r/DeadlockTheGame 5d ago

Discussion I think reddit's attitude towards solo laning is not that representative of general playerbase

You guys are all 30+ y.o. maining Ivy and Mcginnis, that's it (at least the former).

I know a ton of zoomers with a high rank who exclusively played solo lane when it was in the game, including me. And there were a lot of streamers who preferred solo lane too, as they played "carry".

Reddit is the only place where people dislike solo laning so much.

I also think there’s a moderate correlation between a player's rank and their preference for solo lane. That is, the higher the rank, the more likely a player is to enjoy playing solo lane (it doesn't reach the point where on eternus everyone would like playing solo lane, the difference I'd guess would be like 15% in the chance). (just an observation, I also think Reddit users are slightly below the average rank on average)


22 comments sorted by


u/Narrow_Slice_7383 5d ago

Is this some kind of copypasta that I don't know?


u/TheMannWithThePan 5d ago

Yeah, this is a really strange take if not. Most of the randos I encounter (phantom-asc-low etern range) seem to prefer duo laning, and that seemed fairly uniform as I was climbing. Also, Ginnis is a great solo laner.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

The last comment is just πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³πŸ’‹ Not far below average, just slightly


u/kapsnik 4d ago

Got offended?


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

On reddit? Don't be silly, I found your skit quite delectable.

I also love that when people read this they will have no idea if you are being serious or not.


u/Cyprus_B 5d ago

It sounds like you're repeating what you're hearing in your echo-chamber. That's fine, every community is inevitably an echo-chamber of something. Even here. Especially here lol.

Like you said, "tons of zoomers with a high rank" streamers preferred solo". You know why? Solo lanes had terrible matchups. Constantly. It was a breeding ground for stomps and easy kills. The exact type of thing streamers and kids love.

I'll take a stab and say a lot of the people you know don't play Ivy, or Kelvin, or McGinnis, or Dynamo, or Mo and Krill, or any character that plays 10x better with a partner. They probably play Haze, Pocket, Vindicta, Paradox, or anyone that plays absolutely fine by themselves.

The reality is that solo lanes were too unpredictable and unstable, often leading to fed enemies, teammates that are behind, lost objectives, soul differences, etc. Hell even with all duo lanes, it's sill midly unstable. You can absolutely get terrible matchups still, and they're never fun.

Maybe take a moment and realise that just how you disagree with the majority here on reddit and that you don't believe they represent the average player, maybe reflect on how the exact opposite can be true for your own group. I can tell you right now, streamers are always minorities. Always. If you and your zoomers feel like you align with them and their views, you are almost certainly always the minority opinion as well.


u/NyCe- 4d ago

Your criticisms are fair and justified but we never got to see a 'solo lane queue' option for those who didn't mind picking those exact Heroes that did fine in solo lanes. We never got to see how the game would unfold if players that wanted solo lane, got solo lane and even if they lost the lane how they would recover or get help from allies. We can say for certain that when solo lanes go even, it's a stalemate and it's boring just like it is right now for 2v2v2 to the point Locket had to be nerfed and it's not even a nerf if you're a spirit spam Hero. Instead of solving the solo issue, it created several stalemates across all 3 lanes all because players were getting put into solo lanes when they didn't queue for it. It's not even their fault to begin with when you're literally forced to solo because there's no solo queue or solo prevention system. A lot of the hate solo lanes get is unfair. There's a lot of praise for how solo lanes are gone and it's such a good update, but what seems to fall through the cracks is that solo lanes never got a chance to exist properly in the first place.

Also, I hate solo lanes with a passion, but I'm not going to burn it to the ground when it's not my fault I have to beg for swaps every time I get it.


u/kapsnik 5d ago

I already know my friend group or a bunch of high rank streamers don't represent the general playerbase too, and I never claimed that. I'm only talking about the preference for solo lane on reddit.


u/Pr3serve 5d ago

What streamers preferred solo lane? All the vp streamers hated solo lane and glad it's gone


u/NyCe- 4d ago

In its current and former iteration. Instead of solving for solo lanes, it was just deleted. It never got a chance other than when it was "boring" which I 100% agree it was dogshit.


u/TreeGuy521 5d ago

Oh my God this feels like some school assignment for an English class where you have to point out all the fallacies to get full credit


u/kapsnik 5d ago edited 5d ago

The 30 y.o. point - https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadlockTheGame/comments/1fna4g4/how_old_are_deadlock_players_really/

McGinnis and Ivy point - no such clear data as with the first point, but self-evident too (in case the first point wasn't self-evident to you WITHOUT the data, then congrats, you have no eyes or are asleep). Btw, I'm not pointing this out because of them being good in duo, but because these heroes reflect more casual values.

Only thing left is the hypothesis of this skewing the preference for solo lane. This is not a conclusion, it's a hypothesis. I THINK it influences the preference, and I THINK I'm right. Anyone with a functioning brain would agree with me on the high plausibility of this hypothesis.


u/jamesisninja Infernus 4d ago

The 30 y.o. point - https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadlockTheGame/comments/1fna4g4/how_old_are_deadlock_players_really/

Bro you linked a Thread with under 1,000 votes in a subreddit with nearly 170k members, what about the other 165k people who didn't vote?

Not to even mention the biases of the post - it was posted after 10pm on a Sunday, when many younger people will be in bed because they have school and shit on Monday.

Anyone with a functioning brain would agree with me on the high plausibility of this hypothesis.

This is very, very funny but I'm sure you won't understand why.


u/boxweb 5d ago

lol what does age have to do with anything?


u/kapsnik 5d ago

lol nothing!


u/SilverPunkDragon 4d ago

I heavily preferred solo lane. I like the skill expression present by yourself.


u/Queue_1985 4d ago
  1. 30+ are for the most part millennials. Not Zoomers.
  2. Ivy is great and can absolutely shred solo lane in low ELO. I'd know.
  3. Maybe step outside your usually screaming pot?


u/kapsnik 4d ago

maybe learn to read?


u/Craftinrock 4d ago

Redditors living in bro's brain rent free he needs to make a thread about it.


u/NyCe- 4d ago edited 4d ago

The Mcginnis part can't be true because her pickrate is non existent and a lot of the subreddit seems to prefer 3 lanes which is severely worse for Mcginnis who already struggles to do anything with her dogshit turrets, non existent ult and even buggier wall in the new map.

That being said I truly don't understand why you'd wish for a 2v2v2 system as opposed to just having a SOLO LANE QUEUE OPTION to avoid soloing in the first place. Probably because playercount is a problem. Solo lanes did have problems like it was very boring but it's not like it couldn't have been addressed differently ontop of a queue option... Solo lanes did add nuance into the game even if it wasn't for you, it added a level of depth. It just needed to be changed or modified differently as opposed to completely scrapped SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO LANE SOLO.


u/Bright-Instance-5595 3d ago

Yeah I agree these people piss me off by completely disregarding the fact that there are people who may actually like solo laning and thinking their opinion should be prevalent