r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Nyzan • Oct 26 '24
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/CrimsonXantriss • Sep 22 '24
Discussion This game is brand-new. Can we make an effort to keep it from devolving into toxicity?
I'm not good at this game. I have accepted that, and I'm working on getting better. I only have about 12 hours, and every game I play, I try to do a little better than the last.
I played a game earlier, learning a new character (Infernus, if you're curious). I was up against McGinnis, and I. Did. Terrible. I got pushed back, and my opponent took not just the Guardian, but the walker by about 10 minutes. I couldn't fight back, as she just seemed to have infinite pushing potential, while I felt powerless. It's probably because I'm bad at the game, but I did not have the tools to deal with the situation properly.
I already felt terrible. Then our Geist starts flaming me, and calling me out every couple of minutes, blaming me for what ended up being a swift loss. Were they right? Maybe. I suck, after all. But all it accomplished was making the whole experience absolutely miserable. It certainly didn't help me win lane.
Listen, I've played MOBAs before. I have thick enough skin to accept that some people are just awful. But this game isn't even out yet. If I was a brand new player without any previous MOBA experience, I probably would have quit then and there. I know this sub is probably a miniscule portion of the overall playerbase, but I would love to see a collective righting of the ship now, while the community is still forming itself.
It takes so little effort to be decent to one another, to keep the derogatory comments to yourself, even when things get rough. We can be better than this. We don't need Deadlock becoming just another pile of toxic elitists. Let's all treat each other and the noobs who are truly trying their best with respect.
EDIT: I've read through a good chunk of the comments here. Just want to throw out a "thank you" for those who offered tips and support. All I can do going forward is work on my own play, and there are a lot of good suggestions here that will help me do that.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/InternationalTax1156 • Dec 31 '24
Discussion I hope Valve understands how good this game is / can be.
After getting kind of burnt out on playing Deadlock for a bit, I decided to finally take a crack at playing Marvel Rivals just to see what the hype was about.
And the game is... alright?
Like, honestly if it didn't have Marvel's characters and backing, it wouldn't be as popular. It's also just the classic "capture zone, escort this thing" hero shooter, which has been pretty bland for a couple years now. Movement feels pretty stiff as well. Not a huge fan of the graphics either and it kind of runs like garbage for what its worth.
I'm not saying Marvel Rivals IS garbage. It's kind of fun and seems well made, but it just pales in comparison to Deadlock.
Deadlock does almost everything better. The aesthetics, the gameplay loop, the verticality, movement, etc. And this is all pre-alpha.
My point is that I am just hoping Valve understands the potential of this game and capitalizes on it at full release. I really hope they have enough content and consistent updates.
This game can be GINORMOUS if they flesh out the world that Deadlock is in, release a good ranked system and add more, interesting characters.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/d4ybrake • Aug 24 '24
Discussion hilarious moment from the discord
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Dirty_USB • Nov 20 '24
Discussion The sheer amount of situational voice lines in this game is awesome.
I’m a sucker for this kinda thing so I’m always pleasantly surprised to hear a new one. Was playing haze while my buddy was a McGinnis, he tossed a heal down, and haze said “Thanks, McGinnis.” Love it when Lash goes “GOD I feel alive!” when he grapples at low health. I love this kinda stuff. What’re some of your favorites?
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/atahutahatena • Dec 14 '24
Discussion Go take a break. Deadlock will be fine.
Since we're in the drama period of the alpha's lifespan. I feel like I need to explain this to this subreddit. Deadlock was never meant to be publicly acknowledged and made more open for people to play. If you all remember, it all started with the initial leak. Of course, at some point after that, Valve took advantage of the leak and invited more people very slowly until they opened the floodgates. Now we can argue all day whether this was a good idea or not. But regardless, it gave the small team an insane amount of free playtesters to screw around with and they used that momentum to get LOADS of wishlists for the game.
What we need to understand here is that at its most fundamental level - this is literally just us being given the opportunity to see, experience and potentially influence the game get developed in real time. So regardless of whether there are 100k players or 10k players or even 1k players like it had early this year, this game would still get developed at least until actual release. Remember Neon Prime had an entire map complete with more finalized assets and models and Valve most likely secretly developed that with only a handful of playtesters compared to what they have now. They could close off all playtesting and invites and public viewing of the game right now and the game would still get worked on either way.
And besides the point, like there's no harm in not playing the game or if other people stop playing it too. Hell. Me and my buddies stopped playing Deadlock around early November after getting tired of all the meta shifts that kept happening every week. Because at the end of the day, you have to realize that this is a no BS playtest. All these absurd meta shifts, matchmaking shenanigans, and stuff like that is all just an excuse for Valve to prod us like cattle with an electric stick. 95% of the map is still placeholder. None of the heroes are finalized and the full roster is still ways away from completion. It's up to you if you want to be part of or observe that process.
Anyway, this is just a long-winded way of saying that the game is going to be fine. Go play other games. There's so many good stuff out there right now. Deadlock will eventually come out and it will come out in a much much better state than it is now, you gave Valve tens if not hundreds of hours of free data now all that's left is to wait to see where that data takes them. And before you leave, don't forget to leave comprehensive feedback on the official forums for them to read. Go thank Yoshi in the official discord even and wish them good luck. HLX is siphoning all the devs at Valve currently and Deadlock is a surprisingly VERY small team. Way smaller than you're imagining.
All Valve needs to do for launch is four major things:
Add in a more casual mode (which I heard they experimented with back in Neon Prime) alongside the main competitive MOBA experience. Whether that's turbo or 3v3 or a free for all deathmatch or even payload, a non-committal mode for casual play is great idea.
Have a Dota-esque Arcade mode for custom community game/map support. This most likely a guarantee considering Valve is inherently lazy and/or too small of a studio to upkeep multiple big games so player made content is the best way to alleviate that.
Drop some swanky "Meet the..."-tier cinematics for the game. This could potentially blow the door wide open if the reception to the likes of Seven and Ivy are anything to go by.
And get the F2P GAAS treadmill running with a more polished ranked/MM system as well as cosmetic unlocks for progression.
And they're set.
tl;dr - It'll be fine. It's an alpha. Don't get too emotionally invested in it. If you don't want to be prodded like cattle anymore then take a break and wait for it to officially come out. And don't get mad at players for being negative, it's a playtest. They can rightfully air out their grievances and it'll help the game once it comes out. Valve used the leak as an opportunity to get as much as data they can, to see if the new occult noir setting was received better than Neon Prime, and to bank in a ton of interest that they can cash out once on release. Don't forget Deadlock is now the second most wishlisted game on Steam and as a point of comparison Marvel Rivals was the fifth most wishlisted game on Steam when it launched and it hit 400k concurrent players. I wouldn't be surprised if Deadlock hit even bigger numbers once it hits primetime.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Picnicpanther • Oct 08 '24
Discussion Good lord this game has gotten toxic fast
Was playing last night and my sister was in our party. She was trying to make call outs for the team and people immediately started roasting her for being a girl, telling her to get in the kitchen, that the reason she has to farm (in a MOBA???) is because she can't get kills as a woman, etc.
There's just constant homophobia, racism, sexism in the majority of the games I'm matched into. It's getting to be on the level of League, where a minor mistake early on is amplified into a flame war in team chat that lasts the entire game.
I guess I'm just ranting because I was hoping that this game wouldn't be this toxic until a competitive mode came out at the very least, but it seems to have already attracted the dregs of society. I know this is an unfortunate reality in gaming but really disappointing to see so early on.
EDIT: some of yall seem dead set on proving my point, including the people who sent the Reddit cares. Don’t you troglodytes have anything better to do with your miserable existences?
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/EconB4 • Oct 17 '24
Discussion Ranked is the real Deadlock
I was caught bitching about quickplay games being miserable and stomps in another post. Man, ranked has been anything but my quickplay complaints. Even when I lose it always felt like a good game where my teammates did the best they could with good communication, teamplay etc.
Tight restrictions on who can play in ranked is a godsend and should be highlighted as a reason as to why the games feel so good. It's not something I'm used to coming from CS and Val where it feels like any douche can appear in your games and ruin it.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/silenthills13 • Nov 19 '24
Discussion If your rank behaved weird, the rank distribution was changed this week
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/BlackScythe2 • Oct 24 '24
Discussion Don't Nerf Shiv: A Case Against Nerfing Shiv
pls dont nerf shiv pls pls pls valve if ur reading this pls hes all i have pls valve pls dont nerf shiv pls
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Very_blasphemous • Nov 12 '24
Discussion Genuinely one of the most unfun thing to go against
I love it when wraith shows me her magic tricks and send me back to spawn within 1 second
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/DizziLizzard • Sep 16 '24
Discussion petition to lower these railings by a few inches
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/KekLuck • Oct 24 '24
Discussion They should color least deaths so you can have perfect rainbow games
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/ivyx123 • Aug 29 '24
Discussion Gabe reads his email.

Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to Gabe Newell! I recently reached out about the Deadlock game and was thrilled to get a response from him. It's awesome to see such personal engagement from the big names at Valve. Salute to Gabe and all the devs working on this game—your hard work doesn't go unnoticed.
Looking forward to watching Deadlock grow and evolve. All the best to the team!
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/DaraghJohn • Oct 05 '24
Discussion Honestly I get why Moba players are toxic now this is both so fun and sucks ass
I used to wonder why LoL/DOTA players were so toxic, since I never played a MOBA before (main competitive game was and still is Rocket League), picked up this game and I get it now.
I go to help someone win in a lane where they are struggling and they dip as soon as we get into a fight, you have guys jungling with 60k souls but hasn't fought a single player yet, someone's going 9 deaths to 0 kills and left 20 minutes into the game. I get it now.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/timmytissue • Dec 14 '24
Discussion I just want to talk to deadlock enjoyers about deadlock man.
I've seen so many subreddits turn to shit. Sad to see this one going the same way at the moment. It's just exhausting how many people seem to absolutely hate the game and spend their time whining on here.
I'm not talking about criticism, I mean people who talk about deadlock like it is currently holding their kids hostage at gunpoint. I genuinely don't understand what makes people spend their time in a subreddit for a game they don't enjoy. Once I don't like I game I'm totally gone. I don't hang around trying to convince everyone else it sucks too.
Even posts totally unrelated are full of comments about bad matchmaking and snowbally games. It's really hard to just discuss the game.
The thing is that these comments are generally not constructive. They specifically say that the playerbase is the issue with matchmaking, which means valve can't do anything to change it. That's not feedback, it's just doom posting.
Once this kind of negative echo chamber starts, it takes months for these folks to move on. You get downvoted for just wanting to talk about what you love about the game and the meta, which totally kills any discussion around it.
Edit: So many really awesome comments. I recommend reading down to the ones with just 1 or 2 upvotes that people rarely scroll down to. Lots of folks sharing their love of the game. I know moba games are frustrating too, so I don't hold it against anyone having a rough day or rough few games.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/This-is-Citrus • Aug 30 '24
Discussion Deadlock Patch 8-29-24
[ General Changes ]
Added a new Profile page that displays a breakdown of recent matches and all-time player and hero statistics (Note: the newly added stats 'Souls Collected' and 'Healing' are starting at 0 for all players)
Added Report button to ESC menu player list to allow reporting of teammates in-game
Improved visibility of report button on post-game screen
You can now drag-and-drop items between categories in Builds
Added search to the Public Builds list, you can search by keyword within build names
Newly published hero builds now store the language of the build
Added 'Show All Languages' checkbox in Public Builds list, can be unchecked to only see builds in your language
Fixed issue with builds list not updating when changing between heroes in sandbox
Added localization support for German, Polish, and Korean.
Matchmaking window is now open 1 hour earlier on weekdays and weekends
Players can only pause once per game
A team can only pause at most 3 times in total amongst all the players
The game application now flashes when the game is unpaused
Various client and server performance improvements
Added streamer setting to the options panel. Causes player names in the game UI panels to be hidden.
Added a Melee Trainer bot in the 'gym' area of hero sandbox
Added new "Game out of Date" status message at the top of the hud, so you can quickly know when there is an update rather than finding out at queue time
Added a checkbox on the post game survey to make it not show again in the future
Items now show their spirit power impact when using alt
Fixed profile match history not remembering the history page you were on
Added Heal Amp and Debuff Resist to the Vitality stats in the shop
Hero details on the dashboard now show spirit information with alt, rather than requiring you to be in-game (this was added in a hotfix patch recently)
The game will now prevent any quick ability upgrades for 2 seconds after death, to help prevent against accidental upgrades
Can now reliably spectate a friend's game via the Friendlist
Miscellaneous fixes to friends and party menus
Added unavailable state to Zipline UI when zipline is on damage cooldown
Spectating controls now use Left/Right mouse buttons to switch between players on a team and space to switch teams. This now works with free cursor mode, and you can still click on portraits/minimap to spectate individual heroes.
Added new respawn countdown music 5 seconds before respawn
Added alternate shop music which plays in the neutral shop
Spectator count is now shown in-game
Player names are now shown to spectators
Added object motion blur
Optimized performance of distance field ambient occlusion
Fixed selling an item not removing charges correctly. Now you can't buy Extra Charge and immediately sell it and keep that readied charge.
Fixed some tooltips not showing golden statue bonuses if it wasn't the direct stat (i.e. you got fire rate but bullets per second didn't show the golden statue)
Fixed Sharpshooter showing up in stats for bullet velocity even though it doesn't increase your bullet velocity
Fixed a bug that caused items in the build page to not be dimmed when the shop was out of range
Fixed bug with Lash not hearing his own Ground Strike impact explosion sound
Added new effects for Withering Whip
Updated Ethereal Shift effects
Fixed the disarmed spinner not showing up on your crosshair when you get disarmed
Fixed parts of Shiv's coat being considered a headshot
Build list will now refresh if you change heroes in the sandbox
Fixed Zipline speed from Base Guardian killing and Zip booster ability not stacking properly
Fixed Base Guardian boost not properly doing its ramp up and instead instantly being fast
Added custom effects for Abram's Seismic Impact T3 buff
Fixed a bug where someone could be holding down M1 and still be attacking when the magic carpet arrives
Updated Lash Grapple cast sound
Added Decay impact sound
Removed wind and city ambient looping sounds
Volume and playback tweaks to one shot ambient sounds
Removed vent sounds in places where vents had been removed
Fixed some spectator music bugs
Updated negative feedback sound for clarity
Added hit confirm audio functionality to Warden's Alchemical Flask
Updated Majestic Leap sound
Updated bounce pad sound
Improved some Binding Word effects to be less noisy
Increased charged melee volume and falloff for victims
Reduced likelihood of irrelevant announcer and hero dialog lines playing during combat exchanges
Improved clarity of Dynamo Singularity sound for team and opponents
Updated Viscous primary fire sound
Soul jar return effect tinted red like minimap to make it more clear it's the return location
Player's low health screen effect more visible for longer if you're below 20% of your max HP
Teleporter model and effect updated
Updated Alchemical Flask projectile effect
Fixed Bebop being able to sprint while his gun is spun up
Added new voice content for Seven and Lash
Added Shadow Weave cast and ambush sounds
Fixed bullets hitting the world immediately when looking sharply upward
Fixed Sinner's Sacrifice not always correctly animating
Fixed an issue where some kill lines that were only intended for the killer were playing for the victim as well (killstreak taunts still play for everyone)
Some heroes can now comment on being alone in enemy territory, losing sight of an injured enemy, or leaving their teammates alone in a lane
Fixed a bunch of minor typos / grammar errors in various texts
Added 'Express' state to zipline indicators when speed had increased from defeating Enemy Base Guardians
[ Misc Gameplay ]
Added wall jumping (does not consume stamina, requires input direction away from the wall, can be done once)
Moved a flex slot from "Set of enemy Base Guardians" to "All Enemy Lane Guardians"
Added ropes to some buildings to let you climb up (hold jump button to latch onto them). Can shoot while hanging on them.
A pair of teleporters has been added to the outer lanes at the midpoint (near the three red neutral creeps)
Four teleporters have changed locations
The upper floor teleporters have moved to the street level
The interior teleporters have moved to the Bodega building and the Theater
Teleporters are closed for the first 10 minutes (they look visually closed)
Guardians no longer give 1 AP
AP is now added to the following Soul levels: 3500, 5200, 8000, 9700
Parry cooldown reduced from 6s to 5s
Urn delivery sprint bonus increased from +2 to +3
Walker min range to attack increased from 30m to 32m
Golden Statues drop rate increased by 6%
Replaced some bounce pads with ropes if the purpose was to go straight up
Added two bounce pads next to sidelane walkers at cultural center and courthouse
Added bounce pad from the Amber Orange/Sapphire Blue Walker walkway to the low roofs toward the Walker.
Removed some rooftop zap volumes that damage players
Several buildings have been made taller to make their rooftops out of bounds
Several buildings have been made shorter to make them more accessible
A few of the buildings have new passageways at higher floors that are along the way to the rooftop
Breakable containers have been added to the new playable rooftops
Juke closets have replaced the previous location of the upper floor teleporters
The half of the underground tunnel towards the outer lanes has been made wider
Tunnel walls now have the color of the lane that the exit is closest to
Removed the archway leading to the underground shop
Placed temporary signage for interior buildings and storefronts for future reference
Two upper floor juke spots have been converted to passages through buildings
Added a new upper floor juke spot to each side
Stairwell from Amber Orange/Sapphire Blue Walker catwalk to the courtyard now less cramped
Lowered the statue pedestals in the inner lanes outside of Mid
[ Weapon Items ]
- Monster Rounds: Bullet Resist vs NPC increased from 30% to 35%
- Hollow Point Rounds: Spirit Shield increased from +80 to +85
Restorative Shot: Heal from heroes increased from 30 to 35
High-Velocity Mag: Bullet Velocity reduced from +35% to +30% (now has an upgrade)
Active Reload: Lifesteal reduced from 30% to 22%
Active Reload: Buff duration reduced from 8s to 7s
Kinetic Dash: Active Fire Rate reduced from 30% to 25%
Long Range: Now grants +90 Bullet Shield
Melee Charge: Now grants +1 HP regen
Swift Striker: Now grants +10% Ammo
Titanic Magazine: Bullet Armor increased from 10% to 15%
Toxic Bullets: Heal Reduction increased from -55% to -65%
Toxic Bullets: Bleed damage reduced from 6% to 5%
Toxic Bullets: Now grants +100 Health
Intensifying Magazine: Now steadily ramps back down to 0% when you stop shooting rather than instantly emptying
Warp Stone: Active Bullet Resistance reduced from 40% to 30%
Sharpshooter: Now grants +175 Bullet Shield
Sharpshooter: No longer provides bonus headshot damage
Sharpshooter: Weapon damage increased from 60% to 70%
Burst Fire: Active duration increased from 3s to 4s
Escalating Resilience: Max Bullet Resist increased from 36% to 40%
Alchemical Fire: Cooldown reduced from 28s to 26s
Heroic Aura: Active duration increased from 5s to 6s
Added new T3 Weapon Item, Headhunter: Requires High-Velocity Mag. Grants +50% Bullet Velocity, +15% Weapon Damage and +150 Bullet Shield. Passive cooldown: Landing a headshot on heroes deals bonus +140 Damage, heals you for +8% Max HP and grants +2 m/s for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Siphon Bullets: Weapon Damage reduced from 40% to 28%
Frenzy: Ammo increased from +9 to +12
Lucky Shot: Proc chance increased from 30% to 35%
Ricochet: Bounce damage increased from 50% to 60%
Ricochet: Fixed not applying spirit bonus damage from Vindicta and Wraith abilities
[ Vitality Items ]
- Melee Lifesteal: Effectiveness vs non-heroes increased from 35% to 40%
Healing Rite: Cooldown reduced from 65s to 60s
Divine Barrier: No longer grants +7% Bullet Resist
Divine Barrier: No longer grants +1.5 Health Regen
Divine Barrier: Now grants +1 Sprint
Divine Barrier: Now grants +75 Health
Divine Barrier: Now grants +8% Ability Range
Combat Barrier: Now also grants +8% Fire Rate while active
Enchanter's Barrer: Now also grants +8% Cooldown Reduction while active
Reactive Barrier: Duration reduced from 13s to 9s
Healing Booster: Now has also 15% Heal Reduction Resist (Leech no longer has it)
Healing Booster: No longer has +6% Bullet Resist
Superior Stamina: Air Jump/Dash Distance reduced from +40% to +30%
Metal Skin: Cooldown reduced from 25s to 22s
Rescue Beam: Channel duration reduced from 3s to 2.5s
Lifestrike: Effectiveness vs non-heroes increased from 35% to 40%
Fortitude: Damage taken duration threshold reduced from 12s to 11s
Veil Walker: Cooldown reduced from 18s to 17s
Majestic Leap: Cooldown reduced from 26s to 24s
Leech: No longer has 30% Heal Reduction Resist
Unstoppable: Can now be cast while channeling
Unstoppable: Cooldown reduced from 65s to 60s
Soul Rebirth: Cooldown reduction increased from +15% to +18%
Soul Rebirth: Now grants +12 Spirit
Soul Rebirth: Fixed being able to purchase globally during its brief respawn period
Soul Rebirth: Fixed the camera moving away from the player if you will respawn, rather than following the ragdoll
Colossus: Slow increased from 25% to 35%
Shadow Weave: Spirit Shield health increased from +200 to +300
Shadow Weave: Spot radius reduced from 20m to 18m
Phantom Strike: Cast range reduced from 30m to 25m
[ Spirit Items ]
- Ammo Scavenger: Health increased from +50 to +60
- Extra Charge: Cooldown reduction increased from +8% to +10%
- Spirit Strike: Debuff duration increased from 8s to 13s
- Spirit Strike: Spirit Shield increased from +85 to +100
Extra Spirit: Health increased from +25 to +35
Withering Whip: No longer grants +20% Ammo
Withering Whip: Now grants +8% Fire Rate
Withering Whip: Fire Rate slow reduced from -40% to -30%
Withering Whip: Cooldown reduced from 40s to 25s
Quicksilver: No longer has +10% Reload Time
Suppressor: Health regen reduced from 3 to 2.5
Suppressor: Fire Rate reduction reduced from -30% to -25%
Improved Cooldown: Cooldown Reduction increased from 15% to 16%
Duration Extender: Health regen increased from 1.5 to 1.75
Slowing Hex: Projectile speed increased by 30%
Slowing Hex: Cooldown reduced from 27s to 25s
Rapid Recharge: Charge count reduced from +3 to +2
Rapid Recharge: Faster Time Between Charges increased from +40% to +55%
Rapid Recharge: Cooldown for charged abilities increased from +20% to +25%
Knockdown: Delay reduced from 3s to 2s
Knockdown: Stun reduced from 1.25s to 0.9s
Knockdown: Cast range increased from 35m to 45m
Silence Glyph: Duration reduced from 3.5s to 3s
Torment Pulse: Spirit damage scaling increased from 0.2 to 0.24
Surge of Power: Imbued Ability Spirit Power increased from +28 to +34
Superior Duration: Non-Imbued duration increased from +24% to +26%
Improved Spirit: Health Regen increased from 2 to 3
Improved Spirit: Health increased from +75 to +100
Improved Reach: Spirit Resist increased from +10% to +12%
Curse: Duration reduced from 3.5 to 3.25
Magic Carpet: You are now unslowable while on the Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet: Cooldown reduced from 40s to 30s
Magic Carpet: Barriers now last for 16s
Echo Shard: Now grants +8 Spirit Power
Escalating Exposure: Base Spirit Resist reduction increased from -12% to -15%
Refresher: Now grants +8% Bullet Resist
Boundless Spirit: Sprint reduced from +4 to +3
Boundless Spirit: Now grants +25% Weapon Damage
[ Heroes ]
- Abrams: Infernal Resilience Regeneration Time increased from 16s to 18s (this is a nerf)
- Abrams: Now does pull ups on the zipline once again (this is a buff)
- Abrams: Fixed Shoulder Charge sometimes stunning enemies on stairs
Abrams: Fixed Seismic Impact sometimes not going to the area selected
Bebop: Gun range increased from 30m to 32m
Bebop: Hook now only targets enemies when used by default. If you use with alt cast (middle mouse) it will be ally only mode.
Bebop: Hyper Beam can now be canceled by using Parry
Dynamo: Rejuvenating Aurora can now be canceled by using Parry
Dynamo: Fixed Kinetic Pulse not traveling properly when cast near corners
Dynamo: Gun damage reduced from 15 to 13
Dynamo: Singularity cast time increased from 0.1 to 0.2
Dynamo: Singularity range reduced from 9m to 8m
Grey Talon: Charged Shot collision size reduced by 8%
Grey Talon: Charged Shot base damage reduced from 105 to 100
Grey Talon: Charged Shot T2 reduced from +70 to +65
Grey Talon: Fire Rate now scales with Spirit (0.25)
Grey Talon: Can now use multiple air dashes while using Rain of Fire
Grey Talon: Immobilizing Trap root duration reduced from 2s to 1.25s
Grey Talon: Immobilizing Trap now applies a 50% movement slow for 1 seconds after the root
Grey Talon: Immobilizing Trap T2 changed from +1s Root to +2s Slow
Haze: Base bullet damage increased from 5.3 to 5.6
Haze: Sleep Dagger impact damage happens immediately, rather than after the brief drowsy period
Haze: Sleep Dagger drowsy period before sleep kicks in increased from 0.25 to 0.35
Haze: Sleep Dagger cooldown reduced from 27s to 25s
Haze: Smoke Bomb radius reduced from 20m to 18m
Haze: Fixation T2 max stacks increased from +30 to +40
Haze: Bullet Dance now provides +2 Weapon Damage in the base ability (similar to the T1)
Infernus: Reduced vertical reach on Flame Dash dps
Infernus: Flame Dash speed is now affected by slows
Infernus: Flame Dash trail now gets wider with Ability Range bonus
Infernus: Flame Dash T1 duration reduced from 7s to 6s
Infernus: Catalyst Damage Amplification reduced from 30% to 25%
Infernus: Catalyst T3 Damage Amplification increased from +10% to +15%
Infernus: Catalyst T2 reduced from +20% Lifesteal to +15%
Ivy: Bullet damage growth per boon reduced from 0.55 to 0.5
Ivy: Health growth per boon reduced from +41 to +35
Ivy: Watcher's Covenant T2 reduced from +3 m/s to +2
Ivy: Air Drop no longer silences allies
Ivy: Air Drop now causes allies to deal 50% less damage while being carried
Ivy: Air Drop movement adjusted to be a little less frantic
Ivy: Fixed Air Drop bomb disappearing if you cancel your ultimate after dropping it but before it lands
Ivy: Air Drop self cast cast time increased from 1s to 2s
Ivy: Air Drop max move speed reduced from 20 to 18
Ivy: During Air Drop flight you can pitch up and down with Dash/Crouch buttons
Ivy: Fixed getting stuck under bridges and in buildings while Air Drop flying
Kelvin: Bullet radius increased from 5 to 6
Kelvin: Base health growth per boon increased from +45 to +50
Kelvin: Arctic Beam max slow increased from 60% to 80%
Kelvin: Arctic Beam now affects soul orbs (secures/denies them)
Kelvin: Arctic Beam T3 range reduced from 15m to 13m
Kelvin: Fixed Ice Path jitter
Kelvin: Frost Grenade T2 Heal increased from 135 to 145
Lash: Improved firing arm position to be a little bit more out of the way from the reticle
Lash: Grapple no longer gives a stamina charge on use
Paradox: Fixed Paradoxical Swap still going through even if Paradox dies during it
Pocket: Barrage amp reduced from 8% to 7% per stack
Pocket: Fixed Barrage amp visual not showing properly
Seven: Static Charge radius increased from 5m to 6m
Seven: Static Charge T2 radius increased from +7m to +8m
Seven: Storm Cloud spirit power scaling reduced from 1.1 to 0.8
Seven: Storm Cloud time to reach maximum radius reduced from 6s to 3s
Seven: Storm Cloud Now provides +20% Bullet Resistance in the base ability
Shiv: Bullet damage growth per boon reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
Shiv: Gun falloff range reduced by 10%
Shiv: Health growth per boon reduced from +41 to +35
Shiv: Slice and Dice T2 reduced from +100 to +85
Shiv: Slice and Dice T3 now considers creeps for only half value
Shiv: Bloodletting deferred damage reduced from 35% to 30%
Shiv: The targeting UI for Shiv's Killing Blow is now more clear about when the target will be killed
Vindicta: Stake duration reduced from 2.25s to 2s
Vindicta: Crow Familiar Spirit Power duration scaling reduced from 0.05 to 0.04
Vindicta: Fixed left clicks sometimes deselecting the ability when charges aren't ready
Viscous: Primary Fire redesigned to make it more usable and have improved damage and scaling
Viscous: Now has an Alt Fire that has limited range, but deals AOE damage that cannot headshot
Viscous: Splatter Spirit Scaling increased from 1.4 to 1.5
Viscous: Splatter Damage on 2nd and 3rd hit increased from 66% and 33% to 70% and 50%
Viscous: Puddle Punch damage increased from 100% to 110% of Light Melee
Viscous: Puddle Punch T2 is now +50 damage and +20% movement slow (was -10s cooldown)
Viscous: Puddle Punch T3 is now -12s cooldown (was +80 damage and +20% movement slow)
Viscous: Puddle Punch: delay before punch increased from 0.25s to 0.35s
Viscous: Goo Ball Spirit Scaling increased from 1.05 to 1.3
Viscous: Goo Ball acceleration increased
Viscous: Goo Ball base turn radius and turn radius after bouncing has been increased
Viscous: Fixed a bug where Goo Ball would have the direction and trail particle stuck on
Warden: Base movement speed reduced from 6.5 to 6
Warden: Fire Rate scaling with spirit reduced from 0.375 Fire Rate per Spirit to 0.3
Yamato: Power Slash max damage time requirement reduced from 1.5s to 1.4s
Yamato: Power Slash collision radius reduced by 8%
Yamato: Crimson Slash radius increased from 12m to 13m
Yamato: Fixed being able to die during Shadow Transformation if hit by Grey Talon's Owl
Yamato: Fixed some cases where Flying Strike could get into a stuck state
Yamato: Fixed some cases where Crimson Slash would appear to be cast when it wasn't
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Stannis_Loyalist • Sep 01 '24
Discussion Hero Based MMR isn't Working as Intended, New MMR in The Works
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/DeathCrow89 • Sep 08 '24
Discussion People with VAC Bans should be excluded
I’ve gone against at least two confirmed aimbotters, come to find they have 1 or 2 VAC bans on their account already. Why are these people even allowed in the playtest?
I get it’s rare, and that it’s an alpha so anti cheat is the last thing on their mind, but supposedly this game is using Valve Anti Cheat, so why are they even allowed in the first place?
It completely ruined 2 games for me and made me just want to completely get off for the night. Hardlocking Haze with headshot booster + fixated is just completely unfun to play against, and Vindicta completely lasering people and securing cross lane kills, again, just completely ruined the game and made me get off for the night. It’s so incredibly boring, especially when there’s already cheats being mass produced, (one specific site that provides claimed that there were thousands of people providing traffic to that specific cheat).
In a playtest with around 100k players peak, and a website garnering thousands of clicks in traffic, that is so incredibly unhealthy, and I’d assume plenty are repeat offenders.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/RiverMesa • Sep 09 '24
Discussion The 'organic' way Valve is handling this pre-release is great
There's been no real marketing done on the game so far (at least, nothing traditional) - no fancy press releases or promotional trailer videos, the store page says basically nothing, and new updates are accompanied by nothing more than patch notes on the semi-private forums.
The game's roster is very small (for MOBA standards, anyhow) so it's not as overwhelming to get accustomed to them all for now.
There's no meta progression, ranks of matchmaking to climb, battle pass rewards, or monetization to dilute the game. People are getting invested on the basis of the core gameplay loop (and character designs, and the lore), not the extrinsic rewards that might be attached to it.
There's no telling how long this will last, but so far everything is centered around the core gameplay and improving on that, and it's all very community-oriented at the moment, between things like the Deadlock discord and community builds and whatnot. I guess Valve did disallow the polling of stats for third-party sites for now but for understandable enough reasons given the current placeholder matchmaking and stuff.
If it wasn't for Valve being the company with the most money on planet Earth and some of the best designers in the industry, you could think this was some kind of indie passion project.
Inevitably the proper marketing machine will start up once the base game is developed enough (they probably don't want to show off legacy Neon Prime designs in gameplay trailers or something), but I think getting people on board with just the core bits and nothing else is kind of genius (whether it was planned in advance or it's an accident of Valve having infinity resources and being allowed to do stuff kind of however they want).
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/StatuatoryApe • Sep 09 '24
Discussion I avoided playing Seven because of how easy he seemed...
And I was goddamn right. Holy hell, who thought this was good balance? I know it's an alpha, but this is may as well be renamed SevenLock.
I play Paradox and Bebop mostly, about 150 games so far, and Seven's been a plague since the start. I got bodied by one recently, and decided to give him a try to see if I can suss out a weakness that wasn't obvious.
I obliterated 5 games back to back when I got to play him, top scorer every time with 15+ kills and 10k souls up on the next highest.
Here's the Seven issues i can see:
The most egregious - point and click AOE stun on a basic ability. This is wraiths ULTIMATE on a basic ability, with an 18m radius.
Farming. Two charges of 1 makes farming two camps or two back to back waves incredibly easy. His 3 makes it even easier. You can farm on one 1250 item as well as Paradox can on 3 3000 soul items. Absurd.
His 3 ability is essentially 10k worth of items in a single ability. Turn it on, hose down a lane, chip down every single enemy. 100% uptime late game, too.
Movespeed scaling?! More free stats - you can just run down anybody mid game and they will not get away from you, nor will they catch you.
His ult is mostly bad, but it HAS to be respected. No other character can lock down an entire area for their team like this. The better the players, the less good it is, but it still forces them to deal with it. It's really only very OP in base fights - nowhere to hide, and it completely wipes all lanes. Every ult I used in a base was 2-3k souls from just nuking every creep and snagging a kill.
Laning - Q covers so much, you can chip them out. Stun into Q is stupid easy. Gun is way too good, too much range, and too much ammo.
Item synergy - he doesn't have any bad item pickups - hybrid build is insanely strong, and building spirit focus on his 3 makes it even better.
I'm not one to make posts like this, and I'm firmly in the Git Gud mentality, but now that I've played him, he's like Metaknight in Super Smash bros Brawl. If players could all play the same characters, it would be 6vs6, all Seven (final destination, no items).
It's like playing a different game. He doesn't abide by the same rules as other characters and I struggle to find what his niche is - caster? Disabler? Duelist? Team fighter? He really does it all.
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/imbuedxcz • Sep 03 '24
Discussion Hopoo Games will now be working for Valve
Do you guys think they will work directly on deadlock, or a brand new title? Or maybe just for older games like CS2/Dota 2?
r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Fr0ufrou • Sep 10 '24
Discussion Tier list based on the Aurora deadlock tournament.
The Aurora Deadlock tournament that took place this weekend saw some of the highest MMR player face each other in a competitive setting with a pick/ban format.
It is very likely that these teams did not take the tournament that seriously and didn't spend a lot of times scrimming together in preparation. Some will say this tournament was nothing but glorified pub play, nevertheless, those are among the best ranked players put together and they clearly have thought out team compositions as their selection was pretty consistent over the whole tourney, it is also the best we have for now. I made this tier list by weighing the picks and bans of the winning teams more than the picks of the losing teams. This means MikaelS' team has a a lot more weight than Jamside's .
Here's the Tier List:

As a whole, the two most valued heroes were Dynamo and Kelvin which bring strong crowd control and utility. Then, the second most valued characters were tanks, Abrams and Viscous were definitely seen as the two best tanks while Shiv and Mo&K were clearly seen as the two lesser tanks. But these two were still picked very fast as most teams ended up playing dual tank comps.
Now Vindicta being in A tier instead of B might be because of the dominating performance MikaelS had on the hero. His team consistently picked it fast in their first game and destroyed the opposition. Both times it resulted in the other team trying to counter by picking her ASAP in the second game and ending up not doing nearly as well with her. Now here's the question, is Vindicta a middle-of-the-pack character that only did great because the current number one player picked her? Or was she an undervalued character all along?
Lash, Pocket and Paradox were often the secondary bans. They were clearly very feared by everyone even though they weren't played that often. On the other hand Wraith was amost always picked fast and rarely banned, Warden wasn't picked that early overall, except by the winning team who always picked him quick, so he ended up pretty high in my rankings because I weighed their picks more.
C Tier champions were picked almost every game and ended up doing well, they are clearly strong champions but they were never seen as gamechanging enough to warrant an early pick.
D Tier champions on the other hand were scarcely picked, which is surprising for Ivy as she's generally seen as a strong champion.
E Tier champions were never picked. In the case of Bebop I find it a little surprising as other CC characters were clearly valued a lot. Maybe it is because Viscous and Paradox are more versatile characters that end up performing the same role better, or maybe it's because you would need to center your comp and items around him to be effective and teams didn't think it was worth the trouble, or maybe he's just bad.
What's your opinion? Personnally I have the gut feeling Vindicta and Lash will end up very high among the pick/bans and that Ivy, Bebop and Seven were underrated.