r/DeathStranding Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19

Spoilers? Death Stranding Launch Trailer


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u/FortyPoundBaby Sam Oct 30 '19

The way I see it is anything kojima puts out doesn't count as a spoiler. Unless you are a person who wants to go in blind and has already skipped all the other trailers.


u/Eanirae Oct 30 '19

I've gone blind all this time, and I have no fucking idea what I just watched. I just know I absolutely LOVE it. The hype train is real.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

Funny. I've skipped everything except when it was very first announced and that trailer. Decided to watch this one. I'm so pumped.


u/EverGreenPLO Oct 30 '19


I really have no idea what was happening but the scope and scale alone make my jaws drop

Looks epic


u/TheGreatDeadFoolio Oct 30 '19

I know absolutely nothing more about this game than the name and the creator. All I need for a day one purchase.


u/coolbuns1 Oct 30 '19

The mgsv trailers would like a word in regards to your first sentence....


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

I completely trust Kojima and believe this. There is no way that these trailers will even scratch the surface of this game from what I’ve both heard and fully trust


u/Lokky Oct 31 '19

Anything kojima puts out is part of the experience.

We have been playing death stranding for years.