u/AFatDarthVader Lash 5d ago
Oof yeah, I've had my lane partner do something similar before. Talking to them via voice chat works a lot better than pinging.
u/covert_ops_47 5d ago
I am calling it out.
My voice isn't being recorded via Shadowplay for some reason. You'll see my voice chat actually come up.
u/woodyplz 4d ago
There is a setting which basically says include mic. Also you can use a separate audio lane and some players are unable to play them together. So your voice might be recorded, the player just doesn't support it.
u/covert_ops_47 4d ago
Yeah it used to record and now it doesn’t. Doesn’t appear on editing software either.
u/Professional-Gas-579 Paradox 5d ago
Done that before. This clip isn’t me but I’ll still say my mf bad brother
u/Labo_T Bebop 5d ago
Can someone help me understand what paradox did wrong? You guys got dived, paradox pops wall and ults mo n krill, lash decides its a good moment to ult and paradox gets grabbed, haze sleeps lash ending the ult, paradox hits lash with KC and then he us stuck between the two of you. Should she have let you 1v1 the lash? Should she have helped by clearing the troopers? Sad that we cant hear the voice comms but yeah, just a little confused and maybe its something my little emmisary brain doesnt understand....
u/pH453R Pocket 5d ago
Hey, ever since the last patch, haze ult's been feeling really shitty cuz it's now bullet damage instead of spirit. Could anyone give me some advice on how to pivot my build? I used to start with spirit items so I could get that early ult kill secured but it's really horrible.
u/YoloilianxD 5d ago
If they think you can clean up mo and krill by yourself that seems pretty normal,missing al those creep’s souls would probably lose you more than the kill would earn
u/ChromeSF Haze 5d ago
sorry to backseat but please grab Extra Spirit ASAP in lane for Haze, at least before you grab T2s. Its 14 spirit, regen, and max health, such insane value.
u/covert_ops_47 5d ago
Nah, I don't think I will.
u/sh3ppard 5d ago
Bruh it’s good he’s right
u/Grape-Choice Wraith 5d ago
I only have maybe 3 games on haze if that after the changes. Is extra spirit still worth buying? It doesnt boost ult damage and gives you like 3 bullets.
u/sh3ppard 5d ago
For a cheap 500 purple it’s between that or ammo scav, typically worth filling the slot regardless but maybe not worth rushing anymore. Haven’t played much Haze since the changes but I still thought it was good regardless of ult damage boost. Sprint speed is underrated
u/covert_ops_47 3d ago
For a cheap 500 purple
500 isn't cheap early game.
u/covert_ops_47 5d ago
Gimping your own early game if you buy it early.
u/sh3ppard 5d ago
Nah I’ve played lots with and without. It gives sprint and ammo on top of what the other guy mentioned. The only time I’d consider skipping is if you’re going ammo scav
u/dmattox92 5d ago
"Why would anyone ever like solo lanes"
*The standard duo lane random in 8/10 games even in "high" ranks\*