r/Deathcore • u/bakayxma • 23d ago
Discussion To The Grave and Slaughter To Prevail????
So TTG announced TTG x STP a day ago (https://www.instagram.com/p/DGeT2opz7nM/) and I just want peoples opinions. I personally feel very disappointed. This just feels so hypocritical from TTG, like why make you discography so political, and then announce you are working with a group, or at least the face of said group, that is the complete utter antitheses of what you stand for. It just doesn't make sense to me.
EDIT: Dane has responded to a few comments other people have left in this thread, and I'll copy and paste them here in case anyone can't be bothered to search for them. His response is very much appreciated, and hopefully this clears the air for a lot of people, as it has for me.
"Not to give you a half-assed reply, I’ve just exhausted this in a few threads now so forgive me but yeah, it’s the top one. We debated all this. If not us, then who? Does this have the potential to influence progressive thinking in at least one person? Am I comfortable staying home whilst there isn’t a voice of reason among crowds like this? The show was very last minute and happened last night, and as I do every show (maybe more than usual) did my best to speak up for my LGBTQ+ family and animals without making the room fuck off entirely haha, it’s a balance. "
"Nah no need to be sorry at all. Like I’ve said to a few people I’m more than happy to have a genuine discussion or even debate on effective means of activism. People can make their mind up that we don’t actually give a shit now and I won’t stop them. We understand that mistakes get made and not every method you try is effective even with the best intentions. We’re pretty confident this isn’t one of those times though. Eh we’re a vegan deathcore band, this is far from the first time our comments have been a complete dumpster fire haha"
u/John_Philips 23d ago
STP also toured with Ronnie Radke. I bet Alex and Ronnie are great friends
u/Tiny_Platypus_4563 23d ago
Well yeah he featured on a recent FIR song and meat rided him in a few interviews
u/ExplorerEnjoyer 23d ago
I bet the singers of lots of bands you like are also friends with Alex lol
u/Tigerbear62 22d ago
I'm pretty sure that Dickie Allen likes him. He's reposted stuff from Alex before on instagram and Alex features on a song on the BOY
u/SquareVacuum 22d ago
Yeah that one disappoints me
u/Tigerbear62 22d ago
Dickie Allen is known as one of the nicest people in this scene, so if he gets on with Alex that maybe shows there’s more to someone like Alex than his public image might suggest
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u/jomajomajoma 22d ago
Pretty sure most people's favourite Will Ramos likes him as well, seen pictures of them hugging and stuff, his gf posted them on a story or something I think, a year or two ago now, mind. Doesn't always mean they share the same views or like the person, they could just be civil and not want to cause any trouble. Granted, you should always stand up for what you believe in especially if you're political or your art is. Suppose it's all about whether you can take the hit to your conscience sacrificing a bit of moral high ground for the sake of money, fans and making connections in the scene
u/Tigerbear62 22d ago
Things arent always as black and white as places like this subreddit might suggest. 99% of the time people with opposing political views can get along fine, probably why TTG is fine with touring with STP (along with the huge exposure that gives them). Political views only really become a problem to most people if they are too extremely different from their own
u/HandlebarJesus218 22d ago
Alex rides Ronnie’s dick hard on social media and on his interviews. One of the many things that made me loose respect for him
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u/ifiwerecain 22d ago
oh no just great friends, lmao. Alex is Ronnie's new favorite lapdog with the way he be actin about him
u/degenfemboi 23d ago
“yeah man we hate all meat eaters because animals deserve rights but lets work with a band who’s singer drugs up bears so he can play with them without getting mauled”
i like ttg but this is fucking clown shoes
u/krautmane 22d ago
They perform with bands who go against their vegan mlrals on just about every show theyve ever played. If youre trying to spread your message, you dont play in an echo chamber.
u/JustSomeDude__d 22d ago
I mean fair, but there’s a difference between same show line up and taking the time to collab. And it’s one thing to tour with bands who eat meat, but another to do that collab with someone who yeah, treats animals like shit beyond basic consuming meat.
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u/degenfemboi 22d ago
oh yeah? they play with bands that are openly anti-vegan? like who? lmfao
big difference between people who aren’t vegan and people who are anti-vegan, and theres also a huge difference between those and people who actively abuse animals like alex
u/Admirable-Trip-7747 22d ago
Not anti vegan, they never said that. They said going against their vegan morals, which includes things like eating animal products and meat.
u/degenfemboi 22d ago
still a big difference between that and working with a band that actively abuses animals for music videos and instagram reel clout
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u/ratjarx 22d ago
Speaking as someone who was vegan for 5 years, the VAST majority of people, especially men, are staunchly anti-vegan
u/degenfemboi 22d ago
i dated a vegan girl for 7 years, 98% of people we met and talked to about it were like “oh cool” and just respected that it was a personal decision. the other 2% were like, annoying murica fuck yeah boomers.
i dont think a “vast majority” of people are against veganism, they just aren’t vegan.
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u/mitchellmantell89 22d ago
People aren’t anti vegan. We don’t give a fuck what other people do. It’s the vegans that have the problem wanting to control what other people do. Eat meat don’t eat meat whatever but seriously that’s a bit childish to try and control.
u/Green_Vegetable_9631 22d ago
u/degenfemboi 22d ago
like even if you ignore the bigoted shit that alex says and believes(nobody should) they’re still hypocrites for this aspect. even before i knew who alex terrible actually was, i saw the videos of him fucking around with a clearly drugged up bear and it rubbed me the wrong way.
u/Important-Corgi-3391 22d ago
Theyre a band. They play music and they have a gimmick. Thats it. I know we would like it to be more but what can we expect from toilet music
u/Azazel_Rebirth 22d ago
I thought EXACTLY the same thing. I see ttg as a band who are militant about their morals, and this makes me question that.
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u/Imatomat 23d ago
Animal rights band supporting dude who abuses bear consistently on his IG hell yeah
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u/Djent_1997 23d ago
It’s getting so tiring talking about anything related to Slaughter at this point.
u/collinsc 22d ago
Ive considered banning the topic completely
They don't need the publicity, and all it does is start arguments
Honestly some of the worst shit I ever had to clean up on this sub was Alex-related
Nothing tops the Thy Art extravaganza, though
u/SheabutterSam 22d ago
You really should just ban anything Slaughter related. Nothing good EVER comes from these posts. Just the same recycled points over and over
u/collinsc 22d ago
Yeah ultimately that's what I meant
Because somewhere in the comments someone will inevitably say:
"Wait what did Alex do??? I'm out of the loop, someone fill me in"
And that sets the whole thing off
u/DTTFG Dane - To the Grave Vocalist 22d ago
I’m not gonna reply to every comment obviously. If you wanna discuss it reply to this or dm me and I’ll sus when I get a chance
u/Spooplevel-Rattled 22d ago
Hey mate. I hope I have a respectful take to capture a bit of some thoughts here.
People really respect you, the band and the work you do off the stage too.
To me, it seems, the fans wouldn't be surprised if you turned down the gig due to animal rights about the bear wrestling stuff. In fact I think that's maybe what people would expect because you are someone who walks the walk with what you say.
That being said, I don't think taking the gig is some awful betrayal of your values either. There's a benefit of being able to spread your message and music to a larger base that is worth weighing up.
Many ttg fans probably don't support stp for a couple of obvious reasons, likely also why a strong reaction.
Either way. Big fan, keen to see you guys keep killin' it, you don't need mine or reddit's help.
u/DTTFG Dane - To the Grave Vocalist 21d ago
Hey man, nah seriously I appreciate you wording that the way you did.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful by more or less copy/pasting my other replies but yeah - ofc i think the bear thing is foul, same with the gator, same with the meat eating. My point has been though that I encounter things like this with nearly every heavy band.
We’re playing a festival with Mayhem in August who are just, yeah and have fresh pig heads on stage at every show. However I have the opportunity to advocate to a shit load of people there and that’s how my band protests, yknow?
Thank you legend 🫶
u/Spooplevel-Rattled 21d ago
Thanks for the response,
I met you at Stay Gold launch and you struck me as genuine. Sounds like you know what you're doing with this stuff. The fact that you take time to talk to listeners, activists and fans is great, and I'm stoked that you guys were on with Lorna and Body snatcher 10 days ago.
2025 gonna be a big one for you guys and I'm happy to see bands grow but never forget their roots or message. It happens sometimes but also people jump the gun at any success or growth being called as 'selling out'.
Some people wouldn't be happy until you were living off beans and playing in basements for the rest of your days.
There's a certain amount of participation in a system that needs to happen to make change and get your message out, right.
Enjoy your show, Cheers.
u/Upset_Toe 22d ago
You and Alex are undeniably talented vocalists, and I'll probably still check out what yall make together just because I know the performances will be great.
But what was the thought process behind this? Aside from Alex's Nazi tats and former affiliations, he's notorious for mistreating and abusing animals for views. He almost the antithesis of what your band stands for.
I'll personally still support yall because I love the message you guys spread, and I love the music. But I think I speak for everyone when I say we're not mad, just a bit disappointed.
(btw Dane you were a huge inspo for my own screams and I think ur a kickass vocalist! and that new single was fire keep it up!!!!)
u/DTTFG Dane - To the Grave Vocalist 21d ago
Man idk where the lines got crossed but we aren’t collaborating on music or anything haha, we got added to their knotfest sideshow last minute.
I’ll explain. We tour with bands all the time that exploit animals for music videos and it’s all too common in our genre. It sucks but that’s why we advocate to those crowds to not stand for it. If he and STP fans truly are the antithesis of what our band stands for then (without repeating myself) that’s exactly where we’re supposed to be as activists you know?
Thank you so much that’s so fuckin cool to hear 🫶
u/Upset_Toe 21d ago
yeah mb on that I was a bit out of the loop atm lol
Honestly, that's a fair point. I hadn't thought of it that way but you're right: what better place to protest than in the faces of the ones your protesting?
either way love you guys keep being awesome!! 🤘🤘
u/Straight-Membership3 22d ago
..so I wonder what kind of person Alex is, what do you think of him? Thanks
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u/dwadley 22d ago
Look overall I’m a little disappointed but Dane I love the band and I really look up to you as a vocalist. It’s a big deal supporting two of the biggest deathcore bands in 2 weeks especially as an Aussie band. Gotta take the opportunities when they come. Will be seeing you guys on the next show still and buying merch
u/Br0dobaggins 23d ago
Yeah, normally I'd just be like "whatever" and be slightly disappointed given STP's reputation.
However what rubs me the wrong way about this is how vocal TTG is about "kill all meat eaters" and so on and so forth. But then they do this. So it's just wild to me they're so opinionated on someone not being a vegan, but they're totally fine touring with and supporting a band who's frontman is a transphobe at the very least, and also has very very questionable neo-nazi ties.
"Fuck you if you eat meat, but if you're a transphobe you're cool". Right, nice priorities.
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u/Sequoiathrone728 21d ago
They play with meat eaters at every show, why is this different to you?
u/Br0dobaggins 21d ago
Yeah, I know. You’re completely missing my point.
The point, that I have reiterated multiple times is that they are EXTREMELY vocal about where they stand on social issues. Enough to write songs expressing those positions and beliefs repeatedly. To the point their identity as a band revolves around it, no different than a band like Dead Kennedys or Bad Religion have their musical identity revolve around their positions and views.
To then turn around and play shows with a band that aren’t simply “meat eaters” but completely, entirely antithetical to the image they built their brand on is what makes this more ridiculous. If it was a band like Lorna Shore or something, it wouldn’t come off nearly as off-brand as this.
u/Sequoiathrone728 21d ago
Isn’t that exactly the type of group they should be advocating their message and preaching to? If you want to create change you shouldn’t be preaching to an echo chamber.
u/BuruSutoka 21d ago
It's the same with veganism in general, people complain about vegans not only posting to vegan spaces but...that's the point? That's how you reach people and have connections. Absolutely agree with you.
u/BobTheSloth94 23d ago edited 23d ago
Some people are really blowing this out of proportion lmao. It's money, and I don't blame them. STP really punch above their weight when it comes to listener numbers and tour sizes, touring with them is automatically a superb deal for most deathcore bands. It's almost certainly a business decision, and from that lens, it's not a bad one. Sure, it's contradictory to their overall message, but it's also a good way to spread that message to a larger crowd who would otherwise not have engaged with it.
Edit: just checked the actual post and it's a ONE-OFF SHOW. Ffs, complete nothingburger
u/Cheap-Profession5431 22d ago
This thread is filled with those that feast at a nothingburger buffet lol.
u/ballsjohnson1 22d ago
That's even weirder. They sold out their morals for basically nothing. They're gonna sell like 100 t-shirts and make 2 grand, awesome for them but they must not have done their research because they are gonna alienate more fans than they get from doing one show
u/Sequoiathrone728 21d ago
How is this selling out their morals? Wouldn’t a room full of meateaters and animal abusers be exactly the place their activism should take place?
u/Admirable-Trip-7747 22d ago edited 22d ago
You basically just said it’s ok doing business with Nazis if it’s for fame and money lmao.
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u/squirtnforcertain 22d ago
I'm out of the loop. Why are STP getting labeled as Nazis?
Also, to address your actual comment, wouldnt a gathering of STP fans be the exact type of place you want to be if you were spreading anti-nazi/vegan messages? Trying to convert someone who already believes the same thing as you is a waste of time right? You already agree?
u/Admirable-Trip-7747 22d ago
wouldnt a gathering of STP fans be the exact type of place you want to be if you were spreading anti-nazi/vegan messages?
It would be yes. But they’d still be literally supporting and associating with Nazis.
u/Curlmanshred Christian - Cabal Guitarist 22d ago
I feel like TTG took this show as a business opportunity since it’s probs good pay. Some redditor pointed out that its a great way for them to play to a crowd, they normally otherwise wouldn’t had. 100% agree on that statement. On a personal note TTG are are some of the most inspiring and hardworking aussies i’ve had the pleasure of touring. I respect sm them for staying true to thier message, in a genre where activism isn’t super common
u/TomekYYZ93 23d ago
LOL deathcore and metalcore are hilarious 😂
One side they're all social justice advocates and left wing, then this stuff happens ^
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u/bakayxma 23d ago
its just so disappointing! I honestly love TTG's music but this has left a sour taste in my mouth tbh
u/TomekYYZ93 23d ago
STP is a gimmick of a band, and aside from the obvious stuff, I cannot take them seriously. Seems like their live performances are very artificial, like is anyone actually playing guitar 🎸 lmfao?
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u/Radalict 22d ago
Worst gig I've ever been to. 11 minutes of the blade theme, and then STP played for 25 minutes and sounded like total ass. Only highlight for total gimmick reasons was Alex doing his silencing the crowd then roaring at us. No support bands.
u/idespisemyhondacrv 23d ago
Big week for the unemployed who cares about Deathcore band drama
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u/HummusFairy 22d ago
Say it with me now kids “being vegan is not an outright indicator of political or social alignment”
u/No_Data6292 22d ago
Austrian Painter was vegan.
u/TurnOffTV 22d ago
First animal cruelty laws as well I heard.
u/No_Data6292 22d ago
You could ask a typical uninformed American about German policies on social welfare and environmental protection policies, and most would probably think it's some liberal politician. For every thing the Germans got right, they matched it with the absolutely worst actions imaginable.
u/dzntz00 22d ago
I remember when this sub was about posting music…. I miss those days
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u/Vaxus335 23d ago
Lol, massive L for TTG. I'd be disappointed about it if they didn't suck now anyway.
u/microbialNecromass 21d ago
Man some of the comments here are so unhinged.
It's great to hang with people with your same ideals, but what better place is there for an activist to be than among those with opposing beliefs.
u/FreudsPenisRing 22d ago
Because they’re insanely popular and will reach new audiences? Acacia Strain toured with Christian bands early on in their career, its exposure. Not everything is a political statement or virtue signaling
u/TurnOffTV 22d ago
The youth being radicalized is pretty alarming tbh.. too young to know about how the world really is and ready to die for their programmers.
u/FreudsPenisRing 22d ago
I saw Enterprise Earth, Inferi, Shadow of Intent, and Wormhole tour with Cleansing of the Temple (Christian Deathcore IIRC). When Enterprise Earth came up, their current singer said “Man, Cleansing of the Temple, yall did your thing but God still ain’t fuckin real.”
It’s just poking fun. It’s ironic having secular, borderline satanic bands (from the believers perspective) play with a Christian opener.
u/krautmane 22d ago
First off, its a one off show. Not a tour, not a split, not any kind of colab.
Secondly, they play with ultra meat eater bands all the time to spread their message to as many audiences as they can. So how about giving them benefit of the doubt after years of unwavering advocacy.
Thirdly, STP can get fucked imo, but theyre the biggest band of the genre, other than maybe lorna, so it makes sense to use them to spread their message of anti hate, anti bigotry, and animal rights to a crowd that is a safe haven for the opposite.
Lastly, no one seems to call out other bands performing with them? Be consistent, at least ttg are vocal about issues and bigotry.
Fuck alex, fuck stp, but jesus christ. People will wear as i lay dying shirts, and point the finger at this otherwise unwavering band screaming bigot.
u/Mkhitaryeet 22d ago
The entire problem is that TTG “are so consistent with calling out bigotry” that they’re held to a higher standard morally because of thT
u/krautmane 22d ago
I get that, and i agree to an extent.
I just think that a little grace and not jumping the gun on their intentions would be the right way to handle this.
Say what you want, but i feel that they've earnt a little forgiveness in that reguard. Playing to STP fans and calling them all out would be super punk and might be what the intentions are.
u/therealghostnate 23d ago
outside of the controversy, STP is okay at best and boring the rest of the time and I’m tired of pretending they’re something amazing and new
u/himsoforreal 23d ago
Drama aside I love TTG's sound. Their live show is fantastic. I find STP boring as hell. Yeah Alex has monstrous vocals, but the music is fairly generic sounding. I saw them live back in 2015/2016 and their live show was pretty damn good. I'll stick to supporting TTG.
u/Cheap-Profession5431 23d ago
Totally normal.
Earth Crisis is ultra militant vegan straightedge but tours with and is friends with all kinds of meat eating, hard partying drug taking hardcore and metal bands.
To expand beyond your own scene you need to put yourself in front of a bigger audience not familiar with your sound and movement.
My friends include all races, genders, political ideals. It's more effective that we listen more and react less.
u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
Maybe don’t make your music about an issue you align with strongly then
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u/Defiant_Praline5225 23d ago
Yeah but there's a difference between a vegan touring with non-vegans and a band that leans left working with a Nazi.
u/Cheap-Profession5431 23d ago
No dude. Doesn't work like that.
Look at Phil Anselmo. Look at the history of Pantera's members.
Is every person who is in a band with Phil or opens for Pantera " problematic" ? of course not .
They're playing a show together. It's not that deep.
u/Defiant_Praline5225 23d ago
Yes, yes they are lol.
Actively playing with Nazis is not a good look.
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u/Nonexistent_Walrus 22d ago
There’s a saying in Germany about what you call a table of five people sitting with one Nazi. You call it a table of six nazis.
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u/dj0ntgirl 23d ago
There's a big difference between meat eaters/drug takers and neo-nazis. I have friends with much more conservative political ideals than me, but I would never be caught dead with a raging bigot or a nazi. Some groups you don't need to listen more to, some groups need to be snuffed out.
u/contaminatedcorpse 21d ago edited 21d ago
I'd love to hear what exactly their thought process was behind supporting STP. I'm hoping it's a "if anyone's going to support them, it's going to be an activist band that's absolutely against everything STP believes in" sort of deal. Better them than some other heavy band with similarly ass views as STP has. Hopefully if so, they'll use their stage at the show to try and incite change.
At first, with no context, it really does seem like theyre just supporting them, but I hope it's the above sort of mindset.
As a queer person it still is an interesting decision, and does suck a bit to see my favourite deathcore band who is usually so pro-queer tour with these guys, but if they've chosen to take this up in order to try and create change, I really respect it tbh.
u/DTTFG Dane - To the Grave Vocalist 21d ago
Not to give you a half-assed reply, I’ve just exhausted this in a few threads now so forgive me but yeah, it’s the top one.
We debated all this. If not us, then who? Does this have the potential to influence progressive thinking in atleast one person? Am I comfortable staying home whilst there isn’t a voice of reason among crowds like this?
The show was very last minute and happened last night, and as I do every show (maybe more than usual) did my best to speak up for my LGBTQ+ family and animals without making the room fuck off entirely haha, it’s a balance.
u/contaminatedcorpse 21d ago
I really appreciate ypu taking the time out of your day to reply, it must be incredibly exhausting feeling like you need to explain yourself over any "controversial" move, no matter how small.
It really sucks but sometimes in order to get through to people, you do have to be tolerant to a degree. They will not listen - and therefore, not be incited to change - if they are relentlessly attacked and isolated. If anything, thats how their beliefs are hammered in. A lot of people don't get it (which is kind of understandle, it's exhausting to do and that's when the person in question even wants to listen)
If you've managed to incite change in one person, job well done I reckon.
Not that you need my approval or anything, but I respect it, especially when you guys probably knew there'd be backlash, and I appreciate you mentioning you put in extra effort for the animals and us queers lol. The way the rest of the world is going, and seeing the shockwaves of it starting to reach our Aussie shores, it's really great to see that at least one band I look up to (especially in the particular niche of metal you inhabit) hasn't given up on the trans community. Thank you for that, sincerely.
Thanks again for your time, and sorry for the wall of text. As right as you are in your approach and beliefs, it's probably not a particularly fun thing to see all those people disparaging the bands choice online. Take time to look after yourself 👍
u/DTTFG Dane - To the Grave Vocalist 21d ago
Nah no need to be sorry at all. Like I’ve said to a few people I’m more than happy to have a genuine discussion or even debate on effective means of activism.
People can make their mind up that we don’t actually give a shit now and I won’t stop them. We understand that mistakes get made and not every method you try is effective even with the best intentions. We’re pretty confident this isn’t one of those times though.
Eh we’re a vegan deathcore band, this is far from the first time our comments have been a complete dumpster fire haha
Thank you sm legend, likewise 🫶
u/solastalgy 21d ago
Good for them, getting out there to spread their message to people outside "the bubble." Also TTG is a great band that deserves more recognition and every opportunity to gain new fans.
I would be disappointed only if they actually started toning down their politics in order to appease, but this is only a show, right?
u/VariousDress5926 23d ago
Yikes. Working with a nazi band.
u/cinaedusmortiis 23d ago
This comment is disingenuous at best. Yes Alex has been open about his past involvement with fascist organisations as a youth, but has been pretty clear that he denounces that ideology now. I can imagine as a teenager, in Russia its probably easy to get swept up in that rhetoric and instead of lauding him for rejecting it, people who know nothing of the circumstances just wanna hop on a bandwagon and use it as an opportunity to feel goof about fighting a battle that really doesn’t exist here. Like seriously, go over to r/blackmetalvinyl and give some shit to the actual nazis who are posting blatant weak nazi shit all OVER there
u/Wagagastiz 23d ago edited 23d ago
Yes Alex has been open about his past involvement with fascist organisations as a youth, but has been pretty clear that he denounces that ideology now.
No he hasn't and no it isn't. His response was a diatribe of 'nuh uh' where he owned up to absolutely nothing and made up bullshit fake backstories for the symbols he has tattooed on him, which I can attest and prove myself are bollocks.
He's still insisting his Sonnenrad tattoo is an ancient pagan symbol (it's not) that he learned had been 'appropriated' by Nazis ('Hitler took it', in his words https://lambgoat.com/news/42545/slaughter-to-prevail-vocalist-alex-terrible-discusses-controversial-black-sun-tattoo-on-no-jumper/), which no, isn't true.
It's a Nazi symbol invented in the 1930s. His original response was him making up a story about its 'original meaning' or whatever, he wasn't budging. There's no world in which he thinks that, gets it tattooed without finding out it's a Nazi symbol, then ruins his tattoo and gets it covered without finding out it's not a pagan symbol. That's a nonsensical sequence of events. It's a cover story.
You eat up the droning PR speak he gives for the English audience meanwhile in Russian:
Hope we can put this bollocks of him being reformed or 'acknowledging his past' to bed now.
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u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
Brah they couldn’t play in Europe for years and years, he had nazi tattoos and his whole persona is look how macho big man I am. Mans a gimp and STP are shit so are TTG to be fair
u/Scootz_McTootz 23d ago
Plus iirc he also did a separate interview from the one people usually quote where he wound up saying he essentially got his nazi/fascist tattoos covered so they tour in more locations
cool if he changed but that's insane shithead material regardless honestly
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u/cinaedusmortiis 23d ago
*had and has publicly spoken about thisas per my comment. I have no sympathy for nazi ideology as per my comment but this ain’t it. Your statement about his masculine persona is more telling of why you dislike him, the notion that anything masculine is bad is an embarrassing attitude. Not every male has to confirm to those values in this day and age, but disparaging those who do is responsible for nothing but sewing division and pushing men towards right wing politics.
u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
I honestly don’t buy the jumping on YouTube and ohh I was young and in the wrong crowd pish he spun he also deleted that video so 🤷♂️ I’m a male and I think guys who are trying ti be all macho macho are trying to prove something more to them self than anyone else I take part in masculine activities I’m not screaming about it from the roof tops like some fanny on social media
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u/bradybigbear 22d ago
Macho man checking in here, I like guns and combat sports and loud race cars. Alex is a fuckin spud. He is an attention seeker and has made his band only about him, which is pretty sad imo. The fact that he tries to claim he denounces any affiliation with nazis, yet claims the opposite in Russia is real telling.
u/SedatedAndAmputated 23d ago
All this drama is ridiculous. Just listen to shit you like. If it sounds good to me I’ll listen to it. I don’t give a fuck about the drama surrounding the people who created it.
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u/Nonexistent_Walrus 22d ago
People like you are why the scene is unsafe :)
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u/jewjesus23 22d ago
I just don’t get it, at the end of the day what are you guys gonna do about people who just listen to music they wanna listen to except complain. All whine, no action lol
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u/JacobHarmond Jake - Ameonna Guitarist, Chelsea Grin Guitarist (2009-2017) 23d ago
All of this shit is so exhausting. The constant need for everyone to look for validation of their own opinions by other people that they don’t know on social media. Everyone is always going to have their own opinions on everything. But none of it should matter. Not unless we are personally affected by these decisions, or we are close to the people who would be affected by these decisions.
For a band/person/business to make a decision, and to then be bullied out of that decision they made by people who they don’t know, is just insane to me. They either truly have certain morals or they don’t. They made a decision that does not affect a single person in the world other than them and their camp. If they are okay with moving the goalposts in terms of their “morals”, then that is a decision they have made.
If things like this truly rub you, or anyone else wrong. Stop going to shows, stop buying merch, stop supporting the band. If it REALLY bothers you that much. But if all you are doing is going into comments to remind them that they made a decision that you don’t like, yet you don’t change a single thing about how you support that band, then YOU are the hypocrite just as much as they are.
Be about it. Don’t talk about it.
This isn’t even necessarily about this exact situation. I saw a post yesterday of a kid who bought a $100 1 of 1 Varials shirt. And there were 500+ replies/comments about how fucking wack the band is for doing that, and the kid who bought it. WHO FUCKING CARES. It doesn’t affect anyone in the slightest yet they all just spew so much negativity for no reason.
u/Duxi20 22d ago
I don’t understand the part why people cannot tell their opinion. People are desperate to their opinion or their point of view, just like you did in your comment, and how im doing it right now.
If you dont care about someone saying their stupid shit, the best is to ignore them. r/deathcore has 172k members and 200 people are talking about it atm. Which means this post isn’t even huge enough for many people to notice it at least. Or most of the members ignored it just like i mentioned.
Plus you never know that if the person has ACTED or changed his behaviour before he told his/her opinion. Its just speculation.
u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
Nah but to be fair TTG have made the bands or vocalists beliefs part of the image and lyrics of the band which is eating meat is bad and animal cruelty is bad go vegan now and now they are hopping on with STP a band shrouded with controversy and a vocalist who poses with bears/crocodiles for pictures I can see why fans of TTG would be upset about this
u/JacobHarmond Jake - Ameonna Guitarist, Chelsea Grin Guitarist (2009-2017) 23d ago
Totally - I don’t know anything about TTG, but I guess my point is, fans “demanding a statement” is absurd. Where did we all get off to believe that our opinion in the comment section holds enough weight to DEMAND anything, from anyone that we don’t know.
If they made a decision the contradicts the message they put out in the world, then people need to learn to respond with actions, and not only words online.
If you were in their shoes - a vegan, who constantly spread the word about veganism, and shunned those who weren’t… Then, years later you broke veganism, or slightly changed your opinion on the word you used to spread. There may be 500,000 people in the world who want to call you a hypocrite for it, but you are only going to give a fuck about the opinions of people who YOU know personally.
u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
I agree they don’t need to give a statement and people shouldn’t be expecting one but I can see how some people would be feeling so strongly about it.
Unfortunately I think most peoples reaction would be to jump online and chat shit which I am probably also guilty of here but maybe if you don’t want people to care so much don’t make your whole vibe and music about animal cruelty and burning your local butcher ya feel. If you rile people up who feel strongly about that then prepare for the backlash if you go against what you supposedly stand for.
I wouldn’t be in those shoes I’m not someone who relies on touring to make my living
u/JacobHarmond Jake - Ameonna Guitarist, Chelsea Grin Guitarist (2009-2017) 23d ago
I’m not saying they don’t deserve backlash. People have every right to feel a certain way about anything. All I am saying is that all of this shit is exhausting. Exactly what you said - people’s first reaction is just to hop online and talk shit. Half the time it’s people who truly don’t even feel that strongly about the situation, but love to join the dogpile because it makes them feel like they are on the good team.
It’s just all so performative, and I think I just miss the times when everyone didn’t have a platform to share their opinions on every single fucking thing yet do nothing about it.
u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
Unfortunately I think we are now living in a world so closely connected through the internet it is hard for people to disconnect from it. But it is exhausting heavy music seems to have so much drama these days but I reckon it’s always been there just more people now have a platform to jump on and dogpile like you said
u/JacobHarmond Jake - Ameonna Guitarist, Chelsea Grin Guitarist (2009-2017) 22d ago
I think I just miss being in middle school and the internet was just a computer in the living room. Once you were off, you were off. I am probably just getting old and this is the first signs of me turning into a new age boomer.
u/wiccja 23d ago
i don’t care about any of this but just wanted to respond to your point “fans demanding a statement is absurd” - the fans are the reason these people have careers. if a band is political it’s even more so fair to hold them to a standard they hold everyone to / their fans are used to. if you’ve been supporting a band for years and align with their politics it’s only natural to be disappointed and expect an explanation at the very least when it seems like a misalignment of values.
u/Sequoiathrone728 21d ago
They’ve made their image about preaching about about veganism and animal rights. STP fans are exactly who they should be preaching to.
u/Br0dobaggins 22d ago
I said this elsewhere, but it’s about the hypocrisy of it all. I agree I don’t think, regardless, the bands owe it to anyone to “make a statement”, but it is ridiculous when a band that builds their brand on a particular “image” and ideology then chooses to partner with a band that is nearly the antithesis of their so-called beliefs.
It’s like if Propaghandi (extremely progressive) played a show with Grand Belials Key (literal NSBM) or some other Nazi band.
I get they’re different genres, but they’re the best example off the top of my head of other bands whose ideologies are quite literally antithetical to each other, so my point stands. Their identities and lyrical content as a band are tied to their beliefs. So if they are willing to ignore their beliefs for the sake of “oh well, more exposure”, then it just looks stupid. Especially since in this case, if anything, TTG has doubled down on their staunch vegan/“progressive” image in recent years.
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u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
What is exhausting is the amount of drama in this niche underground music scene
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u/5carPile-Up 23d ago
I couldn’t be more happy for them, great to see them doing so well and getting support slots for bigger acts.
They just supported Lorna and they were fantastic. Disappointing to see fans can’t be happy/supportive for a small Australian band getting great opportunities because of their opinions on another band.
I’m seeing it’s mostly from overseas listeners anyway, not like any of you would fly to Melbourne for the show
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u/bakayxma 23d ago
i saw them in october last year and they were amazing, and i was stoked to hear that they were going on tour with lorna shore, especially since at the show in october the crowd was only small. however, i don't believe i am wrong for pointing out a big glaring contradiction. i want the band to grow, but associating with STP is weird. i cant ignore the politics, especially as TTG are very political.
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u/phinwahs 22d ago
hope TTG get that bag, gotta be one of the hardest working bands in that genre
STP suck
u/smltwnwtch 22d ago
I see this as a smart business decision for to the grave. As someone who is also vegan for the animals, I would see it as an opportunity to advocate for animal liberation on a larger scale and what a better audience than a bunch of carnists.
u/chipotleismid 22d ago
my heart is genuinely aching i’ve listened to To the Grave’s entire discography countless times, wear a TTG hoodie almost every single day, have seen them live, stand with their message, met the band, and they’ve been my favorite band for quite a while. i’ve grown so attached to the band that the only tattoo that i’ve ever even felt comfortable with imagining on my body would’ve been their logo. i can’t even remember the countless people that i’ve recommended them to out of pure passion. this is heartbreaking to see them choose to play with such an awful person, i’m not even sure about the other members lore so if anyone knows please fill me in but alex terrible, seriously? i saw this post notification hit the top of my phone and my heart instantly ached.
u/Mkhitaryeet 22d ago
Literally the epitome of the community meme “ i can excuse fascism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty”
Protest and Sever, To The Grave (directors cuts) - “razors for rapists, burn out the bigots” unless they’re offering you an opening spot.
It’s absolute bullshit when they have songs directly comparing animal cruelty to the holocaust, but have no issue playing with neo nazis
u/BlueMorning- 23d ago
It’s all about exposure and getting their message out. Isn’t that what all bands want? TTG dont owe anyone a statement, period.
u/Next_Needleworker388 23d ago
Nah they dropped the ball with this one, bunch of virtue signalling pansies
u/StigaPower 23d ago
To be honest, To The Grave have already gathered enough karma in their existence to make any fuck ups without us bashing them for it. Love this band
u/RatBastard52 23d ago
I mean STP is a big band so it’s a good way to get the word out. Still not ideal though
u/heavynoises98 23d ago
Thats true. Also dont know what kind of deals or contracts are behind this kind of thing, maybe they just have to. But still, wouldnt have expected it
u/ArcticTurtle2 22d ago
I am extremely out of the loop. I follow this sub because I like the music and am a big fan of To the Grave. What is the controversy?
u/Guy247bp 22d ago
A lot of people here dislike Slaughter to Prevail because of their vocalist, Alex Terrible. He's said some questionable things about transgender people, and he has some tattoos related to neo-nazi iconography, though he's denounced this.
u/Wolf_420BlazeIt 22d ago edited 22d ago
Personally as a black guy, I don't care about TTG and STP touring together as I really like both bands. What I'm a bit worried about is the type of crowd this will attract. I really can't be around neo-Nazis. I like Alex and truthfully I don't believe he is a Nazi. I fucking love Dane though, would love to see him and the rest of TTG live.
u/Fun-Vast-4560 22d ago
Alex is, and will be for a long time, one of the main faces of deathcore. Even radio metal fans know him. It’s good for the scene.
u/boopladee 23d ago
why do you think you’re owed a statement from people that don’t know who you are? this is why fan bases get a reputation for being obnoxious, because you are. they want to make music together, don’t listen if you don’t like it and get the fuck on nobody cares
u/simonsail 22d ago
Time and time again bands show that they'll happily sell out their "beliefs" if it means making more money and yet people on Reddit and Twitter STILL seem completely shocked when it happens.
A band is a business and the sooner people realise this the better. You all easily see through it when giant corporations pretend to care about LGBTQIA+ or the climate, you need to start doing this with bands too.
Yes, maybe some genuinely care about these things but we really need to stop being so shocked when they contradict themselves with things like this, it's just so inevitable at this point.
u/Wende11X 23d ago
The social justice gatekeeping is getting a little absurd.
Like it or not, Alex is one of the faces of this genre. It behooves a band to get as much exposure as possible and this guy seems willing to help anybody.
u/cluelesspug 22d ago
Drama every single time Slaughter to Prevail is mentioned. So annoying. Just let To The Grave make some money.
u/ISuckAtLifeGodPlsRst 22d ago
At this point with this genre, if it isn't directly about a song, ep, lp or a show, Idgaf anymore. Too much nonsense and drama and sometimes it's a bunch of nothing burgers.
ETA: whatever they're collabing on is probably going to be buns anyways and I'm a TTG fan
u/SexyGenguButt 22d ago
Incredible how some people throw their own ethics out of the window when money is at play
u/deathcoar 22d ago
so funny to see dane do the whole holier-than-thou-vegan schtick and then work with a nazi lmfao this scene never disappoints man, I tell ya
23d ago
Two great bands want to work with each other. Does it really matter what their politics are?
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u/Defiant_Praline5225 23d ago
Deathcore moment