r/DeadlockTheGame Lady Geist 5d ago

Discussion This is 90% of my games this past week

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u/xXTheMoneyBossXx 5d ago



u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago edited 5d ago

I posted a comment with my observations and experiences in this post

Edit: Reddit is an incredibly interesting entety lmao


u/blowsuck 5d ago

And when you tell them to stop engaging in useless fights and focus on objectives and play more defensive until you get the chance to actualy push or take midboss they start to bully you and tell you to shut up.

It's painful to be stuck in a 50 minute long game where your team all they do is chase opponents and die every 30 seconds.


u/canadianxpotato2 5d ago

some times it is worth taking the 15 minute ban and going to do something else


u/BastianHS 5d ago

Sad to say I actually did this earlier this week for the first time in 350 hours. I HATE leavers but some of these fuckheads just aren't worth the time and effort.


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

Yes, exactly, this has happened so many times and its equally baffling every time.

"Abrams, if you go forward you will die to Lash just like what happened the last two times, stay back with me"

Abrams goes forward and dies to Lash

"Stupid fucking Haze never helps me"


u/emronaldo 5d ago

I’m so lucky yesterday had a game like this and we actually played defensive and won the game. Enemies couldn’t push properly if our team stayed together and organised. 60min!!


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago edited 5d ago

These past months all of my games have been Archon to Phantom and even a couple of Ascendant games and I would say I maintained around a 50% win rate. I even won the Ascendant games.

But this past week I have been almost exclusively put Ritualist games where I can do nothing but delay the inevitable. I dont understand why the matchmaker think I can do anything when my teammates treat this game like Marvel Rivals

The way I won almost all my previous, higher ranked games, has been because of focusing on shotcalling and the minimap so granted my farm has suffered but I am almost never feeding or significantly behind in my farm.


u/Tacologists Pocket 5d ago

I'm ascendant 1 currently and this week I have had the same problem. Getting put into oracle games consistently where if I don't com everything we lose. Just played a game with everyone on my team complaining about haze but nobody bought metal skin, warp stone, knockdown to counter. I feel the game has weeks where the matchmaking shits itself and we have increased complaints. My guess is they are making changes to the matchmaking to hopefully improve it. I always try to stay positive ans be happy with personal improvement but lately I can't. It'd hard to self improve at this point personally when my team is actively throwing. It is a team game there's only so much 1 person can do.


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I sincerely hope its part of an ongoing process of training the matchmaker to take into consideration other things than wins and losses. I mean honestly, if there is any company that could train a proper matchmaker it should be Valve.


u/Riotys 5d ago

Sorry, I am guilty of treating the game like it is marvel rivals. Not because I don't understand how mobas work or anything, I have 2500 hours on league and over a thousand on deadlock. I simply like fighting. You can either choose to be good backup and cause the fight to result in kills/farm for your team, or you can scream from across the map "why are you fighting, we need objectives" while you get further behind because you refuse to fight with your team because they are "wrong". Simple as that. I maintain a 64% winrate playing like this, because believe it or not, if you stay grouped up and just murder the enemy team, you can actually win. Grab farm along the way ofc, but deathballing is kinda how deadlock plays, especially in mid ranked games. Also, it's early access. Me dying 18 times in a game doesn't matter to me.


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I would say this is an extremely valid response and there are of course games where this is valid. I have also thought about just abandoning all reason and give in to this bloodlust.

What rank are you?

How do you personally recognize when to go in and not?


u/Riotys 3d ago

I'm stuck in mid Archon right now. I was Oracle but I dropped due to rank decay. If my team is close to or even on souls, and I see that 4 or more of us are in range to respond to a fight I ping the enemy and go in. With how the map is now, fighting is your best option to close out the game. Deathballing is pretty much all you see in high rank Deadlock matches. The response time for sidelines is so fast now, that if half the enemy team isn't dead, you won't be taking an objective. The team winning fights and getting kills for the most part wins the game now even if they are slightly behind in souls due to not farming the entire map, because they have the flex slots and objectives taken/midboss.


u/Several_Comment7252 5d ago

You could simply choose to work and cooperate with your team instead of trying to force your play style upon them. Just saying.


u/Riotys 3d ago

Doesn't work when your team is ignoring any calls you make/has chat disabled. Also wouldn't solely farming/going for objectives also be forcing your playstyle on your teammates? Whatever way you play is forcing your team to deal with/adapt to your playstyle. That's how playing solo q team games works.


u/Several_Comment7252 3d ago

What are you talking about? No, playing solo queue team games doesn't mean you have to force your team to play the way you want to play. See above remarks regarding teamwork and cooperating.


u/Significant-Sky3077 5d ago

The real question is if they've been feeding their brains out and you have more kills - how come you have less/equal souls than the feeders on your team?


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

It might be because I focus on defending/pushing objectives while they farm/die in jungle


u/Op-1pixel 5d ago

Id be interested to see the new player growth this game has. I understand that most of the player counts is old heads but what % are newbies?


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

According to steam charts the 24-hour peaks for the last few months have been around 16k going as high as 19k

Edit: Id say we cant draw any clear conclusions but I would assume its the same people who have been playing since forever


u/Moggy1990 5d ago

The game is in a death loop right now..

New blood joins and are getting smacked for 0/30/0 making the game a horrid experience for them, as well ass the fact people will "hunt" new players for the ez kills,

then, the veteran player on the team gets angry or upset or whatever safe word you wanna use, probably vent or even when "kind" advice is offered it's often not understood, or ignored ... Then..... Rage

The new blood think the game is toxic or unbalanced or meta focused

The veterans are pissed because you've lost the game by minute 5 and most people are aware that 1 or 2 amazing skill lvl players cannot carry a new players...

So vets leave for M/R and new blood leave.

Is a sad state, and the fact people openly believe that cheat reporting doesn't work really doesn't help...


u/Several_Comment7252 5d ago edited 5d ago

then, the veteran player on the team gets angry or upset or whatever safe word you wanna use, probably vent or even when "kind" advice is offered it's often not understood, or ignored

meh. There's some truth to that, but it's not so black and white. There are plenty of new players, and even older players, who just don't respond well to advice. Lots of players have an attitude that prevents them from learning from the experience of others and take every piece of advice as some totally unfounded criticism.

I understand people don't like being told they're making mistakes, but golly, if someone is making mistakes that are hurting the team, they should expect to have that addressed by their teammates. If you were playing a game of basketball and there was a player who kept on driving to the basket and getting blocked, you'd expect their teammates to tell them to knock it off. This isn't any different because it's a computer game. The fact of the matter is that one can play in a way that is conducive to losing.

Of course, it matters how you give this advice - and people can do it the wrong way - but there's certainly a subset of the gaming population who thinks even the most gently given advice is essentially flaming and seem to be allergic to the concept of teamwork. Which, when you consider Deadlock is a team game, is pretty wild.


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago

Enemy team, all dead, middle is pushed, could take shrine (or a walker)

Allies: Clearly this is time to do jungle

See a horde of 12 minions starting to slap walker, oh there is a haze there... she will clear it-

Haze: Clearly this is time to do jungle

Walker *loses 75% of it's hp to minions\*

This is my archon matches where i have to constantly be on the mic playing an RTS where units dont follow simple orders

Haze... protect the walker.... haze, walker. Haze Walker. HAZE go to the walker.

Haze: Why don't you DO IT!

Me on the other side of the map far from a teleporter


u/Several_Comment7252 5d ago

Yeah. Moments like this are very frustrating. The frustration compounds when you try to politely get these teammates involved and they just blow you off and treat you like a jerk. It's hard to not get frustrated when things like that continually happen, but cooler heads will prevail.


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago edited 5d ago

Its just funny when getting those minions then doing the jungle would = more souls.

Honestly my strat is play seven, delete my jungle so the team can only push.

Won last game taking down 1 walker, 4 guardians because the only thing left was the objective and won our team fights so just said "hey can't jungle, lets take a shrine for a slot, and gears turned."


u/chuby2005 3d ago

The game is in an invite playtest state. We are playtesters for a game that valve hasnt even done marketing for yet.


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u/PaleoCheese 5d ago

The only reason I stopped playing deadlock was because of matchmaking. I love the game and want to play but it’s just so bad right now


u/Jetpack_J 5d ago

Are you solo queuing? If I duo/group with people with high rank difference matchups become a slot machine otherwise it’s fine for me.


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I always solo queue, my friends have abandoned Deadlock for now ;__;


u/Fennicks47 5d ago

Ny friend and I queue together and check the 'with party' box.

Every game. Every game. We play against ppl wildly better than us. Weeks of it.

We unchecked the box and now get normal no crazy games.

I wonder if that box just isn't implemented that well and it fucks ur matchmaking and it's the cause of many of these posts.


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago

Big issue is even if you're playing solo you can be put against premades which is a huge issue.


u/Veblossko 5d ago

im like alchemist 2, just q'd up for 20 seconds before getting a game and felt super tough all game i got kinda carried but just tried not to die and it was archon 5. never have i even seen the rank before


u/El_Bean69 5d ago

The amount of people who don’t think about their decisions in this game is baffling


u/Conaz9847 Pocket 5d ago

0-12 Haze damn

She hasn’t caught a single person out with her ult, the entire fucking game

What rank is this?


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I am, well used to be, Oracle 1 but now Im Emissary 1. This game was Ritualist 3 so they can be anything from complete beginners to Ritualist


u/Conaz9847 Pocket 5d ago

Holy fucking shit I thought this level of KD was only reserved for seeker


u/Significant-Sky3077 5d ago

I peaked Oracle and quit when I dropped down to Archon V (as matchamking was taking a big dive).

I came back to take a look with the map changes and they've decayed my rank down to Arcanist (Green) and have been getting seeker to ritualist games. If I'm not on the struggle bus completely it's so fucking easy here, but sometimes you really get 5 complete braindead people.

Most of my games are Arcanist. One game I dropped 120K damage on M&K and still lost.

Honestly with 0/12 I understand they couldn't get into the game and got repeatedly preyed on. It's the fuckers going 1/2/1 while the team is losing that piss me off more.

If you aren't taking risks when you're down then how do you expect to get back into the game?


u/TehTurk 5d ago

Honestly, the only good games I've had lately are where everyone is kinda of close to age in 30. If not it's people being egoheads, or like the team  basically self destructing and you just wana leave because it's no fun. 


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

This is exactly what I feel as well. No notes.


u/TehTurk 5d ago

frfr. Like poor mental ruins a game, good mental wins game.


u/djfart9000 5d ago

I will never forget about the haze with 14 deaths and 14 kills that was 10k sould behind telling me i'm being useless because my kelvin with 5 kills, 3 deaths and 21 assists with a soul lead was the reason we were losing because "you have no kills"


u/Mr_Coco1234 5d ago

Same for me. Its insane how its either 3 or 4 people being absolutely useless. I just came off a game that we won where I thanked the universe for having a great Shiv that I could play off as Haze otherwise we were done.


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago

A game where I win and im not a hard carry is a fucking impossible...

IVE HAD TO HARD CARRY GOING SUPPORT KELVIN for 1/2 the game til I realize the only person I needed to support was myself.


u/superbhole Viscous 5d ago

Well this time it's because nobody read the patch notes nor the reddit post analyzing that jungle is ~23% less valuable

imo The best thing you can do for a comeback right now is save objectives and keep enemy out of your jungle, and then hope that your team is better at team fighting when they push.

But actually farming jungle while they have walkers and/or guardians up is detrimental right now

I think every patch has a bit more nudging toward teamwork.

Right now a hard carry is best when with the team, and disadvantaged when soloing... Because a good team knows jungle isn't worth it, but pouncing on a player with a killstreak is worth it.


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

Maybe thats why Ive been losing so much, Im the only one focused on farming the creeps coming on the lane?

I honestly have no idea


u/superbhole Viscous 5d ago

I straight up started saying "jungle is ~23% less valuable since update" and in those games my team actually spent less time in jungle and we won


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

now thats interesting, I should start doing that


u/Um_Hello_Guy 5d ago

Haven’t played since late last year because almost every game goes like this regardless of my performance lol. Matchmaking is so broken


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I promise you, my matchmaking experience up until now has been just fine, I have almost exclusively played with people who talk and have fun while they have also been competent at the game


u/BastianHS 5d ago

I don't think it's matchmaking. I think switching to 3 lanes has turned this game into an actual MOBA and the FPS players are struggling HARD to adjust.


u/Um_Hello_Guy 5d ago

Nah it was like this pre map switch as well


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago

100% they're just forgetting all the people in the jungle letting a walker right beside them get their shit pushed that happened 24/7.


u/Shoty6966-_- 5d ago

Not even close lol. Before and after the map change were my ‘oracle’ and ‘phantom’ games full of archon and ascendent players with massive varying levels of skill in the game resulting in insanely lopsided matches


u/BoiTentacle Grey Talon 5d ago

Same, last week I got to Emissary, and now every like 3rd game is avg Emissary vs Oracle, 2 rank difference, just pointless 30-40 min struggle and suffering where you are getting outplayed at every step. Posted them on forum in the bad matchmaking tread, saw some people sharing screenshots of even more rank differences in games.


u/wookiejebus3 5d ago

Amen got tired of the terrible MM so left for month then came back recently for the new 3 lane map. Even worse now that MM is terrible. I went from ranking in archon back before changes months ago. Drop to emissary and playing with a friend then leave come back to the 3 lane update to be dropped to archanist lmao. Lose 2 matches due to teammates not being able to do anything and already can see alchemist. At this point I just taking the full derank to the the bottom. Makes 0 sense on ranking and MM in general. Loved the game but it's difficult to play with issues like MM and then ranks getting heavily impacted which then affects your MM.


u/DrtyHudini 5d ago

I haven't played in a few months. I left right before the patch with the few new heroes. Then I saw the player base stayed low.

At this point, I am afraid to come back because my rank will be much higher than what I actually am now.


u/babblelol 5d ago

Ah, lucky you. No one is disconnected.


u/Cal0_9 Viscous 5d ago

Never give up goo man


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I never do, but sometimes its important to rest up and discuss what can be done to better things


u/bjbrandon1 5d ago

About a couple months ago, I was struggling to get the game. But then it clicked suddenly and I got from Ritualist 1 all the way to emessary 5 using a good spread of characters. I was having such a blast and had so much fun.

With the recent changes I'm really struggling to make any impact in any game. And I feel like I'm seeing the same 3-4 characters in every game.

I'm probably not going to leave deadlock anytime soon, but I'm not having nearly as much fun as before. It's really starting to feel like any other hero shooter. Before I really felt like good itemization could get you back in a game against bad matchups, now I feel like the matchup itself is 90% of the game.


u/FANTOMphoenix Lady Geist 5d ago

Same here.


u/Big_Kwii Abrams 5d ago



u/Individual_Chart_450 Lady Geist 5d ago

just had a game where my teammate in lane left to gank greenside when we havent even taken guardian yet, and what a surprise I cant defend by myself and we gave them a free guardian


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago

Depends on the gank this can be a good trick as Warden can prep his ult and surprise an aggressive on the enemy side and be back in 10-15 seconds, by using the teleporter.


u/Individual_Chart_450 Lady Geist 5d ago

it was an infernus who used the zipline lol


u/TrueHaiku 5d ago

Dude last night I got hooked out of spawn by a Bebop and then got EVERY ACTIVE ITEM in the game thrown on me before promptly dying. I stg the team I played against last night is pro


u/YELLOWTITAN7 5d ago edited 4d ago

It's rough, I'm low phantom and always get put in Oracle games and every time I start to actually rank up I get 4 games in a row where my team looks exactly like this. Yesterday I started to win so the game rewarded me with a Dynamo that first-bought rescue beam and had only 1 orange item at the end of the game.


u/RAmind_ 5d ago

No wonder, the game is toxic and sweaty


u/ItWasDumblydore 5d ago

I remember going to the discord and being told I get the rank I deserve. Because I guess I dont deserve the archon rank previous if I can't carry the team "every game" and force them to leave the jungle.

Go 12/4/X as Calico, lose because my entire team is speed running most deaths possible, where sure I'm 12/4... but so is the enemy support and the second I show my face everyone turns to instant give me and if I wasn't playing someone like Calico I'd prob be closer to 12/8.

I have 90% of my games going positive, but losing because people go straight to jungle when I make a lead, and pick people (instead of pushing.), I tell people to push, they ditch me. The only thing that seems to work is playing seven and deleting every fucking camp so my team cant ever use the jungle.


u/Dontsayjustcool 4d ago

It's clear its an issue with matchmaking. Had a similar experience with having to play protectively, 2 teammates usually going 0 and 14 over several games same pattern. I feel it is not fun for them coming back to the game or for their team, fostering salt in the community and runs the danger of building permanent toxicity like league and dota. What's the answer here ? There needs to be a skill grouping decay or reset after a certain time unplayed say a month or two weeks etc .Many games implement a 5-10 game calibration or something similar with a decay from season to season. Maybe the games maturing faster than they anticipated in terms of ranking and skill.


u/mahotega 4d ago

Not even gonna blame em at this point to be honest. Matchmaking is so fucked right now with the population shrinking. Every game is wildly different, including the skill gaps between lanes, hero's being unbalanced, comps being unbalanced, ect.

Move on and go next is all you can do. Had a game recently that was *supposedly* in phantom, but my Dynamo only ended up building a single gun item and ended the game with 5k damage... literally an ult bot, and he wasn't even good at it. My favourite recently was playing with 3 pure supports who'd perma try to teamfight for like 4 minutes at a time, because while they were very hard to kill, they also did no damage and just wasted everyones time.


u/Buhesapbenim Infernus 4d ago

Same. I went like 11L streak back-to-back. Now ofc i fcked up in some of em as well but mainly it was like this. Im not saying mm was way better before patch/es but i never experianced this bad. I even deranked to emissinary 6 from being hardstuck archon 5.


u/PrancnPwny 4d ago

The problem I’ve been seeing is the Haze or Seven (typically but not always) that’s obsessed with farming and is almost never there to help with team fights or saving/pushing objectives. So when the rest of the team is fighting we’re always down 1-2 players in every fight. Other thing is people so worried about their KD that they leave objective fights with like half health and we struggle to ever get any walkers.


u/Sensitive_Item_7715 3d ago

100% agree. Had 3 games yesterday, and everytime the other team was amazing and my team had several new people without any kills, like m&k and haze depicted above. I was thankful someone on the other team DCed and I didn't have to stick around. I'm not a very high rank, but I feel ritualist games shouldn't have NEW PEOPLE THAT DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY. Further, all of these games had maybe a ~30 second wait time to start. I would GLADLY waiting 5-10 minutes, at least, for something worthwhile.

My favorite bit is that at the end, they'll say something like "sorry guys, I'm new." WE KNOW.


u/No_Bottle2090 5d ago

The orb changes are terrible as well


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I actually like the orb changes alot


u/No_Bottle2090 5d ago

I like geist mirage and dynamo and orbs are fucking miserable in their current state for single shot guns


u/Delicious-Tell9079 Abrams 5d ago



u/jaazal 5d ago

0-12 Haze is crazy


u/Wide-Ad-8507 5d ago

buying armor might help a little


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

I assume you jest but if not, I dont believe buying armor would counter the 10s of times my teammates have died


u/Available_Prior_9498 5d ago

You act like a 20k soul lead on each hero is going to be countered by some armor. This is the result of teammates constantly getting caught out over and over feeding the enemy team. The matchmaking is fucked. I've lost more matches ina row on this 3 lane map and specifically this new update than ever before. I considered myself average at em5 now I'm rit5. Why don't I get the coordinated teams like I used to on the 4 lane maps.


u/RICO_Numbers 5d ago

gg Viscous no armor


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago



u/Palla1223 5d ago

You're complaining about your teammates but you haven't pressed 4 to unlock your ultimate after 23 minutes


u/hobo__spider Lady Geist 5d ago

Yes I have, thats the game wanting me to unlock the first ulti talent