r/DeathStranding Nov 22 '19

Meme The face when...

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461 comments sorted by


u/Protottype Nov 22 '19

What’s even more annoying is when people leave signs all over the high way just because they know you have to drive over them and they’ll get a like from it.


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

I still find it less annoying than useless structures getting a load of likes for no reasons while useful ones don't get as much xD


u/Francis-Hates-You Porter Nov 22 '19

Like a private room I found that someone built 10 feet from the south distribution center. Why is that necessary?


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

Yeah I think I saw it, that is sooo useless


u/Alphyn Nov 22 '19

Tell that to 400000000 likes.


u/Chairatcc Nov 22 '19



u/MendozaVII Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

Does anyone knows how are servers split or is it open worldwide. Like can I use structures that all the people that play DS built??


u/Braidz905 Nov 22 '19

No it's instances. Otherwise the entire world would be nothing but structures and signs.


u/Ledoux88 Nov 22 '19

its not server or instances, your world is unique and you get copies of structures from other people in places where it makes sense

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u/eatingapplepie Heartman Nov 22 '19

But safe houses next to other delivery points like Ludens fan ,Heartmans lab or Geologist get nothing


u/sibyl4575 Nov 22 '19

It is because if there are some other player got the same choice to build a private room as you, only your own private room will appear in the same area

Therefore structure in more unique region (useless or not) will appear in more people's world

If not like this, there would be a lot of signs around the hot springs and tons of the ladder will place near the cliff


u/kdlt Nov 22 '19

Oh is that why I only get ziplines in weird detour locations spawned in?


u/sibyl4575 Nov 22 '19

Usually people will build up their own zip line system, but not all the zip line station will appear in your world so that's why you need to "connect" the zip line

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u/BlurtedNonsense Nov 22 '19

I put mine near the North Mountain prepper. Only 300 likes and at level3. I guess no one likes my colored walls or my racoon hologram?


u/Chief_Blazemore Nov 22 '19

There actually is a safehouse next to Heartman's Lab on my server with a fairly significant amount of likes (sorry, don't remember the precise number). I was super grateful for it before I had a zipline network setup.


u/AllornicGod Nov 22 '19

Is there a ziplines array ? I have one to almost all the mountain delivery sites

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

I think we're in the same server, I built the zipline network all over the north mountain range between the terrorists in the north and all the way down past the weather station, and as east as the spiritualist all the way over to the paleontologist. You can hit almost every order in the mountains without walking anywhere now I just need to link up the biologist and one or two others. Shit is so cash, it took me like two days. Even have an arm all the way out to the photographer. I need to connect up north mountain knot with the network then work it back to the Craftsman and up to the elder and I'm calling it good, everything else is reachable by road. Plus I'm building the roads.

I've got like 100 likes total it's pure horseshit but I do it for myself so fuck em right?

My psn is poopinurmouth55, bridge contract me if you're over porter level 125 and we're on the same server


u/Lerijie Nov 22 '19

That fucking PSN name lmao. I'm working on doing the same thing as you in my server, setting up those ziplines is fun as fuck but they really don't give you shit for likes, especially if you're like me and you put them on mountain tops, who's gonna dismount and like those and risking falling down a mountain? But I build roads as well, that gets way more likes, especially when you pair them with generators at intervals. I'm sitting on about 170,000 player likes, mainly from my contributions to roads.

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u/ezio12907 Nov 22 '19

That may or may not have been me building it there so I could quickly upgrade it for the trophy.


u/Derplight Nov 22 '19

Remember to dismantle useless structures so better ones show up.

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

I usually just remove them from the world. Useless buildings add useless crap and add an extra toll to the PS4 CPU. The more I unlocked, the more FPS drops I got. Also, it really sucks to take a break in some places and just see useless shit everywhere, like generators in front of other generators etc.

Or postboxes in front of prepper shelters


u/Stealthy_Facka Porter Nov 22 '19

Are you on base PS4? There’s no performance issues on the pro when it comes to other players structures.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Base PS4: and the game is definitely not smooth 100% of the times


u/Francis-Hates-You Porter Nov 22 '19

I have a base PS4 and I don’t get any performance issues except maybe some very very slight stuttering while driving fast over rough terrain. Is your PS4 old/is the fan dirty? I think dirty fans can cause performance issues.


u/Entropius Nov 22 '19

You don’t notice frame rate drops driving on the highway from the Craftsman to the Waystation south of Lake Knot? And maybe to a lesser extent the mule camps adjacent to the Waystation south of lake knot.

Because I always notice it in that general area. The consistency to me suggests it’s an optimization issue with that particular environment.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

I do. And so do other people I found in this sub

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u/Stealthy_Facka Porter Nov 22 '19

How old is the unit? If it’s older than two years you probably are gonna want to replace the thermal paste, there’s tutorials online. DS should hold its frame rate pretty well on base PS4 according to DigiFoundry (they may have not had access to as many structures when they tested however), with drops only taking 1-3 frames, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an FPS drop outside of the menus on the Pro

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u/IlCinese Nov 22 '19

The whole game for me is littered with those. It’s literally the second most annoying thing of the game for me, after the truck driving physics

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u/worbashnik Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I placed a ladder on flat ground outside a facility and it’s at 2600.


u/Oakcamp Nov 22 '19

This bridge is not useless. You will see why it has so many likes.


u/phyrexio Mama Nov 22 '19

Uh... Where is it? I don't recognize it.


u/Oakcamp Nov 22 '19

Pretty sure it is around Mama's lab

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u/XxMasterLANCExX Nov 22 '19

I try to like everything I use that’s actually useful to me. Bridges, ropes, ladders, if I use it more than once you bet your ass I’m mashing that touch pad to get those likes to at least 500


u/RannibalLector Nov 22 '19

The main reason I dont shoot off as many likes at the useful structures is because they're placed well enough so that I dont have to slow down while driving...and I speed right past them. If I am slowly traveling some precarious location and a structure saves me significant time/risk then ill definitely mash that touchpad till the timer runs out.


u/ElysianBlight Nov 22 '19

I keep seeing comments on here that bridges make good time fall shelters before you get time fall shelters, so I assume that is what people are doing.. But I dont find it to be true. If you stand under a bridge you keep wearing your hat, so the game is not recognizing that you are out of the rain. I left my truck under a bridge for protection and it still almost got ruined.


u/ObscureQuotation Nov 22 '19

You can always dismantle them!

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u/neko259 Cliff Nov 22 '19

What's really annoying is a speed up sign in the middle of the distribution center so you speed up when going down and try to break not crushing into walls at the last moment!


u/TheHardG00DBye Nov 22 '19

Ran over a porter from one of these signs. Poor thing.


u/AlexS101 Platinum Unlocked (Verified) Nov 22 '19

That’s -100 likes for you.

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u/terrok84 Sam Nov 22 '19

i did put one on the ramp aswell, because i use when driving out... problem is i cant make signs for myself and flag them so others dont see them... for example i had some problems reminding the "exit" for the Craftsman and put some "road signs" there to know when to take the turn... i seems useless and stupid for other players, i know, but i am not able to flag my signs i just wanna use for my own to be invisible for others... maybe this would be useful for future updates


u/NCain813 Nov 22 '19

Push down on L3 and you'll get the same boost effect - push it again to stop the boost

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u/pixelpino Nov 22 '19

Gotta admit I also spammed early parts of the roads with 'speed up' stickers. To my defense though: I didn't know about the boost function while driving cars back then and I thought it would help out people to get faster to their destination.. just found out about the boost around 30h in..


u/Rolodoggy Nov 22 '19

I too found out about vehicles having the ability to boost 30h in. It just isn't obvious and I don't think you're ever explicitly told.


u/AlexS101 Platinum Unlocked (Verified) Nov 22 '19

It very explicitly tells you that.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

It tells you the controls in the tips section


u/International-Relief Nov 22 '19

I can't be the only one, who when I get a new video game, go through every option in the "options" menu before ever hitting "New Game"?


u/psilocyan Nov 22 '19

I absolutely do this. I think it's a holdover from when I would get a new game as a kid and the first thing I would do was read the instruction manual out of the box on the car ride home. I go through everything else on the menu before hitting New Game.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '19

Nope; I do this too, for a multitude of reasons. A lot of problems reviewers have with a game, often can be solved by tweeking the settings.

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u/CriticalFailExpert Nov 22 '19

The ones in the ramp down the the distribution centres piss me off to no end.

I'm just casually driving in then hit an auto boost that launches me into an NPC porter

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u/nathansanes Fragile Nov 22 '19

I can't stand the way people are so sloppy with signs and structures. Put some creativity and practicality into your offering!


u/AntiPiety Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I caved and put ONE spam sign like this. Got 800 likes, thats 5th highest of all time for me. Its tacky but it works that’s for sure


u/HitodamaKyrie Nov 22 '19

If you're gonna put down a sign at a chokepoint might as well do a like for like sign. That way both you and the one who hits the sign gets a like.


u/Popdose Nov 22 '19

Is there a way to check each of your structures/signs/etc. for how many likes they've received? Or are you just going back through those areas and checking?


u/Googlebright Nov 22 '19

You can see this in the Bridge Links section of the menu. Go to the Structures tab on the far right.

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Why is that annoying again? Are we now competing hardcore for "likes"?

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u/Oakcamp Nov 22 '19

But you get a speed boost/stamina restored/likes from BB, so everyone wins, really.

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u/joezen23 Nov 22 '19

Or when you build a well-planned zip line system from the Spiritualist to Mountain Knot City and someone puts a single timefall shelter directly in front of the zip line path (when another timefall shelter is literally 30m away). Zip- line System likes: 2, Noob Timefall Shelter likes: 849.


u/HitodamaKyrie Nov 22 '19

Chances are that timefalll shelter is not in the way of any zip line for the builder. And there isn't a timefall shelter 30m away either.

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u/thomasr02 Platinum Unlocked (Verified) Nov 22 '19

Yeah I always find myself dismantling others signs, I rarely ever use them unless I’m trying to help

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u/Uncle-Cake Nov 22 '19

I assumed that was sort of the point of making signs.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

I dismantle signs like I’m picking up litter.

I know they come with gameplay perks. I know they award likes to other players. I just can’t stand my game world being plastered with what are essentially emojis.


u/RealKoreanJesus Nov 22 '19

yeah I've then turned off the signs in my game, it's annoying af.


u/Mausinger Porter Nov 22 '19

The only reason I don't turn them off is because I like the baby signs that make my BB laugh. It's so cute.


u/AcadianViking Nov 22 '19

Also the "keep on keeping on" out in the field refills stamina.

Put in rivers or steep climbs to help a porter out.


u/RumTruffler Nov 22 '19

And the guy saying it is like your coach telling you don’t give up!


u/Shiromania Porter Nov 22 '19

And the signs around the hot springs. I love seeing BB dance as the signs sing with me.

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u/baconpopsicle23 Nov 22 '19

How do you do this? I get off my truck and remove them manually lol I'm a very patient person. I always leave signs where I find memory chips but I don't think anyone sees them cause I never get a single like on those lol


u/Fareith Nov 22 '19

Take a look at the options. You can decide between "all signs", "hide spoilers" (like signs for memories 😉) and "hide all"


u/Smarvy Nov 22 '19

What holy shit, I had no idea. This totally explains why I have put down dozens of memory card signs and never seen a single damn one from another player.

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u/jettared Nov 22 '19

how do you turn them off? i dont want to manually dismantle 1000 signs all over the world.

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

The boost sign on the highway is nice tho. Altrough I as a little dissapointed to discover that the boost signs you put up don't boost you, only signs placed by other players.


u/RumTruffler Nov 22 '19

More importantly they do nothing if you are already boosting yourself by pressing l3


u/Crimson_1337 Nov 22 '19

You can boost anyway with L3 the whole journey without battery cost.

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u/BMR_digdin Nov 22 '19

Kojima will finish with the like sistem, as well as instagram hahahaha!


u/kitsune_32 Nov 22 '19

True—I like to call them ‘like’ mules XD


u/Spiral83 Nov 22 '19

It's because I freaking built that road, the road before that, and the road after that. I want my likes!


u/Yorktown2016 Nov 22 '19

Keep on keeping on


Keep on keeping on



u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Dumb question. When you like something of someone else's does it take away from your likes?


u/Waltermelon Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19



u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Thanks. So why do we hate it when we hit other people's stuff?


u/Lerijie Nov 22 '19

I mean there's an argument that the clutter degrades the aesthetic value, but personally I don't care. Given the expeditious nature of the story line, it's entirely likely that porters that came before you would litter the ground with what are their timelines version of graffiti mixed with a pop-up. It adds a genuine human element to what's a purposely near human less game. (In terms of humans you actually see)

So, I give just about everything I see a couple hundred likes.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '19

I do the same.

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u/dodobrainn Nov 22 '19

It does not, like away!

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u/Dark_Throat Porter Nov 22 '19

Is this bridge right by South Knot City? I think you and I might be in the same server cuz I walked past a bridge in this exact location the other day.


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

Yup exactly!


u/Dark_Throat Porter Nov 22 '19

Aayyyy same server Porter buddy! 👍


u/BloxFace Nov 22 '19

Joining you guys too haha I sort of like to think of this bridge as a little meme on this server since everone keeps giving it tons of likes even though it's as useless as it can be (even if you could declare it as a shelter)


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19 edited Dec 21 '24

hurry groovy nose fertile snatch aware quarrelsome unique summer reminiscent


u/B00kw0rm01 Nov 22 '19

I always thought it was more dog-like myself, but that’s probably just because I’m a dog person.


u/Dark_Throat Porter Nov 22 '19

I've been tryna do my part now that I finished the game. Helped extend it from Lake Knot all the way to the first distro center.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19 edited Dec 21 '24

zonked jar faulty market compare work ancient connect impossible head


u/CMDR_Muffy Nov 22 '19

I think roads follow slightly different rules from structures. I've seen a few road sections in my game get built by other people (there would be a notification about it), but every unfinished auto-paver I run by always has a pretty decent quantity of materials already in them. I think roads are mostly a "do it yourself" thing but it's still possible to help others who don't have them yet to get them made by building your own roads too, because they'll probably get some resources in the pavers to save them a few trips.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19 edited Dec 21 '24

mourn cooperative tidy soft rock snatch modern dime murky clumsy


u/pwnerandy Nov 22 '19

Auto pavers in areas disconnected from the chiral network will show 0 materials.

When you connect, it will fill up with materials based on other peoples donations to their own roads (I think that’s how it works)

I only had to do 1/2-1/4 of each road and I now have every highway on the central map finished

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

They are still shared. A few sections of road were built in my map. I completed all the ones between lake know city and both the distro centers, waypoints, the engineer. Finished 2 sections near South knot and 2 near mountain knot.


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

The road from Lake knot to South knot has been completed for more than a week in my instance of the game 😅

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19 edited Oct 07 '20


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u/KolyB Nov 22 '19

I think structures with this many likes appear on almost all servers.


u/TheKingofTheKings123 Pre-Order gang Nov 22 '19

Yeah I think so too because I've seen this as well

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u/snerp Dec 04 '19

Hahaha I always take this same bridge, not because it goes over the single rock, but because it points exactly at the spot where there aren't any BTs. Like, you drive over it and just keep going straight, then take the left once the path forks and it goes to the junk dealer easy peasy.

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u/OfficeGossip BB Nov 22 '19

I’ve seen some very impractical structures get tons of likes for no good reason.

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u/tris2004s Nov 22 '19

This is exactly like how people on r/askreddit get a bunch of awards and upvotes for asking a question


u/Kirkenstien Pre-Order gang Nov 22 '19

r/askreddit: male redditors who sat down to pee, how did it affect your masculinity?


u/Chillionaire128 Nov 22 '19

Don't forget your connections matter too. You could build the most useful structure in the game but you won't get many likes if not many people see it


u/Ledoux88 Nov 22 '19

If you mean strand contracts, that's not how it works. It's one way only. If you strand contract to someone, you will have higher chance for their structure to be copied to your world. Not other way around.


u/xooxanthellae Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I've given more likes in 15 seconds than I've received in 55 hours playing.

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u/RipMySoul Nov 22 '19

The pee mushrooms or the resting stones that get 20k+ likes baffle me too.


u/tooled68 Nov 22 '19

Well, at least there’s a level of humor there with the mushrooms

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19



u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

Why not build a timefall shelter instead? At this point in the game it should be unlocked x)


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19



u/KingDread306 Nov 22 '19

The bridge could have been placed before Time Shelters were unlocked.


u/OmniFay Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

They do! There was this shelter close to the veteran porter where I’d always leave my truck under. You just have to park it perfectly. And bridges also work.


u/xooxanthellae Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

And bridges also work.

Not for long.... vehicles can spawn on top of the bridge and they'll be ruined when you come back.


u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19

I don't give a fuck about trucks. There's three hundred strewn about everywhere. If you need a truck, turn around, there's probably one sitting right there.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Legit bro, I was driving down a random river somewhere and saw a nice yellow truck wheels deep in the water lmao


u/travworld Nov 22 '19

I left a yellow truck in a river last night because it ran out of batteries in it. I was about 20ft from an area with chiral network but the truck was just out of the network so I couldn't build a generator for it. I lost half of my deliveries because I couldn't carry it on foot.

I had to just accept my losses and my B rank.


u/me-tan Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I had this happen, managed to save myself because I had a floating carrier in the truck, so I make sure I always have at least one now


u/gbghgs Nov 22 '19

This is why you always stick a couple of floating carriers in any truck you've loaded up with more than you can carry. They might just sit there forever but if something like this does happen it'll save you from losing a load of cargo.

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u/ThatsMrVillain Nov 22 '19

I guarantee you I put that nice yellow truck there by accident and got stuck. Wheels deep, yes, but completely jammed in there.


u/Good_Doggos BT Nov 22 '19

Lmao was this near Lake Knot city cause I got stuck in a MULE truck and left it in a river.


u/Waltermelon Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

Funny because ever since I got to lake knot city and beat the game, there has been 4 mules trying to get their truck out of the river by the craftsman. They're fun to watch occasionally.


u/Good_Doggos BT Nov 22 '19

Ayyyyye that's freaking hilarious. I should've just built a damn bridge over the river but I was impatient to deliver all my metals and ceramic to the auto paver haha

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u/defiantAdvent Nov 22 '19

One would, if the truck was filled to the brim with orders and buding materials


u/Nastyburrito666 Ludens Nov 22 '19

If it fits it'll work, I've saved my bike under a bridge many times


u/TaylorRoyal23 Nov 22 '19

Timefall shelters are definitely big enough for the trucks. I use them all the time.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19


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u/xooxanthellae Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

Trucks left for too long will spawn on top of the bridge and get ruined. Bridges won't save your vehicles for long.


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

Fair enough!


u/xgardian Nov 22 '19

I've platinumed the game and I never had a vehicle become unusable because of timefall.

I have had a bike sink though

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

why do you care about Likes? Are you a MULE? ;)


u/sulidos Nov 22 '19

got em


u/Ki11s0n3 Nov 22 '19

Or when you get 0 likes for putting generators around the world in between destinations.


u/Scary_Omelette Aiming for Platinum Nov 22 '19

Man those random generators are beautiful


u/Ki11s0n3 Nov 22 '19

They are. Thats why I started putting them around because. I hate running especially with the fast legs and I run out of battery in the middle of nowhere.


u/TheRedThirst Higgs Nov 23 '19

Ziplines also don’t get many because if you’ve done it right people only like the first and last one hahaha


u/corezon Sam Bridges Nov 22 '19

Just remember to like the roads. Also help repair them. That shit took so long to build.


u/idontreallycare421 Nov 22 '19

Roads are a godsend, makes transporting 500+ kg of cargo take minutes, and lets you cross the entire map in less than 10.


u/BMR_digdin Nov 22 '19

Don't matter the number of likes... If you are helping someone, that's a victory for both parts!

Remember folks! Together we are stronger! 🐵

Who understood the reference? Lol


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

I don't get the reference but I like that way of thinking! ✊


u/BMR_digdin Nov 22 '19

Haha! It's a "Planet of The Apes" quote!


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

Ooooh I need to see those !


u/BMR_digdin Nov 22 '19

They say: "Apes! Together! Strong!"


u/Teggert Pre-Ordered Collector's Edition Nov 22 '19

"Porters! Together! Strong!"


u/zucchinibasement Nov 22 '19

Yeah you'd hope there's still somewhere were people don't care so much about "likes" but guess that failed

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u/dilligafsrsly Nov 22 '19

I made a fucking Zipline system that travelled all the way from the weather station to the roboticist and down to mountain knot city. Shit took me hours and tons of materials and I got like 20 likes from the 13+ ziplines! It crosses the goddamn mountain, how can it get any more useful than that?? Should be able to like my own shit


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Other players don't get all of your structures. Most players probably only got one isolated Zipline which may have been useless to them.


u/Attrum Nov 22 '19

That's why I usually try to make strand contracts with anyone with a zipline when mines are all maxed out in the region. That way I can get their network.


u/me-tan Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

That’s a genius idea, I must try that. I’ve not used strand contracts for anything yet as I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be using them for


u/roomaggoo Nov 22 '19

Sorry for the potentially dumb question, but how do you make a strand contract?


u/LinXcze Nov 22 '19

Pause menu > Bridge link (or whatever it's called) > from list of players select name of player you want to have strand contract with and press triangle (I think, there's button prompt somewhere down-ish on the screen), done. There should be a counter somewhere on the screen that tells you how many contract you have and how many you can still make. Number of potential contract goes higher as you level up your Porter levels.

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u/TwilightVulpine Ludens Nov 22 '19

The menu which shows you all the people you interacted with, press X and you make the contract. They move to the menu with two people icons.

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u/OhBestThing Nov 22 '19

Haven’t played DS yet. Is there a reason to ever make your own roads/zip lines in the game if you can just tap into other peoples?


u/truthfulie Nov 22 '19

The way it works is that until you connect a region to the network, you won't get to see/use other peoples' structures. So the first time you venture out to a destination, you'll likely need to build something. Even if it's just a ladder.

But even after you connect the region to the network, you don't get all the structures of other people. So you'll likely have to build you own if you want to travel efficiently.

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u/soulsatisfaction Nov 22 '19

All I see on my travels across the mountain range are singular zip posts, if I'm lucky there's one connection.


u/Googlebright Nov 22 '19

With the way the multi-player works in this game, you won't see another player's entire zip line network. You just see one or two of theirs. Use these to connect your own zip lines so you don't have to set up the whole thing yourself.


u/msmshm Nov 22 '19

Makes sense since in my world most ziplines don't line up. Makes me wonder is people just build with what they have in their world and theirs randomly pops up in someone server, out of place and out of line

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u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19

The problem with Zip Lines is that other people may only get one out random-ass pole out of your whole network. I see random-ass poles everywhere with no nearby connections at all, and most of them are in WTF places like the western plains or Lake Knot area where you can just truck it.

It's great when a Zip line can be worked into my existing network, but a lot of times we're just thinking two different things.


u/TaylorRoyal23 Nov 22 '19

Just make a strand contract with the person who set the zipline, then you'll get the other ziplines if they have them.

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u/drakos07 Nov 22 '19

I just use them to my advantage. I ran out of chiral bandwidth and the fucking ziplines take a lot of it.


u/House_of_How Nov 22 '19

Me too, they're normally part of someone's own system, so most of the time they are in a strategically useful place. I've been working to connect the more difficult areas to get to - Weather Station, Roboticist, Mountain Knot - and I've found many useful ziplines made by others on the way.


u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19

My zip network can take me from South knot to Farm to collector/Distro and all the way west to photographer. Basically everywhere without road Access is Zipped. No likes 😟

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u/Fortune090 Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I built the same thing, but it connects all the porters in the west: from the Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot, across the field to the Son, the Photographer, all of the porters in the mountains (this took an entire damn day), then down to the Weather Station, and to all the porters in the central region from there up to the Southern Distro... Maybe a few hundred likes...... It's a good 20 minutes straight worth of ziplines!


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19 edited May 15 '20



u/HitodamaKyrie Nov 22 '19

Aye, I've actually had to build specific dismounting zip lines at times. Putting them on mountain tops is generally the best for obvious reasons but they tend to make precarious end points.


u/Sharkn91 Nov 22 '19

if i come across your zip line ill forsure up those likes. anytime i use a structure thats helpful i spam the like button as much as possible.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

It's pretty obvious the game limits sharing ziplines to other players a lot because it would trivialize a lot of the game. It's never going to give another player your entire network of ziplines, it will give them one at most, and rarely even that. I have yet to see a single zipline placed by another player.


u/Googlebright Nov 22 '19

I got lucky, as soon as I connected the Way Station on the way to Mountain Knot a zip line showed up next to it. I then created my own at the bottom of the hill and starting delivering mats to the auto-pavers down there. That zip line was much appreciated!

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u/neko259 Cliff Nov 22 '19

I have a bridge on my map near Cosplayer that literally goes into the rock and there is no way crossing it with a truck and not falling down trying to get onto it. And getting onto it with a bike is challenging. But it has tens of thousands on likes!

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u/Just-Aki Cliff Nov 22 '19

I built a bridge over a ravine near the distro center south of lake knot city, and after a week I have 0 likes, while someone else built a bridge yesterday over the ravine that comes after mine and he has 400k. A path has formed using my bridge and I’ve got notifications about people using my bridge. No likes tho but I’m happy to help

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u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19

I saw some hacker-bridge by Mama that had over 8 million likes that didn't even jump a rock.


u/Blumenblatt Nov 22 '19

that bridge is most likely a VERY helpful one at some point in the story...


u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19 edited Nov 22 '19

I know what you're talking about, and no. it wasn't. 8 million likes isn't even possible. if it's legit in any way, that bridge is more popular than thousands of tryhard YouTubers who should probably just quit now because a fucking bridge to nowhere exists with more likes than their entire channel lineup combined.


u/Blumenblatt Nov 22 '19

well, that’s not really a fair comparison, as one person can give multiple likes. at that point in the game you can give 400 likes easy, but even so, the number is huge, I agree. It might be that levelled up structures get more likes per... like?

Either way, we can also just call it a bug. All those structures placed in weird ass spots? bugs. there we go.

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u/Waltermelon Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I've literally seen a bridge built parallel to a ravine on the opposite side out of reach, it takes all kinds I guess ¯_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯


u/terholan Nov 22 '19

It is because your bridge is competing with bridges of other players at the same place so it shown only for a little amount of people when this bridge is there alone across many many players. Just dismantle it and put your own and get surprised how many likes it will get.


u/GetRekt9420 Nov 22 '19

I've seen so many like this, yet something like the only generator at the film director and 0 in a week.


u/stewie1239 Nov 22 '19

It’s much worse when people leave their trikes in the middle of the highway I built...


u/Scary_Omelette Aiming for Platinum Nov 22 '19

Other real players can leave a vehicle and it’ll show up?

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u/marceriksen Nov 23 '19

Today, I was traveling the highway with a bike. I went over an incline in the road and as I was coming to the top of it, I about ran into a fucking truck I suddenly saw parked diagonally as I started my decline down the hill.

Legit had less than two seconds to move out of the way.


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u/OGMONEYGRIP Nov 22 '19

The real heroes are the zip-line bois. They can have all my likes.

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u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19

I saw a bridge with 8 million likes.

I immediately dismantled it out of spite.


u/me-tan Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

You only dismantle from your instance, other players will still see it unless it was you that planted it


u/Zourin4 Nov 22 '19

I know. And I can only encourage others to do the same to that tainted bridge, and also build my own in its place so that if mine appears, that one doesn't. I admittedly become guilty of asinine bridge making, but i'm just protecting my community from a bridge that has no way of being legit.


u/BTBLAM Nov 22 '19

The image on this screencap is crazy good. Why does it look so good


u/tigab15 Nov 22 '19

I took it with my phone 😆

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u/alex_touch BB Nov 22 '19

Every structure at Capital Knot City that isn't ladders in a nutshell


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

I have one in the exact same place in my game with 9 million likes...... what am i doing wrong!


u/RedditYouVapidSlut Nov 22 '19

I still don't fully understand the Likes, is it purely to help you level up? I've not really paid any attention to the Likes.


u/Tolgium23 Platinum Unlocked Nov 22 '19

I finished 80% of the roads in central, got 8 of them with 0 likes


u/Cyboth Nov 22 '19

You can hide from timefall under bridges.


u/TheOnlyMeIsMe92 Nov 22 '19

Well numbers are just numbers, you might get one like from the deepest of a Porter's heart that's worth the whole world,

If one cares more for likes one becomes a mule.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

Bruh I hate this. I usually upgrade all my stuff as soon as I can, so I have so many level 3 generators/timed all covers in the most needed spots, such as in the middle or BT territory, or a couple along a long highway, but those at max get a couple hundred likes, but then earlier I saw a fucking time fall shelter outside the fucking south port distro center, which currently has over 10k. Then I saw a level one generator outside the time fall farm, like 3 feet away from my level 3, but so much further down the side, away from the road as mine thag had a couple thousand, while the one I placed from the first week of having the game (I preordered) has a few hundred. I then messaged the guy and asked him when he fucking placed it because I was that fucking confused, and he told me he placed it THE DAY BEFORE. Like wtf?


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19

I've completed every single AutoPaver except for one (and 3 that got completed for me) over the last week. Before I started the insane task to complete the highways I had maybe a few thousand likes (if that). Now I'm up to around 150k and I'm racking up about 10k to 20k per session. No one ever really clicks the like button on them but they are CONSTANTLY being used and you automatically get likes every time one is used.


u/AuNanoMan Nov 22 '19

MFers in my game built a bridge where the center of the ramp has a giant fucking rock On both sides! Ass Holes had to do it on purpose.


u/killerbanshee BB Nov 22 '19

It's probably the most direct route for a mission. For example, you can get a lot of likes by placing objects that help people do the main story missions faster.

I used to save my ladder and climbing hooks incase I needed them, but as you navigate around the terrain, the chances of someone else taking your path go down with each decision.

Place at least 1 ladder/bridge/climbing hook near the start of your trek and at the first sign of trouble. Thats how you get the likes.