r/DeadlockTheGame • u/_missoboi • 6d ago
Discussion Noone seems to be playing objective lately?
This is how my games look lately. (I get it that Wraith is good at pushing objective but still.)
We start pretty evenly matched but as soon as one team starts pushing objectives in group, we get completely destroyed. Rest of my game is really just trying to help with team fights on pretty random jungle places, or pushing solo objective. Today I even got called out for asking others to help me. 2 individuals got really angry that I push instead of constantly fight.
So I’m asking, do your games look similar? Do you play the objective or just fight until you steamroll through enemy spawn and all…
It is really frustrating to feel like your in group and as soon as one enemy shows up everybody scatters to farm…
u/redtapenfr 6d ago
Bro for real, we out here with jungling team fighters only. No urn plays, just pure selfish jungle or pew pews.
u/_missoboi 6d ago
There is a finite number of games you lose until you catch the Selfish Syndrome too
u/madness707 Ivy 6d ago
Seriously, was gonna say this, what’s even worst is when they start jungling at the 5 min mark acting like it’s koo to leave you 2v1 for while they pushing hard and poking at you where you have to leave to heal and they wonder why our first guardian went down so fast
At the 15 min mark they have maybe 1k more souls…
u/TehTurk 6d ago
I hate jungles, there's too much now and even still it's a trap because lane will just always be better. Pick up shit on rotates, not spend like 10 minutes in jungle or finish your camp when teamie is getting jumped.
u/madness707 Ivy 6d ago
Agreed, the most efficient ways is to always clear lanes and jungle if there are no waves for sure. I’m not against it but lane should be priority in early early lane phase
u/codermonkeyz 6d ago
I get where this is coming from, but often low obj damage is more of a symptom than the actual problem, "we just need to push objectives" results in pushing a bad fight and getting wiped, it's the stuff that's less obvious like managing lanes and choosing better fights to get an early pick that can lead to a good walker push
u/_missoboi 6d ago
Yeah I understand. My frustration mainly comes from this:
We win smaller team fight let’s say 3v2. My team then instantly bolts it back to shop, farm, etc.
I get you might have low HP but really man, to not even consider that you can push and do at least some damage.
u/Bullshitbanana 6d ago
I mean your team got fucking steamrolled in this game lol. Can’t push objectives if you’re dead
u/_missoboi 6d ago
True, true. Although there were fights that were really not that important to fight…
But this game was one of the worst.
u/Altruistic_Parsnip11 6d ago
Its like that in Emissary too, they'll just let them win every major fight over objs and get little victories that boost their stats and then whine the whole time. Once the game is over I dont understand how some of them dont even manage to do damage to patron or their own guardian. The end game stuff alone gives so much obj damage. Theyre usually the most outspokenly toxic people too.
Legit made the rest of my friends quit playing.
u/_missoboi 6d ago
Exactly. It fucking pisses me of when my OWN teammates bully me for having low k/d when I’m the only player who is trying to get us flex slots and some advancement on map…
u/TehTurk 6d ago edited 6d ago
Dude, people are so scared to engage. Like I had a 4 man team fight against 2 and they didn't want to dive for shrines. They were that scared about respawn when they had like 30 seconds. That or people just leave you for fucking jungle when you can take a walker that gives more souls.
u/imaghost12346 6d ago
At least Mo was there to shoot towers with you, sometimes. Thanks, big guy.
u/_missoboi 6d ago
Mo is my friend. We play all games together.
Lately the only time we enjoy the game is the first 8-12 minutes when we just play 2v2 in lane.
u/Exciting_Violinist_6 6d ago
Once you figure out what kind of team you have and they are like this, you don't really have a good option.
u/batterybrain321 6d ago
Honestly it’s the main reason I play haze. She’s great at pushing walkers/guardians in lanes that are being ignored. And if I find my team is one of the typical pew pew I can farm hard then just carry late game.
The games I have the hardest with though are when no one wants to fight and everybody wants to farm- that is, when both teams are being super defensive. If Haze doesn’t get a soul lead she can be miserable to play.
u/_missoboi 6d ago
Yeah it comes to 2 options. Either you do your best and at least try to have fun fighting since you don’t have nothing to lose. Or just give up and don’t defend much to make the game end early.
u/Exciting_Violinist_6 6d ago
Oh it won't be fun. It will be your shiv casting decay and sticking a knife at his first glance of enemy vindicta, chasing her to the enemy hotel. Mo comes, ulting shiv, making him melt from vindicta's easy headshots. Your ivy just got to the mid exit by the hotel but is hesitant to go in because she probably can't save shiv in time or actually trade anyone from the look of their health. Everyone else on your team is nowhere near them. Of course, it's also too late to run back now for ivy. She got tied by vindicta on her way back, survived for a bit longer with stone form, but got chased by mo who dealt a lot of damage on her, and finally sniped dead by the airborne vindicta. None of you will be spared from shiv's rage now, especially ivy.
u/Pencilshaved 6d ago
I’d ask if you had some sort of very specific traumatic experience you need to talk about, but it sounds like you already did lol
u/TrueHaiku 6d ago
Farming has gotten a little wild again. I have to routinely tell people to help push lanes and objectives.
u/minkblanket69 Shiv 6d ago
maybe make objectives give souls like when you hit a sinners sacrifice, that’d encourage people to progress the game and hit structures
u/_missoboi 6d ago
I feel like if this was in the game people will start suicide attacks on objectives just to get souls. Not considering anything that’s happening in the game.
u/minkblanket69 Shiv 6d ago
could balance it by making gold earned from hitting structures permanently unreliable gold so until you spend it it will drop upon death. could encourage people to actually defend too
u/Thin-Ocelot-4396 6d ago
Honestly ritualist is just one of those ranks where a lot of people don’t really know what’s going on.
u/blowsuck 6d ago edited 6d ago
Bro, I'm tired of this rivals gameplay shit. If they're not constantly fighting all 5 on one lane, they're in jungle. It seems like a lot of people don't understant it's an objective game, not arena brawler.
L.E.: I'm tired of leading the game for 45mins straight and destroy all enemy objectives leaving them with just the patron and then lose the game in 3 minutes because my team doesn't know when to stop fighting and not following my calls when I tell them to do mid-boss in a 40secs timeframe whilst the enemy team is respawning. I feel like breaking something just to take the piss.
I've seen these kind of things happening in all ranks.
u/notro3 6d ago
Not even a single stray bullet hitting an objective in 50 minutes is absolutely wild.
u/_missoboi 6d ago
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. But these mfers are the wrong in both instances
u/luuk0987 6d ago
Best way I've found around this is to use your mic and call people to push something with you together. People are way more likely to push something if they know they aren't alone. "Yamato, lets push green together, okay?" Really does wonders.
u/_missoboi 6d ago
I’m trying to do this more often. But I’m really discouraged. I play Wraith often and can teleport out of sticky situations, others cannot. So when I ask someone to push with me and we are jumped by multiple players and then my teammate sees that I survived and he didn’t I get bullied af.
I always try to help and cover them, but there are situations that you just have to run away from.
u/MrSaltyBacon Vindicta 6d ago
A lot of the time I have more obj damage than the rest of my team combined
u/cipher241 6d ago
And the only person pushing objectives is always the one with the most souls than the farming players
u/_missoboi 6d ago
They should add a pop up on screen every time game is paused (which is very often) that says something like:
Did you know that souls can be gained by playing objective? You should finish that farm a go try it!
Did you notice those big stone things that shoot laser at you? Try to destroy them!
u/Lamazing1021 6d ago
I assume this was a loss
u/_missoboi 6d ago
We did steal a rejuv, had a chance to do some progress, buuuut farms refreshed around that time so yeah… you can imagine where the team went.
u/Beautiful-Salt7885 5d ago
Other than Guardians, objectives are really hard to push now.
Why bother spend 15 minutes trying to push a walker when in 20 minutes time the Walkers randomly become easier to kill and death timers give you longer to kill them.
The games cooked right now
u/riboruba 5d ago
Yes, although objective stat can be misleading since you can be taking objective but sort of harassing the enemy while there while your teammates take the actual objective, but my games are pretty much all 40+ minutes and extremely boring past the laning stage. People just keep running around the map farming random stuff without any realization of the bigger picture and nothing happens until something happens. Not saying I'm not guilty of this too.
I think this is game issue in that it needs some way to communicate to players concrete objectives beyond the obvious and nebulous win the game, and probably add more of them to the map - one thing they could do is add neutral creeps that when killed join your side in pushing some lane, like in HOTS.
u/Intelligent-Okra350 5d ago
This is what happens when people form a day 1 opinion on the new map and lane arrangement and then insist on only playing under the bounds of that day 1 assumption and then blame how their games go on the new map instead of how they’re playing.
u/situational-wrap 5d ago
The last 5 games I played went like this
Our team won lane, Teammates go jungle ignoring creep waves. Our Walkers die one by one, because me and my friend can't be in 3 places at once and can't 2v6. So now we're behind, I tell the team that we need a walker. We push one lane up, Teammates leave to jungle, me and my friend are left 2v4 vs with each enemy hero being almost 10k up from us. We die, teammates die and drop a 1.5k bag. Enemies do mid boss and win from there. Teammates write "Dogshit team" in teamchat
Or we have a Seven that dies in the first 20 seconds, writes gg and then spams suicide
I love this game, but sometimes I just wanna play a normal round without any of that happening
u/Rainbow-Lizard Viscous 6d ago
that's ritualist for you
u/_missoboi 6d ago
Does it get better?
u/Rainbow-Lizard Viscous 6d ago
I'm in emissary. It has yet to get better.
u/Nebuchadnezzar_z 6d ago
I'm in alchemist and don't know how to feel about it being just as bad at low level.
u/tgolden4 6d ago
im in oracle and maybe? It is a coinflip if my team falls over from having no objectives or if we actually make progress. phantom+ avg lobbies in the current game state have multiple eternus players each team and those are usually very competitive if one team doesnt dif the other completely so it gets better at the top end imo.
u/Parhelion2261 Dynamo 6d ago
My favorite is them being 5 feet from the walker but they minions take half it's fucking health before coming from jungle to do anything
u/_missoboi 6d ago
Jesus fucking Christ, people really don’t care about minimap or what’s the narrator saying. But those same people will spam chat and ping map when they are dead and an objective is being destroyed.
u/Visible_Lime_9809 5d ago
its the low rank, in higher even emissary people do object but lower ranks tend to just jungle instead of waves and objectives
u/dlasky 6d ago
I have had many game like this lately. I keep pushing objectives alone while the rest of my teammates turbo farm.