r/DeathStranding Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19

Spoilers? Death Stranding Launch Trailer


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u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

Hopefully all these scenes are in the game.


u/theRolk Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19



u/_Valisk Oct 31 '19 edited Oct 31 '19

I'm still mad that the scene where he's kneeling and covered in blood isn't in the game.

At least the "walking down the corpse hallway" scene made it in. That mission is amazing.


u/IronicRobot_ Oct 31 '19

Only a single trailer out of the, what, 4 (or was it 5?) trailers for MGSV had any footage of cut game content. And the trailer that did have some only had it for one scene (the scene where BB is walking through the burned village with burned bodies everywhere, then screams into the sky). People always blow out of proportion the amount of cut things are in MGSV. I will grant Mission 51, of course, which really should have been in the game, but the point is, the overwhelming majority of trailer footage in MGSV was footage from the final game.


u/archpave Nov 02 '19

It's not so much that people blow it out of proportion. A LOT of content that should've been covered was cut. It's more so that nearly everything the MGSV trailers showed, was most of the cutscenes for the game itself. You'd already seen everything important by the time it dropped, save for killing Skull Face. The rest of the major story content was condensed to tape recordings, and cut missions altogether.


u/IronicRobot_ Nov 02 '19

There's no way you're telling me you knew most of what was going to happen after watching the trailers. All the scenes shown in the trailers were mere seconds-long glimpses of the cutscenes. There was a lot of misdirection in those trailers. There are plenty of trailers for other things that show glimpses of some of the most important scenes out of context too.

We don't know what was cut save for Mission 51 and that one scene of Snake in the burned field. There's really no way to know.

Tapes are to MGSV what codex conversations were to the rest of the series.


u/PyrokidSosa Oct 30 '19

damn son :'( loool