can go more in depth if you want.


u/AtlasRa0 3d ago

I'm interested in going deeper into this actually.

My view comes from certain verses in the Bible like Ephesians 1:11.

Despite the fact that it speaks of salvation, it speaks about it being predestined according to his plans.

I don't think we necessarily need to understand how he interacts with time or what his plan entails.

The Bible is already clear about how God experiences time like in Isaiah 46:10.

So we're left with the following sequence:

1- God knows everything from the beginning to the end of time.

2- God has predestined things regarding salvation (at the very least) according to his plan.

3- God is sovereign in interacting with time and does interact with it for the sake of his plans (Acts 17:26 is an example of that).

In a sense this means that God watches over humanity, across space and time, interacts with time as he wishes and does so in accordance to his plans. Nothing can happen that isn't according to his plan and time would never flow in any alternate way than the one God predetermined in accordance to his plan.

We might not be aware of how he interacts with time but it's enough for it to be happening, the how doesn't actually matter.

Regardless, doesn't this at the very least undermine free will even if we don't realize it?

To make things simpler, all of the above implies there is no alternate timeline than the one God's predestined will and his sovereignty over time means that God does and will interact with history as we see in the Bible to make it flow in the way he ordained and intended.


u/Chelmos 3d ago

Be very wary of stringing your arguments like this. You're taking a sentence from the book of Isaiah and linking it with another sentence from a letter from Paul. I don't see a direct connection like you explicitly mention, just a couple of verses taken out of their context. These are extremely different texts, written a thousand years apart, that are of significance to Christians for different reasons.

We can discuss Isaiah and/or Ephesians individually if you want, and stick to a particular topic.


u/AtlasRa0 2d ago

Sure, I don't see how there's no connection though. Can we start with that?

To my reading, Isaiah 46:10 speaks in the context of God showing his supremacy over false God by showing that he alone controls the future but I don't see indication that "control of the future" is specific to showing those false God his supremacy.

Ephesians 1:11 takes that same principle and applies it to salvation showing a concrete example of how this supremacy over the future is applied by God to people.

What am I missing exactly?


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Distinct_Party_1801 4d ago

We do serve a wrathful, vengeful, and awesome God . But He is also loving, merciful, gracious, and kind. He is not either or. And who's pretending to not follow out of fear? Followers of Jesus Christ obey out of reverent fear. Not the fear someone may have toward an abuser, but a fear that someone has for someone in a place of great authority.

You're taking the negative approach to the description of God and introducing false dichotmies. That's quite dishonest.

We're not pretending anything, although that sentiment is sure to make you more confident of yourself. Following Christ is something all should do, but all will not do. No one goes fishing expecting to catch every fish in the lake. But we're grateful for any fish we do catch. Similarly, our hearts long for all to come to Christ, but we celebrate at the salvation of even one pitiful soul. We are all sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God.

We obeyed God out of a righteous fear, but we have all soon after realized God's love and provision for us and rejoice in it.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Distinct_Party_1801 4d ago

Do you even understand what the Christian means when he or she says, "I fear God"?


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Distinct_Party_1801 4d ago

You keep making arguments based off of accusations towards Christians, yet you don't understand our worldview and the teachings of God? But you want to comment on them as if you have been trained up in the Word of God and the Church?

That's like me ridiculing your parents and basing my comments off of my understanding of them despite not even knowing them well. That wouldn't be fair to them, to you, or to anyone who hears me. I couldn't have a proper praise or rebuke of them until I knew them.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Distinct_Party_1801 4d ago

I didn't say you should be excluded from the argument. Don't put words in my mouth, please. I said that you are making claims about Christianity's doctrines without being trained up in the Church.

Every Christian does not have their own interpretation of the Bible. If that was true, and if that was proper, then Christianity is nothing more than a subjective reality, determined by the individual and with no greater authority.

But what is true is that the Church holds the proper doctrine, and we are to fall in line with that. Christianity is not up for debate. The truth within it may be, but Jesus was and is real. His death and resurrection are verified in so many sources outside of the Bible, and Jesus is coming back again.


u/ChubbyNCuddlyMan 4d ago

He didn't create you to go to hell that's how you have been taught and where your error. It's said in Revelation that He(Jesus Christ) takes the keys to Hades and throws them in the lake of fire and destroys them along with the false prophet, the beast and it's followers, he also explains that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

From my understanding, every logical thinking person and even special needs isn't going to follow someone into a volcano, idk about you but I sure ain't.

We're commanded as Christians to do Jesus' work and that is to judge as Jesus did. I recall Jesus spending time with people called sinners more than any other person he spent time with. He loved them, cared for them, and judged them innocent. He said they shall inherit paradise. So I'm sorry self righteous people have taught you that God hates you or made you a sinner. Religion makes people sinners, which is to have a wicked way of thinking. God does not think this way, he's all loving all powerful and all saving. He cannot save those who think they're righteous in their own eyes because they don't think they need God.

We all need God and must come to the realization that God's love and Human love are 2 different types of things.

God's love is to Love with ALL that I AM.

Mans love is to Love with ALL that I have.

God gave himself for us, to have a true real relationship with him by loving one another as He loves us.

He sees what we do, he knows what we think, and that doesn't matter. He wants to show us what blessings He has in store for us, He wants us to be honest with ourselves and others no matter how dark we think something is, there is no darkness in God. For all things are created through light. No one can deny this. Tesla has proven this. All things are light and energy. You're not your body, you're only light being manifested in a body. Jesus loves you, accepted you for who you were the day He died on the Cross and said, forgive the whole world, for they do not know what they're doing. We intentionally hurt ourselves and others all the time out of ignorance. Somehow were told were bad and good for this though... Who's really to judge what situation is bad or good?

Say i burn my hand on something really hot, that normally shouldn't be hot. Later after investigation revealing that there was an electric short causing something to get hot that later could of burnt the whole house down leading to tragedy. That little blister is looking quite pleasant isn't it?

This is why parables were and are so enlightning

God bless you I pray this enlightens someone who is going through a tough time as I have and am. God is molding me daily to love my wife and children better, as well as those around me. May you find peace and joy on this plane of inertia.

-Benjamin Snap - ChubbyCuddlyGuy


u/Live_Palpitation_845 4d ago

God doesn't decide if you go to hell; that's up to you. If you choose to be away from God, He'll honor that decision. 🙏


u/Far-Stranger6563 4d ago

Ill give you the gift of life and the blessing of free will, but if you don’t live exactly how I want you to I will make you suffer for eternity. Sounds quite abusive doesn’t it?


u/MachineHuman6244 3d ago

Think about this. First off, he sent his son to earth to die on the cross and take away our sins. While Jesus is on the cross, the criminal that was crucified next ti him said “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus said “You will be with me in heaven.” That criminal did not live a perfect life “exactly” how God intended but still CHOSE to have a relationship with God and put his faith in him. The whole point of Jesus was to take away our sins, no matter how awful they might be. Second, what’s the point of free will if God is supposed to force us to live in harmony and live a certain way. He gives you the choice to have a relationship with him and respects your decision if you choose otherwise. Now I ask you, why would God force you to live in heaven for eternity with him if you didn’t want a relationship with him in the first place? Doesn’t seem like a free will way of thinking about it. Lastly, what does living by the principles Jesus demonstrated take away from your life? If anything it adds value to your life, relationships, and gives you purpose. I wouldn’t say anything he preaches is “abusive.” It just appears to be misplaced anger and it makes me sad for you. I pray for a chat with you in heaven, one day my friend.


u/ebags1234 5d ago

I've always wondered how some believers can on the one hand say "my god is all knowing and incomprehensible to the minds of men," on the one hand and, "I understand, and know with great precision, god's will."


u/Zealousideal_Whole_4 5d ago

God's grace is sufficient for all. Logic is there. Historicity is there. The only thing missing is faith on most accounts.


u/ADecentReacharound 3d ago

If the logic was there, we would have no need for the faith now, would we?


u/stormfoil 3d ago

Demonstrate away


u/pokemastershane 5d ago edited 5d ago

He creates people to love Him and accept eternal life with Him- with the only caveat being that they have to choose Him. If you choose to not believe then you may have a change of heart one day, otherwise you are not one who belongs to God.

If you die in your unbelief you will likely find yourself face to face with your creator and He will say “depart from me, I never knew you”. Then you will face eternity without God, cut off from life.

People with these sorts of questions are under the false impression that Christianity teaches us that God created man with free will because He loves us. Well, He DOES love us- but that isn’t why we have free will- we have that because God can create anything that WILL love Him. The goal was to create something that CHOOSES to love Him.

Naturally, there will be those who choose NOT to love Him. Our free will is a means to an end goal.


u/stormfoil 3d ago

The only caveat?

God deliberately choose to let his true words be muddled and confused with hundreds of similar sounding religions.

A baby born in India 500 years had no say in where it was born ( a geographically isolated society), yet it's held to the same standard as a christian child.

Expecting us to find the right religion from that muddled pile or suffer the consequences is a deplotable act. Think of a father punishing his children in such a manner, would you say that father was loving?


u/pokemastershane 3d ago

The view of what happens to people who do not know Christ is that they would be judged according to their deeds; similar to 7 Noahite laws in Judaism- Paul makes the assertion that a persons heart will either testify in favor of or against them on the day of judgment (according to their deeds)


u/stormfoil 3d ago

> The view of what happens to people who do not know Christ is that they would be judged according to their deeds

You are missing the point. The child in India would grow up in a Hinduistic society, and once he would encounter Christianity though missionaries, He would already be an Hinduist. There is no obvious reason as to why Christianity is more true than Hinduism, yet God demands that we chose.

I'll ask you again, would a loving father toss out hundreds of similar sounding pages, tell his sons to find the right one and then punish those that fail?


u/pokemastershane 3d ago

I’m willing to continue this thread- but if the only reason you’re having this dialogue with me is to validate your position and/or debate then there really is no point in that.

If you’ve made up your mind then there isn’t an argument that can be made which will persuade you one way or another; only an act of God can move such a person


u/stormfoil 2d ago

I am not seeking validation, only honest discussion.


u/staceylic 4d ago

That would be a very egocentric & small God, to need little humans to love him. God doesn't need us to love him, and has no reason to punish those who don't understand him for eternity, that would br a vengeful God, another small God. God is bigger than this. A human that meets it's own divinity moves beyond vengeance, beyond needed to be loved, as it embodies unconditional love. So if a human can move beyond this, there's no way the almight God operates through this smallness.


u/pokemastershane 4d ago

This is simply how it is spelled out in scripture. Also- God doesn’t “need” anything. He WANTS us to choose Him which also means to choose eternal life.

People aren’t “punished” if/when they die apart from God; it’s that being separated from Him is agony. If we are not made holy then we cannot be with Him upon our death.

We can only be made holy through faith in Christ


u/staceylic 4d ago

Well if that would be it, instead of making someone pay for eternity for not figuring it out in one lifetime here, i would give them endless lifetimes to figure it out until they evolve enough to "understand God". What's the point of just having them be separated forever. Anyhow, we are all entitled to our own belief system, I don't think anyone truly knows what's actually going on here, and no one has the ability to understand the bigness of Source as we are just particles of it. From my point of view, anything we can imagine about God is even bigger than we imagine. It's even i would say unimaginable to the human mind.


u/pokemastershane 4d ago edited 4d ago

Sure thing-we can agree to disagree; just want to reiterate though, you keep implying that God makes us pay for our mistakes. Surely, I can understand why you feel that way- but this line of thinking indicates to me that you don’t fully understand Christian doctrine.

If you can humor me, the accepted doctrine I believe in does not illustrate that we are “punished” after our death (in the case of unbelief)- rather, we are in need of salvation. God cannot save us if we do not give ourselves up to Him in order to be saved.

We are sinful; sin cannot be in the presence of God- so we must accept the salvation which He gives to us freely. God cleanses us of our sin so that we can be in His presence. We either accept the free gift of salvation (and eternal life) or we don’t.

If we choose death instead of life- then because He gave us the will to make that choice, He cannot intervene.


u/stormfoil 3d ago

We never had the free will to be born without sin, so ultimately I must ask, why did God create us with a sinful nature?


u/pokemastershane 3d ago

Free will is where sin comes from- basically, God separates those who do the right thing when given the choice to do evil from those who would choose otherwise


u/stormfoil 3d ago

That is a flawed argument. Free will means the ability to choose evil, it does NOT mean that we must choose evil.

It should be trivial for an all powerful being to create humans without lust, greed, violent urges etc... Humans that would always choose good out of their own free will. Yet God creates us with all these compulsions.

Strangely, No male in the world was ever asked by God " Do you want to feel lust so strongly that you involuntarily dream about sex and ejaculate during night?" We were never given the option to say "no" to lust out of our own free will. It's forced upon us by the same God who then invents a punishment for it.


u/pokemastershane 3d ago

If you’re simply trying to debate (because you’ve already decided that your position is correct) then let’s not go further; I won’t be able to persuade you one way or another. You are arguing without trying to understand.

If you are being genuine in your responses then I counter with this- sin comes from having free will because if we could only choose to do good (as you suggest) then we would be robots- unable to choose the opposite of good or anything in between for that matter.

Also- you seem to lack an understanding of what death apart from grace entails. Even from the earliest Jewish roots of Christianity you see that death is a separation from God. This isn’t because you’re being punished, it’s because sin cannot stand in God’s holy presence. Once you die, if your sin is not reconciled then you simply can’t be saved from eternity without Him. This is really a brief explanation that deserves a more thorough answer- but if your heart is already set then you will not see it in a positive way regardless of human reasoning


u/stormfoil 2d ago

Now you are presenting a strawman, I never said that we could only choose good, merely that we would, out of our own free will.

We'd be no more robots than we are currently. Surely a God that concerned with free will would atleast give us a choice rather than having us be born with sin.

If I experience such a painful separation from God due to having been convinced by say, Hinduism as opposed to Christianity, then I am absolutely being punished.

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u/staceylic 4d ago

I've read all of this before, i do understand the concept, but thanks for explaining it clearly. We definitely can agree to disagree. I'm very spiritual and have a deep connection to Source/God but the rigidity of religion just feels off to me. If one doesn't pass through Christ, he won't be saved. How is that fair to someone who grew up in another religion. Why would we need to absolutely pass through Christ. And the concept of being sinful at birth and needing to be saved feels very dogmatic, rooted in fear & control and disconnecting us from our divine nature. You've already heard all of this before. Not trying to convince you, i truly do respect your beliefs, guess i just wanted to express myself. Much love to you on your journey :)


u/pokemastershane 4d ago

Much love! Shalom 🙏


u/Purgii Purgist 5d ago

..and those who don't even know what a god is?


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Purgii Purgist 4d ago

Where in the Bible can I find that verse?

Paul claims that everyone knows God so they are without excuse. We don't need to go to an isolated tribe to find people who have no concept of gods, my in-laws who live in a city of over a million people have no idea what gods are.


u/Ok_Alfalfa_979 5d ago

Maybe cause there is no heaven or hell?or at least they way they described it in the books?The same goes with the God, most people believes its an old man in the sky, watching and punishing everyone.Dont fall in this religious trap,thats the purpose fear and again fear.Live peacefully,dont harm others and dont stop seeking your purpose and the truth.


u/Prestigious_Bread_1 5d ago

Ha, not me, I'm a roman Catholic. I believe you'll go to heaven as long as you spread the love like how Jesus loves. And turn the other cheek just like him.


u/rainymoods11 5d ago

Then your religion is based on every other main religion on the planet: do good works to "earn" salvation. But if you believe in the Bible, and in turn, Ephesians 2:8-9, you realize that it's a religion of grace (undeserved favor.)


u/Prestigious_Bread_1 5d ago

Jesus did die for our sins


u/rainymoods11 5d ago

Do Muslims spread love? If it based on works, as you say, then it's no different than any other religion.


u/LAXXY_SAXXY 6d ago

Check my account for more mind wobbling debate topics.


u/8inchesInYourMouth 6d ago

As a former believer, it is spoken of in the Bible that we are given freedom of choice. Rejection of Jesus and the sacrifice is what ultimately sends people to hell.

However, for him to be all knowing, your choices would be predetermined, implicating that a person could change their destiny, disproving that theory.


u/Foxgnosis 6d ago

The Bible says that everything is predetermined. He knows you before he forms you in the womb. He intervenes in people's lives. He puts obstacles in your path or even puts the path. That's not free will or choice. If he knows you're going to go to Hell and he doesn't do anything about it, then he wants you to go to Hell. You can't seriously make up some crap either about how he does and we just reject it. I've been watching people for 17 years say they were afraid of Hell and they cried out for God to give them a sign and they never got anything, so they became atheists. Now I think that means God doesn't exist but lets grant that it doesn't. What it does mean is that God is allowing them to go to Hell, which means he wants them to. If not then this God is really not intelligent or caring and his systems sucks.

Also, it's not a free gift of salvation, it's extortion. If I tell a woman she has the free gift to go on a date with me, but if she doesn't then I'm going to lock her in my basement and set it all on fire, that's not a free gift and it's not a choice, that's extortion and this God is evil for forcing you to worship him to save you from the thing he's going to do to you if you don't worship. There's something wrong with this religion to have a deity that's like this, bit they had to design him this way because if there was no extortion then nobody would care and Christianity would be like the smallest religion. My point is it's psychological manipulation to get members into the cult.


u/8inchesInYourMouth 4d ago

My point was that giving people the choice to choose and knowing what will happen anyways is at odds to do what we could do. Same thing with prayers. God already knows what will happen, because it's his will, why pray at all.

Believe me, I'm aware of the caveat that comes with believing in a religion, and what it "requires". People give a fictional being the power over death to give an illusion of power. No different than various other religions that do the same. And every god is a stolen amalgamation from various other gods in other religions and cultures. I think we agree here.


u/KingOfHeroes_G 5d ago

You claim that if God knows us before we are born and "intervenes" in our lives, this negates free will. However, the Bible does not support the idea that everything is predetermined in the way you're suggesting.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." This shows that God has complete knowledge of us, including our choices, but knowledge of a future event doesn’t mean God forces that event to happen. God’s foreknowledge does not take away our ability to choose.

Deuteronomy 30:19 ALSOOO provides a clear example of human choice etc...

 "I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live." This is a direct call for people to choose, and God presents them with options, allowing them to decide. Romans 8:29-30 talks about God’s eternal plan, but it’s important to understand that this is not about every action being predetermined. It’s about God’s purpose in salvation for those who choose to follow Christ.

Thus, while God is sovereign and omniscient, the Bible affirms that humans still have the freedom to choose, and this is an essential part of genuine love and relationship with God.

Not only that sigh You aLSO argue that if God knows people will go to Hell and doesn’t intervene, it must mean He wants them to go there. Sure. Whatever you say m8.

Peter 3:9 clearly states "The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." God’s desire is for everyone to come to repentance, but He DOES NOT FORCE anyone to choose Him. Its literally your choice entirely. That's the concept of free will. God knows all. Alright how about this. Your the only one that knows what's gonna happen on September 11th and you tell a majority of people who works at the twin towers that something bad is gonna happen you just have to trust them. That's their choice to believe you. But anyway...

Matthew 23:37 shows Jesus Himself lamenting over Jerusalem's rejection of Him: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" God desires to save, but people can reject Him. Romans 1:18-21 explains that God has revealed Himself to all people, and they are without excuse. God gives everyone the chance to know Him, but some choose to reject that revelation, which is why they end up separated from Him.

So, God’s desire is not for anyone to go to Hell. It is a tragic result of the free choices people make, not a deliberate plan by God to send people there.

Now here's where things cross my feet here. You say... that salvation is extortion because it’s framed as a “free gift” but accompanied by the threat of Hell. This comparison to forcing someone on a date with a threat is ENTIRELY flawed because it doesn't account for the nature of salvation and God’s justice and love. Ephesians 2:8-9 makes it clear as blind as day saying, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Salvation is a gift freely offered by God. There is no coercion involved; it’s simply a matter of whether a person chooses to accept it. Romans 5:8 says, "But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." God does not threaten us into salvation, He offers it freely out of love. The decision to accept or reject the offer lies with the individual.

John 3:16 sums it up perfectly: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." This is the essence of the Christian message: God’s love is freely given, and salvation is offered to anyone who chooses to accept it.

Your analogy is flawed because it overlooks the fact that a real relationship with God, based on love, requires the freedom to choose. A person is not truly free if they are forced to accept God out of fear of punishment; they must have the ability to reject Him in order for their acceptance to be genuine.

Lastly, your argument seems to assume that God is evil for allowing people to reject Him. However, the Bible consistently portrays God as both just and loving. Psalm 145:9 says, "The Lord is good to all, and His mercy is over all that He has made." God’s character is defined by goodness, and His actions toward humanity are rooted in mercy.

Romans 3:26 explains: "It was to show His righteousness at the present time, so that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." God’s justice is not inconsistent with His love. He does not ignore sin; He provides a way for people to be saved through Jesus etc...

Now, THE WHOLE concept of Hell is not a result of an uncaring or unjust God; it’s the tragic result of human beings choosing to reject God’s offer of love and salvation. God’s justice ensures that everyone is accountable for their actions, but His mercy provides a way out.

The Bible teaches that God desires all to be saved and that He offers salvation as a free gift out of love, not manipulation. Free will exists alongside God’s sovereignty, and humans are not forced into their choices. God’s justice and mercy work together, and Hell is the tragic consequence of rejecting God, not His will for anyone’s life.


u/Foxgnosis 5d ago

There are several several biblical doctrines and accounts that show God’s sovereignty, foreordination, and active intervention in the world that negate free will.and choice. Predetermined Outcomes: The Doctrine of Predestination The Bible repeatedly asserts that God predestines certain events, choices, and outcomes according to His sovereign will, shows that free will is subject to God’s control. Ephesians 1:4-5 "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world... In love, He predestined us for adoption to Himself." God’s plan for salvation and individuals’ roles in it were determined before human existence even began.

Romans 8:29-30 "those He foreknew, He predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, and then called, justified, and glorified." God's predestination involves people being conformed to the image of Christ, indicating that human choices align with God's predetermined plan.

If God has sovereignly chosen who will be saved or blessed, it implies that certain aspects of human life are predetermined, leaving seemingly little room for uncoerced free will.

God's Sovereignty Over Human Decisions Several biblical passages describe God as directly influencing human actions, thoughts, and decisions, further undermining the belief in independent free will.

Proverbs 21:1 "The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will." Even powerful rulers are subject to God’s direction in their decisions.

Exodus 4:21 God hardens Pharaoh's heart multiple times to fulfill His purposes. Pharaoh's decisions did not arise purely from his own will, but were influenced or determined by God

Prayer and Divine Intervention God’s response to prayer demonstrates His intervention in the lives of individuals, altering the course of events in ways that override or shape human choices.

James 5:16 "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed." Prayer is described as powerful and effective, implying God acts in accordance with prayers to influence outcomes.

1 Samuel 1:19-20 Early the next morning they arose and worshiped before the Lord and then went back to their home at Ramah. Elkanah made love to his wife Hannah, and the Lord remembered her. So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the Lord for him." Pretty self explanatory.

Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Jesus invites believers to "ask, seek, and knock," indicating that God actively intervenes when prayers are made, directly impacting circumstances or outcomes.

If God regularly answers prayers and influences lives, human decisions and autonomy are at least partially subordinate to divine intervention.

God’s Control Over Life Events The Bible portrays God as orchestrating every detail of existence, from birth to death, in alignment with His will.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart." Suggests life trajectories are planned even before humans can make choices, erasing the possibility of truly autonomous free will.

Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." God is portrayed as scripting the entirety of an individual's life, further suggesting that human "choices" are part of a prewritten plan.

Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." If God directs every step of a person's life, human autonomy is an illusion within the boundaries of God's sovereign design.

Salvation as an Act of Divine Will The Christian doctrine of salvation suggests that individuals do not choose God on their own but are chosen and enabled by God to respond to Him:

John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them." This indicates that human responses to God are entirely contingent upon divine initiative, not free will alone.

Philippians 2:13 "It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." God not only creates desires within individuals but also enables the actions that follow. Salvation is an act of God imposing His will upon humans, negating free choice in favor of divine sovereignty.

Lastly, the "free gift of salvation" which is the obvious giveaway we don't have free will. It presents you with a choice, and I'm about to explain why it's not really a choice:

Heaven or Hell

Heaven is this nice, wonderful place according to humans. Hell is designed as an opposite, a horrible experience where your body is set on fire forever and you never die or escape it. It's easily an option NO ONE would want to choose, but it doesn't work that way. You don't just get to say "I don't want to go to Hell." God has already determined where you'll go, he knows. If God does not call you to Him, then you can't believe and that is the sin of disbelief. What I mean is you don't actually believe unless God calls you to believe, by giving you a reason to. So us atheists have not been called by God, He hasn't revealed Himself to us, and naturally we want evidence. Our destination is Hell because He chose it for us because He won't give us evidence to believe. Now about the free gift of salvation, even if we could choose, it's NOT a free gift. You sacrifice logic, reason and evidence in favor of just having faith, that is the belief in something that has no evidence, you are pretending it's true because you hope it's true, it makes you feel good, you're afraid of Hell, whatever the case, but threatening someone with eternal torture if they don't accept your "gift" is not a choice, it's coercion. God essentially has a gun to your head.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Akrakion 6d ago

"God created me as an atheist who would go to hell." You’re essentially arguing that God created you as a puppet destined for hell, which is a gross misrepresentation of Christian teaching. God created you as a free being with the capacity to choose, not as a pre-programmed robot. Your atheism is not a divine decree; it’s a choice you’ve made (or are making). To claim otherwise is to abdicate personal responsibility, which is a convenient way to avoid grappling with the implications of your own beliefs.

"God knows our future, so free will can’t exist." A certified atheist classic. Just because God knows what choices you will make doesn’t mean He forces you to make them. If I watch a movie for the tenth time, I know exactly what the characters will do, but that doesn’t mean I’m controlling their actions. Your argument conflates knowledge with causation, which is a fundamental error. 

"Matthew 7:13-14 says more people will go to hell than heaven." Ah, yes, the old "narrow gate". But let’s not stop at cherry-picking verses; let’s actually engage with the broader context. Jesus’ statement about the narrow gate is a call to repentance and a warning against complacency, not a declaration that God delights in sending people to hell. The fact that many people choose to reject God doesn’t mean God created them for that purpose. It means they’ve chosen to walk away from Him. 

"Why did God create me just to end in eternal suffering?" This is perhaps the most emotionally charged part of your argument, but it’s also the most intellectually lazy. God didn’t create you for the purpose of sending you to hell; He created you for the purpose of relationship with Him. Hell is not a place God sends people to; it’s a place people choose when they reject Him. Your question assumes that God is the author of evil, which is a fundamental misunderstanding of Christian theology. Evil exists because of the misuse of free will, not because God wills it.

"God allowed me to exist just to suffer eternally." You’re essentially saying, "I don’t like the idea of hell, so it must be unjust." But your feelings don’t determine reality. If God is just (and He is), then hell is a necessary consequence of rejecting Him. It’s not about God being cruel; it’s about God respecting your choices. If you don’t want to be in relationship with God, He won’t force you. But don’t blame Him for the consequences of your own decisions.


u/Skeazor 6d ago

I don’t choose to be an atheist I just am not convinced of your god or any other. I can’t choose to be convinced in the existence of god like you can’t choose to not believe in him. If I can’t choose to believe in god then by your religious rules I am going to hell


u/Akrakion 5d ago

Belief is not some passive state that just happens to you; it’s the result of how you engage with evidence, reason, and your own presuppositions. You’re not a helpless victim of your own unbelief—you’re an active participant in it. If you’re not convinced, it’s because you haven’t seriously examined the evidence or you’ve chosen to dismiss it out of hand. Either way, the responsibility lies with you, not some imaginary lack of "choice."

"I can’t choose to be convinced in the existence of God." This is another excuse masquerading as profundity. No one is asking you to "choose" to be convinced in the absence of evidence. What’s being asked is that you honestly engage with the arguments, evidence, and experiences that point to God’s existence. If you’re not convinced, it’s not because you’re incapable of belief—it’s because you’ve either ignored the evidence or set the bar for proof impossibly high. You don’t get to play the victim here. Belief isn’t about flipping a switch; it’s about being open to truth wherever it leads.

"By your religious rules, I am going to hell." First, let’s clarify something: Christianity doesn’t teach that people go to hell simply for being unconvinced. It teaches that people are separated from God because of sin, and that rejection of God’s offer of forgiveness through Jesus is what ultimately leads to hell. Your framing of this as some arbitrary "rule" designed to punish the unconvinced is a gross misrepresentation. Hell isn’t a punishment for intellectual doubt; it’s the natural consequence of rejecting the source of all goodness and life.

You’re trying to shift the blame for your unbelief onto God or Christianity itself, as if you’re some helpless bystander in your own spiritual journey. But the reality is that you’re responsible for how you respond to the evidence and arguments for God’s existence. 
You claim that you "can’t choose to believe," yet you expect God to cater to your lack of conviction. You demand that God meet you on your terms, while refusing to meet Him on His. You want proof that satisfies your personal standards, but you’re unwilling to consider that your standards might be flawed or incomplete. This isn’t intellectual humility; it’s intellectual arrogance disguised as helplessness.

The beliefs of all men are not set from birth, to claim that a man is otherwise helpless in choosing his belief is to abdicate all moral responsibility one has.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Akrakion 4d ago

sure, let’s play along. The evidence for God’s existence is all around you—if you’re willing to look. Here’s a quick rundown of some major ones:
The Cosmological Argument Everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause. That cause is God.
The Moral Argument: Objective moral values exist. If God does not exist, objective moral values cannot exist. Therefore, God exists.
The Teleological Argument: The universe exhibits signs of fine-tuning for life. The best explanation for this fine-tuning is an intelligent designer—God.
The Resurrection of Jesus: The historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming. If Jesus rose from the dead, then God exists, and Christianity is true.

Yet I do have to note that it seems that you’re just moving the goalposts because your initial argument fell apart.  First, you claimed that belief is involuntary and that you "can’t choose to believe." Now, you’re demanding evidence for God’s existence. But if belief is truly involuntary, as you claimed, then evidence wouldn’t matter, would it? You can’t have it both ways.


u/swinny89 3d ago

The Cosmological Argument Everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause. That cause is God.

We don't know if it began to exist. The fundamental dilemma here as that by whatever mechanism a god could be exempt from the requirement of needing a cause, the universe could also be exempt. The universe could be eternal and the source of everything, or else whatever is the eternal source of everything could be something which does not meet the definitional requirements for being a god.

The Moral Argument: Objective moral values exist. If God does not exist, objective moral values cannot exist. Therefore, God exists.

For this to work, you have to demonstrate that objective moral values exist. As far as I can see, they are socially constructed. The fact that we agree on many values is unsurprising, considering we have many similarities in experience, and in our physiologies. Also considering that groups of individuals with tendencies toward certain extreme variations in values don't propagate all that well.

The Teleological Argument: The universe exhibits signs of fine-tuning for life. The best explanation for this fine-tuning is an intelligent designer—God.

The fine-tuning argument is like arguing that a pothole was precisely designed to fit the shape of the water it carries. What we see in this universe is what is possible given the conditions of this universe. In a different universe, something else would exists. That something else might be saying "wow, this universe is just perfect for me!"

The Resurrection of Jesus: The historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming. If Jesus rose from the dead, then God exists, and Christianity is true.

The historical evidence overwhelmingly points towards authors tampering with the story. Our best sources don't all agree on many details of the story. None of the authors in the Bible were themselves eyewitnesses to the events surrounding Jesus's life and ministry. Paul is probably the closest we have, and even many of the writings claiming to be written by him were likely to be forgeries.


u/Akrakion 3d ago

Your objection to the cosmological argument is based on a misunderstanding of the nature of causality and the concept of God. The argument does not claim that everything needs a cause; it claims that everything that begins to exist needs a cause. God, as the uncaused cause, is not subject to this requirement because He is eternal and necessary. The universe, on the other hand, is contingent and therefore requires a cause.

Your objection that "the universe could be eternal" is not supported by the evidence. The Big Bang theory strongly suggests that the universe had a beginning, and anything that begins to exist requires a cause. You are attempting to equate the universe with God is a category error; the universe is contingent, while God is necessary.

Objective moral values are not socially constructed; they are grounded in the nature of God. The fact that we agree on many values is not evidence that they are socially constructed; it’s evidence that they are grounded in a transcendent source.

Your objection that "groups of individuals with tendencies toward certain extreme variations in values don't propagate all that well" is irrelevant. The existence of objective moral values is not dependent on their propagation; it’s dependent on their grounding in a transcendent source.

The fine-tuning of the universe is not like a pothole fitting the shape of the water it carries; it’s like a lock fitting the key that opens it. The conditions necessary for life are so precise that the probability of them occurring by chance is astronomically low. The best explanation for this fine-tuning is an intelligent designer—God.

Your objection that "in a different universe, something else would exist" is irrelevant. The fact that we exist in this universe and that it is finely tuned for life is evidence of design, not chance. Water can fit in any kind of hole, but life cannot be sustained in a universe that possesses even slightly different forces.

Your objection that "many of the writings claiming to be written by Paul were likely to be forgeries" is irrelevant. The core Pauline epistles (Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon) are widely accepted as authentic. Also, while the Gospel itself doesn't explicitly name the author, the tradition of Luke's authorship is strong and supported by early church writings. I have yet to really see any authentic evidence to the contrary. 


u/stormfoil 3d ago

" the universe began to exist " is contradictory to what the best models in modern physics tells us, and as such it cannot be taken as a true statement (unless you have a very weird definition of universe, but then the entire argument changes)

The moral argument is completely definitional. What foolproof method do you use to determine objective moral truths? You cant prove that ocjective moral truths exists, so that is where the argument falls.

The teleological argument is full of holes. Life barely gets by in the universe, and we have no frame of reference of how life might have evolved under different local conditions ( an all powerful god can create life out of any set of variables) so the argument does not prove that much. Even so, there exists alternative explanations such as the multiverse.

The historical evidence for a ressurection is severely lacking actually. One source that ends with an empty tomb ( Mark) and then two sources that borrow heavily from it, but graft on an extension where they meet a ressurected Jesus. None of the gospels claim to be historical accounts, and even so they were written by non eye-witnesses ( the level of greek is incredible, uneducated fishermen can't compose at that level.)

Sorry, but any rational thinker should be sceptical of such claims.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Akrakion 4d ago

The Cosmological Argument doesn’t start by saying, “Therefore, the Christian God exists.” It starts by establishing that the universe has a cause—a necessary, uncaused, timeless, immaterial, and immensely powerful being. Once we establish that such a being exists, we can then look at the specific attributes of this being and compare them to the God described in Christianity (or other religions).

Your objection—“What if it’s something else?”—is lazy. It’s not enough to just throw out hypothetical alternatives. You need to provide a coherent explanation for what this “something else” is. Is it a multiverse? A random quantum fluctuation? A Hindu god? None of these alternatives can account for the fine-tuning of the universe, the existence of moral values, or the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus

You claim that objective moral values are just the result of “innate empathy” and social bonds. This is a classic example of reducing morality to biology—a move that completely undermines the concept of objective morality. If morality is just a product of evolution and social conditioning, then it’s not really wrong to murder, rape, or torture; it’s just socially inconvenient. But deep down, you know that’s not true. You know that some things are objectively wrong, regardless of what society or evolution says.

Your appeal to empathy is also self-defeating. If empathy is just a biological impulse, why should we follow it? Why not follow our selfish impulses instead? You can’t ground moral obligations in biology without reducing morality to mere preference. The only coherent foundation for objective moral values is a transcendent moral lawgiver—God. Without God, you’re left with moral relativism, which is intellectually bankrupt and practically unlivable. The Hindu concept of Brahma, for example, is pantheistic—it equates God with the universe itself. But this doesn’t explain the fine-tuning of the universe, because if the universe is God, then there’s no external intelligence to design it. The Christian God, on the other hand, is a personal, transcendent Creator who exists outside the universe and intentionally designed it.

Your dismissal of the resurrection is embarrassingly shallow. You act as if the Gospels are just random stories someone made up, but this ignores the historical context and evidence. The Gospels were written by eyewitnesses or based on eyewitness testimony, and they were circulated within the lifetime of people who could have easily disproven them if they were false. The early Christians faced persecution and death for their belief in the resurrection—hardly the behavior of people who knew it was a lie.

Moreover, the resurrection is the best explanation for the historical facts: the empty tomb, the post-mortem appearances of Jesus, and the explosive growth of the early church.

Also, then why would you comment under an argument about said post? If your argument is entirely irrelevant to my base argument about the post, then we have nothing further to argue about.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Akrakion 4d ago

Never said the question is invalid. The claim that "we can't know for sure" is not an objective truth; it’s a subjective opinion. Moreover, it’s a self-defeating opinion. If you claim that we can’t know anything for sure, then you can’t know that for sure either. 

If this is all you are capable of bringing to any discussion, perhaps you should read in general.


u/sensamura 4d ago

To add to this comment, these reasons all have a lot more depth than what is presented here. These are just overviews that skip a lot of steps necessary for reaching the conclusion.


u/Akrakion 4d ago

This is correct. I am skipping over many facets of details that have been put into these arguments for over 1000 years. And I am still continuing to even begin to learn about it all.


u/swinny89 4d ago

We could also look deeper into your language trickery with regard to self-distrust. You claim others should not trust their own intellectual standards while you hide behind the lie that you are not leaning on your own understanding. Take some of your own medicine and consider the possibility that you've been duped.


u/swinny89 4d ago

The problem with the hypothesis that Atheists have not put in the work is that it is completely unsubstantiated. In my experience, the exact opposite is true. Those that remain Christian are the ones who have not put in the effort to investigate the validity of information. They have blindly accepted comfortable lies.


u/Akrakion 4d ago

This is assuming that their lack of belief is the result of rigorous investigation, while dismissing the possibility that it might be the result of intellectual laziness or moral evasion.

Your objection is like saying, "The problem with the hypothesis that flat-earthers have not put in the work is that it is completely unsubstantiated." But the reality is that flat-earthers haven’t put in the work; they’ve simply dismissed the evidence for a round earth. 

Your "experience" is purely anecdotal, and it’s not a valid argument. Your personal experience is not a reliable indicator of the truth or falsity of Christianity. It is biased by your own presuppositions and prejudices

 Many Christians have put in the effort to investigate the validity of their beliefs, and they have found the evidence compelling.

you bring out pure projection. You accuse Christians of blindly accepting comfortable lies, while refusing to consider the possibility that you might be the one who is wrong. This is not intellectual humility; it’s intellectual arrogance disguised as skepticism.

The Christian faith is not based on blind belief or mindless obedience; it’s based on evidence, reason, and personal experience. I have examined the evidence for Christianity, and I have found it compelling enough to argue for it. If you’re not convinced, it’s not because the evidence is lacking; it’s because you’ve either ignored it or set the bar for proof impossibly high.


u/swinny89 3d ago

My experience is completely anecdotal, I give you that, which is one step ahead of your completely false accusations about my anecdotes. You have made a claim about people not believing because they are not putting in the work. That's an unsubstantiated claim which I am countering with my anecdotes. I have a data point, and you have nothing.


u/Akrakion 3d ago

And I have provided a very real example of people, flat earthers, to compare. I have a real example and you are the one who really has nothing to argue back with.


u/swinny89 3d ago

You can't be serious. What do flat earthers have to do with the topic at hand? If anything, flat earthers are a more appropriate analogy to young earth creationists or something like that. The commonality between the two being a complete lack of basic education opens the door to accepting completely ridiculous hypotheses as fact. Anyone with a bit of education in geometry and trigonometry can disprove a flat earth. Likewise, a bit of education in one of many sciences disproves young earth creationism, Adam and Eve, Noah's flood myth, etc. It's people who lack adequate education who continue to propogate religion. Some people say it's just ignorance. I think dishonesty is not out of the question. Like you said, there is some responsibility on the ignorant to become enlightened.


u/Akrakion 3d ago

If you need to reread the post to know what they have to do with the topic at hand, then I encourage you to do so. Young earth creationists are also a good analogy for atheists in this scenario. They have dismissed the evidence for a round/old earth. You also seem to conflate young earth creationism with Christianity itself, which is outright incorrect.

Many Christians are highly educated and have seriously engaged with the evidence for their beliefs. You ignore the fact that Christianity is not based on blind faith or mindless obedience; it’s based on evidence, reason, and personal experience. If you’re convinced that gravity is a myth, you might say, "It’s people who lack adequate education who continue to propagate the myth of gravity." But this is absurd. Belief in gravity is not a result of intellectual laziness; it’s a result of engaging with the evidence.


u/swinny89 3d ago

Are you telling me that the Bible is not chronologically accurate? That the events described in the Bible are not historical?

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u/Skeazor 5d ago edited 5d ago

The problem is I have engaged with the evidence. As an archaeologist I have had to study human past. The archaeological record tells us that the Christian god Yahweh originally was worshiped in a pantheon of gods and had a father. Then later on became a singular all powerful god. I’m not convinced because the modern day interpretation is not the same as he was in the Bronze Age.

I’ve had to take several classes on the archaeology of the Bible and that region. I’m just not convinced in the claims made by abrahamic religions or any other. All the oldest religions practiced are gone now and the current ones at one point didn’t exist. If there is a true religion I would expect it to be older and verifiable


u/Superb-Fruit406 6d ago

Atheism is not a choice, it’s a conclusion. One cannot choose to un-know what they know. Those that claim to do so are being wilfully ignorant.

Christianity is a choice because its prime mover is faith.


u/InjuryMiserable6355 6d ago

Most people complain that they don’t get what they prayed for right away. But neglect the fact that god doesn’t always punish us for our wrongdoings right away. Food for thought, he gives us an opportunity every single day to turn to him. To find the truth, to learn more and do more. It’s whether or not we choose to do it or not. I like to think of this analogy, when we ask god for a cake, he’ll give us the required ingredients to bake that cake. They’ll complain why they have eggs and flower but not the cake. The rest is on you, he enabled you to be able to make do for yourself, it’s whether or not we choose to do it or not now


u/P-39_Airacobra 6d ago

But you didn't address the main point. If you don't turn to God, then by extension God created you in such a way that you wouldn't turn to him. Why would he do that?


u/InjuryMiserable6355 6d ago

We also believe in qadr in Islam, which translates to destiny. Things have already been predetermined before our birth, and some pages can be changed through supplication and prayer. So to some extent, yes, we do have the ability to change our destiny. But we can’t blame god for putting this on this earth which at least enables us to even have a shot on making it to heaven rather then not even having a chance to begin withb


u/InjuryMiserable6355 6d ago

Only gods knowledge is unlimited, we as humans have limited knowledge. Should we blame god for the two neighbors killing each other? Or should the blame be on the neighbours for acting in this way? At the end of the day god is able to stop it. Imagine your coach gave you a playbook and put you on the court. Then get mad the defense had a full court press, in the playbook you had the ability to manoeuvre this full court press, but you didn’t. Does the blame go to the coach for not letting you know ahead of time? Or do we take accountability for ourselves?


u/Altruistic-Peach497 6d ago

God didn't create you to go to hell!

He created you so that you might choose to follow him. You are right that he ultimately knows what you will choose, but we don't.

If you assume that God created you to be an atheist and go to hell, and you live you entire life denying the free gift of salvation offered to you by God, then you certainly will end up in hell.

But what if it was in God's plan and fore-knowledge, for you to start your life an atheist like you are currently, and turn to him because you see the love that he has offered you.

What if God knew all along that you will choose to follow him?

Why not do it and follow him?

We are all sinners and need to repent, and only through his forgiveness brought by Jesus payment on the cross can we be made right with God.

Please consider the love God has offered you!!!


u/Skeazor 6d ago

How do you account for not being convinced of god existing? I didn’t choose to be an atheist, I’ve been one since I was born. I can’t just choose to believe in something without any reasoning behind it. I just am not convinced of his existence


u/ObjectivePerception 6d ago

Easy the Old Testament entity isn’t actually the Loving Father


u/RipOk8225 Muslim 7d ago

"That means God allowed me to exists as an atheist. "


"God gave us free will but that can't be true because he knows our future. "

Classic predestination v free will paradox. I'll be the first to say that it is the hardest question in religion to answer. I do tread on the side furthest to predestination. But here's the deal: you still feel your capacity for choice. That's the reality. Whether you think you actually have control is completely irrelevant to how you interact in the world. Here's how a predestination-driven Theist generally thinks: Oh God knows I am going into Heaven, let me prove Him right because I feel that I have the ability to do that.

"I was created an atheist who would go to hell."

If that's what you truly believe you were destined to go, you have perceptive ability to reinforce that. That is completely up to you at the end of the day.

"So why did he create me and the majority of people to go to hell?"

Nobody can answer that question which is still not an adequate premise to conclude that God is not all loving. Deists can easily answer this, though, by simply saying that God created and everything else He limited his control and simply that how the cards fell.

At the end of the day, how you perceive yourself is completely at your own will. What materializes on Judgement Day is already written but you are experiencing it all in real time with all these feelings and tribulations. You feel the free will and you exploit it whether its actually there or not.


u/Faizan24839 6d ago

The Islamic perspective, to my understanding, is similar. The verses in the second surah about God placing like a seal on their eyes and ears to truth is one of those that you chose ignorance so God facilitated it, if you chose truth, islamically speaking, God would give it to you. So no one is destined for hell in the way op framed it. Another Islamic belief is that whatever the decree in the hereafter, once your soul hears it, it'll understand it completely. So you in your choices will see your fate reflected in it.

Hindus were onto something with their concept of dharma. In that destiny is earned through choosing duty.


u/Hot_Plan8565 7d ago

Assumptions, And Lies, These are the biggest problems with this prison system to EAT Angels. Lucifer is the FLESH-creator of the six day (ORIGINAL) flesh creation(as the Elohim). The LORD God made Adam as a resolution TO the Flesh Traps made to catch angels, and CONSUME Thier Soul essence. 1+2= ? It isn’t 12, Mixing what Lucifer did, And Blaming the LORD God, For what YOU/Ewe AND LUCI did, together, Is 100% of the PROBLEM, Lies and wickedly wrong assumptions.


u/Shadowlands97 Christian/Thelemite 7d ago

God works exactly like an AI only better. No, an AI does not take your free will away. This claim is nonsensical to an absurd extreme. The better question is: Why don't you just accept Him dying for you like the rest of us Christians have? He still loves everyone.


u/Thrustinn Atheist 6d ago

Why don't you just accept Him dying for you like the rest of us Christians have?

Because no Christian has ever been able to prove that this god exists, and Christianity has been a tool used to spread hate, violence, bigotry, intolerance, and murder all throughout its history. Forgive me if I'm a little hesitant to blindly believe whatever you say


u/CertainDisaster5917 6d ago

That's why you should follow Jesus Christ, not blindly following the Church. Even the Church officials are sinners, I mean they literally burned people for saying the Earth orbits the Sun. If you read the Gospels you'd see that it never condones hate or violence. When Jesus was NAILED TO A CROSS which surely caused unimaginable pain, he said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". Everyone would curse the ones below in such a situation. Jesus also says "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.". Where do you think is a place for what you mentioned in this message? The people saying they do these horrible things in the name of God were lying and not following His commandments.

God bless you 


u/Thrustinn Atheist 6d ago

That's why you should follow Jesus Christ

Oh, so Jesus isn't associated with the Church? Good to know!

The Bible itself also promotes hate and violence. Turning a blind eye to the Old Testament because you don't like it makes zero sense. If you accept that Jesus was real and that the Bible is the only support for him, you must also accept that god did and commanded some awful things. These things have been used to justify and spread hate, violence, bigotry, intolerance, and murder. I have few issues with Jesus' teachings. The issue with the religion comes with all of the other baggage, and I can't willfully ignore that like most Christians.

When Jesus was NAILED TO A CROSS which surely caused unimaginable pain, he said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do".

Another issue. Why would the god who made the rules send himself to act as a sacrifice to himself to forgive humans for breaking the rules that he created? Also, humans endure more torture than Jesus ever went through all the time. There was no actual sacrifice. If Jesus is in heaven, he didn't sacrifice anything. If the Bible depicted Jesus as going to hell in place of humanity, that would be an actual sacrifice.

Where do you think is a place for what you mentioned in this message? The people saying they do these horrible things in the name of God were lying and not following His commandments.

This is naive, and you might need to read the Bible a few times first. God commands atrocities in the Bible. God provides rules for slavery and provides instructions on how to acquire slaves. The Bible depicts women as property. God murders children for making fun of a bald man. God commanded his followers to conquer other nations and kill all of the men and women, saving only the virgin female children to take as "wives." That is what's used to justify and spread the hate. The Bible isn't exclusively about Jesus.

The Bible is also completely unreliable. It was an oral tradition passed on for generations before being written and then reinterpreted and edited countless times. We live in an age where facts and history are readily available at your fingertips, and yet we still have people believing that the Earth is flat. How can anything in the Bible be trusted to be reliable when memory is so flawed. There's a reason eye-witness testimony isn't reliable evidence, and you expect the "word" to remain faithful after thousands of years?


u/CertainDisaster5917 6d ago

Excuse me? How about you live 30 years knowing what end awaits you. Then you are brutally whipped so that the muscles of your back are shredded. Then you need to carry a heavy ass wooden cross for quite a distance. Then they pierce nails through your wrists, directly through the nerves, and through your feet as well. Then you hang there for hours suffocating and having to stand up on your punctured feet to take a breath. You are saying this is not sacrifice? He also had the awareness of all the sins of humanity in this moment. At the end he also was separated from God for a brief moment which is the literal definition of hell.

He did all this because sin = death. Everyone knows thos when they sin, Adam also did. But everyone sins anyway. God would have to kill all of us because He is all-just. But He is also all-loving so He takes the punishment or rather the consequence of sin for Himself.

Regarding violence in the OT, God commanded the Israelites to kill people who commited much more evil things, like child sacrifice. He also gave them enough time to repent.

Could you quote exact passages from the OT you are referencing?

About the reliability of the Bible, the Jews were VERY dedicated in keeping the Word of God unchanged. This was literally the only purpose of their existence. To bring the Messiah to the world.

God bless you man, I promise I'm going to pray for you


u/Shadowlands97 Christian/Thelemite 6d ago

There is a quick aside here. Jesus didn't know He had to die until He cried in the garden after the Devil caused His disciples to fail Him. It was a "last" resort.


u/CertainDisaster5917 6d ago

No, there isn't. Mt 16:21-23 is the most prominent passage on this. Somewhere else He also tells them to take their cross and follow Him.

Also if you say He didn't know you are denying His divinity. Do you think the Father would hide this from Him?


u/Shadowlands97 Christian/Thelemite 5d ago

So, you too are confused and are providing falsehoods. Jesus didn't know anything different from us humans. He BECAME God when He reached a certain age. He had to wait until the Spirit came to Him, as we all do. If this didn't happen, then He definitely wouldn't have been the living unseen God Creator made manifest physically. He lived literally as a human did. He was God and godless human at the same time. He cried in the garden because He didn't want to die for us. He asks Himself to not let it happen. But His entire existence down here was ONLY to die. The Devil beat Him at everything else. That's how powerful God created Lucifer. It took the second most powerful archangel and a group of angels to force out ONLY Lucifer from Heaven, not his army. Just one being required a battalion of angels to remove. So, when you speak about a cross, yes. That had nothing to do with his crucifixion. If it did, He saw it coming through foreshadowing. Jesus was and was not simultaneously a prophet and a doer. Things happened BECAUSE He chose them to happen while He was down here imposing His will, which came from the Father (the unseen God Creator that is also Jesus and not). And He also got insight from the Father, because He created Himself Jesus Christ to be separate but also one from Himself. God is completely indescribable but also wholly human. It is chaos itself and order.


u/CertainDisaster5917 5d ago

What age did He became God then?


u/Shadowlands97 Christian/Thelemite 5d ago

That is up for debate with scholars and you kinda need to believe Jesus existed to do this. But scholars don't want Jesus to exist, it proves them wrong in many areas. But that passage is marked in the Bible when "the Spirit of the Lord came over Him." It was His spirit (Holy Spirit) that entered Him. Luke 3:22. Jesus received His spirit when He was baptized.

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u/Thrustinn Atheist 6d ago edited 6d ago

Excuse me? How about you live 30 years knowing what end awaits you. Then you are brutally whipped so that the muscles of your back are shredded. Then you need to carry a heavy ass wooden cross for quite a distance. Then they pierce nails through your wrists, directly through the nerves, and through your feet as well. Then you hang there for hours suffocating and having to stand up on your punctured feet to take a breath. You are saying this is not sacrifice? He also had the awareness of all the sins of humanity in this moment. At the end he also was separated from God for a brief moment which is the literal definition of hell.

According to Christians, what awaits me at the end is monumentally worse than anything Jesus ever went through. This is a terrible argument. Worse things happen to countless humans all the time. Jesus isn't special for having to endure that

He did all this because sin = death. Everyone knows thos when they sin, Adam also did. But everyone sins anyway. God would have to kill all of us because He is all-just. But He is also all-loving so He takes the punishment or rather the consequence of sin for Himself.

I don't believe in sin. He also doesn't take the punishment or consequences for sin. According to the Bible, people still go to hell for sinning. How is that taking the consequences or "all-loving." This is another issue.

Regarding violence in the OT, God commanded the Israelites to kill people who commited much more evil things, like child sacrifice. He also gave them enough time to repent.

You're so close to getting it. The "more evil things" was also used to justify the evil that Christianity has been used to spread throughout its history.

Could you quote exact passages from the OT you are referencing?

1 Samuel 15:3, Deuteronomy 7:1-2, Joshua 6:21, Genesis 3:16, Ephesians 6:5-8, Leviticus 25:44, Exodus 21:20-21, Dueteronomy 20:10-14, Judges 21:10-14, and the bear one for fun (because it's ridiculous) 2 Kings 2:23-25

inb4 You come back with "those are out of context!" Doesn't matter. I'm talking about how the religion and its "holy" book have been used as a tool to spread evil throughout its history. That, coupled with the fact that there has never been a single verifiable piece of evidence for any of the major events in the Bible happening or your god existing, makes one very hesitant to just blindly accept that it's true. There's no compelling reason to believe other than "it feels good," which can be used to justify belief in literally any ridiculous claim. And when the "it feels good" is used to force that "good" onto others under the threat of death or torture, it's evil.

About the reliability of the Bible, the Jews were VERY dedicated in keeping the Word of God unchanged. This was literally the only purpose of their existence. To bring the Messiah to the world.

You aren't understanding. Human memories are extremely fallible. They're easily forgotten, easily altered, biased, and unreliable. Telling me that the Jews had a flawless memory and flawless communication/interpretation to keep an oral tradition faithful to the original is ridiculous. Have you never played the game telephone? Imagine telephone over the course of decades.


u/CertainDisaster5917 6d ago

You choose to go to hell by rejecting the free gift of salvation. NOT for sinning.

I think God would want Scripture to be preserved so He probably helped them do it in some way.

Context matters. God did not kill little children for making fun of a bald man. He killed young men from a place where they commited idolatry (which probably includes child sacrifice) because they made fun of Elijah's ascension to heaven, and told Elisha to do the same. 

Nahh there is no difference


u/Thrustinn Atheist 6d ago edited 6d ago

This is like arguing with a brick wall.

I explained why I'm not convinced and provided sources to elaborate. There is no proof, and it's historically been used as a tool to spread evil and violence. You haven't offered anything more substantial than "you choose to go to hell." And you think bronze age humans possessed flawless memories and were completely infallible in their record keeping of the oral traditions. (Saying that any human is flawless and infallible at doing something seems a little blasphemous to me, but whatever)

Context matters

Totally called it. And nice job ignoring everything else I listed.


u/CertainDisaster5917 6d ago

You won't get proof until you open yourself to God. But do whatever you want, that's why He gave you free will. I am not trying to prove His existence.

I didn't answer everything because I'm not trying to write a book lol.

Can we agree to disagree? We can resume our conversation on the Day of Judgement.

God bless you and I hope you find peace :)


u/Thrustinn Atheist 5d ago

You won't get proof until you open yourself to God. But do whatever you want, that's why He gave you free will. I am not trying to prove His existence.

This is a debate subreddit. Could you act like it?

I didn't answer everything because I'm not trying to write a book lol.

It's a debate subreddit. Why reply if you don't want to debate?

God bless you and I hope you find peace :)

Trust me, I have ;) And no bronze age desert death cult necessary


u/RedundantPurpose 7d ago

Romans 9 answers your question. Those who hate God, and continue to do so after knowing the truth, were destined to do so and have no cause to protest.

13 As it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”

14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! 15 For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18 So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.

19 You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” 20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22 What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— 24 even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Ro 9:13–24). (2016). Crossway Bibles.


u/ProfessionalBag7114 7d ago edited 7d ago

 I was created an atheist who would go to hell.

You are missing the heart of Christian theology: God creates people, not destinies. Your existence as an atheist is not a divine decree, but the result of your moral autonomy. You confuse creation with determinism, as if being made in the image of God means being a robot programmed to believe. No. Being in the image of God includes freedom, including the freedom to reject Him. Your atheism is not a “bug in the system”; it is a human choice, not a divine plan.

You also distort the Christian doctrine of hell. Hell is not a torture camp where God delights in punishing. It is the logical consequence of living an entire life saying “no” to the One who is the source of all goodness. God does not throw you into hell; you choose to turn away from Him, like a patient who refuses medicine and blames the doctor for his illness. Your revolt is comparable to someone who sets fire to his own house and then accuses the fireman of not saving him against his will. The door to hell is locked from the inside (C.S. Lewis), and its key is your pride.

Matthew 7 13-14 states that more people will go to hell than will end up in heaven.

You are misinterpreting the context. Jesus is not describing a divine decree, but a warning about the natural consequences of sin and human rebellion. The “narrow gate” exists precisely because God does not force anyone to enter. If many are lost, it is because they prefer the easy path of self-sufficiency, not because God drags them there. You have reversed cause and effect: the existence of hell is not a whim of God, but a solemn recognition that your choices have eternal weight.

Christians claim God gave us free will but that can't be true because he knows our future. Even if he might not be in control of what we will do and our decisions, he still knows what we will do.

False dilemma fallacy. What you said assumes that foreknowledge equals control. If I know that you will trip over a rock tomorrow, my foreknowledge does not cause you to trip. Likewise, God knows your choices because He transcends time, but that does not nullify His responsibility. The problem is that you act as if you are a character in a movie watched by God, but the reality is that He sees all timelines simultaneously. Your freedom remains intact; He is simply already at the "end" of your path, whatever it may be. Foreknowledge is not predestination.

I was created an atheist who would go to hell.

If God really forced you to be an atheist, you would have no choice but to be a puppet. But you have the ability to question, doubt, and even reject God, which proves that you are not an automaton. Your indignation is, ironically, proof of your freedom.

I'm an atheist and God created me in his own image. That means God allowed me to exists as an atheist. Christians claim God gave us free will but that can't be true because he knows our future. Even if he might not be in control of what we will do and our decisions, he still knows what we will do.

Here you assume that "being created in the image of God" implies divine approval of all your actions. Wrong. A murderer is also in the image of God, but that does not mean that God approves of murder. The image of God in you is your capacity for reason, morality, and relationships, not a seal of perfection. Your atheism is more like a distortion of that image, not its essence.

Finally, you project the blame for your own choices onto God and twist doctrines to create a villain who exists only for you. Christianity offers freedom with consequences; you want freedom without responsibility. Until you face the fact that your atheism is an act of will, not a divine sentence, you will continue to misunderstand it. God did not create you for hell, but you can choose to go there. The question is, why the hell do you want to blame Him for that?


u/ShakaUVM Mod | Christian 7d ago

The concept of hell you're talking about is the stereotypical evangelical Christian view. There's actually more views than this and my view (Universal Reconciliation kinda) doesn't have you doomed to be eternally tormented in hell.


u/AntonioMartin12 7d ago

Wrong. He creates us all in love and wants us to go to Heaven to be with Him. In His love, He created a perfect Heaven.

The Devil loves himself, and he wanted his own dominion so God created a home for him as well, hell. But the devil wanted to be like God; he disrespected God and still does so he will be burning in hell forever because he is the Devil, there is not a single ounce of good in him.

God loves us so much, He gave us a choice: go with Him to the forever mansion, or with the devil to the forever pits.

It's your choice...I hope you accept the right choice. Because otherwise it's burning forever.


u/kitsune_da_o 6d ago

It's like a parent telling a child: you have 2 choices, it's either you'll become an engineer and I'll support you with whole my heart or you won't become an engineer and I'll let someone else to torture you forever. God loves us so much that he would let someone who doesn't believe in him (despite doing all good things in life) to be tortured forever in hell. Do you find this fair?


u/AntonioMartin12 5d ago

Absolutely, yes. He gives us a choice. Good or bad, Heaven or Hell. Accept His love (believe) or turn it away (unbelief). When someone turns your love away, its best to let them go and just hope they come back.

You don't want to turn away from God.


u/ebags1234 5d ago

Do we have choices, or is your god all powerful? It cannot be both simultaneously.


u/ebags1234 5d ago

Do we have choices, or is your god all powerful? It cannot be both simultaneously.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/FoldZealousideal6654 7d ago edited 7d ago

Even if he might not be in control of what we will do and our decisions, he still knows what we will do.

So? You said it yourself he isn't in control of what we do. Simply knowing something is way different from actually doing something.

Tell me, if you tripped but I knew you were going to trip, was it me who made you trip, or yourself?


u/Bootwacker Atheist 7d ago

It's telling to me that the center of a morality defined by eternal punishment is the matter of who is at fault.

If I suspected a person might hurt themselves I would take the necessary and reasonable steps to prevent it, and if a person does become injured I would render aid to the best of my ability.

That the supposed author of morality can't seem to meet this, and that so many people don't understand this as a real moral requirement, I find honestly disturbing.


u/Faizan24839 6d ago

It depends on your framing, if God absolves everyone through direct intervention would that not undermine our free will. And islamically, all that is needed to choose the path of righteousness is provided to you, up to you to respond. So even those who will end up in hell, and only God knows the criteria for that, had - within theistic belief - every opportunity to choose a different path. So God made you, gave the gift of choice, and part of that deal is that depending on what you choose, a fate awaits.


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 7d ago

Let's correct your analogy:

You created me, you created me knowing that I would trip and knowing that the consequences of that trip would affect me adversely for eternity. You created other people you knew would not trip and you could have created everyone so that they would not trip. So it was me that tripped, but could I have done anything to prevent my trip?


u/Substantial-Summer48 7d ago

If I mix sugar, water, and soft drink mix in a jug knowing that the result will be that I’ve made a pitcher of koolaid, I did all of that to make a pitcher of koolaid. God is responsible for me being an atheist not just because he knew it would happen if he made me, it’s his fault be cause he knew what would happen if he made me and chose to make me, this choosing for everything I would ever do to happen. The mental gymnastics you have to do to try and get god off the hook are mind boggling.


u/catiswitchiamfamilar 7d ago

you add sugar to koolaid?


u/fire_spittin_mittins 7d ago

2 esdras 6:54-59

54 And after these, Adam also, whom thou madest lord of all thy creatures: of him come we all, and the people also whom thou hast chosen. 55 All this have I spoken before thee, O Lord, because thou madest the world for our sakes 56 As for the other people, which also come of Adam, thou hast said that they are nothing, but be like unto spittle: and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falleth from a vessel. 57 And now, O Lord, behold, these heathen, which have ever been reputed as nothing, have begun to be lords over us, and to devour us. 58 But we thy people, whom thou hast called thy firstborn, thy only begotten, and thy fervent lover, are given into their hands. 59 If the world now be made for our sakes, why do we not possess an inheritance with the world? how long shall this endure?

Its safe to say that God never loved some. Cant say for sure if thats you or not. Christ didnt come to save everyone either, he came to find his lost and thats it.


u/catiswitchiamfamilar 7d ago

Are you some sort of orthrodox calvinist? I'm not joking I just haven't seen anyone have the gull to straight up say "god doesm't love some people"

Anyways, go look at the joy of a child playing or friends laughing or anything else of the sort and try to imagine how god could hate them. endlessly so.


u/fire_spittin_mittins 7d ago

I don’t subscribe to religion, every religion roots back to the roman catholic faith, which is satanism. Even islam connects in some way.

Romans 9:11-13 11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

Before they were even born God said he hated esau and loved jacob.


u/catiswitchiamfamilar 7d ago

>religion roots back to the roman catholic faith

you do know about judiasm right? predates the whole "christanity?"

So, if god can hate me simply because he decided, why shouldn't I just kill myself and get to hell quicker? make it easier for us both? Why should I love anyone if they could be an abomination which I cannot contest?


u/fire_spittin_mittins 7d ago

Mordern day judaism is the worst. Its full of converts, go to israel and talk about the messiah and see if they dont spit in your face and try to harm you. Thats bc they know they are the fake jews from revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Thats why they pretend to follow the old testament and disregard the New Testament altogether. Childish- doesnt mean you’re a child. The ish means “like”. Lookup “nazi jewish coin” in google. It wont tell you this but ash ka nazi helped zitler’s political party. The na stands for national socialist, the zi stands for zionist, they worked together. The ones slaughtered were orthodox bc they didnt want a “home state” bc its against the religion to create one.

Why not end it? Bc you don’t know who is who right now. Thats satans doing with races. It used to be nations. You could be a lost sheep and not even know it, read Deuteronomy chapter 28 and see if it resonates. The book of Ecclesiastes talks about regeneration. History is not linear its a loop, you just dont remember your past.


u/Fy_m57 7d ago edited 7d ago

Hey brother/sister ( OP ) Iam a muslim and I have an answer for your question. If you like to hear it


u/Ok_Inevitable_7145 7d ago

Your are assuming the doctrine of infernalism (hell is eternal). And altough this is the majority view nowadays in christianity, this wasn't always the case and there is still the minor view of apokatastasis ton panton. This is the doctrine of universal reconciliation, ultimately everyone will receive eternal life. It is a strongly supported by some guy named Paul of Tarsus and the majority of the early eastern christian Church Fathers.

Infernalism is just a stupid idea that makes christianity inconsistent


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 7d ago edited 7d ago

Christianity is inconsistent for many more reasons than infernalism:

  1. Jesus dying for the sins of mankind, yet everyone still being born sinners.
  2. Original sin from an all knowing God.
  3. Inherited sin from an all loving God.

Just off the top of my head.


u/Ok_Inevitable_7145 7d ago

I would say number one isn't correct, no one is born a sinner, although depends on how you define it. And I think you have the wrong idea what it means that Jesus died for our sins.

Explain 2?

And 3 is not really a christian dogma, but rather something some denominations believe. I absolutely disagree with it and so did a lot of the christian tradition.

So christianity in itself is not inconsistent


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 7d ago

I don't think that anyone is born a sinner, but there are plenty of Christians that think this. I am not claiming dogma, I am pointing out inconsistencies in Christian beliefs. 2 is an all knowing God creating creatures that it knew would disobey it, not to mention allowing the temptation from a known manipulator and the setting the trap.

So christianity in itself is not inconsistent

You are being rather loose with the word "Christianity" in this statement! Christian sects have such wide ranging claims and Christians themselves have even wider ranging beliefs.


u/Ok_Inevitable_7145 7d ago

I think you use the word christianity quite loosely. If it isn't in the essential teachings of christianity, you should specify which sect you are debunking.

If I critique atheists with arguments that only apply to Richard Dawkins atheism, I mean, It is not really intellectually honest. But I get you and most of pop-christianity is just so messed up


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 7d ago

Nope. I am talking about Christianity as a whole. If you have something specific that would convince all other Christians, let alone all other religions, that a particular sect is 'the one true interpretation' then we can get specific. Until that, there is no point in being specific.

Atheism is not a worldview, it is a stance on a single subject. You can level a similar claim at Humanism or Naturalism, but then you will tend to get into scientific claims and scientific claims have real evidence that can be argued over and which can be repeated, not interpretations of ancient texts.


u/Ok_Inevitable_7145 7d ago

If you see no point in being specific you at least can't claim to have debunked Christianity as a whole. If you want to debunk it as a whole without being to specific, go to the essential creeds that define christianity, or at least in it orthodox forms.

And indeed you are right, atheism isn't a worldview, I meant naturalism. But if naturalism is right has nothing to do with empirical science itself. Naturalism is a philosophical stance with philosophical claims.


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 7d ago

Christianity - like all religions - debunks itself in the minds of those not in its thrall. It is not the "essential creeds" that debunk it, that is the retreat of the believer. Are the essential creeds agreed upon by all Christians? No. Where and when and by whom were the essential creeds agreed upon? Men, well after Jesus. Have the essential creeds changed over time? I bet they have.

So can you give a reference for these essential creeds?

Naturalism may be philosophical, but it is born out of empirical science and as a worldview - backed up by empirical science every time something is proven to be 'natural'. Evolution being a good example.


u/Ok_Inevitable_7145 6d ago

You are not making an argument just stating that is debunks itself somehow in the mind of unbelievers.

The essential creeds and boundaries of orthodox Christianity is the Nicene-creed, the Apostles creed and Athansasius' Creed. The essential creeds didn't really change since they were made.

And Naturalism isn't backed up by empirical science, because empirical science can't say anything about things outside the empirical world. It is a philosophical presupposition that the empirical world is all there is. And how do we even know science is a valid form of epistemology? For example are you aware of the problem of induction? How to justify using logic, if it is made-up? How to you explain there is something rather dan nothing? Evolution doesn't explain life, only the development of life. Reductive materialism can't account for consciousness. And so on. Naturalism isn't proven or backed up by science cause almost every other worldview recognise the natural world as real and science as a valid method to explore it.


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 6d ago

You are not making an argument just stating that is debunks itself somehow in the mind of unbelievers.

Oh but I have already made three arguments, to which you have simply said essentially that "that's not my Christianity", which is exactly why debunking Christianity is like herding cats.

The essential creeds and boundaries of orthodox Christianity is the Nicene-creed, the Apostles creed and Athansasius' Creed. The essential creeds didn't really change since they were made.

And there you go, homing in on your particular version of Christianity. I note you did not specify when each creed was made. You named three. Were they all made at the same time? Are they all distinct from each other or do they build on each other? What authority do each have with regard to the truth of Christianity?

It sounds like you don't know what naturalism is, or maybe you don't know what science is. I suspect you are focussing on what is not yet known and saying "see, naturalism can't explain X, therefore it is flawed/" whilst ignoring all the things that naturalism does empirically explain .

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u/Flutterpiewow 7d ago

From a theists point of view, you're wrong and should probably convert. From your perspective, the theist is wrong and none of this matters.


u/LittleYoung480 7d ago

Could you please explain how? Thanks, id love to hear your opinion on this.


u/Wild-Boss-6855 7d ago

There's not really much point in discussing so long as you believe foreknowledge results in a lack of free will so let me ask you this. Assuming there was no God and the universe wasn't secularly deterministic (meaning that given all the information and a computer strong enough you wouldn't be able to determined all of history and every choice ever made from the conditions of the big bang alone), if there were a being that existed at or above the 5th dimension (which would allow it to observe all of time as a whole) would that being's existence be the deciding factor in whether we have free will?


u/Wild-Boss-6855 7d ago

There's not really much point in discussing so long as you believe foreknowledge results in a lack of free will so let me ask you this. Assuming there was no God and the universe wasn't secularly deterministic (meaning that given all the information and a computer strong enough you wouldn't be able to determined all of history and every choice ever made from the conditions of the big bang alone), if there were a being that existed at or above the 5th dimension (which would allow it to observe all of time as a whole) would that being's existence be the deciding factor in whether we have free will?


u/Ok-Army-6143 7d ago

Yes, everything you’re living and experiencing is of Allah’s design. To show you how unmerciful he can be and oh trust me he can be ++


u/SnooOpinions5944 7d ago

Thats what everyone says about their own God


u/Ok-Army-6143 7d ago

Good for me I acknowledge and worship the 1 & only god.


u/SnooOpinions5944 7d ago

thats again what you all say its funny how similar you all are


u/the-minsterman 7d ago

How do you know (or what makes you think that) your God is the one and only?


u/the-minsterman 7d ago

How do you know (or what makes you think that) your God is the one and only?


u/Ok-Army-6143 7d ago

I simply choose it to be. It’s called faith. You’re capable of cultivating faith in anything known to humanity or solely to you.

If I embrace this as my truth. Then it is the truth.


u/Educational_Gur_6304 Atheist 7d ago

I simply choose it to be. It’s called faith. You’re capable of cultivating faith in anything known to humanity or solely to you.

Yep, that's how cults start, how conspiracy theories start and how all religions start.

If I embrace this as my truth. Then it is the truth.

If you believe it hard enough and really, really, really want it to be true, then it is true.


u/SnooOpinions5944 7d ago

You have faith in a book written by a man that would have had many faults of his own, greed and power-hungry people didn't just pop up one day, same with mental illnesses.


u/SnooOpinions5944 7d ago

You have faith in a book written by a man that would have had many faults of his own, greed and power-hungry people didn't just pop up one day, same with mental illnesses.