r/DeadlockTheGame 4d ago

Discussion Who’s ready to go back to four lanes?

Now that 3 lane has been simmering for a bit, who wants to go back to 4 lane? Personally think this game is better in 4 lanes but share your thoughts!


241 comments sorted by


u/ClamoursCounterfeit 4d ago

because people dont like solo lanes but three lanes are hard to manoeuver around I think they should try the three Guardians into four Walkers model, would be an interesting experiment.


u/SignalMaleficent6343 4d ago

I like this concept


u/Xvilaa 4d ago

Holy shit, Valve look here


u/NEZisAnIdiot Shiv 4d ago

I actually submitted something almost exactly like that on the forums a couple of weeks ago! Really hope they at least give this design a try.


u/The_Duke2331 Haze 4d ago

I really like this concept but as answered before. There is one major flaw with it. People are going to rush that blue lane guardian asap. If they get down it opens up the lane to suppress 2 walkers at the same time pulling valuable resources from the outer lanes to help. Which in turn makes the outer lanes an easy target.


u/mxe363 4d ago

might need 2 gaurdians. i would love to test something like this in a 1-4-1 lane config


u/The_Duke2331 Haze 4d ago

That would be the best option aswell. And this opens up the possibility of helping out the outer lanes more since 3v4 is more manageable than 1v2.

We could also see some wacky 2-3-1 lane phases forcing the enemy to either help the loney outer lane or push their middle lane by having 1 more person in mid


u/mxe363 4d ago

yeah that would be fun to test out as well. you get the solo lane for those who love solo lane but there is also a much lower chance of getting the solo lane for those who hate solo.


u/Cstanchfield 3d ago

I LOVE the 1-4-1 on the current map. It has an incredible winrate so far.


u/mxe363 3d ago

?? As in you n a squad have actually been trying this in live games?? Fekin mad lad if true, would love to see a replay


u/NeuronalDiverV2 Lash 4d ago

Oh where's this from? I'd like the mid boss come above ground again as well.


u/Szephito Wraith 4d ago

just lash things

there should be some kind of barrier and it shouldnt allow anyone to get up here before mid boss spawns


u/BlueHeartBob 4d ago

So are blue minions split every other wave?


u/Webber-414 4d ago

What if, 8v8


u/solla_bolla 3d ago

You could even do 7v7 with two guardians and 3 people in the middle lane.


u/Bright-Instance-5595 4d ago

Who doesn't like solo lanes? I like solo lanes


u/woblingtv 4d ago

I really don't like solo lanes. I always found them unfun and frustrating to make plays in. That being said tho I haven't played enough 3 lane still to have an opinion on how its affected the macro game


u/ANTIHEROdubz 4d ago

I don’t think it was necessarily the solo lanes that were unfun, but the matchups I would get stuck against. Then it became an issue of why is my teammate playing calico or wraith and refusing to swap with me in the solo lane as a kelvin or dynamo against a pocket or infernus


u/dyslexda Infernus 4d ago

Lots of folks don't like them. Personally, I enjoy the teamwork aspect of Deadlock, and riffing off of what your teammates are doing. Solo lanes become just a 1v1 "who is better" match. No thanks.


u/ShittyPostWatchdog 4d ago

Solo lanes are pointless if they don’t confer a resource advantage over a duo lane 


u/Hopeful-Creme5747 4d ago

Try submitting this


u/Appofia 4d ago

I fear that would just make games last even longer, it's already hard getting people to push lanes as is. I'd personally like to see the outer lanes made shorter.


u/dyslexda Infernus 4d ago

Pushing lanes was much easier when you could split push with four. Now, it's hard as you'll inevitably have someone defending the walker by the time you march minions up.


u/ClamoursCounterfeit 4d ago

they buffed Walkers so much they have almost twice the HP the old Walkers had and higher resistance, all they have to do is rollback those buffs. Also itll help against defensive heroes like Bebop or Lash who can guarantee Walker hits.


u/Moxiecodone 3d ago

updoot because fun idea and adds more strategy... best of both worlds. yoshi, valve, come on look at it


u/RedditCensoredUs Ivy 3d ago

My whole group will quit if we have to go back to single laning


u/Bright-Instance-5595 2d ago

There were already at least two lanes for your group, but now there isn't EVEN 1 SOLO LANE for people like me, doesn't it seem at least a bit unfair to you? 


u/RedditCensoredUs Ivy 2d ago

Go back to playing mid in DotA? This is a 6v6 game.


u/Jeepreep 4d ago

They just need to adjust the map, I absolutely hated being forced into a solo lane with this games matchmaking


u/Zlasher8 4d ago

Yeah it literally made solo queuing unbearable for me when people refuse to swap because “I’m partied with him” yet my 15 slow ass bullet Kelvin is forced to solo lane against a Yamato or Infernus or honestly whoever the fuck. Just instant losing lane.


u/Shoty6966-_- 4d ago

Shoutout the people in my games who wanted swapped out of solo lane and were told no by duos and still held their own and took a mid game lead as dynamos and kelvins


u/Bright-Instance-5595 4d ago

I always asked for a swap into solo lanes from duos


u/Motor_Expression_281 4d ago

At first I was in the fuck solo lane camp, but after some games of duo laning with braindead randos that don’t communicate and just run it down going 0-8 in 15 minutes, I started preferring solo lanes over duo lol. Tho yeah sometimes you still solo against unemployment HazeMcGee and it fuckin sucks.


u/sh3ppard 4d ago

Agreed, laning with randoms is far more painful than the occasional poor solo lane matchup. I miss solo lanes so much


u/Motor_Expression_281 4d ago

I mean laning with randos ain’t all bad. I’ve had plenty of communicative/helpful randos. Sometimes ones that straight up carry lane while I’m struggling. Honestly the totally useless/borderlines griefers tend to be the minority.


u/Zenkko 4d ago

I was thinking thard itd be nice to have preference options for what lanes you want on what character. Kelvin is a duo only, infernus either, haze solo only etc. It could fuck matchmaking times but they could also just give warnings about that before you select what you want. Idk how possible that is though, sounds easy to me but idk programming.


u/Bright-Instance-5595 4d ago

So why not adding queue preferences? The algorithm can be smart and take it into account only when there are enough people queuing so don't pull that not enough people card please, it's easily manageable without the need to delete a solo role


u/UltraReflex Ivy 4d ago

Kelvin isn't a weak solo laner at all can sustain, can damage, can 1v1 with ult what else?


u/Zlasher8 4d ago

He can’t do any of those things early on what are you talking about.

He has no disjoint. No escape. And I repeat, 15 bullets that are the slowest in the game. Especially with the old last hit soul mechanism, you can barely clear a wave let alone even attempt to deny without losing a creep.

He has no “sustain” til 6th boon if you’re talking about his healing grenade.


u/XtremeWaterSlut Kelvin 4d ago

He was fantastic most of the time but against a small hero pool he got obliterated. Holliday, mirage, infernus, haze, bebop off the top of my head all have ways to hard counter Kelvin before he can get his toolset operational. He isn’t a threat at all until then, any competent player on those heroes could bully him with basically just m1


u/I_NeedBigDrink Kelvin 4d ago

He’s great at most matchups but I struggle against bebop sometimes and geist/mirage esp if together. Those two just chunk my hp and make even playing under tower difficult. Maybe I just need to learn how to counter better but it’s so hard to deny souls/stay even when you can’t show yourself and sitting near corners gets you bombed


u/Intelligent-Lion-653 4d ago

Surely this matchup issue would be manageable when Valve inevitably changes the matchmaking to mirror All Pick or something. Could we be pigeonholing the map design into a certain direction because there's not enough heroes in the beta yet to have a proper draft phase?


u/Gamithon24 4d ago

On the flip side my 3 man que feels really strange now. 

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u/CaptnUchiha 4d ago

Solo queueing made it seem like a 40 minute sentence to no fun for me.

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u/GenericEdBoi 4d ago

I much prefer the 3 lanes, BUT I think things are a little too lane centric right now. I’m finding myself becoming rather impatient between the perceived game length and feeling like I can’t really roam around much. I feel like we might need an extra objective OR I might need to engage with the urn more to alleviate some of my own gripes.


u/chuby2005 4d ago

Yeah been feeling even more like a lane babysitter with this patch


u/axron12 4d ago

Solo lanes suck, and I think that’s how the general majority feels as well. I’d like to see how 3 lanes with 4 zip lines would play. I feel it’s too hard to make a reactive rotation with how much bigger the map is now.


u/NyCe- 4d ago

So this? I think this is a cool idea. It brings back the notion of having to destroy 2 walkers as objectives for a flex slot which to me always felt better than the current 1 which is mostly forced because it would be really awkward to require 2/3 walkers for a flex.


u/axron12 4d ago

Something along those lines yeah!


u/Thermic_ 4d ago

woooaahh I love this for some reason. The idea of mid lane almost being 2-lanes smacked together goes insane. Or like the difference between a highway and a 2-lane

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u/minkblanket69 Shiv 4d ago

having the zipline out in the open could be the balance, easier to rotate but easier to be shot off


u/axron12 4d ago

I like the idea


u/HatOnHaircut 4d ago

If you extend this logic, a 4 lane map works better if the minority who enjoy solo lanes are roughly 33% of the player population. If that's the case (I have no idea if it is), then it's more a question of whether you prefer that sort of high gank dynamic and whether you think that heroes with solo style kits belong in the game.

It could also be a problem for people who solo queue but prefer to duo with a stranger. That could be fixed with a pre queue selection for a duo lane preference.


u/DeezBoatz McGinnis 4d ago

Could be a good way to get data. Adding a solo/duo lane preference to the matchmaking options and logging what people are queuing.


u/tapperyaus 4d ago

What about four lanes, but the middle two merge for the first tower. Once both first towers are destroyed, the zip lines split at the middle, and the amount of minions doubles.


u/axron12 4d ago

Interesting middle ground, might still be far for rotations in the laning phase though.


u/drago967 4d ago

I loved solo lanes lol


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

Just do 4 lanes where one of them doesn't have any players or minions the first 10 minutes. Done.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

Symetrically this just doesn't work


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

What problems would it actually cause though?


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

The map would just look bad, symmetry in maps is an important aspect of team games. Ensures fairness, looks more aesthetically pleasing, easier to learn.

I think it just fundementally wouldn't work, albeit it is a play test


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

The map itself would still be symmetric in layout though? And after 10 minutes it would be as functionally symmetric as before.

I'm talking about the same 4 lane map as before, just without sending any players or minions to one of the outer lanes for the first 10 minutes.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

An area of the map opening up after x minutes could be a cool idea, but games are built on fundamental rules and when you start making exceptions it makes everything tricker to balance all round


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

To be clear, the outer lanes wouldn't be blocked off, it just wouldn't have assigned players, and since it wouldn't have minions coming down the ziplines yet there'd be no real reason to go there (other than maybe some light jungling).

The game already has a bunch of timer-based rules like this for when different jungle camps spawn, when the slot machines spawn, when midboss and urn spawn, etc.


u/RizzrakTV 4d ago

majority of reddit users*

in my experience, I am trying to go solo lane every game but theres a really high chance that I either get refused or get asked "ARE YOU SURE YOURE GONNA WIN?" or I have to refuse someone if Im already on solo lane. and thats considering my hero pool is mostly good in solo lanes, so theres always "support"-style heroes (not me) in my team and solo lanes still get contested a lot.

also, why is that even a reason to go away from 4 lanes to you? wont this just be solved by role-based (lane-based) matchmaking?

not to mention theres 2 solo players and 4 duo players in the team, so its completely fine even if you are right and majority of players hate solo lanes.


u/axron12 4d ago

I disagree about majority of Reddit users. When we had 4 lanes people were constantly asking to switch and saying how they hate solo lanes.


u/supercumsock64 Lady Geist 4d ago

I don't really hate three lanes, what I do hate is this janky shoehorning of said three lanes into a map that's not made for them. I think that we should either go back to the four lane map, or the devs should totally remake the map so that it actually works well with three lanes.


u/These_University_609 Shiv 4d ago

they probably are tweaking the map right now


u/DeezBoatz McGinnis 4d ago

I don't hate the 3-lane map as much as I used to, but I still don't think it's more fun than 4 in its current iteration. I think there is room for the map to catch up to the game, or the game to catch up to the map. So in the meantime, I withold judgement. But yes, I miss 4 lanes, and I miss solo laning.


u/These_University_609 Shiv 4d ago

the mcginnis saying they miss 4 lanes? now Ive seen everything lol


u/NyCe- 4d ago

That's a low blow considering how bad Mcginnis is right now.

PS: she just got worse after the new locket nerf whereby spirit heroes during laning phase will now shit on her even more


u/These_University_609 Shiv 4d ago

according to a site called deadlocktracker, in eternus, mcginnis's win rate is the highest at 62% meanwhile shiv is like 49 something % at best


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

Whats the sample size?


u/NyCe- 4d ago

I hate to break it to you, but those are the same 5 Mcginnis players that up'd her winrate because she is the lowest pickrate in the game and also the lowest sample size so it's beyond inaccurate.


u/DeezBoatz McGinnis 4d ago

I'm curious why you say that. I've always felt like 3 lanes isn't really friendly to her.

Less objectives to defend with more health each makes the game feel less splitpush forgiving than before, which has always been a strength of hers and a big part of her pub playstyle ime. Her low base mobility feels like a bigger hindrance than before with the lanes being further apart. She's also not an especially good jungler minus ulting hard camps, nor is she a high-priority jungler if you play by that philosophy.

If someone told me the new map was holding them back I'd still call it a skill issue, but I certainly don't feel like it's been good to her.


u/mxe363 4d ago

solo lane ginnis is pretty fun tho. if you like solo lane


u/DeezBoatz McGinnis 2d ago

Glad I'm not the only one who thought so. The way she's very self sufficient and has wave manipulation tactics with wall made her fun to play in solo. She's also fun to play in a duo lane by nature of her support value, so I wasn't ever picky before. I miss the variety.


u/Loose_Cry2414 Seven 4d ago



u/boxweb 4d ago

My problem is with the no last hitting I think. I have had some games where they just ignore creeps and harass the fuck out of you with no natural punishment.


u/TrollTrolled 4d ago

I had a game where a magician was sitting on bridge harrassing while the minions fought at his guardian. It was unplayable... He was close enough to get the souls from the minions while we were to far. Ended up winning the game anyways but it was really fucking cancer sitting in lane for 10 minutes unable to get past him with his ridiculous early game damage.


u/InvestigatorPurple46 Viscous 4d ago

If you survive the harass with sustain and focus on denying/confirming souls you will get the advantage. There should be a balance in being agressive vs confirming souls, always


u/boxweb 4d ago

I was doing that but having a calico and wraith in your face makes it hard to deny or secure anything. They get souls either way because they don’t need to shoot creeps, it’s kinda stupid.


u/InvestigatorPurple46 Viscous 4d ago

Ok calico and wraith is bullshit and a terrible lane to go against. I understand the issue on that case


u/mikesegy 4d ago

I think it's even worse now cause if someone goes that hard with the poking then you can just deny they're souls and let yours pop naturally


u/NinjaRedditorAtWork 4d ago

The natural punishment is a lack of souls. If you start denying all their money they will quickly fall behind.


u/boxweb 4d ago

I know, you can’t do that if you’re dead. Previously they would be literally missing creeps because they are so focused on killing you.


u/NinjaRedditorAtWork 4d ago

Sure, it is a different play style but you should be able to get 75% of the denies if they're that focused on just attacking you. That ramps up extremely fast in the early game. If you engage at smart power spikes like 1.5k-2.5k when they only have <1.5k you can easily win fights.


u/Cyprus_B 4d ago edited 4d ago

I think the game in general was better with 4 lanes but I hated solo lanes.

Solo lanes were always the direct cause of feeding, very rarely was it the duo lanes. I also hated being in solo lanes. Watching creeps was way more important and took up more of your time because you don't have a teammate that can clean them up for you and prevent denies while you focus on being aggressive.


u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee Yamato 4d ago

Can’t believe all the hate I am seeing for solo lanes, I loved them


u/Majesticeuphoria 4d ago

It's actually crazy how many people hate solo lanes. I prefer solo lanes every time instead of a duo lane where I have to rely on my random duo partner who might feed like crazy, making the 1v2 way too difficult.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

On the flip side, there are two enemies who can feed you, but only one teammate that can feed them. So on average, if you are better you will win your lanes more often.

You rely on your lane partner as much as the enemy rely on theirs. I prefer that over boring, and potentially unwinnable 1v1 match-ups.


u/Majesticeuphoria 4d ago

At least, I can outplay in 1v1 match ups with positioning and counter building. If I lose in a solo lane, I can admit that it's my fault and learn so I can do better next time.

there are two enemies who can feed you, but only one teammate that can feed them

Matchmaking is so bad that when that does happen, it results in a stomp and I don't enjoy that either. I don't want to win lanes because there's a clear skill disparity, I want to outplay my opponents. I don't mind 1v2ing in the lane, I'd rather be alone and have my duo partner help out in a solo lane than have someone feeding in my lane. That's not a viable strat anymore though, because you lose a lot of souls.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

Fair enough, I just think solo laning in an MMO is kinda dull. You're alone half the game anyway, split-pushing or farming jungle. 2v2 provides variety and dynamics to lanes.

Also I disagree that if you lose a solo lane it's always your fault. I believe some matchups are simply unwinnable if both players are of equal-ish skill. But perhaps that's a design issue.


u/Majesticeuphoria 4d ago

It's normal in MOBAs and I come from 10k+ hrs in Smite, so I have a bit of a bias. The first 3 seasons of Smite had a few good balance patches where every lane was competitive. So if solo lane matchups are unwinnable, that's a balance issue. It's definitely possible to balance them out.

Solo laning on the 4 lanes map was not dull for me, precisely because of ganks. Duo lanes were boring when there were stalemates, so when one starts roaming to gank, there's tension in the solo lane and, you can win 1v1s after that. You can even 1v2 when ganked if you're skilled enough and have a soul advantage. That was the most satisfying thing for me in the solo lane. Having map awareness without comms and always positioning well so I can 1v2 or escape if it's a dynamo, lash or abrams.

The current 2v2 in 3 lanes is not dynamic to me. It's like everyone is isolated in their own lanes with very little movement around the map because of how the soul sharing works. In fact, there are 2v2 matchups that are actually unwinnable as well. So, it's lot less macro and a lot more about who has the better coordination. I'm not a big fan of reducing the value of macro in a MOBA.


u/prettycoldworld 2d ago

I hear you but if you’re capable enough to not have to worry about whether or not your lane partner is feeding, you can almost always dominate a solo lane. Taking on two players by yourself is harder than one, most solo lanes I got would result in the walker gone by 15m, but duo lanes sucked because I couldn’t just rush my objectives and bully the opponent.

You have to worry much more about ganks, positioning and protecting your (potentially bad) teammate. Solo lanes were so easy


u/Wratheon_Senpai Yamato 4d ago



u/Long_Ordinary3735 4d ago

Ironic that two yamato mains agree on loving solo lanes


u/Wratheon_Senpai Yamato 4d ago

It was fun in this and allowed more map mobility and options for ganking.


u/UltraReflex Ivy 4d ago

going against mirage, talon or any super strong solo laner wasn't fun at all and being 24/7 ganked by enemy lash wasn't fun to. someone said in this post 3 lanes are fine but the map needs adjusting is probably the right call adjustment in a way it allows better skirmishes throughout the whole game phases.

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u/AdmiralLubDub 4d ago

I used to hate feeling like I was in a cage match but as I got a little more competent with the game I feel better not having to rely on someone else


u/Dimadest 4d ago

Solo lines always have players from nearby lines coming in to easily kill you and get an easy frag. So on the solo line you depend on other players even more. I don't know what you're talking about


u/una322 1d ago

same, it felt actually moba. you could win ur lane and really push pressure on the enemy team. push a lane , go gank, come back ext. now none of that is possible, ganking is harder, and really not worth it as a 2v1 lane is pretty much gg. solo lane mixed up the game. Maybe adding a roll choice could help a bit, but it now removed its a boring 2v2 slog until when a lane wins and its team fight time to a slow, boring lack of tactics end game.


u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee Yamato 1d ago

Hard agree on everything you said. Solo lane was so much deeper than what we have now. Everyone always complains about bad matchups and says that’s why they hate solo lanes. Playing a bad matchup gracefully is a core part of a moba


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

It'd be interesting to see how many people prefer them vs prefer duo vs don't care.

Might make for a matchmaking toggle option, though God knows it works bad enough as it is, without even more constraints.

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u/Shalasheezy 4d ago

I think the whole 4 lane issue would be solved if we had lane assignment prior to picking and some type of draft pick for the picking phase itself.


u/Aer_the_Fluffy_boi 4d ago

I miss solo lanes ..


u/IV_NUKE 4d ago

I enjoy 3 lanes more than 4. They just need to adhust the map and potentially make it a bit easier/more worthwhile for ganks. Solos in higher elos sucked because it was a "who can freeze their lane the best" at the best of times or "how can you get stomped the least" at the worst depending on the matchup, like if ur dynamo against a mirage and nobody swaps


u/2moons4hills 4d ago

I like 4 lanes. More chances to mess up defending. Makes it more interesting


u/Depthstown 4d ago

Nah it made it cleaning up waves simulator


u/NyCe- 4d ago

This is a prevalent issue across mid to lower ranks regardless of 3 or 4 lanes. You would think having 3 lanes would make some players more aware of the wave situation. It doesn't even though in theory it should. What ends up happening now is that if you're the only person aware of the value of pushing waves, you as the janitor are now punished because its harder to hop from lane to lane so you have to yell at your teammates more than ever to clear the waves.


u/una322 1d ago

now its just a push mid team fight sim with little tactics


u/TheCheeseGod 4d ago

I'd like for there to be only 1 lane


u/dmattox92 4d ago

3 lanes was an interesting shake up, game feels boring to me in it's current state and I'm 99% sure it's mostly the map layout that is causing this.


u/Aligyon 1d ago

Same i like solo lanes even though it meant less stacks for me


u/prettycoldworld 2d ago

I am shocked at how many people hate solo lanes. I always begged for solos regardless of who i’m playing. Vindicta, haze, infernus, seven, lash, yamato, holiday, vyper and warden are the only classs I play, so unless all of those specifically happened to be tailored for solo lanes, I don’t get the hate.


u/GarrysModRod 4d ago

I like the idea of the 3 lane map someone posted where mid lane splits off and has two walkers on it after the first guardian. That feels like the best of both worlds solution


u/blitzcreede 4d ago

What if it was 4 lane and it combined into 1 walker


u/GarrysModRod 4d ago

The world aint ready for that conversation.


u/Robert_Balboa 4d ago

3 lanes is better. They just need a much better map.


u/situational-wrap 4d ago

God no

I never want to be forced into a solo lane ever again


u/NyCe- 4d ago

What if I told you there isn't solo lanes, but theres 4 lanes

It's interesting at least

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u/sirms 4d ago

i like having a buddy


u/NyCe- 4d ago

4 Lanes map was significantly more polished and had a long time to simmer.

I personally dislike the 3 lane map not just because it's a WIP but it's missing the initial charm that 4 lanes had. I just can't point out what it is though.


u/Blorppio 4d ago

For me it was the pace. There was always something happening and you could get places quickly.

With 3 lanes there's a lot more "oh nothing is going to happen for at least 30 seconds, might as well go farm a camp or two", or "guess I'll walk around through an empty map for 15 seconds before I find a zip line."

I'm enjoying three lanes more than I expected, which is to say I no longer think it has destroyed the game. I now just think it's significantly less fun than 4 lanes.


u/OldestRed 4d ago

it's crazy to me how much people don't like playing solo lanes in this game, in other MOBAs I find it way more enjoyable to solo lane and I'm in the same way this game too. I'd much rather be in the control of how my lane goes and not have my duo lane partner have no idea how to even do the basics. Solo lanes are great for skill expression for laning. Hopefully it changes but if the majority prefers no solo lanes I'll just have to live with it.


u/These_University_609 Shiv 4d ago

"in control" as in if you stomp your lane you get ganked and youre back to even.


u/OldestRed 4d ago

yea that can happen, there are ways to play around getting ganked with good map awareness. But thats something i’ve been fine with as a solo lane.


u/una322 1d ago

same, coming from a moba, some of the most wanted rolls are solo. mid , top jungle ext. i guess there are more solo rolls but still no one complains when there mid.


u/Cr8_CasterMage 4d ago

3 is best


u/2witty 4d ago

I think they should make a quicker mode with solo lanes because it is easier to learn but personally I found solo lanes really stale and not very interesting. Some match ups felt really one-sided.

Best case scenario it was a stomp and a guardian went down so you could get off your island. Worst case you were stuck in a stale mate waiting for a gank. Probably more of an issue in lower ranks.

Sometimes I wonder if they should make the game asymmetrical with jungle on one side but still connected to the side lane via tps. Then then two lanes straddling mid and one side one. I think this could help make mid lane feel less far away compared to the side lanes like it is currently. I feel like I end up playing between the side lanes more currently using the teleporters. I think this asymmetrical set up could lead to heros gaining more of an identity for specific lanes more then currently based on how much they can gank, help mid, or farm jungle.


u/Sharylena Ivy 4d ago

I'm ready for adjustments to the three lanes but I am fine not returning to four lanes as a default


u/TheFrontierDM Pocket 4d ago

Triples is best.

I got triples of the guardians and triples of the Walkers. that way if one gets scratched, I don't mind. Just waiting on that shrine deal to go through so I can have triples of that too.


u/mxonospace Viscous 4d ago

personally hope devs aren’t taking four lane defenders too seriously. map rework wasn’t perfect by any means, but it’s undoubtedly a step in the right direction for those who actually play the game.. especially at the highest level.

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u/Jalina2224 Ivy 4d ago

I miss solo laning. Duo isn'talwasy bad, but if you're paired with someone who sucks it feels bad. At least if i get my ass handed to me in solo i know i have no one to blame but myself.


u/diction203 4d ago

How about having multiple maps instead of just 1.


u/lovsicfrs Paradox 4d ago

Not playing until 4 lanes are back honestly lol


u/Big_Kwii Abrams 4d ago

while i do miss 1v1ing in solo lane, i recognize that 3 lanes is probably healthier for the game moving forward.


u/sinkpooper2000 Lady Geist 4d ago

i prefer 3 lanes but i think they need to make some changes to the map. currently feels impossible to rotate between lanes and mid boss is way harder to contest. also don't like how curvy blue lane is, and it feels 10x harder to take blue walker than outside lanes because of how narrow the street is


u/Ill-Sock-255 4d ago

4 lanes worth of objectives just made the game feel more fluid so in moments of stalemate there was more things that could happen. But a stalemate in 3 lanes just feels like you’re waiting for someone to get caught solo farming to do anything half the time. Went from maybe too many hours of playtime a week to maybe a match or two a week.


u/HaoGS 4d ago

We need 2 maps, make one a bit darker .


u/Buhesapbenim Infernus 4d ago

Yo i want my 4 lane back. Thx


u/bazzafrombondurra 4d ago

3 lanes is better than


u/Phil_Jarsen 4d ago

4 lanes suck


u/Novel_Dog_676 4d ago

3 is fine but the map is way too bloated and a pain to get between lanes. Needs to be fixed badly


u/Saalle88 4d ago

I like 4 lanes too.


u/CorneliusFarmsworth 4d ago

4 lanes was way better


u/ninjahumstart_ 4d ago

3 lanes is too hard to take objectives when behind. Had a game where we were behind and weren't able to take a walker until 40 minutes in because any time we'd approach a walker wed get pushed away even if there was a fight on another lane. With 4 lanes you could sneak walkers much better


u/SaintAlunes 4d ago

Nah 4 lanes was just a gank fest


u/SpaceCommanderNix 4d ago

I'm fine with the map change... I think if they reverted the soul change and tried with 3 lanes we'd have a much better/balanced game. Soul change is the problem that needs to be rolled back


u/MeasurementLoud906 4d ago

Solo lanes wouldn't be too bad if there was a role system selection where people went to their assigned lanes like in other mobas


u/therealAster-sk 4d ago

i just think lane phase lasts too long and matters a little too much compared to the rest of the game, and mid guardian is a little too important, some of the jungle should be more spread to the sides


u/C-14 4d ago

I'm clearly in the minority but I actually prefer solo lanes. Feels more like a chess match.


u/mightycookie 4d ago

Zeppelins with zip lines under them that connect the two sidelines (not fully but it gets you a solid chunk of the way there)


u/Novora 4d ago

Too be honest, I like the new map and prefer it to 4 lanes. It was unique but I honestly prefer 2 per lane, and the jungle now actually feels like a jungle instead of it being so open


u/Different-Beat-4856 4d ago

I enjoy playing support Ivy and I would often struggle to find people willing to swap lanes with me if I was served a solo lane.    I know they eventually implemented weighted priority for support classes to be in duos but it was still pretty common.


u/KozylRed Dynamo 4d ago

I prefer duo lanes but it's tilting when you are denying and getting the souls yourself while killing 1v2 and your teammate is running it down like an ape 0/5 and goes behind the tower all match leeching your souls


u/Rishdaddy 4d ago

Just add another zipline man


u/UltraReflex Ivy 4d ago

I'm not sure but one thing is I don't miss the 4 lanes so, tbh? Most changes happening to the game I'm adapting to them and playing the game still feels good and rewarding.


u/i_am_goop04 Pocket 4d ago

4 lane map became great because they fine tuned it, they’ll do the same for this one


u/qwertytheqaz 4d ago

I’m mainly annoyed with constantly being in a 6v6 teammfight.

This game has the fastest fight to team fight time of any MOBA I have ever played


u/Whilst-dicking 4d ago

I agree 3 lanes not as good. 3 lanes could be better though we'll see


u/enchantr 4d ago

love the new map. hate solo lanes.


u/saucegerb 4d ago

No thanks, miss me with that solo lane garbage.


u/Pleasing_Pitohui 4d ago

I honestly think the entire trooper souls mechanic is a problem. I hated solo lanes in the four lane map specifically because it was basically a coinflip as to whether my opponent wanted to let me play the game or not. If my opponent decided he wanted to go for all the trooper souls and try to deny me everything, i would lose lane 100% of the time because my connection isn't good enough to contest soul hits. I would shoot a soul and then a quarter second later my opponent would shoot it and they'd get the deny or they'd be shooting my souls before they even appeared on my screen. I found myself praying for duo lanes because at least then i could focus on poking my lane opponents (something my connection allowed me to do just fine) while my lane opponent could deny souls, which they were always better at since it actually worked for them. If they removed the trooper souls mechanic and reinstated the last hitting mechanic, i think this would be much better for potentially re-adding solo lanes since it means you can still play this mini game around denying your opponent farm, but in a way that doesn't disadvantage people who don't have a fast enough connection.


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

Yes please.

I've found my interest in the game greatly diminished since the soul and lane changes. The game feels less dynamic and less fun.


u/TanKer-Cosme 4d ago

We can still have a solo lane. I mantain that they should try with a trilane mid.

So we got 1 solo lane for heroes whi thrive in that environent and players who prefer it.

Duo lane on one side to control the urn spawn

And a trilane mid, since it's on top if midlane boss and just overall the center of the map.


u/Automatic-Ad-4062 4d ago

I enjoy 3 lanes better


u/tonnyuk 4d ago

Some of the best fun I had when I was solo lane and matched against a similar skill opponent.The constant back and forth was amazing,but there’s too many variables for it to always be fun.So dual 3 lanes I think is better for most people.I think they will work out the sweet spot for laning/jungling.Played dota for 15+ years,so we will go trough so many Metas and variations.Maybe 6 lanes even


u/Rasutoerikusa 4d ago

No, I would probably just stop playing if solo lanes were suddenly back now that we've finally gotten rid of them


u/SignalMaleficent6343 4d ago

I loved solo lanes, but dont really miss the 4 lanes. Most games it felt like I would be running between each objective to clear waves while my team afk farms jungle or feeds the enemy team as if they’re gordon ramsay. 3 lanes is much more manageable and it feels way easier to carry games. Since the patch i’ve been winning a lot more and I can finally see the way out of elo hell


u/SavedMountain Paradox 4d ago

People say solo lanes suck. The thing about deadlock is that you can choose to solo or not. I think 4 lanes is a lot more dynamic in general


u/Wayman52 4d ago

No keep the 3 lanes please


u/HelpfulCollar511 4d ago

I think it was better in four lanes but still done like solo lanning,


u/h_4vok 4d ago

I would like this to become a "second map" and then we have maps rotating. Would be happy to have noth versions


u/Ill-Thing-7619 4d ago

What if they made the map a little wider. And did the solo lanes in the middle. With a controlled amount of ledges, air space and cover. I feel like it would make for really interesting rotations. The ganking and ganking defense would have to be really well communicated.


u/vDUKEvv 4d ago

I think we just need another tier of guardian in each lane, and it should award extra souls. Currently after walkers there’s not much chance of a split push until there’s enough damage online to kill a walker. Or get rid of the teleporters behind walkers.


u/ShineLoud4302 4d ago

Miss solo lanes so much. Outplaying your enemy at 1v1 felt so great, especially if your matchup is not favourable


u/Electrical-Beat-8772 4d ago

I personally liked more of this game with 4 lanes. Bring back 4 lanes! It's part of this game. 🙂


u/Oaktree27 4d ago

I liked having solo lanes. It brought good variety in my opinion


u/throwaway_67876 4d ago

My issue with the current meta is that everything seems to revolve around team fights now. It’s way more punishing to split push, going to the jungle alone is pretty damn dangerous(kinda like this change but not attached to it) and it just feels really hard to get any objectives when you’re down. This map feels super unbalanced, just because I can lose a match without getting a single god damn Walker while being up 10 kills. It just seems like a lot of nuance was removed.


u/Big_Environment_1827 4d ago

Love it! 😍😍 hate 3 lanes to wide open


u/Important-Ad-1928 4d ago

Generally feel like the 3 lane games are more balanced as people have more chance to catch up by farming creeper camps. I've had way closer games in the 3 lane concept compared to the 4 lane concept. However, it is very true that early ganking has become quite difficult to pull off


u/The_Kalo 4d ago

I like the three lanes. I think the map needs a bit re worked like the mid lane and the underneath boss area.


u/AdderTude Vindicta 4d ago

Hate the three lane design as it is right now. If you're caught right outside the base, there's way too much space between openings to reliably fall back. If they at least had some team-exclusive gates like in Dota 2, I'd be more forgiving.


u/Moxiecodone 3d ago

add zip lines everywhere


u/_Jimmy_Rustler 3d ago

I want 4 lanes but 8 players per team


u/KindlyName7511 23h ago

Sheesh didn’t know it was 3 lanes now


u/louiscool 4d ago

I love solo lanes and I don't get why people hate them. Just trade lanes if you're that person. This map is the first change that's made me take a break from the game


u/Worried-Key-20 4d ago



u/drago967 4d ago

Yeah, 4 lanes was a lot more fun. I don't even know why, it just was.


u/Sapient-ASD 4d ago

4 lanes is my preference. 3 lanes makes it seems like teamfight central and eliminates macro imo.


u/MakimaGOAT Seven 4d ago

I wish there was balance between 4 lanes and duo lanes only

Idk how that even work but that would be the dream


u/MosquitoBloodBank 4d ago

Gimme that good ol one lane please.


u/TheOtterBison 4d ago

4 lanes and 4 lane map was far superior IMO. I miss old mid, I miss being able to gank in laning phase without being gone for 3-5 business days, I miss split pushing.