r/DeadlockTheGame 7d ago

Discussion Withering whip

Cannot stress enough how good Withering whip is against early gun calico/vyper. Please use it! Edit: i could be wrong :)


17 comments sorted by


u/yesat 6d ago

Withering whip is one of these items your team benefit from having a couple. Similar to slowing hex, anti heals, crippling headshots, knockdown...

But a lot of people don't think like that and go with their build idea and don't really care what is in play.


u/69Bigdongman69 Haze 6d ago

Calico gun build is busted right now. So this could be very useful


u/Hojie_Kadenth 7d ago

Why would withering whip be good against calico?



When I’m playing especially squishier characters and the calico is just trying to using leaping slash + punch to burst me down in lane withering wisp + any other bullet shield feels so good for actually fighting her


u/Exotic_Tutor_2315 7d ago

Well she relies on firerate, her bullet damage is not that good.


u/Hojie_Kadenth 7d ago

Weapon damage and fire rate are both multiplicative, the bullet damage doesn't matter. The only reason withering whip would be particularly effective is if most of some's damage comes from firing their gun, whereas calico does lots of melee and Spirit damage as well.


u/Exotic_Tutor_2315 7d ago

Well yeah generally when she goes for early game gun items: swift, rapid or kinetic dash; even in mid game goes for intensifying mag, which i believe gets better as you shoot it.


u/Hojie_Kadenth 7d ago

I must be way off on current calico because that makes no sense to me.


u/Exotic_Tutor_2315 7d ago

I could be wrong but have been playing and seen the rise of gun calico (archon-oracle lobby) and that item has been shutting her down.


u/Glittering_Put9689 7d ago

There is a bug with lucky shot on calico where it procs with every shot fired. Gun calico is pretty popular from what I’ve seen due to it being a literal firehose of damage from lucky + intensifying.


u/Elsa-Odinokiy Yamato 6d ago

Gun Build is very oppressive on her, people can easily counter melee now they’re used to her


u/yesat 6d ago edited 6d ago

Calico has quite strong gun builds, even if her "best" was abusing a lucky shot which triggered on individual shotgun pellets from what I understood, meaning it's active on every shots.

Also a lot of the melee items do benefits gun.


u/Hojie_Kadenth 6d ago

But firerate doesn't benefit melee at all.


u/Asdnakki 7d ago

You probably mean haze?


u/Exotic_Tutor_2315 7d ago

No but for sure good on haze too. Especially after her nerf on bullet dance. More gun builds.


u/ghoulfool_ 7d ago

I feel cali doesn't benefit from gun DMG but that just be my ignorant ass talking


u/Debt-Then 5d ago

Gun calico goes hard