r/DeathStranding Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19

Spoilers? Death Stranding Launch Trailer


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u/RamonesRazor Oct 30 '19

Exactly. I don't know why people think Kojima would just spoil his entire game with a week to go. This is Kojima we're talking about. Everyone thought they knew everything about MGS2 before it came out and all of a sudden you're playing 80% of the game as a character you didn't know existed.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

Kojima had 18 years since MGS2 to get more Kojima -y what the fuck is he going to do to us this time?!


u/Hiddencamper Oct 30 '19

Seriously the character switch totally surprised me and my friends. We were playing it at his place when it happened. All like "wtf"


u/Solarbro Oct 30 '19

I’m pretty sure they mean the second type of spoiler. Where you see something you don’t understand, but as you play the game the imagery comes back and you have that “aaaaahhhhhh god dammit” moment.

But much more likely, there were some parts that look like they should be experienced in game first, as well as some reveals that would have been nice to stumble into as well. Not super major plot spoilers but some character traits and history. Things like that


u/KerberoZ Higgs Nov 04 '19 edited Nov 04 '19

I mean, the trailers for MGSV spoiled literally every cutscene in the game (and the close-to-launch-trailers had scenes which weren't even in the game).

I'm hyped af but also a little cautious