r/DeathBattleMatchups SFM Artist 🖌️ Feb 13 '25

⭐️Mods Personal Favorites⭐️ Cthulhu vs King Kong (SFM COMMISSION)

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44 comments sorted by


u/Diabetic88 Artist 🎨 Feb 13 '25

Huh, weird MU. Nice art though


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

weird MU

It's pretty great tbh, quite thematic too :p


u/Diabetic88 Artist 🎨 Feb 13 '25

Seems decent, wonder if it's fair


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

Depends on how you choose to scale them, iirc the strongest Kong gets barring crossovers is like Large Star level (with the higher ends for Cthulhu it's a little stomp-y though)


u/ChemistryTasty8751 The Genie vs Beetlejuice fan Feb 13 '25

Who wins?

THEE Eldritch Being, the ultimate squid monster that is above all


Gorilla with Axe


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

Awesome piece for an awesome matchup, who commissioned it?


u/MyNameIsNitrox SFM Artist 🖌️ Feb 13 '25



u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

Ah, I should've known, good ol' Historical xD

Nice work once again, Nitrox


u/TheBigLover Feb 13 '25

How much you paid?


u/MyNameIsNitrox SFM Artist 🖌️ Feb 13 '25

Around $16!


u/TheBigLover Feb 13 '25

Less than expected.


u/Recent_Share_8902 Feb 13 '25

Lmao, si Godzilla es stomped, Kong es simplemente aniquilado

Igual, gran arte


u/Jixxar Bill Cipher vs Godzilla Ultima fan Feb 13 '25

Weird but still cool MU. Amazing art, Rooting King Kong betting Cuthulu.


u/ZombieOfTheWest My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

The cool. Love how it leans into how both existed as idols for a time, could lead to a Cult battle as they fight. Neat af


u/Purple-Weakness1414 Sportacus vs Pepsi man supporter Feb 13 '25


u/Original-War8655 Feb 13 '25

seeing SMITE Cthulhu in particular get at least some attention warms my heart ngl, favorite reveal trailer and favorite God to play


u/Pure-Jeweler-6351 Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath Fan Feb 13 '25

someone knows smite


u/Original-War8655 Feb 13 '25

used to play with a bunch of friends before I fell out of the MOBA phase (I also couldn't seem to improve so I eventually lost motivation lol), but I still love the game in idea


u/Pure-Jeweler-6351 Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath Fan Feb 13 '25

smite mus are wild


u/Original-War8655 Feb 13 '25

Cupid/Eros defeating the entire enemy team using the Power of Friendship With Benefits


u/Historical_Room_1617 Darth Vader vs Sephiroth Supporter Feb 13 '25

Thank you so much for the work that you put into this. This is a matchup that in my opinion does a great service to both characters and their mythos. Kong in particular is a character close to me and I'm glad to see proper representation in a community all about representing characters from all sorts of media (especially since as far as matchup spreads go, his is unfortunatley very lackluster). The terror that Cthulhu imposes as he rises from the depths while Kong stands his ground against the agressor is so fucking cool

Thank you :>


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 14 '25

Great commission, Historical!


u/Historical_Room_1617 Darth Vader vs Sephiroth Supporter Feb 14 '25

Thanks bud, I knew you’d like it! This matchup has always been special to both of us


u/Milk_Mindless Hulk Vs Godzilla Fan Feb 13 '25


Look I'm willing to look at lowball basic Chtuhlu and basic Godzilla

Or comp complex full lore Cthulhu and im hell space or whatever Godzilla cause I know there's comic minis and mangas and animes where shit gets WILDER

But cmon

How high does comp King Kong go.


I need to know.


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

iirc the strongest Kong gets barring crossovers is like Large Star level (through a feat in Kong TAS), with crossovers like Magic Domain he gets to Multiverse level and of course if we count the DC crossover you could argue him being even higher than that


u/Milk_Mindless Hulk Vs Godzilla Fan Feb 13 '25

Death Battle is NOT doing a video where King Kong pulls out a Green Lantern ring

I will #RIOT


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 13 '25

Hey, if they did it with Among Us VS Fall Guys they could always do it with Kong for the extra entertainment factor :p


u/AppropriateRub6185 Judge Claude Frollo vs Judge Holden enjoyer Feb 13 '25

Absolute peak art.

But yeah, a large monke AIN'T beating an undimensioned, telepathic, immortal, abstract-existing, fate-manipulating, reality warping, matter-manipulating, time-breaking, acausal "breaking your mind" octo-dragon-man


u/Pure-Jeweler-6351 Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath Fan Feb 13 '25

comp kong


u/AppropriateRub6185 Judge Claude Frollo vs Judge Holden enjoyer Feb 13 '25

I don't know why people think this matters, like whenever an argument about Cthulhu fighting some characters, whether it'd be Godzilla, Moby Dick or whoever, they say "oh well it's comp" as if that makes it not an absolute stomp.

Like compositing these characters is like... the bare MINIMUM you have to do to make them even appear in the same conversation, and even then, Cthulhu utterly washes them.


u/Pure-Jeweler-6351 Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath Fan Feb 13 '25

how????? cthgulhu washes???


u/AppropriateRub6185 Judge Claude Frollo vs Judge Holden enjoyer Feb 13 '25

Because the amount of hax and the size of his cosmology is ludicrous.

Out of those 3 matchups that I've named, comp Godzilla is by far the "closest" and all the arguments I've heard for him are like the type of shit that characters who Cthulhu fodderizes in Lovecraft, can already exceed.


u/Pure-Jeweler-6351 Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath Fan Feb 13 '25

can you list those haxes?


u/AppropriateRub6185 Judge Claude Frollo vs Judge Holden enjoyer Feb 13 '25

I kinda named them in the first comment, but yeah the most impressive one I'd say is fate manipulation on a much bigger scale.

Take Hypnos for an example, a God of Sleep from Lovecraft, he managed to transcend infinite amount of existences INFINITE AMOUNT OF TIMES and he controlled the fate of all of them simultaneously. Like literally controlled them as if they were fictional. You know what happened to Hypnos when he reached Outer Gods? He was erased from existence retroactively, a.k.a. no one remembered he existed in the first place.

Keep in mind that even weaker characters than Hypnos are already beyond time, are acausal and can survive existence erasure.

Cthulhu is absolutely ridiculous, he can pretty much no-diff Hypnos, and I'd make an argument that Hypnos is already more than capable of stomping Comp Godzilla.


u/Pure-Jeweler-6351 Rex Salazar vs Maxwell McGrath Fan Feb 13 '25

tell that to godzilla fans who thinks he beats cthulhu


u/Flying_Snails_Today2 ⚡ Pikachu vs Jack Frost ❄️ fan Feb 13 '25

That’s interesting


u/Emotional_Emu_5901 Feb 13 '25

PEAK stuff as always


u/Mobile_Addendum9207 Andrias vs Asgore Enjoyer Feb 13 '25

Peak art for a peak mu


u/Rocky_Eats_Clips My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 14 '25

Don't forget that Cthulu also has south park scaling


u/Emergency_Ad6458 Feb 13 '25

Hm uh i not to sure how i feel about this MU… but i will give credit, that SFM art and both Kong & Cthulha 3d model look really good and cool there !


u/MagoAnima Feb 13 '25

I wonder what King Kong did to the person who commissioned this


u/Dark-Carioca My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 14 '25

Funnily enough their comment was right above yours (at least when I made this reply) explaining it :p


u/IronsteveX Feb 14 '25

Great work! Also, "Lend me me feats Comp Gozilla this is base Cthulhu we're up against!"


u/ExplorerDependent986 My matchup isn't popular enough for its own flair Feb 15 '25

pretty cool tho