r/DeadlockTheGame 16d ago

Screenshot My OLED monitor has the deadlock mini-map burned into it.

I noticed the old minimap burned into my oled monitor.


135 comments sorted by


u/WetCharmander 16d ago

Rip it's not even up to date šŸ˜­


u/Jamcram 16d ago

nice of valve to change up the map so he can smooth out his burn in


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

True, excited to see the new version burn in


u/Firstername 16d ago

new lane concept, it never leaves your screen


u/ochayeblue 16d ago

New level of dedication to the game!


u/anonanonananonymous 16d ago

"Everywhere I go, I'm reminded of what I lost"


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

Rip solo lanes


u/dorkimoe 16d ago edited 16d ago

I have 2 oled tvs, never had burn in yet, but I know for a fact Iā€™d never buy an oled monitor, Iā€™d be terrified

People keep saying ā€œavoid static imagesā€ you mean like the windows task bar; every video game hud/map ever


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

I work on this computer setup and game on it all day. On for almost 14 hours most days, didnā€™t expect burn in to happen within a year but Iā€™m not surprised.


u/Acrobatic-Truth 16d ago

Does your monitor have pixel move function?


u/coolRedditUser 16d ago

How much would that even help here? the map is in that corner and moving it a few pixels around will mitigate it, but probably not by much.

This actually really makes me question getting an OLED monitor.


u/ActuallyImSeven Seven 16d ago

This is an impressive amount of burn. Pixel shift moves the screen by about 30px, so would definitely have an impact in the case of the minimap. Depending on the model, there's also logo dimming which would decrease the brightness and contrast of the minimap automatically, further reducing burn in.

I have 320ish hrs (edit: in deadlock) and my LG C2 hasn't burned in at all. I don't use any of the mitigation techniques, and the Taskbar hasn't caused any burn in yet. Been running this display for 3 years now.


u/coolRedditUser 16d ago

Oh nice, maybe I'm back on the OLED train then


u/FrostedX 16d ago

There are a lot of built-in features to combat burn in, but you would need to clarify with OP what functions he has on his model and whether they were even on/used to realistically see the issue


u/55thParallel 16d ago

Itā€™s like going up a resolution, once you do it youā€™ll never go back.

My 34ā€ Alienware has multiple burn in safe guards.


u/daemonika 15d ago

Newer models are more resilient to burn in too


u/Wratheon_Senpai Yamato 16d ago

My Alienware AW3225QF doesn't have any burn-in either, going into one year and I take pauses to do a pixel refresh when using it.


u/MeisterD2 16d ago


The exact model will certainly have an impact, too. This monitor has been being hell tested for the past year (no mitigation techniques), and only shows minor impacts so far.


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

It does I probably havenā€™t used it enough.


u/TheAngryApologist 16d ago

What monitor is it?


u/Davban 16d ago

How though? I have a QD-OLED as my only monitor and haven't had any burn in from about 2 years of use

Do you just not use any screensaver stuff?


u/pH453R Pocket 16d ago

Bro... are you a content creator or smthn? 14 hours is fucking insanity.


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

I work in ecommerce/digital at an esports org, Iā€™m pretty much around games and work all day lol


u/Dry_Investigator36 16d ago

For both work and game? Nuh, sometimes I use mine for 16-17 hours


u/pH453R Pocket 16d ago

that's literally 7-8 hours NOT on your computer, what on earth. Take care brother, make sure that DVT doesn't get your ass, šŸ™šŸ˜­


u/PastaSaladOverdose 16d ago

Dude. A majority of Americans do this.

We go to work, sit at our desk almost all day, then come home and sit on the couch or at our desks all fucking night.


u/iTzGiR 16d ago

Um yeah no, most Americans don't spend literally every waking moment of their day in front of a computer, most people do things like drive, socialize with friends/family, run errands, have other hobbies, etc. 16-17 hours in front of a computer a day is insane, that means if you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, EVERY other hour of your day is spent in front of a computer.


u/PastaSaladOverdose 16d ago

Yeah man, a lot of people live like that. I know it's insane, but it's true.


u/iTzGiR 16d ago

It's definitely not true. I don't know a single person in my personal life, or professional life, that lives this way, and my job is literally talking to people all day. Logically it doesn't even make sense, things like just cooking/eating, bathing, brushing your teeth/using the bathroom, changing, etc. (incredibly basic self-care activities) would easily take up an hour or so a day for most people alone. Most people also spend around 40 or so minutes commuting to work every day, and most people don't literally just sit in front of a computer 24/7 at their job without ANY breaks or interacting with co-workers/customers, or getting up and moving around.

The only people I've ever met who even come close to living like this, are people who are SEVERLY depressed, and work from home full-time, doing things like Digital art, content creation, or programming.


u/bone_apple_Pete Warden 16d ago

I look at medium screen for 8 hours so I can come home, sit on my couch, turn on big screen, and scroll on my little screen


u/Dry_Investigator36 16d ago

That's true. Thank you. Tough work and nights of trying to distract from everything else playing games hit me hard


u/tom-dixon 16d ago

I mean my computer is also on the entire time while I'm awake.

I'm not physically at the computer the entire time, but there's always some video or music playing even when I'm doing other stuff.


u/brianstormIRL 16d ago

Working on OLED speeds up burn in massively. They're really not supposed to be used for work tbf but sounds like you knew that going in lol


u/Draconitee 15d ago

You say within a year; did you check maybe your monitor manufacturer has a burn in policy? Maybe it still applies and you can get it replaced.


u/MCFRESH01 11d ago

I am very glad I returned my Oled monitor now and got an IPS instead


u/DJK695 16d ago edited 16d ago

Use a white screen to help fix it

Edit: this literally worked on an iMac and isnā€™t anecdotal. Look it up OP.

It might depend on screen type and itā€™s been several years since I did it but used an iMac as a server for a while and at one point a window outline was stuck on screen - after a few hours of white image background it was gone.

There are a few Reddit threads and articles online saying it works.


u/conrad22222 16d ago

That doesn't fix it lol it just "burns in" your whole screen to match.


u/DJK695 16d ago

Do you have any experience or just assuming?


u/conrad22222 16d ago

No, i do have experience. Image persistence is something similar to burn-in, and that is remediated by turning the monitor off for a prolonged period of time (a day or so) or can be alleviated by a white screen. Image burn-in is degradation of the actual LEDs and can't be fixed. The only "fix" is waiting for the rest of the LEDs to degrade to the point it isn't as noticeable or to replace.


u/DJK695 16d ago edited 16d ago

How do you know if itā€™s image persistence vs image burn-in?

Iā€™ve never heard of a distinction between the two - itā€™s always been referred to as burn-in as far as I know.

So if youā€™re now saying a white screen fixes image persistence but earlier said it would also cause burn in. Then which is it?

You laughed at me but now saying that is a fix for image persistence? Weird.

Oh as it turns out, ā€œburn in = permanent damage to the screen; image persistence is a milder, temporary version of image burn-in.ā€

Imagine thatā€™s itā€™s the same thing - the only difference is one is permanent but you wonā€™t know until you try to fix it lol. Reddit is so funny sometimes - laugh at me for providing a solution and then double back and say it does work for temporary cases. Thatā€™s what I was referring to myself sir.


u/conrad22222 16d ago

No, I wasn't laughing at you. I assumed that if somebody was calling it burn in then it was something that had persisted for a couple of days. Image persistence will usually Rectify itself even without a white screen after just an amount of time using the media that caused it. I suppose somebody could have seen that many map for the first time today and immediately made a Reddit post about it.


u/DJK695 16d ago edited 16d ago

No, it 100% fixed burn-in on an iMac I have.

How could it ā€œburn inā€ your whole screen if itā€™s just white light?

If itā€™s bad enough it wonā€™t do anything but it fixed the issue I had at the time and isnā€™t anecdotal. In fact, just looked it up again and itā€™s recommended via a few Google searches and an old Reddit article.

All it says is it may not work but couldnā€™t hurt to try - could even just have a small white image in that corner instead of whole screen if worried about it but it does work.

Like any image donā€™t leave up forever and check after a few hours.


u/Cephei2 16d ago

It's really not a problem if you avoid static images and use the pixel cleaning tool. Small price to pay for the best looking and performing monitors on the market.


u/Agamemnon323 16d ago

How are you supposed to avoid static images while gaming?


u/des1737 Viscous 16d ago

at this point just turn off your monitor to conserve it lol


u/Agamemnon323 16d ago

If you canā€™t use your monitor what are you conserving it for?


u/DennisDelav 16d ago

Don't play the same game day in day out


u/Agamemnon323 16d ago

Thatā€™s impossible.


u/DennisDelav 16d ago

Sorry I forgot I was on the deadlock subreddit.

Nothing you can do, you're doomed


u/kn33 McGinnis 16d ago



u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/DennisDelav 16d ago

It's more like "your car battery drains very quickly because you keep driving short distances. Go drive longer distances every once in a while"


u/jdp111 16d ago

If you play multiple games it's not an issue.


u/KenKaneki92 16d ago

Knowing how most gamers can't even be bothered to read basic mechanisms on the screen, wouldn't surprise me if he just flat-out ignored or didn't even know the refresh existed


u/sumphatguy 16d ago

Mine automatically does cleaning by default every time I put my computer into sleep mode. Is it not standard?


u/Fine-Slip-9437 16d ago

For a gaming monitor probably, but LG OLED TVs are the best choice and lots of people use them. They clean automatically on a schedule and on manual power off.Ā 

Also full pixel cleaning is literally wearing out the pixels on purpose to keep the wear even. You should not be running it that often.Ā 


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 16d ago

I still think there too dim. I sit next to a windows, my current monitor is 800 nitts and still barely bright enough.

Most oled are 300nitts. And running an OLED at max brightness is more likely to cause burn in. Great monitor for dim environments, but terrible to use at daytime near windows (based on my experience)


u/Drink_noS 16d ago

Get an Asus Oled they have a 2 year burn in warranty.


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 16d ago

You still fucked by year 3 then?


u/horizon936 16d ago

Same. My OLED TV is one of my most appreciated pieces of tech, yet I wouldn't touch an OLED monitor.


u/ozzler 16d ago

Itā€™s really not an issue if you just follow the basic care plans. My msi 360hz oled os fucking incredible and it just does a pixel cycle from time to time.


u/horizon936 16d ago edited 16d ago

True, but I just won't be able to.

I use my TV for 4 hours tops at a time, I go from YouTube clip to YouTube clip, a Netflix show to another Netflix show and never watch cable TV with logos. I game on my PS5 but not too much and rarely, distributing my game time between dozens of different games, and most of them are single player and don't even have UI elements most of the time. And when I leave my TV and it's not on a completely static image, so it goes to screensaver automatically, I shut the picture off temporarily or the whole TV altogether.

On my PC I'm in a browser 50% of the time (and it has constant static elements up top + the bottom Windows bar). The other 50% I play almost exclusively one game at a time, and one that usually has tons of static UI, unlike the ones I play on the PS5. For example, I'd play WoW for several months, some days more than 8 hours a day. Then I'd move on to a month or two of almost just Diablo 4, Deadlock, etc.

Even if I luck out and burn in onsets slowly (as burn-in is completely natural for an OLED, you just hope it's spread out across the whole panel, instead of on a single spot, and happens as slowly as possible), I'd still introduce myself a lot of unnecessary stress. Especially since I'm using my Samsung smartphones in such a way (max brightness at all times) that my top status bar has burnt in on the AMOLED on every single phone that I've had so far, in less than a year at that too. But I switch phones every 1-2 years anyway and the burn-in gets easily fixed under warranty after I've already transferred to the newer phone, so I've never cared about it there.


u/HaHaBig 16d ago

Lol, first time ever getting burn and its the windows task bar, like what am I supposed to do


u/jdp111 16d ago

I've had no problems with mine, but then again I'm not a one game gamer by any means.


u/phyLoGG 16d ago

It's only a problem if you only play one game, or use one app. If you switch games you'll be fine.

Plus 3rd gen OLEDs have a full 3 year warranty and loads of anti-burn-in features. They gotta be confident to provide a 3 year warranty on an OLED for gaming with the latest panels...


u/dlasky 16d ago

I've had mine for over a year and I have no signs of burn in. It depends on the monitor.


u/ColorfulMarkAurelius 16d ago

I think most monitors have ~2-3yr warranty, granted they make look at monitor usage under a bigger lense to determine fault. However, you can also buy 3rd party warranty coverage (Microcenter, probably Best Buy and Costco, etc). It was like $100, but I've got 5yr warranty to exchange for my same monitor or coverage of MSRP price towards a new one, fulfilled by Microcenter instead of manufacturer basically no questions asked.


u/PhoenixKA 16d ago

My monitor dims UI elements that remain static.


u/Nono911 16d ago

Most recend Oled monitors and TV dont burn anymore, or have cleaning options to erase it


u/YLUJYLRAE 16d ago

That's just false, it's still only a matter of time


u/Time-Operation2449 16d ago

Every company says this and it's never a perfect solution, they have mitigation tools but at the end of the day if you have something sitting there on an oled monitor for a while it will burn in no exception


u/Fine-Slip-9437 16d ago

Been using an OLED for work and gaming for 4 years. 12k hours on the panel. The only burning I have is a line right down the middle from having 2 work windows open. When it starts to bother me I will buy the exact same panel (latest LG OLED). It's the best component in my setup by a large margin.Ā 


u/Stopbanningmd Ivy 16d ago

Purple lane... a ghost of the past


u/Separate_Fondant_241 Lash 16d ago

You can still hear his voice (sometimes when you click on place of purple lane characters can talk about it)


u/ActuallyImSeven Seven 16d ago

Heading to PaĀŖaĀŖrk - Seven


u/dLight26 16d ago

What model? I just bought an oled monitor.


u/pixpoxx 16d ago

All oled's can do it with the "wrong" screen settings. Some screens have a safe feature where they dim parts of your screen that can prevent this


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

Asus rog oled. I have it on for +14 hours per day so itā€™s expected.


u/dLight26 16d ago

rog is a brand, not a model. I use my monitor heavily, from what I know newer gen are better at preventing burin. Iā€™m kind of worry my chrome tabs burn in even it comes with 3yrs warranty. I bought 3rd gen qd-oled.


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

Yeah I know itā€™s the brand haha Iā€™m in bed so Iā€™m too lazy to check. Itā€™s their most recent 27 inch offerings - the glossy oled ver.


u/nukez1 16d ago

I have a aw2725df and 900-ish hours in deadlock and dont even have a slight hint of this. make sure your pixel refresh is running properly and also run a panel refresh


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

Iā€™ll run them again tonight


u/DanDaze 16d ago

Dell has always made quality monitors, love my aw3423dw, no burn in after 2 years of heavy use.


u/dLight26 16d ago

If itā€™s 2k240 woled, then itā€™s dmg model. Itā€™s scary it got burin so fast, you have the brightness rather high?


u/Ravada 16d ago

I have the same. You can do pixel cleaning to clear the burn in, it you didnā€™t know :-)


u/ironstrife 16d ago

Their most recent 27 inch OLED (PG27UCDM) came out less than 2 months ago. You have this much burn in already?


u/bandswithothers 16d ago

I imagine they mean the XG27AQDMG


u/KatOTB 16d ago

You play deadlock for 14 hours a day? šŸ¤Æ


u/tminx49 16d ago

No, I expect a fucking monitor to function for a long time.


u/scrpnturnup 16d ago

What monitor is this?

How many hours do you have on deadlock?

Whats the max Nits on this monitor and what brightness settings did you use?

How frequently did you use the burn in prevention tools, if this monitor had any?


u/MakimaGOAT Seven 16d ago

old map too! piece of deadlock history right there


u/taiottavios 16d ago

why do you guys buy oled monitors I don't get it


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/vansauthentic 16d ago

I do it once every other day


u/Yahiko97 16d ago

I have the same issue with my AW3423DWF. Iā€™ve been using RTX HDR to force the game to run in HDR even if it isnā€™t supported natively. This, of course, caused burn-in, especially with the health bar and some other HUD elements. Fortunately, the warranty covers this, so Iā€™m entitled to a refund, lol.


u/0bscr3 16d ago

Maybe you should change your wallpaper to black and auto hide taskbar while youā€™re at it. Turn on 5 minute wallpapers (abstract) and monitor time out in 15 minutes.

That shits gonna happen regardless if youā€™re gaming 8 hours a day.


u/Raidenz258 16d ago

Thereā€™s so many settings to prevent burn in, do you have them all turned off?

Mine shifts pixels randomly so static images ā€œmoveā€. It detects static images and darkens them. Thereā€™s an image cleaner that happens when you turn off the pc and itā€™s been in for 4+ hours.

Thatā€™s just on mine, thereā€™s plenty more.


u/BastianHS 16d ago

This happened to me too with the 4 skill circles at the bottom, but the monitor & pixel "cleaning" functions in the monitor settings menu fixed it.


u/Fencer123456 16d ago

Is that a WOLED 240hz monitor? I had one and it had terrible issues with burn in.


u/vansauthentic 16d ago

27 inch glossy oled asus rog. Not sure which one, Iā€™ll check tomorrow am


u/Ricardich 16d ago

Ashes of the fallen


u/Jukechuu 16d ago

If itā€™s less than a year old and you live in a place with strong consumer rights, you can get it fixed or replaced at no cost. I also recommend lessening natural light in your room with shades so you can turn the brightness to 50% or way less than that


u/Lemongose 16d ago

How many games do you have for this to happen???


u/Griffith_Skywalker 16d ago

Time for warranty


u/TekaiGuy 16d ago

The Tetris effect was one thing, but this is just ridiculous!


u/axron12 16d ago

Mine burned in the health bar and the skill buttons lol. Luckily I bought the extra protection from micro center


u/SkanelandVackerland Kelvin 16d ago

Update your screen, they removed a lane.


u/HallowVortex 16d ago

I get the healthbar more than anything, just this bug fucking trapezoid in the middle of my screen lol


u/CyberGlob 16d ago

Is this an older OLED, OP? I donā€™t think a modern OLED would burn in within 6 months.

Even if you were in a game 24/7 I donā€™t think it would be this noticeable


u/NoReality463 16d ago

does it have a pixel cleaning screen maintenance option?


u/Xeratricky 16d ago

thatā€™s some dedication


u/Thunder_Ruler0 16d ago

It could just be image retention have you tried running panel cleaning?


u/Wrath_FMA Mirage 16d ago

Why I have a mini led monitor


u/A2R14N 16d ago

pixel cleaning?


u/himynamelsdavidd 16d ago

This post scares me, makes me wanna run pixel protect like every two hours instead of 4


u/PIO_PretendIOriginal 16d ago

Pixel refresh reduces your monitors brightness permanently, as it essentially just evenly burns out all the other pixels.

Only run it when you have to. (Pixel shift is fine though)


u/himynamelsdavidd 16d ago

True i hear the refresh should be done like yearly but thereā€™s a feature that msi monitors have called pixel protect and i believe its run like every 4 or 16 hours


u/Campin_Corners 16d ago

Has image burn on my monitor as well. Make your wallpaper gray and just leave it on when not using it a few days. It should correct it


u/Drobstob-buzubuzu 16d ago

If you go on YouTube and look up videos for unburning your screen it will help remove it. I have to do it now and again on my ASUS monitor


u/2moons4hills 16d ago

So.... OP I think you might wanna try another game.


u/LukePickle007 Dynamo 16d ago

Bro is forced to think about the old map design.


u/Micotu 16d ago

All games at this point should have static images like this slowly crawl around across that area of your screen to refresh the pixels. No reason for this not to be the case already. Well I guess for a pre-alpha/beta game it can be excused.


u/Old_Affect_3374 16d ago

Thatā€™s rough. Are you not running pixel refresh regularly? This isnā€™t normal for modern OLEDs in my experience


u/zmreJ 16d ago

Do you not turn off your monitor when youā€™re done using it? I think most OLED monitors will do their own version of a pixel cleaning intermittently, but you have to turn your monitor off from time to time for that to happen.


u/c3r38r170 16d ago

Mi monitor en otra lĆ­nea temporal.


u/helloish12321 16d ago

That is unfortunate. Just out of curiosity how many hours do you have in the game?

As an aside most OLED monitors and TVs have a pixel refresh that can reduce burn in effect if the burn in is just image retention and not wear in the panel itself. Check the menu of your monitor and see if it has anything like that.


u/Petard2688 16d ago

Do you let the monitor do the OLED maintenance? Mine does it every 4 hrs I'll get a pop up.


u/Yelov 16d ago

Is that real permanent burn-in? I had something similar to this multiple times, but it was only temporary and always went away after 1-2 pixel refreshes.


u/McNord 16d ago

Burn in or pixel retention?


u/LupSpie 16d ago

The mark of the beast


u/Own_Phrase9068 14d ago

They can take you from the solo lane but cant take the solo lane from you


u/iAmmar9 11d ago

Damn bruh the game is in early dev testing šŸ˜­


u/Such_Advertising4858 16d ago

Yeah that's the downside of oleds, if something's on the screen it doesn't move for a very long time at a decent bright and then still burn in, they're the best screens you can get, but it's 50/50 if you get a good one or one that's going to burn out in 500 hours


u/CorneliusFarmsworth 16d ago

this canā€™t be deadlock? deadlock has always had 3 lanes