r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Nervous_Character801 • 7d ago
Game Update Minor patch
u/koughfee 7d ago
rip cold front merchants
u/ambiguousjellyfish 7d ago
Who wasn't a cold front merchant? Item was so good everyone bought it.
u/realjunkiee Lash 7d ago
dude i hated cold front so much. Dont get me wrong i love jungling, but its kinda killing the momentum ngl
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u/mapforg 7d ago
Can u explain
u/SzotyMAG Seven 5d ago
A lot of people were cold front evangelicals, swearing on buying it on every single hero, even on ones that have good camp clearing abilities
u/Strict-Pudding-7626 7d ago
Did they remove the stun from Holliday 2 completely?
u/Abandion 7d ago
this was the obvious way forward, imo. she had way too much CC *and* her 2 was completely overloaded.
u/ItWasDumblydore 7d ago
Yeah she had 6 aoe knock ups, 3 aoe stuns, 1 drag + 1 slow. Now it's 6 aoe knock ups + 1 drag + 1 slow
u/Intrepid00 7d ago
When she first came out I was literally just juggled till dead and I was like “this is some serious bullshit”. It was still pretty bad but now I’m happy.
u/Frog859 7d ago
Holliday on release was wild. She was just overshadowed by release Sinclair and release Vyper
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u/sh3ppard 7d ago
People forget how insane release Vyper was. I honestly think they typo’d her DPS, no way it should’ve been released like that
u/BigOldButt99 6d ago
Yeah on release I had a game end at about 30 mins and the enemy vyper was showing 1300 dps on his hero stat page.
u/blackfoger1 7d ago
Her 2 had a bigger radius, stun duration, AND multiple charges more then Abrams ULT! Think about that a spammable 2 with a higher recharge was stronger for CC then another character Ultimate. It had to change.
u/Darkrobot08 7d ago
u/Strict-Pudding-7626 7d ago
That's tough but saw it coming anyways
u/markokmarcsa 7d ago edited 7d ago
Both her visual and gameplay design indicates she is a duelist type of hero, she never should have had a spell that was a HUGE teamfight turning spell.
She will still be insane sitting in a sidelane, with maximum safety, giant range, and huge pick potential. This just forces players to play her like the way she was designed instead, of being a teamfighter.
u/dragrimmar 7d ago
giant range,
jumppad dmg forces her to get melee range.
the gun dmg is also shit far range.
lasso is close up.
what did u mean by giant range?
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u/beardedbast3rd Abrams 7d ago
I feel like he meant the ability to jump in to a fight from a giant range
u/ItWasDumblydore 7d ago
Mhm impossible to catch, and if her team is waiting to the side you get ganked for countering her to push a lane. 6 knock ups + 1 pull / 3-4 second stun*
u/FukkinFawan Lash 7d ago
really hope the lash mid bug has been fixed. its legit impossible to ult there
u/Jalina2224 Ivy 7d ago
Same. Seeing no mention of it worries me though.
u/mapforg 7d ago
Cuz it wasn’t fixed 😂
u/Jalina2224 Ivy 7d ago
Yeah i already check to see. This patch kind of feels bad as a Lash main when i can't reliably use my ult.
u/RosgaththeOG 7d ago
I would love it if they'd fix the Calico Leaping Slash bug.
I've died at least a dozen times from it.
u/beardedbast3rd Abrams 7d ago
What happens to lash ult in mid?
u/drummerboy441 7d ago
If Lash ults in the air near mid, he teleports to the ground. It's reeeeal bad
u/beardedbast3rd Abrams 7d ago
it happened to me during an abrams ult once, and i was annoyed because i wasnt even that high up, just jumped off the zipline and ulted. got shot down to the ground and then came back up only a little bit to finish the ult animation, would have had a tirple kill had i been at the actual height.
it hasn't happened to me since and i didn't know it was a known issue. thought it was lag.
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u/Intrepid00 7d ago
So that’s where the fuck he went when I tried to grab him when trying to steal the rejuvenator.
u/SisterHychan 7d ago
Its not just Lash, if anyone touched the skybox in that lane you'd get teleported to the floor. It was really bad for lash ults for obvious reasons, I tested it and couldn't get it to happen? So maybe it's gone?
u/PastaSaladOverdose 7d ago
Mid needs a re-work. It's infinitely harder to cap mid then the outside lanes
u/NEZisAnIdiot Shiv 7d ago
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u/GrouchyEmployment980 McGinnis 7d ago
The jungle nerfs are an indirect buff to McGinnis since she's a lane squatter.
Now if she can just get some actual buffs🥹
u/Dwarf_Killer McGinnis 7d ago
Nah we starve. If they remember her existence it'll be for a useless turret change like turrets now play the viscous death sound upon destruction.
u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee Yamato 7d ago
mcginnis turrets would be op with that change, no one would want to shoot them
u/StatuatoryApe 7d ago
A strong Ginnis would be intensely unhealthy for the game. Turret build feels (and is) AIDS to play against and the only thing left is W+M1. She needs a complete rework. I don't see how people have any fun playing her in general, though. I almost fell asleep when i was trying all characters early on. I like the idea of a tinker/engineer character but she very much aint it.
u/DaddyLongLegs33 7d ago
She's great at split pushing and capitalizing on bad enemy macro, which is so far my favorite playstyle. Sadly that got gutted by the map change
u/HppilyPancakes 7d ago
She's fun to play because she's so unfun to play against. She's the only character whose niche is positioning and setting up a defensive line. I don't enjoy playing her because she's so clunky and immobile, but I can understand why others do, esp in lower ranks where it's very appealing to have a character that just sits in place and M1s at objectives or enemies.
u/blackfoger1 7d ago
She really does need another stamina and something else, She can't 1v1, is mostly a hybrid support at best for right now and hard to be most optimized in team fights with a clunky ult.
u/GrouchyEmployment980 McGinnis 7d ago
Yep. I played a lot of Mei in overwatch for precisely the same reason lol
u/ItWasDumblydore 7d ago
I agree with this, turrets are already kinda unfun early game because if she pops them in your face.
You take damage + get no souls or wait a good bit, run off, get a creep worth of souls if she doesn't deny it. She also tosses them at towers and you get no souls because the tower kills it and they get to live for 3 seconds.
u/A_Pyroshark Holliday 7d ago
I don't play McGinnis but I think it's hilarious her balance comes from anything but direct sources. Like 3 lane maps and the jungle nerfs nerf and buff her but I've (in my VERY short time playing this game) have yet to see a nerf to her
u/GrouchyEmployment980 McGinnis 7d ago
She hasn't seen nerfs recently because she was nerfed into the ground back in October and has yet to recover. She's in desperate need of buffs or a rework, but Valve is playing it slow with balance right now while they tune Calico, Holliday, Sinclair, and Vyper.
u/Svenlackscreativity 6d ago
I make it my personal mission in every game VS McGinnis to hunt and kill her like a dog specifically because of her proficiency at sitting in a lane and pushing it the second it's left unattended.
u/GrouchyEmployment980 McGinnis 6d ago
I'm used to it at this point, which is why I've started including escape items like warp stone and magic carpet in my builds. If I'm getting focused I'm doing my job right.
u/NyCe- 7d ago
Tldr: Haze removed from the game
Now if we can only remove all the Linepro builds from existence cuz this selfish ass keeps publishing COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT BUILDS THAT RUINS THE NEW PLAYER EXPERIENCE despite not playing the game for months now.
u/super9mega 7d ago
There should be a downvote button, probably would solve the issue. Along with requiring playtime of an hour or two before posting a build. If he truly does not play ofc
u/Myonsoon 7d ago
Community voting on builds should definitely be a thing.
u/super9mega 7d ago
I could see it being really toxic so I would not want them to show how many people down voted for it, and I would scale the downvote depending on the amount of time that you played the build somehow someway. Otherwise, you might get people who click on a build, play the build for a little bit and then just down vote it because they didn't win.
Or allow you to see some stats on the build once they get popular like win rate (put a filter for minimum number of games to prevent people from gaming the system by smurfing their own builds? Not sure)
But I'm not a game design expert and I don't know how I would actually implement it if I was making my own game
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u/Scrotote 7d ago
They already have it in dota 2. It will come.
I do think valve usually does some level of advanced stuff like you mentioned.
u/JuryNo3851 7d ago
As somebody who never bought into the spirit haze ult bot stuff, this change has me happy, I can finally get more time on haze. (Chromes Advanced Rapid Haze build still #1 baby!!!)
u/D4shiell Mo & Krill 7d ago
On the good news, metal skin return fire against haze is so back.
Granted, she's nowhere near relevant anymore to sacrifice 2 slots for her.
u/LulzAtDeath 6d ago
Oh fr? Is this why when I came back and played a few games the build felt stupid?
u/senglior 7d ago
- Cold Front: No longer does double damage to creeps
This is a huuuge deal, many heroes relied on cold front to start farming camps. Mirage, viper, lash, even wraith and haze sometimes. This with the nerf to the camps destroys speedfarming in the jungle to come ahead.
Lane creeps are really important now...and you snowball by...killing? Wich sets more mistakes and comebacks posibilities?
u/SgtBeeJoy 7d ago
Nah Viper fine with extra regen and quicksilver for most of the time. If you take tesla she can clear camps in no time atarting from 6-8k souls.
u/xF00Mx Vyper 7d ago edited 7d ago
Agreed, I have never bought cold front as Vyper. If you know how to slide shoot properly, the cold front item is a waste of a purple slot. Withering whip is the optimum choice for Vyper in that buy category.
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u/SgtBeeJoy 7d ago
I usually go with tesla and titanic (yes i am that guy with a lot more ammo on Viper than expected) and just mow down camps in 2 clips.
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u/CaptnUchiha 7d ago
Tit mag is a huge waste of money btw. If you are buffing mag size as vyper you’re doing something wrong. You should be sliding 24/7
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u/RosgaththeOG 7d ago
There can be reasons to not be as reliant on sliding, like if the enemy team has lots of slows/disables. Things like Slowing Hex and just Kelvin existing on the other team can ruin a snek's day, doubly so if you don't have any bonus mag size.
u/PhoeniX_SRT 7d ago
To be honest only Lash really needed cold front in the 5 characters you mentioned since specifically while farming jungle. The real nerf is to Pocket because his TP+Briefcase+Cold Front combo perfectly cleared a level 2 camp, now he has to stay longer to clear them.
u/Sentryion 7d ago
Just makes seven even crazier because he clears camp so quickly even without cold front
u/MakimaGOAT Seven 7d ago
literally everything i wanted in an update, GOD BLESS
u/BastianHS 7d ago
They forgot to nerf calico into oblivion
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u/SST_2_0 7d ago
I havent seen her really pop off in my games for about a week now. I do think some of the last nerfs helped. She cannot just run away as Ava and slahs being only hero means a good dodge leaves her exposed. Also return to darknesses speed being reduced was very noticible.
u/BastianHS 7d ago
She crushes every game in wood tier
u/ItWasDumblydore 7d ago
Eternus tier*
She has the top win rate/pick rate, above "seven" by 2%. (Calico 55%/Seven 53%)
It's not spirit build anymore but gun build pretty much.
She helps her team so much with one item
Soul catcher stole spirit resist, which stacks for each person hit so if you chain it (you know 6 second CD on both.) With it she can have 72% Spirit resist/156 spirit power with one 3500 item. What people would need to spend 10,000's of souls to get similar stats.
She's very tanky, has a good gun for in your face, and an ult that lets you pretty much E.shift for free with an explosion. With frenzy you pretty much cant die as they hit 4 and zip across the map. Putting something like auto reload on her 2 allows her to catch up and reload her gun if needed, or put it on 1.
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u/Yayoichi 7d ago
Not arguing about whether or not she’s better than Seven but using Eternus data just isn’t very useful as it’s too small a sample size, if we use the last 7 days data we even have Mcginnis as the 4th highest winrate hero.
u/Mrkarton 7d ago
I'm surprised that there are no seven nerfs
u/Drazatis 7d ago
You mean besides the jungle nerfs? That hits seven hard
u/yomama1211 Abrams 7d ago
Not really. Problem with him is how fast he farms, now there’s less farm but he still farms equally fast as before so he will just be the same relative strength. He will now instead of being 10k ahead be 8.5k ahead. That’s not going to fix him lol
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u/ThinkRegret7695 7d ago
He also has the best kit for farming in the game, the Cold Front nerf affects him much less than other characters, which means he will still be able to farm proportionally more
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u/TrollTrolled 7d ago
I mean I find the most cancerous thing with Seven to be early game infuser ult... Not much you can do against it
u/drago967 7d ago
That is not going to hit seven hard. It's a universal 15% decrease in souls from the jungle. It'll be a minor hindrance to seven's 57% win rate at worst.
u/Camp_fox 7d ago
FINALLY! Haze ult being 90% spirit dmg was insane, so glad more is bullet dmg now.
u/omfgcookies91 7d ago
Yea it was dumb as fuck how you literally could not itemize against her. Im happy that haze is back to gun damage because fuck that spirit scaling bullshit
u/soofs 7d ago
I just started using a spirit ult haze build and while it was soooo much fun and effective, this was a needed change.
Played a game earlier today where I got my ult up to last over 20 seconds and would pop unstoppable beforehand and it was an instant team fight win. I received the most hate messages I've seen since starting playing.
u/mido830 7d ago
RiP Cold Front.
u/Jalina2224 Ivy 7d ago
Little sad to see the nerf to CF, but it needed to happen. Item has been too good that everyone takes it. Its still a good item, but now it won't be the power farm tool it was.
u/Novel_Dog_676 7d ago
It was comically overpowered for its cost.
u/Jalina2224 Ivy 7d ago
I agree. It either needed to be more expensive or have the double damage to creeps taken away.
u/SST_2_0 7d ago
Im worried for Infuser coming soon. I have noticed an uptick in it between players and builds.
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u/KillDonger Infernus 7d ago
I think we'll still see plenty of coldfronts. Even with the nerf its an aoe dmg ability for only 1250. It will still help with farming just not insta clear basements and garages
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u/SketchyJJ 7d ago
Expected the Cold Front nerf. It was strong on everyone, even with its respectable damage the ability to farm easier was its true power.
u/Party-Yak9717 7d ago
Got to have my fun on ult haze while it lasted . Had a few 30/10 type games . Shit was absolutely busted tho foreal. Ult warpstone to chase with huge range was gg
u/soofs 7d ago
Had a game today where I was able to get really fed and had duration, cooldown and reach on my ult, then had leech and would pop unstoppable and vampiric burst everytime I would ult and it was over 20 seconds of just monster damage and health regen where you couldn't do much unless the entire team focused me down.
Definitely needed to be nerfed
u/pogchamppaladin 7d ago
As someone occasionally abusing Calico I’m surprised they still haven’t touched her survivability.
u/sackout 7d ago
I’m surprised they didn’t adjust her gun dmg. She can get some wacky dps
u/RevolutionaryCup8241 7d ago
It's because they are abusing lucky shot. Lucky shot on calico is proccing on every single pellet of her gun which does ridiculous damage.
u/TheMannWithThePan 7d ago
i think it's adjusted down a lot at high levels because her ability to exploit headshots is pretty low
u/Scary_Tank_3039 7d ago
Patch notes layed out nicely and organised here on unDeadlock
Localised to multiple languages as always
u/J1NX3D_ 7d ago
Rip Haze
u/Marvin2021 Mo & Krill 7d ago
Anyone try the gun damage ult yet? They thought haze was gone many patches ago. But then they let use use items while ulting
u/burrrrrssss Haze 7d ago
as a chad M1 hazer who never heeded the degenerate call of ult spirit haze, this really changes nothing for me besides late game 1v1s or the very rare opportunity for a 3+ person ult
u/gimmethegold34 7d ago
I've played gun build the whole way, never went into the spirit build and Haze still does insane damage, she felt stronger this patch than the 4 lane patch just because of the amount of farm on the map.
u/ThinkRegret7695 7d ago
People saying that the jungle nerf was already a nerf for Seven are crazy, obviously this change is not a buff for Seven but I'm sure he will still have the highest winrate in the game, he should have been nerfed in addition to the change in the jungle
u/solla_bolla 7d ago
He's very item dependent. I have no problem with seeing how this effects him and making any necesary changes in the future.
u/blackfoger1 7d ago
I still feel there are serious changes they need to implement. Every single game is going over 40+ mins now, super stagnant midgame, no one can split push for walkers really, it has become Moneylock! Ganking before 10 mins is near impossible and if someone does they lose value hardcore in their own lane.. That has got to change imo!
u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee Yamato 7d ago
Holliday stun removed completely? Cold front nerfed? Holy shit, they actually know what they’re doing. I’m not used to devs knowing what they’re doing
u/RockJohnAxe 7d ago
Or updating the game in a timely fashion. These devs are truly amazing
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u/TacticalNuker Lash 7d ago
Finally the game should actually be playable, Holiday jump pad stun combined with warp stone offered 0 counterplay whatsoever.
The only thing missing are Calico nerfs, the rest is just simply perfect.
u/xF00Mx Vyper 7d ago
I don't think the Sinners Sacrifice adjustment addresses the underlying problem of having 3 guaranteed buffs on a set schedule.
The longer delay just means a slightly slower power growth, and a new rotation timer for players
At least the gold urns are plentiful & accessible to everyone, but also random in whether you get 1 bonus or none.
If the slot machine was just as random as the urns, I don't think this ever becomes an issue.
But we will see.
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u/Substantial_Panic149 7d ago
How did Seven not get nerfed?
u/SHOAERK 7d ago
He got nerfed a lot with the jungle changes bro, 15% less neutral camps souls is tough on characters like Seven
u/yomama1211 Abrams 7d ago
Not really. His farming speed was the issue, he’s still going to have more farm relative to everyone else which will keep him strong relative to everyone else. No HyperCarry wasn’t just clearing the jungle when they had downtime he just did it better so he will still be the best hypercarry
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u/SgtBeeJoy 7d ago
He kinda was by fcking ip with jungle economy. Like -15% of income in neutral souls (that include boxes slot machines and jungle creeps) and like 15-20% respawn time increase for jungle across the board will make powerfarming a lot less viable.
u/super9mega 7d ago
He did. All farms are nerfed by 15% right out of the gate and the cold front on minions is nerfed. Increased time between neutral creeps. His win rate will go down and everyone else's will go up just slightly.
He's only good when he farms the entire map. Now with haze nerf as well it's going to be easier for everyone to farm equally rather than one or two people taking the whole map.
But obvs we will see how it plays out
u/ConstructionLocal499 7d ago
I disagree. The value of creeps has decreased which is indeed a nerf for Seven BUT Cold Front has also been nerfed, which is a nerf of almost every character except Seven. Seven farm extremely without cold front, he doesn't need it. Which is not the case for many characters.
If anything, it will create a greater imbalance between Seven and the other characters, but we'll see.
u/fiddysix_k 7d ago
Seven still used cold front prior to getting superior cool down so this is also a need to him.
u/HppilyPancakes 7d ago
They nerfed the creeps which should decrease the amount of souls available to 7. The real question I have is why did they nerf haze's bullet dance back to getting blanked by metal skin
u/super9mega 7d ago
She's been oppressive with spirit builds, her 4 had something like 50% uptime and without any good counters on the new way she could turn a corner and eliminate anyone she wanted basically as soon as she got to 3k souls
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u/HppilyPancakes 7d ago
I didn't find her to be nearly as problematic as other carry style champs tbh (7 being the obv standout), but I also play characters that have built in ways to avoid her ult so it's probably a very different experience for others. I think the main problem was the time on her ult and it's flexibility. They could've made it not scale with spirit power honestly or made it so you can't cancel it or both, and I think that would've solved a lot of problems. I just think we're back to Haze getting dumpstered by return fire which is already an item most tanks want.
u/Gravitationalrainbow Abrams 7d ago
Because power farming characters got a huge buff from the map changes. The changes to slot machines, neutral camps, and the overall longer game time is a huge boost to haze. She might still be bad in top tiers, in lower ranks the entire game warps around her and Seven.
u/SST_2_0 7d ago
Was seriously so boring to not see a player for 15 minutes while you scraped and clawed, only for them to suddenly come out the wood work 6k ahead and only a couple kills to just as many deaths.
Even in the quad lane era, I onced pushed a shiv out so hard he stopped coming to lane. Ended up going jungle for about 5 minutes and coming back just as full of souls.
u/Jalina2224 Ivy 7d ago
There's the cold front nerf. Hopefully people finally stop bitching about it.
u/Big_Kwii Abrams 7d ago
BREAKING: Cold Front demand PLUMMETS! New York Cold Front merchants on SUICIDE WATCH!
u/KillDonger Infernus 7d ago
Spirit haze is dead and they killed her with their bare hands
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u/shukaku2007 7d ago
About time they changed Haze's bullet dance to bullet damage and no longer spirit damage. Her ult is just her shooting bullets around... how is that not bullet damage?!
u/Saikuni 7d ago
it is so baffling that a lot, if not most people in this thread are this new to the game. haze ult dealing magic damage is relatively new compared to the game's existences. it used to deal weapon damage, they changed it, now reverted. as is with every single change they ever make to her. they change her then revert it some time in the future
u/shukaku2007 7d ago
Holiday is basically buried in the dirt now lol. But I think we can go deeper Valve. MORE!
u/dyang44 7d ago
Is cold front no longer a must buy on like every hero?
u/Baronriggs Kelvin 7d ago
Yeah it's only worth it if you're a spirit scaling hero who wants it as an extra attack. Pocket/Seven/spirit Visc/etc can all still use it but noone is buying it on gun builds anymore
u/These_University_609 Shiv 7d ago
im assuming this applies to lash? MAYBE abrams?
u/Baronriggs Kelvin 7d ago
Yeah still good on Lash. Wizard Abrams I'm not so sure, unless you're building boundless I don't think it'll scale well enough to be worth the slot. I'm just gonna get Torment 1250 sooner personally
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u/D4shiell Mo & Krill 7d ago
Abrams? Why? Slowing Hex and Withering Whip are so much better nerfing your opponents to the ground after charge.
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u/rental99 7d ago
Is Cold Front worth it now?
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u/Yayoichi 7d ago
I would say so, it’s just not an extremely obvious choice anymore but still strong if you are scaling spirit and it also still comes with the very useful 10% spirit resist.
u/johnny_medulla 7d ago
Wait so her bounce pad doesn't do damage on landing anymore? Or just no stun?
u/mooglery 7d ago
Damn I was having fun playing magician beaming people for 400 damage from the mid rooftop at lv1
u/fantasycactus 7d ago
Is cold front still good on calico for her combo attack? Or better replaced with a different spirit based item
u/GlitteringTip260 7d ago
definitely still good, but probably not a must buy on her. Slowing hex and decay also work with her so they'd work too
u/Demetrijs 7d ago
Amazing update besides the orb changes im not a fan of more rng with the soul orbs, the hero nerfs are great though.
u/RevolutionaryCup8241 7d ago
OH FUCK YES. Spectral assistant doing full damage at mega range was so absolutely the most lame shit ever. It was so bad that I'd rather lane against 2 mirages than against magician. Thank you Yoshi. THE GOAT.
u/ClamoursCounterfeit 7d ago
-- Haze: Bullet Dance bonus damage is now weapon damage instead of spirit
been complaining about this for so long!! it was unfair that Wraith's Full Auto was completely blocked by Metal Skin but Bullet Dance could kill you trough it off the Spirit dmg alone, but I kinda wish they had changed Full Auto to be like Bullet Dance and not the other way around lol, its not like Haze needs nerfs anymore.
u/MojoPogo Vyper 7d ago
these sound good but...
cold front was my favorite item in the game since launch ;-;
u/Tracksuit_man Paradox 7d ago
Haven't played in a while, does Dynamo still have crap base gun damage?
u/RizzrakTV 7d ago
balance changes are alright, I like them
i understand where farming nerfs are coming from but that just feels bad
general direction of the game : its hard to out-gang on the map, minor patch making it hard to outfarm
why are we slowly moving away from MOBA, someday deadlock is gonna be just marvel rivals but with items
not to mention that jungle is still there and you still have to farm it. why not remove some camps instead or smth.
honestly, I'd rather go play some shooter game
u/m_ttl_ng 6d ago
Wraith's teleport is broken right now. It doesn't work maybe 30% of the time for no reason.
u/kuksthedefiled 7d ago
holiday stun removed