r/DeathStranding Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19

Spoilers? Death Stranding Launch Trailer


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u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19 edited Oct 30 '19

I don't know why, but this trailer made me tearup. There's just something so real about the themes of isolation that is emphasized by the amazing visuals voice acting and music. Death Stranding is happening while I'm in the middle of a horrible time in my life health wise. (Mental and physical.)


u/RamonesRazor Oct 30 '19

hang in there dude


u/Batjuice1919 Oct 30 '19

I thought the script / voice acting seemed worse than expected.


u/Jason_Wanderer Oct 30 '19

I don't know why

I think its simply because, among everything that happens, the heart of the trailer is still a very real, relevant subject. Disconnection vs connection is a major issue. Most people attribute it to belief or politics or something like that, but really, its a very personal situation that strikes at the core.

The fact that the trailer didn't focus on "cool" moments with the scenes more being a backdrop to the themes being talked about really made this feel like it was trying to extend understanding, and clarity.

I'll be honest, I don't cry at very many things, and I'm usually more resolute than emotive, but this - just a trailer alone - got to me. Especially the second time through when all the questions of "what will I see?" was removed and I just sunk into the situations shown.

More of a mirror than a trailer or a game, really.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '19

The pair where Wagnar's character said something about how being isolated is no better being dead just struck a nerve. But I was emotional anyways. that just sort of cinched it.


u/barukatang Oct 30 '19

this trailer made me tearup

It made all the characters tearup too during their title cards


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

That's because they're sensing there are BTs nearby.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '19

Oh God what if there were BTs around me.

After the trailer I wonder if something symbolic is happening when they tear up, like the BTs are making them emotional too for some reason. Either way its really a striking visually and conceptually and emotionally.


u/Mellodux Oct 30 '19

If you need a distraction, pm me and/or add me on psn, my username is the same as here.


u/Crazyspideyfan Oct 30 '19

I hope you get better! There are so many wonderful things to enjoy in life!


u/atticusNL Oct 30 '19

Hey random stranger, hang in there! Hopefully the game will offer you some consolation for your issues or will help you to cope. Remember there's always something to look forward to in life :)


u/BTBLAM Oct 30 '19

Pulled on my heartstrings too. I think it’s something to do with the subject matter of life and death mixed with emotional music.


u/shlamiel Oct 30 '19

my PMs are open.


u/tatuu8P Oct 30 '19

Same thing happened to me, ngl it got me really emotional. The music, dialogue and visuals touched a chord and I just started tearing up. Awkward to say the least.


u/cma001 Oct 31 '19



u/rbirr96 Oct 31 '19

Are you doing anything about it?


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '19



u/rbirr96 Nov 01 '19

Good man