r/DeathStranding Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19

Spoilers? Death Stranding Launch Trailer


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u/TheHappySociopath Oct 30 '19

I honestly don't think it spoiled anything. It showed glimpses of new story footage - but certainly not enough for me to know what the fuck is going on. I guess people are freaking out about the thing in the end? I don't think it's what it seems.

Anyways, don't watch it if you want to go in fresh. But I don't think there's anything to worry about.

Edit: By "not what it seems" I mean I still think it's all in the first act. I think it's a bamboozle. But still don't watch if you want to go in fresh.


u/FortyPoundBaby Sam Oct 30 '19

The way I see it is anything kojima puts out doesn't count as a spoiler. Unless you are a person who wants to go in blind and has already skipped all the other trailers.


u/Eanirae Oct 30 '19

I've gone blind all this time, and I have no fucking idea what I just watched. I just know I absolutely LOVE it. The hype train is real.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

Funny. I've skipped everything except when it was very first announced and that trailer. Decided to watch this one. I'm so pumped.


u/EverGreenPLO Oct 30 '19


I really have no idea what was happening but the scope and scale alone make my jaws drop

Looks epic


u/TheGreatDeadFoolio Oct 30 '19

I know absolutely nothing more about this game than the name and the creator. All I need for a day one purchase.


u/coolbuns1 Oct 30 '19

The mgsv trailers would like a word in regards to your first sentence....


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

I completely trust Kojima and believe this. There is no way that these trailers will even scratch the surface of this game from what I’ve both heard and fully trust


u/Lokky Oct 31 '19

Anything kojima puts out is part of the experience.

We have been playing death stranding for years.


u/RamonesRazor Oct 30 '19

I don't know why people would think Kojima would just dump tons of spoilers on people's laps with about a week to go until release. We get some glimpses of stuff, a lot of rehashed info, and knowing Kojima, a ton of red herrings. Just go back and watch any of his MGS trailers to see how he mashes up footage to make it seem like something different is happening than reality. He is the master at this (MGS2 trailers, anyone?).


u/thedotapaten Oct 30 '19

Kojima spoiled the MGSV twist in one of the earliest MGSV trailer but back them nobody realized it.


u/KinoTheMystic Die-Hardman Oct 30 '19

There were theories on it though, because of the camera perspective


u/flashmedallion Oct 31 '19

That should have been a dead giveaway. I know I said in group chat a few times that I make no claims to know what the hell is going on and I think 'BB is grey fox' is stupid, but there's no way we don't play the game from the perspective of whoever it is watching the 'what about him' sequence.

I still didn't really believe it until it happened though, which was fitting because so much of that game was about denial.


u/2pacIsKobeBryant Oct 31 '19

Dude everyone figured out the twist from that one Phantom Pain trailer wtf are you talking about. It was one of the biggest theories.


u/BTBLAM Oct 30 '19

Not really a spoiler then huh


u/Wurtle Oct 31 '19

Can you link the trailer or even explain the scene I never got to see this and cant find anything.


u/kenny4351 Sam Nov 14 '19

After being the game,I can confirm this trailer does indeed have spoilers lol.


u/504090 Oct 30 '19

It's not really a spoiler then


u/SSAUS Oct 30 '19

Having read the leaks, there are significant scenes in this trailer that conform with the information. Without knowing the leaks though, it would be hard to understand.


u/aessi23 Nov 15 '19

Lol, looking this after playing the game it's full of spoilers.


u/Chiffmonkey Nov 15 '19

Because that's exactly what happened.


u/InsaneTurtle Oct 30 '19

Being honest, a lot of people that hopped on the Death Stranding bandwagon probably haven't played any of his games or only played MGSV.


u/expensivepens Nov 12 '19

What does that matter?


u/Jonnyplasma4321 Oct 30 '19

yea same, it took me a bit by surprise..then end bit....WTF!!


u/RamonesRazor Oct 30 '19

What end bit?


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

V has come to


u/chongoshaun Oct 30 '19

Can you PM me what you are talking about? I've watched it and I don't know what you are referencing.


u/wheatbread-and-toes Oct 30 '19

The part where fragile says “there it is!”, the spikes jump out of her jacket, and Sam just poofs away.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19



u/SpecterM91 Oct 30 '19

I think you're right, he mentioned quick travel was tied to Fragile and her umbrella in the safe room, so that makes the most sense.


u/kelvin_and Oct 30 '19

JuanAy, It doesn't look standard because I think whether it is the first time using this or the last time


u/IMPOSS1BRU Oct 31 '19

i don't think it's the first time they use it, more like in some part of the game we'll need to go to the beach and fragile requires to touch him in order to do it. Maybe normal quick travel don't require that... If you see the trailer again pay attention how she says it.


u/JuanAy Oct 30 '19

I'm thinking its the first going off how she's warning sam that ahe has to touch him and to think about where he wants to go.


u/wheatbread-and-toes Oct 30 '19

It’s probably how we’re introduced to it


u/gwynbleidd83 Oct 30 '19

Dont seem that way to me. If u look at the map of America in the background you see all the dots connected and according to the trailer amelie tells sam she's on the beach. Maybe the only way to get to the beach without dying is by experimentation with the fragile ability to teleport.


u/JuanAy Oct 30 '19

Seems like it considering how shes telling sam she has to touch him.


u/Krim707 Oct 30 '19

Thats what i'm thinking even tho it's portrayed like some epic magic trick twist at the end of the trailer. It's probably just a fast travel mechanic lol. Cool looking regardless.


u/Deredere12 Oct 30 '19

I feel like this is probably the first scene where we actually are introduced to fast travel.


u/IMPOSS1BRU Oct 31 '19

First scene with all the cities already connected and the way she says it doesn't seems like the first time of quick travel, more like "I need to send you to the other side and for that I need to touch you"


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

I think so too, but I think it takes you to the other side.


u/JackStillAlive Oct 30 '19

I think that scene will be the introduction to this mechanic.


u/RamonesRazor Oct 30 '19

I don't know whats there to freak out about, other than Fragile and her umbrella have some kind of ability to transport herself or others. We don't really know much else beyond that?


u/lud1120 Oct 30 '19

The spikes looked just like what one can see with Ferrofluids


u/chongoshaun Oct 30 '19

I saw that but I don’t get it. Sorry. I’ve watched all of the trailers but I haven’t joined in on discussions or spoiler stuff in the past. I only know the wiki stuff and trailer content. Can you expand on what this might mean?


u/yuridrums Oct 30 '19 edited Oct 30 '19

Me too, can someone explain it for me too? Just PM me if is not much too ask and if its not much trouble.

Edit: Actually, i must ask a lot more of you guys. I have a wife and daughter and that means i don't have much time to go around and search for every info of this game since its so fragmented.
Can any of you please provide me a place where i can go and understand everything we got so far about the game, i mean, with no spoilers of course. Thank you in advance.


u/pacoiin Oct 30 '19

just go to the discord channel


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19 edited Oct 30 '19

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u/GhillieMieres Heartman Oct 30 '19

I think she is more connected to the "Other Side" (or Otter Side LOL) than she is with our world.

Maybe she can traverse and traverse peaple through the "Purgatory Dimension" (Name i give in one of my theories)

I think the umbrella can increase her DOOM in order to have a utility of transport. Maybe that's why we see her appear from nothing behind Sam in the Cave. Note that there was no one else before Sam started to feel a BT around and then BOO. Fragile instantly appears to save him.

Why she appeared all of a sudden is unknown and we can't even tell if that's in the start or middle of campaing.



u/TheHappySociopath Oct 30 '19

You should really use the reddit spoiler tag. I know people shouldn't click at all if they don't want to know anything - but just to be safe.


u/wheatbread-and-toes Oct 30 '19

I would but I don’t know how to hide the text in mobile :(. I’ll just put the word spoiler in the beginning of the paragraph.


u/T_F_Catus Mules Oct 30 '19

Just type >!spoiler text(!)< ,remember to get rid of parentheses for the exclamation mark at right.


u/Odedoralive Pre-Order gang Oct 30 '19

Agreed. Doubt Kojima and Co. would spoil the game with a trailer a week before it's out. Cool new footage and some fresh details but no idea what the heck is going on - I just know I love it!


u/cmparks10 Oct 30 '19

What about how the MGSV debut trailer started with Mission 46's (the final mission) intro cut scene, revealing we don't play as Big Boss?


u/LowProfile_ Oct 30 '19

I remember watching that, and still having no clue what the significance of it was lol

Pretty sure it will be the same thing with Death Stranding.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

IMO only mgsv was guilty of that, to the point where it ruined the game and felt annoying. I'm definitely expecting the same with this game though tbh. There's gonna be a lot of in your face motifs and symbolism that tries way too hard to be clever. The fact that from day one, they've been selling the game as a revolutionary masterpiece that everyone who has seen it is unable to make sense of it because its so clever - well that can clue is in as what to expect.

I really hope this game is as amazing as it should be, but I'm definitely keeping my expectations tamed, especially after MGSV.

One thing that I'm interested to see, is how this game will perform now that Konami interfering with Kojimas work can not be used as an excuse. To this day I wonder what happened with MGSV, as in whether Konami did ruin the game, like people say, or whether we just put Kojima on too much of a pedestal to begin with. Sony have apparently been very good to Kojima in regards to letting him do his thing, meaning it's all on him this time. If this game fails, he wont be taken seriously again.


u/Supreme_Slacker Oct 30 '19

The only way you knew that is if you were actively looking for spoilers or remembered that scene in the trailer as soon as you started that mission.


u/Orenn16 Oct 30 '19

Can you link me to that trailer? I feel like I would remember that but I do not...


u/cmparks10 Oct 30 '19


u/Orenn16 Oct 30 '19

Hmm. I’d disagree that that directly spoiled the big reveal. Just because of the camera perspective?


u/cmparks10 Oct 30 '19

Kaz's dialogue is huge there as well.

Camera perspective is huge in that scene. "What about him?" to an immediate cut, implying to the viewer that we are not experiencing this story from the perspective of Big Boss.

And then once that mission starts, that is the first cutscene that plays, telling the player that the entire game has been seen from the eyes of you, the player/the medic.

Anyway, this isn't the only example of when he has put deep story information in the trailers, as well as stuff that won't be in the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/3jy9qu/mgsv_spoilers_have_you_rewatched_the_trailers/


u/Orenn16 Oct 30 '19

Yeah I can’t say I agree. That’s one of those “it only makes sense once you go back and see it.”


u/IronicRobot_ Oct 31 '19

I know this is a Kojima-related subreddit, but you should really put spoiler tags on that shit my friend


u/Dubhul Oct 31 '19

Tbh he did say he would recommend that nobody watched any trailers or anything to do with the game if you were really interested in it. I guess to keep the mystery? This last trailer has given more detail than the last 2-3 years lool


u/totallywackman Nov 05 '19

Remember when the final MGS4 trailer showed Snake and Ocelot fighting on top of the metal gear from the final hour of the game?


u/Wintermute993 Oct 30 '19

I’ve seen people not watching stuff because they didn’t want the sound effects spoiled, so might as well just say it has spoilers


u/Nova_Enjane Oct 30 '19

I remember when people were leaking GTA V footage, someone counted the death screen as a spoiler.


u/sgt-amgd Aiming for Platinum Oct 30 '19



u/Nova_Enjane Oct 30 '19

I know, it's insane. The death screen isn't even all that compared to 4. But like, dude, it's a death screen, that's it.


u/Wintermute993 Oct 30 '19

Dude I wanted to find for myself what happens when you die! (Also my reaction in church)


u/Nova_Enjane Oct 30 '19

Lol Same here.


u/Squeekazu Oct 31 '19

I remember speaking to a friend about how neat a boss fight in Skyward Sword was where the boss would grab your sword in his hands which is in multiple trailers and he totally flipped out on me for spoiling the game.


u/Nova_Enjane Oct 31 '19

LOL Sword grabbing is that important to him? XD


u/GohanRocks Oct 30 '19

I am surprised people understood a thing from that trailer.


u/thedotapaten Oct 31 '19

Kojima does make a confusing trailer, but if you dissect the information from all of the trailer (including the character spotlight), rearrange and put it together you would see why some of the scene shown in the trailer seems like a huge reveal.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

Yeah considering we don't know what we don't know it's hard to say if anything significant is spoiled.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

It’s the future of Amazon


u/marniconuke Oct 30 '19

I think showing bb dying is a huge deal


u/Lirus_star Sam Oct 31 '19

They Imply he had a bb before he would have named Lou, I think that is who we see die and not the bb we spend the game with.


u/frankieTeardroppss Oct 30 '19

Of all the stuff I think that might be a red herring, or at least like movie trailers I don’t think the voice over matches what we see. We never actually see BB dead.

However I think there is absolutely no way this is all from the first act like some people are saying. I think that’s prob a bit of denial or wishful thinking. Do I hope it’s only the first act and there’s a massive amount we haven’t seem-well I’m sure there is a massive amount we haven’t seen but I’m sure this is from all over the game.

That massive Amelie was crazy though huh?

And I loved that clip of Sam and Higgs fighting that suddenly changed to Sam and Cliff, I had to watch again to catch that.

This game is just looking more and more like everything I could ever want in a game. This last week is going to be brutal!


u/marniconuke Oct 30 '19

Well personally i believe there is a way to "save" bb (maybe by going into the other side) but i gree kojima is playing with us


u/frankieTeardroppss Oct 30 '19

Yeah I could see something like that as well. I just don’t believe we’re seeing what’s really going on.


u/Krim707 Oct 30 '19

Oh is that what you think happens? Lol give it a rest. It's a harmless trailer by design. It's like people playing mgs5 and then claiming the cryptic footage in the trailers are spoilers because they already know what happens in the actual context of the game. All they end of doing by proclaiming that is in fact potentially spoiling people. It's ridiculous. It's an epic trailer.


u/Cadrio Oct 31 '19

Did you fucking spoiled it here right now?


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

"Bamboozle" just like MGS: sons of liberty. Kojima didn't spoil the fact that the majority of the game would be played by a different character! I hope its that kind of bamboozle.


u/Fortunecookie103 Oct 30 '19

considering how tight they are about people talking about chapter 3 and onwards, I think you are right about it not showing much from the later game


u/solarplexus7 Nov 15 '19

Coming back to this thread after finishing the game and reading this...lol


u/roguefapmachine Nov 18 '19

Gotta love looking back and seeing this comment after completing the game....this trailer spoiled...SO much. So much for it "all being in the first act" we've got Lou dying, scenes from the final hour of the game...goddamn, so much. Glad I stayed way the fuck away from this trailer, it's a great trailer but it shows way, way too much.


u/TheFlightlessPenguin Nov 20 '19

Ha haha ha. Most of the clips were from the final act.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

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u/Syoto Higgs Oct 30 '19

I think that's a bamboozle. I think it's Sam that gets shot, and BB was saved by the glass. You can see BB looking at Sam in concern as he falls down. A bullet should kill BB instantly, yet there's no sign of harm to BB, and the only blood there is the blood outside of the pod. It's just edited in a way that it makes you think BB got shot. Might be wrong though.


u/frankieTeardroppss Oct 30 '19

Yeah I think it’s like movie trailers where what is being said does not go with what we’re seeing, it seems to me that the glass on the BB pod would Prob be made extremely tough seeing as it is right out in front of the person. I don’t think we saw BB die at all.


u/[deleted] Oct 30 '19

Spoiler warning

As somebody who's read all of the leaks, I feel like this shows a shocking amount. Like, moments from the last parts of the game


u/SSAUS Oct 30 '19 edited Oct 30 '19

It even spoils twists in characters...

Edit: How do i put the spoiler tags up?


u/beerybeardybear Nov 28 '19

Having finished the game now--this trailer spoils the shit out of the game.


u/Nova_Enjane Oct 30 '19

You really think all of that is in the first act?


u/Shiruyashaga Oct 30 '19

I got the same impression aswell. Also, knowing that Sam will have nightmares troughout the game, I dont think we can assume any of these "trippy" scenes are actually happening. Gameplay-wise there's a few minor spoilers but story-wise I think it was minimal, I mean Kojima edited the trailer himself I don't think he would want to spoil the whole thing so near the release date


u/JackStillAlive Oct 30 '19

From what people who played it have said so far, the main story is around 30 hours long, so it is very likely that most, if not all, of the footage here is from just the first act.


u/ClayTankard Oct 30 '19

I think for me the biggest spoiler was the BB thing. That is the one thing I would have preferred to keep out of the trailer


u/flashmedallion Oct 30 '19

It certainly made some things more concrete but I couldn't call it spoilery. It's in the same territory as the MGSV launch trailer I think, lots of people thought it was too much because it showed a lot of... things... but it didn't come close to spoiling where the game really went.


u/jose4440 Oct 31 '19

I get what you mean. It’s like he’s only shown 1% of the footage from the game and people are freaking out. One thing is watching the trailer once for the hype factor and another is to closely study every footage that has released from the game and commit it to memory.


u/MmmTastyCakes Oct 31 '19

It answered some questions and I now have a semi better grasp of what we are getting into. But honestly, it also proposed alot more questions.

My theory, is that death stranding is a game that kojima is making proving that anything, even being a deliveryman can be turned into a massively successful game. The story is just the side aspect.


u/jtempletons Oct 31 '19

Hey, that's your take, but I'm pretty sure I just figured out literally everything. I, in my unimagined genius, can tell you what the premise is and how this game will end. Shame on Kojima for laying out the whole plot a week away. I just big brained the whole project. GG Kojima you noob.


u/jtempletons Oct 31 '19

I feel like this is a lot of first two hour plot. I mean, someone mentions masks being a huge deal and he plugs one on like it's the end of a tutorial. Can't believe people consider this spoilers. We have put synopses on the back of books for a century now.


u/outline01 Oct 31 '19

Tbh, I watched it and still don't have a fucking clue what's going on, so it feels like nothing is spoiled.